
Stem Cell Research essays and homework assignment help

The Importance of Stem Cell Research – Stem cell research is a topic almost everybody in the world has a viewpoint on. Many view the issue of stem cell research and stem cell therapy as morally wrong and a crime against humanity, others view the study of stem cells as the next step in modern science. What are stem cells. Stem cells are non-specialized cells that have the capability to mature into more specified cells to help with certain functions or diseases. Cells are the basic building blocks of the human body and these tiny structures compose the skin, muscles, bones, and all of our internal organs…. [tags: stem cell]

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Legalize Stem Cell Research – Imagine waking up from a tragic accident that left you paralyzed from the neck down, would you have hope that you could ever recover. What if there was research that the use of stem cells could lead to potential treatments and cures. According to the National Institute of Health, stem cells in certain organs, have the ability to divide into other cells that are used to “repair and replace worn out or damaged tissues” (NIH). Although stem cell research raises ethical concerns, it should be legalized due to the possibility of medical advancements and cures of numerous diseases…. [tags: Stem Cell Research ]

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Stem Cell Therapy – In order to discover the ways for the remedy of diseases, studies in therapeutic approaches have been doing widely and kept increasing at accelerated pace. A lot of research areas had emerged for that purpose including one of the most fascinating and highly active areas at present, stem cells therapies. Due to self-renewal property and differentiation capability of stem cell, it becomes a new hope in modern treatment. The first successful case of stem cell therapy in human was reported in 1959. Bone marrow restorations were observed in leukemia patients who received total body irradiation subsequent by intravenous injection of their twins’ bone marrow (Thomas et al, 1957)…. [tags: Stem Cell Research, Argumentative, Scientific] 1020 words

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Support of Embryonic Stem Cell Research – Embryonic stem cell is one of the most controversial, widely discussed medical issues in the United States today. The medical use of stem cell raises difficult moral and political questions. To understand about embryonic stem cell. I thought we should discuss what embryonic stem cells are. According to Scientific American; June 2004, embryonic stem are derived from the portion of a very early stage embryo that would eventually give rise to an entire body. Because embryonic stem cells originate in this primordial stage, or having existed from the beginning…. [tags: Stem Cell Research] 779 words

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Stem Cell Research Needs to Be Funded – A mother has developed Alzheimer’s, preventing her from having a normal relationship with her family. A newly born baby girl has a spinal cord issue, making for many years of rehabilitation ahead her. A diabetic wife struggles to take care of her household duties because of constantly having to monitor her blood sugar and deal with insulin shots. With the development of stem cell research, and the more controversial embryonic stem cell research, every one of these instances could not only be cured, but prevented, within the next half century…. [tags: Stem Cell Research, medical,] 1546 words

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Stem Cell Research: For Better or for Worse? – For as long as humans exist, optimal health continues to remain vital for a productive life. As new medical discoveries increase through generations, humans become healthier, therefore, their life expectancy rises. Stem cell research, a relatively new field, investigates to improve and lengthen human life. The possibility of stem cells to develop prospering health makes them beneficial to the human race. Why do stem cell debates create such a large uproar. Stem cells posses the potential to arise into hundreds of different cells in the body- for this reason stem cells are also referred to as undifferentiated cells…. [tags: Biology, Stem Cell Debates] 744 words

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The Controversy Surrounding Stem-cell Research – Stem-cell research is a complex subject. First of all you need to know there are three main categories of stem cells. Embryonic, Fetal and Adult; not everyone is for or against all of these types. There are different sets on pros and cons to each of these types and I will address a few for each type. I believe the pros outweigh the cons in each of these and stem cell research is very beneficial for medical purposes. The term ‘stem cell research was first used by gist Alexander Maksimov, a Russian histologist in 1908…. [tags: Stem-cell research, medical, ] 625 words

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State-Funded Stem Cell Research – Scientists are attempting to expand on stem cell research, while aspiring towards new medical advancements, but Maryland is questioning State-funded research (Department of Legislative Services, Office of Information Systems [DLSOIS], 2011). Stem cells have the ability to regenerate themselves and produce specialized cell types (Academy of Sciences, 2009). After a stem cell divides, the stem cell can continue to exist as a stem cell, or turn into a unique cell, like a red blood cell (Institutes of Health, U.S…. [tags: Stem Cell Research ]

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Stem Cell Research is a Vital Necessity for Medical Advances in America – According to Christopher Reeve, the actor who played Superman and tragically became paralyzed, said, “The greatest good for the greatest number of people means allowing embryonic stem cell research, which has the potential to help 150 million Americans who suffer from serious or incurable diseases or disabilities” (Roleff 63). It is incredible how some of the smallest items like stem cells can have such a drastic impact on the world. Two types of these tiny cells are adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells…. [tags: stem cell] 1383 words

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Problems with Embryonic Stem-Cell Research – Recently in the scientific world, the field of embryonic stem cell research has become a popular topic and has been the subject for many heated debates. Experts in the field of stem cell research promise that this will be the future of medicine; that stem cells will be the cure to all the debilitating diseases and afflictions of today, such as Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, cancer and nerve damage. The truth about embryonic stem cell research is that it is not as hopeful and as revolutionary as it seems…. [tags: Science / Stem-Cell Research / Ethics]

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Stem Cell Research: Should we legalize it? – Stem Cell Research: Should we legalize it. I. Introduction and History Is going against certain religious morals worth finding cures using experimental science. Many scientists are constantly trying to push the boundaries of science to find new things. This is especially true in the medical partition of experimental science. There are a great deal of scientists working everyday to find cures to today’s diseases and illnesses such as Aids, cancer, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s disease. People live with these illnesses everyday of their lives, and the number of people with diseases rises day after day…. [tags: Stem Cell Research] 1711 words

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Different Sides of Embryonic Stem Cell Research – The field of stem cell research remains highly controversial because of its ethical and moral values. “Despite the news in 2006 that researchers had found a way to harvest human embryonic stem cells without having to destroy embryos, controversy still surrounds potentially life-saving stem cell research.” (Gruen, 2007). Due to the strong emotional responses to some of the subject matter by the pro-lifers and certain religions and politics in general, I will attempt to explain different sides of embryonic stem cell research (ESC)…. [tags: Stem Cell Biology] 1641 words

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The Heated Debate Concerning Stem Cell Research – Inside an embryo there are dozens of stem cells. They are basically empty shells, but the special thing about them is that they are pluripotent, meaning that they can develop in to any cell or organ in human body. That makes stem cell research a gigantic part of today’s medical research. With enough research, stem cells can be a big help to the human kind. Their extraordinary abilities could help scientists return memory to Alzheimer’s patients, or grow a man’s limb that had to be amputated due to some tragedy…. [tags: Stem Cell Research]

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Characteristics, Sources and Function of the Mesenchymal Stem Cell – 2.2 Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) MSC are initially recognized in the late 1960s by Friendenstein and colleagues, as an adherent, non-phagocytic, fibroblast-like population that could regenerate rudiments of normal bone in vitro and in vivo (Friedenstein et al. 1970; Friedenstein et al. 1974a; Friedenstein et al. 1974b). The group identified a homogenous spindle-shaped adherent cell population when they cultured whole bone marrow (BM) in vitro. Then, this assay was developed into colony forming unit-fibroblast (CFU-F) assay which is the standard method to identify MSC…. [tags: medicine, stem cell] 1012 words

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Stem Cell Research – Stem cell research. Simple words that to some mean a lot more than a new potential scientific field. It is simply the creation or repair of another life form from an earlier form. Stem cells have the chance to change all that we know in the medical field as well as the potential to heal old wounds and heal damaged organs. This point causes much debate and anger of those opposed to stem cell research but they ultimately look at the process and not the form or result of it. Stem cell research has incredible potential…. [tags: Stem Cell Biology, argument]

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A Scientific Explanation of Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research – In general, a cell can be defined as a stem cell if two basic criteria are met. First, stem cell is capable of self renewal for indefinite period throughout life while maintaining undifferentiated state, i.e., the cell can divide and produce two identical daughter cells and thereby maintains the stem cell pool. Second, stem cell possesses capacity for differentiate into specialised and functional progeny under the right conditions, or given the right signals. It may divide asymmetrically to yield an identical cell and a daughter cell that acquires a particular cell type’s properties, such as morphology, phenotype and functional physiology that classified it belongs to a particular tissue (Burns and Zon 2002; Preston et al…. [tags: Science, Stem Cells, Stem Cell Research, ] 610 words

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Stem Cell Research – Stem Cell Research Stem cells are cells that can form into any type of cell, they are found in bone marrow, embryos, fetuses, and blood from the umbilical cord. Early in development, a human embryo is made up of a hollow ball of cells called a “blastocyst”. Blastocyst cells divide and eventually develop into all of the tissues and organs of a human being, a process called “differentiation”. Embryonic stem cells can be grown in the laboratory from blastocysts and made to differentiate into nerve, liver, muscle, blood, and other cells…. [tags: stem cell argumentative persuasive argument] 2519 words

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Stem Cell Research – Stem Cell Research Stem cells are a large focus of study in today’s biomedical world. Stem cell research offers the hope of transplants being done without the sacrifice of another person losing an organ. There are many different pros and cons when it comes to discussing the use of stem cells. In order to develop an opinion of whether or not stem cells should be used, one must first understand what they are and how they are used. ?Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cells types in the body…. [tags: Stem Cell Research Biomedical Science Essays]

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The Debate Concerning Stem Cell Research – The Heated Debate Concerning Stem Cell Research Think back to that fateful day when Christopher Reeve was riding his horse and was paralyzed in a freak riding accident. What was your reaction. The once strong and immortal “superman” was crushed, not by his only weakness, kryptonite, but by paralysis. Unfortunate things similar to Reeve’s case happen every day. You may even know someone suffering from a lifelong ailment such as paralysis, diabetes, or Parkinson’s disease. These illnesses affect over ten percent of the population in the United States…. [tags: stem cell argumentative persuasive argument]

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Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Pro-life vs The Educated and Literate – … Most animal clones have very short life spans and many health defects, so even if a human clone was somehow produced, the mistake would in all likelihood be short-lived. Even though embryonic stem cell research is in its infancy, most scientists agree that it is a highly promising field for the treatment and curing of many chronic degenerative illnesses. Amyotropic lateral sclerosis(ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, destroys motor neurons which are responsible for muscle movement. Stem cells could be used to replace these neurons, as well as damaged nervous tissue present in Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s, and Parkinson’s…. [tags: Embryonic Stem Cell Research Papers]

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Stem Cell Research Can Help the Sick – Stem cell research is a very complex argument. There are people that feel that stem cell research should not have even been introduced into our society. However, there are others that feel that stem cell research could change many lives. Those who feel it could change many lives are right in many people’s eyes. With the advancement of stem cell research, we would be able to help many people with such diseases as heart disease and Alzheimer’s. Stem cells could also help others with dibilating diseases and those who have suffered some very unfortunate accident…. [tags: Stem Cell Research] 1012 words

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Supporting Embryonic Stem Cell Research – Supporting Embryonic Stem Cell Research Scientific research has the ability to help the terminally ill and disabled. Some people find this research is morally wrong. If this research helps people with disease and disability would you condone it. Today in The United States there is controversy facing embryonic stem cell research.People are dying because of the legal and moral obstacles involved in embryonic stem cell research. American citizens with illnesses and disease could be treated if this research was to continue at a much faster pace…. [tags: Embryo Embryonic Stem Cell Cells Essays Papers] 1525 words

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The Heated Debate Concerning Stem Cell Research – The Controversy Over Stem Cell Research In a lab at the University of California, a scientist carefully isolates several cells and locates them to a petry dish. A few days later, he returns to find the cells pulsating like a human heart (Gorman 58). This account has actually been occurring at several scientific labs across the nation. These cells, known as stem cells, produce nearly all the other cells and tissues found in the human body (Sobel Sep 4, 22). Intensive research has found that when these stem cells are grafted with human tissue, new tissue is formed and the diseases found in that tissue are cured…. [tags: stem cell argumentative persuasive argument] 783 words

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A Conservative Argument against Stem Cell Research – A Conservative Argument against Stem Cell Research For the past few years stem cell research has been a widely debated topic; however, former President Clinton?s stance?allowing federal money to be spent on tightly controlled stem cell research?lead to intense debates over federal funding for stem cell research. There are four ways of obtaining stem cells, which are taken from embryos that are approximately one week old. They are using unwanted embryos from fertility clinics, embryos from aborted fetuses, cloned embryos, and embryos created for research purposes…. [tags: Stem Cell Research Essays Papers]

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It’s Time to Legalize Embryonic Stem Cell Research – It’s Time to Legalize Embryonic Stem Cell Research In the United States of America, people have many rights and freedoms that are respected by the Federal Government. As stated in Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau: “There will never be a truly free and enlightened state until the state comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power” (225). In the goal to make America a truly free and enlightened state, laws have been enacted to preserve individual rights. With the furthering of medical science, the issue of individual rights vs…. [tags: stem cell argumentative persuasive argument]

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Stem Cell Research – Cells are the basic function of life. Cells are the fundamental unit of all living things, this include animals. Cell is the smallest structure in the human body and has all the properties of being alive. Cells can vary in different shape and sizes. The shape or the size cells are related directly to the function of the cells. (Fremgen & Frucht, 2009, p. 22) The human body has several different types of cells like cell membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus. Each cell has their job to do in the human body…. [tags: Stem Cells]

:: 5 Works Cited 656 words

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The Importance of Stem Cell Research – Over the last decade the use of stem cells has been a controversial and heated topic. Debates have exploded over every aspect of stem cell research. It has been speculated by scientists that stem cell research may have the potential to cure harmful diseases or even regrow organs. However some find that the health issues seen in earlier attempts to use stem cell transplants and ethical controversies involved with extracting stem cells, make it very dangerous to further investigate. In actuality the fact remains that the potential cures that may come from stem cell research could prove to be some of the most significant advances in modern medicine to this day…. [tags: Why Stem Cells Are Important]

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Embryonic Stem Cell Research – Advancements in medical technology has allowed for a new understanding of stem cells and further developments in research. The use of stem cells in regenerative medicine may hold significant benefits for those suffering from degenerative diseases. To avail such advancements in stem cell research could see the alleviation or complete cure of afflictions that take the lives of millions worldwide each year. (McLaren, 2001) A stem cell 1 is able differentiate into any somatic cell found in the human body, including those identical to itself…. [tags: use of stem cells in regenerative medicine]

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Stem Cell Media Cultures – All cell culture procedures were performed under sterile conditions in laminar class II biohazard safety cabinet (ESCO). The cell cultures were incubated at 37oC in 5% CO2 humidified incubators (RSBiotech). MSC were cultured in MSC complete medium made up of Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s medium with nutrient mixture F-12 (HAM)[1:1] (DMEM/F12) with GLUTAMAX -I (Gibco, Invitrogen, USA), supplemented with 10% pre-selected foetal bovine serum (Stem Cell Technology Inc.), 1% of Penicillin /Streptomycin (Gibco, Invitrogen), 0.5% Fungizone (Gibco, Invitrogen), 0.1% Gentamicin (Gibco, Invitrogen), with or without 40ng/ml basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) (Peprotech, USA) …. [tags: Stem Cells Media, science, cultures,] 886 words

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Stem Cell Research – I. Introduction The desecration of life by use of embryonic stem cells is not necessary with alternatives such as adult, placenta, and umbilical stem cells available which hold promising results. Stem cell research definitely has shown its ability to benefit humanity, but at what lengths. At what cost. America along with the world continues to battle against embryonic stem cell research as it results in termination of a human life form. With a clear understanding of what stem cells are and how they are used the evidence clearly shows that alternative forms of stems cells can lead to the same promising results without arising any ethical concerns…. [tags: embryonic stem cells]

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The Controversy of Stem Cell Research – The Controversy of Stem Cell Research One of the most controversial topics these days is Stem Cell Research. There seems to be a split opinion among societies about the research and whether it is socially and morally acceptable. As a society, we need to open our minds to the possibility of broadening our scientific horizons with stem cell research, and take the time to learn and understand whatever we can about it. There are a lot of people who don’t know exactly what Stem Cell Research is which contributes to why a lot of people seem so against it…. [tags: Stem Cells Science Biology Essays]

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Leukemia And Stem Cells – Today, the topic of stem cells is a highly discussed, controversial one. It seems as though there is always something being said about new findings in stem cell research and what will be done with the newly-found information. One of the most conversed aspects of stem cell research is how stem cells can be used to treat potentially life-threatening conditions. Leukemia is one of the conditions being researched along with how stem cell therapy could help benefit the patients with it. In order to fully understand what is going on in the world of stem cell and leukemia research, one must first know what stem cells are and what leukemia is…. [tags: medicine, stem cell]

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Stem Cells are the Future of Healthcare – A mother cannot remember her children’s names anymore because of Alzheimer’s diseases. A daughter will never be able to walk again because of a car accident that has made her paralyzed from the waist down. A husband will never be able to see his wife again because he has become blind. But maybe these people will be able to remember, walk or see again. Someday all of the diseases in the world may be curable through stem cell research. Stem cells are very unique because they have the ability to morph into any of the over 200 cells that make up the human body…. [tags: Stem Cell Research ]

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A Look at Stem Cell Research – A Look at Stem Cell Research Research in the development of stem cells has become increasingly popular over the past decade. The fascination in the study of stem cells by scientists comes from the mystery of what the essential properties are and how cells differ. With the discovery of determining how stem cells are self renewing and identifying what causes stem cells to become specialized leads to the ability to create more cell-based remedies as well as preventing birth defects, more precise screening for new drugs and cloning of organs and tissues…. [tags: Ethics Biology Stem Cells Essays Papers]

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Stem Cell Research – Stem Cell Research Research on stem cells is advancing knowledge about how an organism develops from a single cell and how healthy cells replace damaged cells in adult organisms. This promising area of science is also leading scientists to investigate the possibility of cell-based therapies to treat disease, which is often referred to as regenerative or reparative medicine. Research on the topic of stem cells is advancing the scientific knowledge about how cells develop. Stem cell research is applied to two main characteristics that allow stem cells to be distinguished among most other types of cells…. [tags: Science Biology Stem Cells Essays Papers] 803 words

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The Stem Cell Dilemma – The Stem Cell Dilemma Every day, nearly 3,000 people die while waiting for an organ transplant (D’Agnese). Moreover, 66,000 people are still on an organ donor list in the United States, few of which will ever see their name come up on that list (“Improving”). Many people believe nothing can be done about this sad fact. However, this is not the case. Studies on stem-cell research point toward a solution to this deadly problem. With efficient use of stem cells, many diseases and medical problems could be solved…. [tags: Stem Cells Medical Health Science Genetics Essays]

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stem cell – Stem Cell Research One of the most popular clinical studies being researched these days is stem cell transplantation. Until recently, moral issues of states and countries haven’t allowed research to expound deeply into the unknowns. Within the last ten years though, scientists have made leaps and bounds in finding out concrete facts that this stem cell research has supplied. Tommy G. Thompson, Secretary of Health Services states, “I believe it will open up a world of opportunity for scientists, not only at the NIH, but elsewhere, because it demonstrates a cooperative atmosphere among academia, the private sector, and government that will allow us to move ahead” (“sign stem”1)…. [tags: essays research papers] 1154 words

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Stem Cell – Oh the Healing Possibilities What if Superman was able to walk again. Christopher Reeves was the actor we all knew as Superman. A few years ago he had a horse-back riding accident which left him paralyzed from the neck down. His spinal cord was severed and there was nothing doctors could do to help him but, there might be hope for him after all. There is a great new field of research in which scientists are trying to find ways to solve these types of problems along with many others. Research in the use of stem cells holds limitless possibilities in the medical field…. [tags: essays research papers] 1398 words

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Embryonic Stem Cells: The Future of Medicine – Whereas there are many facets of medical research in the world at the present time, one of the more controversial continues to be stem cell research and more specifically, embryonic stem cell research. The percentage of groups and individuals who agree or disagree with this science are roughly equal on both sides of the argument. There are many quarrels within this one area including “should stem cell research be federally funded”, “is embryonic stem cell research ethical”, and “is the outcome of stem cell research worth it”…. [tags: Stem Cell Research ]

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Stem Cell Research – Stem cell research has provided scientists with insight into new possibilities for effective therapies against difficult health conditions, but it has also created several ethical debates on an international level. From a scientific viewpoint, stem cell research has the potential to cure chronic conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, chronic hearth conditions, spinal cord disabilities, and other conditions that require complete tissue regeneration for successful treatment. In other words, the cause for researching stem cells and their therapeutic properties could be justified despite the moral complaints against it…. [tags: Biology, Embryo] 1454 words

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Stem Cell Research – Stem cell research is a growing field and it has brought major changes to the medical field, and could bring many more. There is no way to say at this point what all could be done with stem cells. The more research and the more technology just gives stem cell research an opening with no end. What is a stem cell. A stem cell is a cell that is undifferentiated, which means it can develop into any type of cell. There are three places stem cells can be obtained. They can be obtained from adult cells, bone marrow cells, and embryonic cells…. [tags: Medical Research]

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Stem Cell Research – Stem cells are cells that go through mitosis and separate into special cell types. Stem cells have the capacity to renew by their selves, resulting in more stem cells. Stem cells are capable of performing a specific task, such as regeneration and replacement of a damaged or a diseased tissue. There are billions of cells, all with their own music. As the brain develops, it turns out they’re pretty harmonious—an orchestra of keyboards (Zerhouni, 2).The two broad types of cells are embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells…. [tags: Scientific Research ]

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The Importance of Stem Cell Research – By lifting the funding and ethical ban on stem cell research scientists will have a better understanding the complexity and disarray of the cellular structure of humans with a lifted ban on federal funding to front the research of stem cell and stem cell development. Two types of stem cells are key to unlocking the complex coding of cellular make-up and those are embryonic and adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cell research has created supposed ethical issues because those specific cells are taken from embryos that are not yet developed and those cells have no exact duty as opposed to adult stem cells which have particular duties throughout the body…. [tags: Medical Ethics ]

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The Importance of Stem Cell Research – Throughout our history, scientists continue to experiment and make discoveries that expand our knowledge of the world and the full potential of the matter around us. As the medical research of scientists improves, new treatments are found that enable people to have a longer lifespan and live healthier. Medical researchers continue to discover new medicines that help people overcome fatal diseases and allow them to achieve a more sustainable life. As scientists research the potential of treatment for diseases, there is a promising future in stem cells that offer a possible treatment for a wide variety of diseases…. [tags: Medical Science]

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Stem Cell Research – Stem cell research should be legal and funded by the government in all 50 states. There are several types of stem cells that we have available to use for research. The controversy comes from the use of Embryonic Stem Cells (ESC) and how they are obtained. The funding is very unstable for stem cell research due to the use of ESC, combined with the message they send. There have been several arguments in regards to the right to life. In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) clinics have never been funded by the government and that is not the plan for this research either…. [tags: Medical Research]

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Stem Cell Research – There has been much controversy regarding stem cell research and its uses in health care. The controversy has spanned since the early 1940’s when stem cell research was just a theory and carries on now in 2012 as it has become a reality. Stem cells are cells which are usually in the earliest stages of life which allows them to be able to have the potential for development into many different types of specialized cells. They also are self-renewing and therefore can produce even more stem cells that can continue to develop in to the specialized or unspecialized cells that are needed throughout the body…. [tags: Scientific Research ]

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Stem Cell Research – Stem Cell Research In light of the continued advancement of technology and research in the medical field, there have been some groundbreaking developments that have been heralded as indications that scientific research can produce remarkable results when it is integrated with technology. Since the turn of the 20th century, major breakthroughs like the discovery of DNA and the development of anti-retroviral drugs for HIV/AIDS have been cited as the reason why scientific research especially in the medical field must be supported…. [tags: Scientific Research ]

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Stem Cell Research – Stem cell research has caused a big ethical debate across the nation. The stem cell lines developed for stem cell research are established from embryos after fertilization. An embryo is then divided into individual cells to create a stem cell line. From the embryo, one cell is placed in a dish and nourished with substances that stimulate the cell to divide, then the resulting line will then continue to divide in a managed environment and if taken care of properly (Creating Stem Cells For Research)…. [tags: Medical Ethics]

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Embryonic Stem Cell Research: To Be or Not To Be? – When a patient is faced with a terminal illness or is told that they will never walk again, it may be difficult to find hope of any kind. Stem Cells provide a faint glimmer of hope, with all the amazing things they, in theory, are able to do and cure. What kind of stem cells are we talking about though. Embryonic, Adult, or Cord Blood. All these possess the ability to replicate themselves as well as become any type of cell (Harvard Gazette). As with any incredible feat there is more often than not a “catch.” Many questions arise when we think about the sacrifices, risks and benefits…. [tags: Medical Ethics ]

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Stem Cell Research – Stem cells are biological cells found in all multi cellular organisms. They have a unique feature of a remarkable potential to self renew and form other specialized types of cells in addition, they are able to produce more stem cells found in the human body. Scientists confirmed the existence of three different types of stem cell, the embryonic stem cell, adult stem cell and the induced stem cell. Among these three stem cells, the embryonic stem cells are regarded as the cells with the highest potential because they can cell divide themselves to form over the 220 different types of cells found in the human body…. [tags: Medical Research]

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The Importance of Stem Cell Research – Fatal diseases have been the cause of death for a large percent of the human race. About 5.8 million Americans have heart failure, 670,000 people are diagnosed with it each year, 23.6 million have diabetes, and one million live with Parkinson’s disease (Watson, Stephanie, and Craig Freudenrich, Ph.D). Diseases such as above kill off important cells that reproduce rapidly to help the body function normally. Well, what alternatives does one have to turn to when the time clock runs out for all cells, resulting in death…. [tags: Medical Research]

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The Ethics of Stem Cell Research – Should we be using embryonic stem cells for the advancement of medical research. In the 1800s it was discovered certain cells could generate other cells. The 1900s brought upon more research in using stem cells. The ethical issue surrounding embryonic stem cells research arises because human embryos are destroyed in the process. I believe that the benefits outweigh the negatives and that a greater good can come out of using embryonic stem cells. The treatment of diseases and illnesses continually grows and improves…. [tags: Ethics ]

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Stem Cell Research – The society has evolved over the decades. Medical advances, greater technologies, better understanding of the world around us, the sky is the limit. The progression of a society is astounding from where it was just twenty years ago. One is able to do things that the forefathers would have never dreamed. Science has discovered ways to travel to the moon and back, reach some of the deepest depths of the oceans and discover new species, and drive hybrid cars. The achievements of today’s society have reached a new high; however, with great achievement comes great questions of ethics…. [tags: Medical Research]

:: 8 Works Cited 1999 words

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The Importance of Stem Cell Research – Imagine a world where the diseases we know today are virtually eradicated, and where incurable injuries are a thing of the past. Even though this sounds like a science fiction movie, advances in modern science are making this statement more of a reality than a dream. This can be accomplished through stem cell therapy and cell differentiation. Stem cell therapy is like an intervention, in which new cells are introduced into the body or tissue in order to treat a disease or injury (Haldeman-Englet, Chad)…. [tags: Medical Research]

:: 12 Works Cited 1061 words

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The Importance of Stem Cell Research – In a society where faster means better and technology has rapidly taken over the lives of people, the means of human health have changed. The advance in medical research has led to the development of using existing cells within the body and placentas of humans to heal critical injuries that usually take years to fully return to normal (Boniello). The cells are commonly referred to as stem cells which can turn into different types of cells depending on the injury, location, and what the body requires…. [tags: Medical Research]

:: 8 Works Cited 1615 words

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Stem Cell Research is Murder – The stem cell research controversy is one of the major headlines in bioscience and has been discussed and debated numerous times throughout the last decade or so. It became a major issue in 1997/1998 and continued to the 2000’s where George W. Bush joined to the problem by vetoing the first bid that was brought forward by Congress to lift funding restrictions on human embryonic stem cell research. Bush stated after the veto that, “would support the taking of innocent human life in the hope of finding medical benefits for others” and also he stated “It crosses a moral boundary that our decent society needs to respect”…. [tags: Argumentative Essay, Argument] 458 words

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The Stem Cell Life Safers – Envision a euphoric world where a couple insignificant little cells had the possibility to cure horrible chronic diseases like cancer. Picture how incredible that would be. Now imagine this, the only sacrifice you would have to make to save millions of people, would be killing a few babies here and there. Now how does that sound to you. Sounds like a rapidly developing dilemma. If that was your initial thought, you were correct. This dilemma is called embryonic stem cell research, and it has caused conflicts with peoples’ opinions, morals, and religion for years…. [tags: Biology, Cells] 1639 words

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The Importance of Stem Cell Research – “The greatest risk to scientific progress is to stop taking risks”. Dr. Elias Zerhouni from the National Institute of Health gave this quote during an interview to a reporter in 2007. He was referring to Stem Cell research, a controversial medical issue of today. Louise Brown of Manchester, UK owes her life to scientists and doctors taking risks and exploring the world or Stem Cells. In 1978 she became the first baby to be born via in-vitro fertilization, a process where a woman’s egg is harvested and mixed with male sperm to become fertilized…. [tags: Medical Science]

:: 11 Works Cited 2446 words

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Stem Cell Treatment – Crash. The screech of metal on metal. And then solid blackness envelops you. You wake up five days later in hospital to be told by the doctor that you can never walk again. Why. In the crash, your spinal cord was injured. With neurons unable to regenerate, you are paralyzed until you dying day. The discovery of stem cells approximately one decade ago has proven to be one of the most important breakthroughs of the 21st century. A stem cell is a somatic cell that has not been differentiated into a cell with a specific function…. [tags: Medical Ethics]

:: 5 Works Cited 2108 words

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Embryonic Stem Cell Research – Research on stem embryonic stem cells We live in a world where genetic sciences have gone beyond laws, and past the imagination. We have come to a point where we don’t know anymore what is right, and what is wrong. We have to decide. In fact, studies are made on embryonic stem cells that for now have the purpose to better our overall health. These stem cells are extracted from extra IVF embryos; they are used and destroyed. While it’s true that this research could cure serious illnesses as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and orphan diseases for example; however, it’s also true that ending a potential life is immoral and illegal…. [tags: Ethics ] 709 words

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Embryonic Stem Cell Research – Embryonic stem cells carry definitive traits that can treat diseases, and furthermore potentially carry the capacity to save lives. They provide an array of medical benefits, and consequently are moral to use for treatment and research. They can be used to cure diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, traumatic spinal cord injury, Duchene’s muscular dystrophy, heart disease, and even vision and hearing loss (Bethesda). Also, embryonic stem cells can be used in diverse ways to inform our understanding of human development and disease, formulate new therapies, and screen for new therapeutic compounds (Shevde)…. [tags: Medical Ethics]

:: 11 Works Cited 2272 words

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Benefits of Stem Cell Research – Take a minute to imagine a world where some of the injuries and diseases once thought to be life threatening or altering could be could be cured. Diseases including lupus, Lou Gehrig’s disease, arthritis and countless others could very well be treatable. Many would consider a treatment like this to be considered a miracle, but miracle treatment is this, which can help numerous people with their pain and help alter the dismal quality of life that countless others are facing but, yet is denounced as an act against God…. [tags: Scientific Research ]

:: 14 Works Cited 2513 words

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Stem Cell Doping – The term “doping” is often used to describe an athlete that is using performance enhancing drugs to have an edge over the competition. Primarily banned due to the countless side-effects that outweigh their purpose, performance enhancing drugs are foreign chemicals that change the way the body operates naturally. Stem Cell medicine however, has become a controversial topic in the world of sports medicine because it is the first method that does not introduce foreign material to the body, and it also does not change the way the body functions naturally…. [tags: Drugs ]

:: 6 Works Cited 930 words

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Stem Cell Research – “If mending a broken heart is said to be a particularly difficult mission, then why don’t we just grow a new one instead.” Scientists in the United States have recently successfully formed a fully functioning heart with the help of a couple of miracle cells known as stem cells, an act which has been thought of as imaginary, turned out to be within our reach. Mankind now possesses the cure to approximately 58 million people with various cardiovascular diseases, and that’s only one of the numerous astonishing gifts that stem cells have yet to offer…. [tags: Medical Research]

:: 4 Works Cited 999 words

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Miracles and Tragedies with Stem Cell Treatment – Miracles and Tragedies with Stem Cell Treatment Abstract: This research paper will discuss about some life impacting cases from various sicknesses using stem cell treatments. It will cover a case in which have given people another chance to live a normal life. In one of the cases, the stem cell treatment has been able to cure a fatal genetic disease called RDEB for two young brothers. The second will show that after autologous stem cell transplantation a woman had died two days after. A stem cell is a cell that can go on to become, basically, a different cell…. [tags: Medicine Stem Cells]

:: 3 Sources Cited 1159 words

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Stem Cell Research: An Ethical Interpretation – A disturbing number of human lives are cut short by terminal illnesses and injuries out of doctors’ control. Imagine if the world did not have to fear these dreadful curses. Imagine if the solution to these sicknesses was inside the very people they torment. Stem cell research is undeniably a heated topic in today’s world. Supporters claim it is saving lives, however, from the opposition, it is viewed as murderous. Both sides present a strong argument and have respectable pros and cons. Despite the opposing side’s argument, it is in the United States’ best interest to invest tax money into stem cell research because it has already proved successful in advancing out nation scientifically, saving human lives, and can be researched ethically…. [tags: Medical Ethics ]

:: 14 Works Cited 1943 words

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Advantages of Adult Stem Cell Therapy – The advancement of biomedical research has improved stem cell therapies immensely. There is a lot of unnecessary debate about the advantages and disadvantages of adult stem cell therapy versus embryonic stem cell therapy, which could be avoided if people were more knowledgeable of both therapies. Adult stem cell therapy is far superior to embryonic stem cell therapy because it avoids ethical concerns, the patients can use their own cells, and adult stem cells can be transformed into a pluripotent stage…. [tags: Medical Research]

:: 7 Works Cited 1504 words

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Legalities Regarding Stem Cell Research – “…Stem cells are unique because they are undifferentiated, meaning that given the right conditions they are capable of developing into any type of cell” (Lee, 2011, Stem cell basics, para. 2). Because stem cells are not initially indicated to be any specific cell, one can see stem cells as the foundation of each tissue within the human body. Stem cells exhibit numerous potential benefits for a variety of complications due to the cell’s diverse range of possible transformations. Stem cells derived from human embryos are known as embryonic stem cells…. [tags: Medical Ethics]

:: 9 Works Cited 2007 words

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Stem Cell Research: The Political Front – Stem cells have the capability of forming any body tissue or even an entire organism, they are “master cells that can grow into virtually any sort of cell in the human body” (Edwards, Wattenberg & Lineberry, 2009, p. 605). Stem cells are also repair cells, they work to maintain and regenerate cells in organs and tissues that are lost through damage, disease or normal wear and tear. Stem cell research began in the 1950s when researchers “discovered that the bone marrow contains at least two kinds of stem cells” (The National Institutes of Health [NIH], 2010)…. [tags: Ethics ]

:: 7 Works Cited 1813 words

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Support Embryonic Stem Cell Research – President Obama acted appropriately when he signed legislation to reverse the ban restricting use of use of embryonic stem cells for research. The benefits of embryonic stem cell research for the advance of medicine are far greater than moral and ethical concerns raised by many. Using unwanted embryos in the blastocyst stage for research enables scientists to perform valuable studies that could ultimately result in the development of a cure for many ailments that plaque us or our loved ones. Embryonic stem cell research has shown to offer monumental therapeutic potential for repairing damaged organs…. [tags: Medical Research]

:: 3 Works Cited 1437 words

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Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research – When does life begin. This four-word sentence has vexed scientists and ethicists for years. Does life begin the moment the egg is formed or the moment that egg is fertilized and becomes an embryo. Does it begin days later when the cells within that embryo begin communicating with each other and deciding which will be the hair, the heart, the brain, the eyes, and so forth. Does life begin 40 days after conception, as some religions believe this is the moment a soul is breathed into the embryo (Peters, Lebacqz and Bennett, 2008)…. [tags: Biology, Scientific Research] 2095 words

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Genetic Technology: Stem Cell Research – As we developed in genetic technology in the recent decades, we have opened the opportunities to do what was practically impossible in the past. The development of genetic engineering and stem cell research were a pivotal point in medicine history as they revolutionized & changed the techniques we use to handle various diseases. Genetic engineering and stem cell research both opened the possibilities for treatments & aid from what ranged from feasible daily-life aspects, like food and crops, to more serious diseases & injuries, like diabetes and spinal cord injury…. [tags: Medical Research]

:: 8 Works Cited 1176 words

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An Argument in Favor of Stem Cell Research – Abortion, gay marriage, and illegal immigration are all hot button topics currently being faced by Americans. As ardently as each side defends their stance on a controversial issue, an opposing side fights with equal diligence for the beliefs they feel should be valued by our nation. Perhaps nowhere is this battle more heated than in the fight over stem cell research. While supporters of this new field of science tout it’s potential to cure everything from blindness to paralysis, those against stem cell science liken the procedures used by scientists to murder…. [tags: argumentative, medicine, abortion, embryo] 1497 words

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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Stem Cell Research – For the past few years, there has been a continuous controversy regarding the bioethical issues of stem cells and the pros/cons of its research. In order to understand the clash of opposing opinions on stem cells, it is important to know the root of stem cells, as well as their functions and scientific findings. “Stem Cells are very essential to develop organisms. They are non-specialized cells which have the potential to create other types of specific cells, such as blood, brain, tissue or muscle cells” (Experiment Resources, 2008)…. [tags: Medical Ethics]

:: 6 Works Cited 1192 words

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Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research – Stem Cells are the centre point for all growth and development. The centre point of life. Without them, there would not be humans, animals or even germs. Thanks to them, we can modify and enhance the human body when in its foetal form. The fear that a child will be born with hereditary disease, mutations and disabilities haunts the dreams of people today more than ever. But what if we could guarantee our children could be born disease free and disability free. What if we could remove the gene that would give our children haemophilia…. [tags: Scientific Research ]

:: 4 Works Cited 1260 words

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Finding a Cure: Stem Cell Research – “Cancer is a disease that will come after you, your family, your work, and every facet of your life.” It is the second leading cause of deaths in the United States, and is directly associated to obesity. In fact, one out of every three woman, and half of men, will develop cancer in their lifetimes. Cancer attacks health, attitude, and confidence with array of chemicals, tests, treatments, and paperwork. In many cases it will come back, even stronger and terrifying. Since cancer is such an immense deal, and a lot of people are dying from it, then let’s find a cure for it (Dennis)…. [tags: Disease]

:: 5 Works Cited 1325 words

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Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research – One of the most controversial topics in the media today is the question of the morality of research on human embryonic stem cells. According to a Gallup poll taken in May of 2010, 59% of Americans believed medical research using stem cells obtained from humans was morally acceptable, where 32% believed it was morally wrong. (Saad) This will always be a difficult issue for me to take sides on. There are so many arguments for and against and so many ethical theories that support and oppose it. I am going to try to touch on a few of these theories and how they apply to the research done on human embryonic stem cells…. [tags: Medical Ethics ]

:: 5 Works Cited 1032 words

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Stephen Napier on Stem Cell Research – The dispute which is being analyzed in this paper is one of mass debate today. The argument is on whether or not embryonic stem cells should be used to come up with forms of treatment for degenerative diseases such as: Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and Diabetes. The author of this paper is Stephen Napier he is in association with the Bioethics center in Philadelphia, PA. The article was published in the Journal of Medicine and Philosophy in 2009. In this article Mr. Napier reviews past arguments on the current debate and provides the reader with his stance against the use of Stem cells as a form of research and furthermore he argues the stance on vulnerability of a fetus and if it has moral values equal to an adult person…. [tags: Medical Ethics]

:: 1 Works Cited 935 words

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stem cell research – Stem cell research is one of the greatest debate topics of the 21st century. Stem cells are a powerful tool in the fight to save lives. But with so many ethical issues surrounding stem cell research I am in fear that we may loose a powerful asset. In the debate you are about to see myself and a few of my fellow group members are debating on the Con side of stem cell research. But this not a true depiction of our thoughts on Stem cell research. The debate would be lopsided with 9 people on the pro side and zero on the con side…. [tags: essays research papers] 558 words

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Embryo and Stem Cell Research – Embryo and Stem Cell Research Thesis: While embryo and stem cell research may one day provide treatments for many diseases; including Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, paralysis and cancer, ethical consideration must be addressed in order for scientist to utilize human embryos for medical research. I. Introduction Stem cell research has shown a great promise and advance in its technique since 1998 when human pluripotent stem cells were isolated for the first time. Since then research on stem cells has received much public attention both because of their extraordinary potential in curing devastating diseases and because of relevant legal and ethical issues…. [tags: Diseases Science Papers]

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