
Violence essays and research homework assignment help

Structural Violence the Unseen Violence – The term violence brings to memory an image of physical or emotional assault on a person. In most circumstances, the person affected due to violence is aware that a violent action has been performed on that person. There is another form of violence where the affected individual, in most cases are unaware of the violence inflicted upon them. These types of violence are termed as structural violence. Structural violence is a form of invisible violence setup by a well-defined system, to limit an individual’s development to his full potential, by using legal, political, social or cultural traditions (Winter and Leighton, 1)…. [tags: Violence ]

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The Violence Within – The most popular thing in our world today is not family, schooling, religion or even the newest song by Jay Z. The thing that our world seems to be the most attracted to is violence. Throughout the years of evolution and invention violence has become the most progressive thing in our society. But through humans’ natural nature of misguidance we often use violence as the solution to many problems, and that may be the real problem. Whatever it is used for good or bad violence seems to be a part of everyday life and no matter how hard we try there is no escaping it…. [tags: Violence] 812 words

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Violence in the Media – Some believe that violence in the media is to blame for violence in people, but that argument is undermined by the realization that violence existed long before video games and television. In fact, violence has actually been steadily decreasing since these things have been growing in popularity. Critics of violent media seem to long for the “good old days”; a time before there was violence in the media. These critics fail to acknowledge that those “good old days” were actually far more violent than today…. [tags: Violence] 816 words

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Structural Violence – Structural violence is the way in which a social structure will harm people by not providing, by limiting or by barring people from receiving basic needs. Structural violence impacts people on the bottom rung of society. People who live in poverty or are not considered being of a high social standing. This could be because of a person’s age, sex, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, or any other aspect that makes them different from the majority of the population or different from what people consider to be the norm…. [tags: Violence ]

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Media Violence – Media Violence Media violence is one of the most debated public issues society faces today. Television screens are loaded with the glamorization of weapon carrying. Violence constitute as amusing and trivialized. Needless portrayals of interpersonal violence spread across the television screens like wild fire. Televisions spew the disturbing events such as children being assaulted, husbands inflicting domestic abuse on their wives and children succumbing to abuse by their parents. Scenes of betrayal, anguish, infiltrate the television screen…. [tags: Violence ] 1324 words

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Media Violence – There has been far-reaching research on the link between televised violence and violent behavior amongst adolescents. Current studies have shown a direct correlation between aggressive conduct and watching violence depicted in many media services and suggest that media is a variable that put children at risk of aggressive behavior (Huesmann, Moise-Titus, Podolski, & Eron, 1992). According to the American Psychological Association, watching playing violent scenes them on games and television, can desensitize children to the suffering and pain of others and may be a greater risk of acting aggressively toward others and they’re less bothered by violence in general and less likely to see anything wrong with it…. [tags: Violence ]

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Cultural Violence – Violence. Just mentioning the word conjures up many images of assault, abuse, and even murder. Violence is a broad subject with many categories. Some types of violence are terrorist violence and domestic violence. Violence can arise from many different sources; these sources whether biological, cultural, and social all can evoke violent behavior. All cultures experience some sort of violence, and this paper considers violence as a cultural phenomenon across a range of various settings. Violence plays a part in both Islamic and Indian cultures according to the articles “Understanding Islam” and “Rising Dowry Deaths” by Kenneth Jost and Amanda Hitchcock, respectively…. [tags: Violence ]

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The Psychoanalysts of Violence – The film “Battle for Algiers” can be analyzed thoroughly through Frantz Fanon’s and Hannah Arendt’s polar opposite theories on violence. The implication of both theories is represented in the film that has captured the understanding of both insightful phenomena. Fanon’s views on violence are it unifies individuals into forming a complex unit organism that works together, rinses, in addition it is presented as an effective and productive mean that support the process of decolonization. In contract, Arendt’s theory detaches the concept of violence from power and emphasizes that the driven reasons for violence is anti-political…. [tags: Violence ]

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Sports Violence – Sports Violence Violence is defined as the use of excessive physical force, which causes or has obvious potential to cause harm or destruction to an individual. Violence in sports comes in many forms, and divides into social and cultural factors related to the sport ethic, gender ideology, the dynamics of social class and race, and the tactics used in sports. Violence in sports has gone too far because sports violence has become so severe in sports, that players are injured each years. However, in sports some violence has become entertaining for the fans and fans would begin their own violence around with other fans that support opposing teams to win…. [tags: Violence ]

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The Failures of Violence – Violence is inherently flawed. In the immortal words of Gandhi, “Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary.” Therefore the most successful strategy for long-lasting peace and independence is nonviolence. This concept is crucial to understand the history of this time period. Violence and the lack of it, nonviolence plays a major role in the play of this chapter. Many question the practicality of nonviolence: “How can it work?” “Why can’t armed and powerful opponents simply kill everyone that doesn’t agree with them?” The answer couldn’t be simpler: because the people will revolt…. [tags: Violence] 1600 words

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Escalation of Violence – The dramatic escalation of violence committed by and against people is shocking (Eron et al., 1994). Although according to Federal Bureau of Investigation, the murder rate in the year 2009 dropped almost 7.2 percent in comparison of the murder rate of 2008. Similarly crime rate of crimes like rape and assault had been decreased up to 4.2 percent each and crime rates of robbery and burglary fell by 1.7 percent and 4.2 percent respectively (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2009) but still the violence among the youth has increased sharply…. [tags: Violence] 1810 words

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Violence in the Media – Violence, in various forms, has been around for as long as man kind has existed. Ancient civilizations such as the Romans, and the Greeks, enjoyed violent entertainment as a sport, in numerous ways like gladiator battles, lions eating people in the Coliseum, etc. However, not even the Romans could foresee violence sneaking into the media the way it has today, and it’s wreaking havoc on our posterity. There’s too much violence in our media today. In movies, television, video games, everywhere. It’s in our faces everywhere we turn, and it’s having a negative effect on people of all ages, all over the world…. [tags: Violence ]

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MEDIA VIOLENCE – There’s no escaping it. We can’t run or hide from it because no matter where we go it’ll find us. We’re trapped. And the worst part of this scenario is that we’re addicted to it. Violence is everywhere and we all have an addiction for it. We’re exposed to it in everyday and we love to watch violence on television. There are many different representations of violence evident in movies and Television. Media violence can best be described in the words of Gerbner and Signorelli: “Most research studies have defined media violence as the depiction of overt physical action that hurts or kills or threatens to do so…… [tags: Violence ]

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Mob Violence – A mob according to online dictionary (2011) refers to an out of control crowd who are bent on causing havoc and reigning terror should they be triggered. Mob justice refers to the activities of a charged group that vents their long held hatred on an individual or groups of people whom they perceive as their enemy. Carrigan & Webb as cited in Parker et al. (2003) state that no other nationals of any country have stood by to watch as the mob plunder and carry out a series of crimes against other citizens as the US did…. [tags: Violence ]

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Teen Violence – Eating disorders. Anger problems. Suicide. When hearing these words, many things come to mind, but the most important thing to know about these words is that they are directly related to teen violence. The website “Family First Aid” tells us that teen suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death amongst adolescents in the United States and half of these yearly suicides are due to teen violence. Many people believe that slight cases of teen violence are just part of being a kid, when in fact they can have extremely awful and life changing effects on teenagers…. [tags: Violence ]

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Workplace Violence – According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BIS), workplace violence affects 1.7 million people each year. The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) reported 11,613 workplace homicide victims between 1992 and 2006. Averaging just under 800 homicides per year, the largest number of homicides in one year occurred in 1994, while the lowest number occurred in 2006 (CDC). This has become a serious concern and companies now have to take a stand to protect their employees as well as the organization…. [tags: Violence] 1662 words

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Violence in the World – Violence is an interesting thing. You see, when a person strikes, he believes it to be defensive. The principle believed that the stronger will not only prevail, but go unharmed. Then the other person, with the same belief in mind, results to attack with even greater force, knowing that only this will protect him. So the two keep beating each other with increasing amounts of force until they both topple to the ground, exhaustion taking over their bodies. They probably won’t even remember what the fight was about, let alone if it was worth it…. [tags: Violence] 730 words

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Media Violence vs. Real Violence – Television is the source of the most broadly shared images and messages in history; it is the mainstream of the common symbolic environment into which children are born and which has a major part to play in our lives. One can argue that media violence contribute towards social violence where the effects place a huge impact in ones being. Television violence is not only a form of media violence; there are other significant forms of media that contribute to media violence which are computer games, comic books and music…. [tags: Violence] 1096 words

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School Violence – As a society, how should we respond to the violence taking place in schools. How do we respond to the traumatic events of the twentieth century, where a series of school shootings lead by students at 12 different schools planned and carried out violent shootings that resulted in the deaths of several students and teachers at each school. These events alone have come from the United States, in fact from Washington, Alaska, Mississippi, Kentucky, Arkansas, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Oregon, Virginia, Colorado, Georgia, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Michigan, Florida, and California (Daniels 2011)…. [tags: Violence ]

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Violence in Entertainment – As technology advances, new and creative forms of entertainment immerge from these advancements. One form that has grown immensely in popularity over the past dozen years has been video games. Taking form nearly four decades ago, video games have been one of the major embodiments of the growth of entertainment technology. Today, video games have taken many shapes, from the general PC and console games to special applications that can be found on social networks and even millions of cell phones around the world…. [tags: Violence ]

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Violence and Freedom- Exploring the Use of Violence to Liberate the Oppressed – The role of violence in the liberation of peoples from systems of domination is necessarily entwined to the concept of freedom. Herbert Marcuse and Frantz Fanon argue that violence, in various forms, is the only reasonable rebuttal to the abhorrent system of subjugation, whether it is in shape of something as transparent as apartheid to thinly veiled laws that take away the rights of humans under the capitalist system. To even understand the relationship between freedom and violence it has to be established what it is even meant by the phrase “violence” while simultaneously attempting to understand what means are necessary to achieve this end…. [tags: violence] 2156 words

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RATE GRABBERS OR VIOLENCE: Video Game Violence – Most video games should be seen as a cause and effect for violence today. It doesn’t matter how old the person is, video games can affect people or escalate problems which can cause injury or even death. Too often gamers can become altered by the events that occur within a video game that they or a friend has played before. The perception of life and the game can become twisted and be used to hurt anyone. Children are the main concern; they can spend hours in front of a television and play. Most parents see there is nothing wrong with children enjoying video games in their free time…. [tags: Violence ]

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Causes and Effects of Violence in Children – Recent research has shown that the relation rate between children and violence is increasing. In fact, the article Children and Violence states that as many as 10 million children per year may witness or be victims of violence in their home, schools, or communities across the United States. Childhood exposure to violence has a huge overwhelming impact on children’s development, affect emotional growth, cognitive development, physical health, and school performances. This increase in children’s exposure to violence suggests that more children are at risk than what was expected…. [tags: Violence ]

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Violence: Leading Cause of Death – Violence is the expression of physical or verbal force against self or other, compelling action against one’s will on pain of being hurt. Violence is every where around the world. Each year 1.6 million people world wide lose their lives to violence. Violence is among the leading causes of death for people aged 15-44 years worldwide; 14% of deaths among males and 7% among females. Neurobiologist Jan Volavka says “violent behavior is defined as overt and intentional physically aggressive behavior against another person.” which means that people are just violent because they choose to be…. [tags: Violence, ] 602 words

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Sport, Aggression, Violence and Victimization – Sport-Related Aggression, Violence, and Victimization Aggression, violence, and victimization are remarkably dynamic terms. How these terms are understood and defined is shaped by formal and informal social policies and controls (Goldstein, 1986). Excluding assertiveness from the definition of aggression as it relates to violence, aggression can be considered to encompass behaviors intended to cause physical or psychological harm. Violence may be understood as an extreme form of aggression, in which the intent of the perpetrator is to cause serious harm (Berkowitz, 1993)…. [tags: Violence ]

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Reducing School Violence – There are numerous programs and studies aimed at reducing school violence, but how does a school district know what type of program would work best for their students. In the article, Reducing School Violence: School-Based Curricular Programs and School Climate (2008), Michael Greene, reviewed different approaches on reducing school violence to determine if one approach was better than another. One of the hardest components of researching the effectiveness of school violence prevention/reduction programs is the fact that all researchers view “violence” differently…. [tags: Violence ]

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Violence Can Be Controlled – Cruelty in prison will be reduced with some minor changes. However, violence has been an ongoing problem in the penitentiary in both men and women’s prison. Roughly around 990,000 men are incarcerated in this country (Stojkovic 549). In addition to, 65,000 women offenders are incarcerated today (Stojkovic 549). Fights that happen in prison have gotten to an extreme high in society. Correction officers reported at least 3,000 assaults on inmates and officers each year at Rikers Island in New York City (Welch 178)…. [tags: Violence ]

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The Effects of Media Violence on Children – Pretend you are a parent. You are at home and you see your child acting in a hostile and aggressive manner. You ask him where he picked up on this behavior. He replies, “I saw it on Television.” Television violence had a role in the child’s behavior. Media violence can have a lasting impression on children, teenagers and adults not only through television, but also through video games. In the past two decades, there has been a significant increase in violent behavior in the United States (Merino 1)…. [tags: Violence ]

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Violence Satire Essay – What has our society come to these days. Everywhere we look, violence is present, at the streets, at work, at school, and even at home. Every day in the news we see reports about shootings, wars, thefts, drugs, rapes, and deaths. The worse part of seen this in the news is that all way do it’s complain about it and sit back. We do not even attempt an explanation or a resolution. Violence is among one of the most malignant act that has been increasing day by day. And why is it that we complain about other people being violent, but when we are asked if we are violent or if we have ever responded with violence, everyone says they are not violent…. [tags: Violence] 530 words

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The Effects of Media Violence on Teenagers – Media Violence has been discussed and debated for many years. Authors, such as Jonathan L. Freedman reveal issues that reveal how corporate storytellers are less concerned with imparting positive cultural values than they are with making great sums of money. These multimillion-dollar corporations know violence is a major profit boost and use it indiscriminately to increase their income. Unfortunately, among the consumers of this unwarranted violence are young children and teenagers who observe and absorb its content…. [tags: Violence ]

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Exposure to Media Violence – The relationship between the viewing of violence in such forms as video games and television shows has been widely contested and thoroughly researched. Various conclusions can be drawn from multiply sources, though as of yet there has been no one final conclusion as to the nature of the relationship. Some research has studied how media violence can affect other aspects of behaviour, such as memory (Bushman 1988), or the long-term effects that it can have from early childhood, to adolescence (Huesmann, Eron, Klein, Brice & Fischer (1983)…. [tags: Violence ]

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Violence of Video Games – The overconsumption of things that we assume are not harmful to us can result in death or very close to it, such as Vitamin b, codeine, alcohol, and water. What do all of these have in common. All of these can either kill you, or become very harmful to your well being if you consume too much of it. We could certainly compare the “overconsumption” of video games with violence to the above with added danger. The fact that video games are addictive as can be seen by anyone with experience of playing or the people in our lives who fell under the spell of video games…. [tags: Violence ]

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Non-Violence: Merely a Dream – Non- violence is wanted by many but practiced by few. It is not a feasible option, nor is it an alternative for today’s world at all. The world is not seen as a peaceful place to each unique person because of the many diverse religions, cultures, and beliefs that comprise us. Things seen in one’s eyes may be something totally different in another’s. Quoted by Gandhi himself “One man’s food could be another’s poison,” hence in some religions, terrorism is seen as the acceptable thing to do; yet in others, it may be seen as horrible and horrific (450)…. [tags: Violence ]

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Video Games and Violence – Video games and Violence Like any other thing in the world video games have positive and negative aspects too. According to a study, those who spend hours and hours in playing ‘civic games’ were found to take more part in different community services like social work, politics or protests, as compared to those who never took interest in video games. Hence video games are proved to increase one’s social interaction skills. The kind of friendship and ethics those are knowledgeable by the young gamers while playing video games provide evidence that they are not completely harmful to our society…. [tags: Violence ]

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Workplace Violence in Corporate America – The proposed research is an examination of workplace violence in Corporate America. As a growing concern in all industries, preventive measures need to be explored. Three types of research methods will be compared and contrasted in relation to the proposed research. The methods to be analyzed are quantitative designs, qualitative designs, and mixed methods designs. The appropriateness of each design will be examined as they relate to the topic. Workplace violence is a serious problem that deserves to be explored due to the number of incidents and the severity of some incidents…. [tags: Violence ]

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Love Opposes Violence Entirely – With the recent swell of violence in Macon Georgia, people are asking the question, “Why is all this happening?” When entering Macon’s downtown many people now feel insecure and vulnerable. Some are even choosing to leave Macon, letting someone else deal with the problems. This doesn’t solve the problems though; it succeeds only in prolonging the pain and heartache. The problems are immense, but the reasons are few. The violence between gangs, the rapes, the drugs, and the murders, all of these can be changed with one simple thing; Love…. [tags: Violence ]

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The Role of Violence and Television – Television and Violence One of the increasing problems in today`s society is the violence caused by watching too much television. In 1950`s only 10% of American households had television, but today that number reached higher levels and 99% of households own one or more. Television is most of the time amusement and entertainment for many young people, especially children. Television itself has an impact on everyone. Some researches show that television has good sides and that can be entertaining and educational at the same time, where children learn more about cultures, places, and they use their knowledge when it`s necessary…. [tags: Violence] 881 words

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Violence in Highschool and Colleges – Throughout the decade, violence in high schools and colleges has been dramatically increasing and taking a toll on society. The Columbine High School Massacre in Colorado, the sixteen year old boy beaten to death in Chicago, the Virginia Tech rampage, and the death of Yale student Annie Le should encourage government officials to discover a precise solution to cease this type of violent behavior. It seems like every time we read the newspaper, or turn on the TV, someone has been murdered or severely injured from violence in high schools and colleges…. [tags: Violence]

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Gang Violence: Problem on the Rise – What ever happened to kids wanting saying they wanted to be a police officer, fireman, doctor or teacher when they grow up. Does anyone ever say, when I grow up I want to be in a gang. According to the National Gang Threat Assessment there are over one million gang members in California and over forty percent are under the age of eighteen. Just in Fresno alone there are over twelve thousand gang members and over 500 gangs (Overend). Gang violence is a growing problem and if we don’t try to control it now it will be a bigger problem in the future…. [tags: Violence ]

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Violence Against Women – More than a thousand women are killed worldwide each year by men. The violence committed against women is becoming worse. Men have no compassion and just kill women as if they were animals that are not worth anything. In the City of Juarez women are kidnapped then killed by men. Bodies are found far away from the cities were nobody can find them. Fortunately women are now being protected by laws that say that no type of violence can be committed against women. One of the worse violence committed against women is now happening in Juarez, Mexico…. [tags: Violence] 1724 words

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Stranger-on-Stranger Violence – Stranger-on-stranger violence is random, unpredictable and can happen anywhere. In addition, there are no clear links between the victims and suspects. This does not mean that that the situations are completely spontaneous. Predators’ may keep track of certain places, like Automatic teller machines, fast-food restaurants and shopping malls, as a means to find the right target. Targets are selected for their innocence and naïve nature. Predators target these individuals because they want what the individual has (Meadows, 2010)…. [tags: Violence]

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Violence of Video Games – Introduction Diverse surveys have presented uniform clues suggesting that publicity of violence is a vital risk component pertaining to hostile attitudes. Aggressive video game controversies are consequential on irregular grounds, ranging from the depiction of hostility, sexism, as well as ethnicity, alongside constructive portrayal of offensive conducts among others. Video gaming has been undeniably, evaluated for its connections to addiction along with hostility however, traditional varying assessments notably attained conflicting results…. [tags: Violence ]

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Violence is the Enemy of Today’s Youth – Violence is the Enemy of Today’s Youth When a child observes daily occurrences of violence across: news broadcast, radio, and public incidences, why society is so violent should not be the question, but how society can decrease youth violence should be explored. Today’s youth has an overwhelming burden to bear. Violence has increased in society and youth often are exposed to situations that end in violent acts. The family dynamic has changed significantly in the last 40 years: with increased divorce, single parent households, and blended families the variability for children to be unsupervised allows for increased exposure to violence as well as expressing violence…. [tags: Violence]

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Protecting Children from Television Violence – Summary #1 Television violence, and media violence in general, has been a controversial topic for several years. The argument is whether young children are brainwashed into committing violent real-world crimes because of violent and pugnacious behavior exposed in mass media. In his article “No Real Evidence for TV Violence Causing Real Violence”, Jonathan Freedman, a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto and author of “Media Violence and Its Effect on Aggression: Assessing the Scientific Evidence”, discusses how television violence, claimed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), does not cause real-world aggression among adolescents…. [tags: Violence ]

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Violence is the Enemy of Today’s Youth – Children are dying, and too often parents don’t figure out what their child was involved in until it is too late. Today’s youth has an overwhelming burden to bear because of growing societal violence. When youth observes daily occurrences of violence, why society is so violent should not be the question, but how society can decrease youth violence should be what is scrutinize. The family dynamic has changed much in the last 40 years: with increased divorce, single parent households, and blended families contributing to the variability for children to be unsupervised…. [tags: Violence]

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Violence and Religion – Violence is an ever present dark cloud that blots out the sun; a stifling hand over the mouth of the victims of society. The word violence, when looked up in a dictionary, has a list of varied definitions, and for a good reason. Violence comes in many different shapes and sizes. A definition that best covers the idea is: any act that show aggression or is intentionally done in the intent of hurting someone. Now this covers the idea of physical, emotional, and mental harm. Violence is a highly controversial idea that is one of the harder concepts to grasp relating to psychology and human nature It was once said by jiddu krishnamurti that “Violence is not merely killing another…. [tags: Violence, Religion,] 571 words

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Media Violence – Violence has been a contributing negative factor to society throughout history. Many researchers believe that the use of violent media, particularly video games, play a huge role in the downward trend of behavior and attitude of youth, and that this behavior continues to spiral out of control. However, other researchers believe that since violence has been occurring since the beginning of time, that adolescence are as capable today of violence, as they were a thousand years ago. Research has been found to link violent maladaptive behavior to the use of video games, but other researchers believe that the outcome is inconsistent to the findings, since the results are often skewed…. [tags: Television Violence ] 1535 words

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Youth Violence: Identify the Cause and Work Towards Prevention – Youth violence: identify the cause and work towards prevention Introduction According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary Violence is the exertion of physical force so as to injure or abuse. Violence is often a behavioral response that children are taught or learned to use in order to achieve their goals. On the other hand, violence can become a routine and automatic way of coping with stressful situations for some children (Youth Violence and Suicide Prevention Team 1999). You violence is an old problem that is frequently an issue over which there is much debate…. [tags: Violence ]

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Subculture of Violence Theory in Today’s Society – Subculture of Violence Theory in Today’s Society Introduction Gang activity and gang violence is a growing concern in the United States today. It is estimated that there are approximately 760,000 gang members and over 24,000 active gangs in various jurisdictions within the United States (World Vision, 2011). It is also estimated that 155 children are arrested for his or her participation in violent crimes every year and that most of this violence is directly related to gangs and gang activity (World Vision, 2011)…. [tags: Violence ]

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Alienating the Community from Violence and the Legal Process – Alienating the Community from Violence and the Legal Process Introduction For the protection of American citizens, the Law necessitates violence. Order must be maintained, safety ensured, and individuals threatening peace must be stopped from threatening the rights of others. In a democratic society, there is no benevolent ruler to enforce this peace. Instead, we rely on community regulation through electorally derived law, with representatives from society itself tasked with enforcement. Psychologically, this process of enforcement against individuals who threaten public order is extremely trying…. [tags: Violence] 2290 words

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The Occurrence of Domestic Violence in the Gay and Lesbian Communities – Domestic violence, also referred to as intimate partner violence, intimate partner abuse or domestic abuse, affects over one million people in the United States alone. It can be carried out in any number of ways including physically, emotionally, sexually, psychologically and/or financially. Its legal definition considers it to be “any assault, battery, sexual assault, sexual battery, or any criminal offense resulting in physically injury or death of one family member or household member by another who is residing in the same single dwelling unit” (Brown, 2008)…. [tags: Violence ]

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Does Media Influence Violence in the Behavior of Children? – Critical Reading in Early Childhood Studies Does media influence violence in the behaviour of children. In this assignment, I will be writing about whether or not media such as television, comic books, music, video games, internet and movies influence violence in the way children behaves. Media influences violent behaviour in children because they learn what they see, also the heroes in cartoons or movies receive rewards for using violence to solve a situation therefore children might think or believe that this is the right way to solve problems related to their everyday life…. [tags: Violence ]

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Analysis of Women’s Rights: Rape and Sexual Violence – In the global spectrum of modern warfare, it has become evermore evident that a war has been raged fervently in pursuit of the destruction of the livelihood of women. The truth is obsolete in the era of never changing gendered hierarchy, where heartless militia have severed the line of innocence and consciousness for women worldwide; using them as scapegoats for their infantry. The victimization of these is rampant; the abuse and violence against their minds and bodies does not prove a victor of state but rather a violation of human life…. [tags: Violence ]

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The Effects Of Video Game Violence On Human Aggression – Throughout a number of recent studies, participants playing violent video games have consistently shown increases in their aggressive behavior, both during and after the gameplay. A study that linked violent video games to child aggression found that in every group they tested, “Children who were exposed to more video game violence did become more aggressive over time than their peers who had less exposure” (Harding 1). An increase in aggressive behavior after playing violent video games is quite common in most cases, although many gamers would argue that other factors, such as people’s emotions, cause this negative change in behavior…. [tags: Violence ]

:: 10 Works Cited 1736 words

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Effects of Client Violence on Social Work Students: A National Study – Pam Criss’s article in the Journal of Social Work Education, titled Effects of Client Violence on Social Work Students: A National Study shows results on the effects of direct and indirect client violence against a random sample of MSW and BSW students from the National Association of Social Works in the United State. This study looks at how workplace violence is a concern for social work students entering their field placement. These types of violence may be a major factor in the student’s choice of decreased commitment to the occupation…. [tags: Violence ]

:: 1 Works Cited 2249 words

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The Real-World Effects of Virtual Violence: Perspectives on Video Games and Mass Media – There is no doubt of the fact that video games are becoming more realistic and violent, nor that they are becoming much more beautiful and engaging in the way they look. What many people doubt, though, is whether they have a profound effect on a person’s character or not. Aggression as a result of video games seems to be a nebulous issue among much of the public. The research is there, but it is fragmented and covers many different issues that could (and are) problematic as far as video games go…. [tags: Violence ]

:: 7 Works Cited 1497 words

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Impact of Teen Violence – Teen Violence is a big dilemma in today’s society. Violent behaviors usually start from family and peers, as well as teens observing it at there neighborhoods or communities. These behaviors are reinforced by what youth see on television, on the Internet, in video games, movies, music videos, and what they hear in their music. When children are disciplined with severe corporal punishment or verbal abuse, or when they are physically or sexually abused, or when they witness such behavior in their home, it is not surprising that they behave violently toward others…. [tags: Teen Violence] 515 words

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Violence on Television and Children, – Violence is an everyday occurrence in our society. It affects adults and children but it has a greater impact on children. Children are more moldable and are greatly influenced by things they see and hear. More and more violence is becoming prevalent in daily lives. Children all over the world are becoming victims to the same violent acts they witness on TV and at home. Children fall victim to abuse and neglect at home and at school. Children are bombarded with violence from all angles. With the come of the 21st century violence is fueled by money, racism, drugs, and media…. [tags: TV, violence, ]

:: 5 Works Cited 1295 words

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The Increase of School Violence in America – Is school violence increasing or decreasing. There has been a huge debate about is school violence increasing or decreasing. Reasons why school violence is decreasing is that many schools now have rules and policies such as metal detectors and locker checks, these rules and policies help teachers and students realize that for what purpose do these students bring these kinds of items to school. Also when kids understand that they shouldn’t do these kinds of things they think the teachers are right because they notice why to bully this person…. [tags: School Violence] 1136 words

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Violence Against Children – Violence against children is a phenomenon happening worldwide, in forms of physical, psychological violence. Children are deprived of care, basic social services, health care and education, child abuse, neglect, exploitation, forced to beg, trafficked. Children are still one of the social groups at risk, facing many problems that remain unresolved. Although the consequences may vary according to the type and severity of the violence, the short and long-term consequences for children are very often serious and destructive and are costly…. [tags: Domestic Violence]

:: 2 Works Cited 1016 words

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Dating Violence – IntroductionIn recent history, dating violence has become a paramount issue in American society. With the rates of domestic violence on the rise, much research has been conducted that provides evidence that violence during dating relationships in the teen years is a strong contributing factor to later domestic violence. Current research is revealing that a far larger percentage of teens are suffering from some amount of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse in their dating relationships. Studies have shown that both those who engage in the violent behaviors, as well as those who are the victims of these acts are more likely to be involved in violent relationships in the future…. [tags: Social Issues, Legal Issues, Domestic Violence] 1479 words

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Interpersonal Violence – Missing Works Cited Throughout a life course, many individuals endure some kind of violence or commit certain acts of violence. Reports such as the Bureau of Justice Statistics, articles, and books have been created in order to show people the different forms of violence that are visible on a daily basis. Through these readings people are able to understand the nature of interpersonal violence including domestic, intimate, assault, robbery, murder, and sexual assault…. [tags: Social Issues, Domestic Violence, Legal Issues] 1964 words

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Television Violence and Domestic Violence – Abstract We examined the various forms of television violence and domestic violence in America. We provided statistics showing the amounts of violence facts about adolescent exposure. We compared and contrasted the differing effects of both and implemented a study to analyze the similarities. We observed children and gathered data regarding there response to specific kinds of violence and the psychological effects of each. We expected that the effects of television violence and domestic would be strikingly similar to one another and the results of our study prove the similarities and provoke awareness to the differences…. [tags: Violence Against Women Essays]

:: 10 Works Cited 2582 words

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Violence Against Women Act of 1994 – For centuries domestic violence has been perceived as a private matter private of which the government has not been concerned about nor was it considered the government’s business to intervene on behalf of a battered spouse. The unlawful nature of this failure for state or federal government intervention against this crime contributed to the systematic abuse of women in the family. The traditions, customs, and common law found in both British and American societies continued right up until the last decade of the 20th century and left the battered wives and very frequently, her children, at the mercy of the husband…. [tags: Domestic Violence] 1375 words

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Gun Violence and Children in the United States – In recent years a great deal of attention has been centered on youth violence. Numerous studies have been conducted on children of all races who are subjected to gun violence. However, violent behaviors start from within the environment where children have been exposed too. Household, poor communities and school as well have put children at risk. Yet the problems of violence relatively are increasing according to Children’s Defense fund that gets their information from the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, and other government statistics…. [tags: Gun Violence ]

:: 3 Works Cited 1309 words

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Mapping The Violence in Colombia – Mapping The Violence in Colombia The peace researcher Johan Galtung proposes a typology of violence, constructed as direct and indirect, formal-informal and visible-invisible. Regarding it as a triangle, Galtung (1990) states that typology of violence corresponds roughly to the ‘ABC’ levels of the conflict triangle: Attitude, Behaviour and Contradictions. In the first level Direct violence (acts of violence as such) and in second and third level underneath the surface; Structural violence and Cultural violence…. [tags: War, Structural Violence] 2461 words

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The Attitudes Towards Violence and Guns – … It can be administered by anyone but needs to be scored by a psychologists or other licensed professional (Shapiro et.al,1998 ). It emphasizes the person’s feelings about gun ownership and the relationship it has to violence. It has four subscales: 1.) Response to shame through aggressive actions, 2). Being comfortable about aggression, 3). Excitement about guns and aggression, 4). The correspondence between gun ownership with power and control. It is used in mental health, juvenile justice, and educational settings…. [tags: Youth Violence, Preventing Homicide]

:: 7 Works Cited 1210 words

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Blind Violence and Desire in Macbeth – In Macbeth desire and violence are prevalent throughout the book. Desire blinds one’s ability to think clearly when making a decision. If violence is used due to one’s desire than violence becomes a never ending cycle until the outcome of the violence goes against the one whose desire led to violence. When making a decision, one should use reason, which is having a logical justification or motive. Violence is committed many times in the book but not all for the same motive. Macbeth commits several acts of violence in the book due to his desire for the kingship of Scotland…. [tags: Macbeth, Shakespeare, violence, ]

:: 2 Works Cited 806 words

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Innocent Victims Domestic Violence – Domestic violence is comprised of willful intimidation, assault, battery, sexual assault or other abusive behavior committed by an intimate partner against another. According to The National Center for Victims of Crime (2011), aggressors of domestic violence persistently disparage, degrade or humiliate their partners. Unfortunately, domestic violence victims are known to habitually blame their own actions, rather than the violent behavior of the abuser. Conversely, violence perpetrated by abusers is repetitively self-driven and depends little on the victims’ behavior…. [tags: Violence Against Women Essays]

:: 8 Works Cited 2259 words

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Domestic Violence Against Women – The World Health Organization defines violence as: “The intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, mal-development or deprivation”. WHO has declared violence against women both a public health problem and a violation of human rights. Violence against women is of many types and has many faces. Also called Gender-based violence, public health experts around the world have called it the “Hidden Epidemic”…. [tags: Violence Against Women Essays]

:: 1 Works Cited 1694 words

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Domestic Violence and Public Policy – Unmistakably, domestic violence is a major issue in modern society, not only to the affected persons, but also to the entire community. Failure by the government to adequately address this aspect is most likely to expose more citizens to greater danger, which could include death. In view of this, Congress and other political leaders should adopt strict policies on domestic violence, because most citizens are suffering in one way or another from the effects of domestic violence. This is ostensibly because the current legal system does not sufficiently provide for the required protection, when it comes to domestic violence, and the situation at the moment is critical (Shipway, 20)…. [tags: Violence Against Women Essays]

:: 3 Works Cited 1226 words

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Domestic Violence in the United States – “Domestic violence is an emotional, physical, psychological, or sexual abuse perpetrated against a person by a person’s spouse, former spouse, partner, former partner or by the other parent of a minor child” (McCue 2). While it is these things, the violence is also considered a pattern of demeanor used to establish power and control over another person with whom an intimate relationship is or has been shared through fear and intimidation (“Domestic Violence Sourcebook” 9). It has many names, including spouse abuse, domestic abuse, domestic assault, battering, partner abuse, marital strife, marital dispute, wife-beating, marital discord, woman abuse, dysfunctional relationship, intimate fighting, mate beating, and so on (2)…. [tags: Violence Against Women Essays]

:: 15 Works Cited 2207 words

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The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children – Throughout the course of one’s lifetime, there are countless events that shape the personality, actions and mentality of that individual. Some of these events will affect the individual in a positive way allowing great life opportunities, while other events will unfortunately affect the individual in a negative way which can lead to disorders. Among the various events that can affect a person, one of the most common occurrences that some children witness early on in their lives that deeply affect their long-term mental health is being a witness to domestic violence…. [tags: Violence Against Women Essays]

:: 4 Works Cited 1170 words

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What is Domestic Violence? – Violence is not a new thing, for centuries human beings have been violent one towards another. We as humans have to deal with different types of violence in every day life and some types of violence that we may experience are; child abuse, spousal abuse or domestic violence, violence directed towards elderly, sexual assault and harassment, professional misconduct, teen violence, murder is a act of violence, stalking in some way may be classified as type of violence. It is in human nature to do violence one or another way…. [tags: Violence Against Women Essays]

:: 4 Works Cited 1565 words

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The Rough Road of Domestic Violence – Millions of women and children have died or have been severely injured because of domestic violence. Domestic violence is illegal and includes assault, rape, battery, and murder committed by someone to whom the victim is close to. This could be a relative, parent, child, spouse, or dating partner. Although both men and women can be abused, 85% victims are women. There are many causes of modern domestic violence, but most fall into four categories: sexual abuse, financial abuse, physical abuse, and emotional abuse…. [tags: Violence Against Women Essays]

:: 5 Works Cited 1457 words

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The Effect of Domestic Violence on Children – Studies indicate that 30-43% of children in the United States have witnessed some form of physical violence between their parents. This violence can have a profound effect on preschoolers cognitive and emotional development. Studies suggest that younger children may be more vulnerable to the effects of witnessing domestic violence than older children (Johnson and Lieberman, 2011) so it is very disturbing to recognize that young children are more likely to witness incidents of violence than older children (Ybarra, Wilkens, & Lieberman, 2011)…. [tags: Impact Domestic Violence Children]

:: 5 Works Cited 2207 words

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Childhood Exposure to Domestic Violence – Prevalence Each year approximately 4.8 million acts of physical or sexual aggression are perpetrated against women while 2.9 million physically aggressive acts are perpetrated against men within the United States (Edleson, Ellerton, Seagren, Kirchberg, Schmidt & Ambrose, 2007). Many of these incidents take place in the presences of children, which make these figures even more disturbing (Evans, Davies & DiLillo, 2008). Research indicates that 40.2% of United States battered women responding in national surveys state that their children have witnessed one or more abusive events (Edleson et al., 2007)…. [tags: Violence Against Women Essays]

:: 6 Works Cited 1269 words

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The History of Domestic Violence – Domestic Violence is a critical issue negatively impacting women in the world today. There has to be something done to prevent this type of abuse from happening. The results of my research revealed that there are many victims that do not know the type of help that is available and there needs to be major improvement in the way domestic violence cases are handled. Based on my findings, awareness and prevention programs should be implemented in every state in order prevent this type of abuse from happening over and over…. [tags: Violence Against Women Essays]

:: 15 Works Cited 2647 words

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The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children – Traditional research to ascertain the effects of living with domestic violence on children conducted psychological test to measure children’s competency and development. Development psychologists experimented on children in laboratory settings, if the level of competency demonstrated by a child was below average for their age and stage of development, witnessing domestic violence was deemed to be the cause. To know whether a child has been harmed by their experiences we need to how ‘normal’ children function and develop (Archard 197)…. [tags: Violence Against Women Essays]

:: 33 Works Cited 2353 words

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Violence in Crime Dramas – Notice that these days in our society everywhere we look, violence is there;the streets, alleys, school, and even at home. Violence can even find its way into our homes through TV that we watch on regular bases. The amount of violence shown in the media has formed a lot of arguments. Many video games, television programs, adverts, films and music lyrics show different forms of violence. Some people feel that there is too much violence shown in the media. Many studies have stated that the media is responsible for most of the violence that we see in the world today…. [tags: Violence, TV, crime shows,]

:: 6 Works Cited 418 words


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