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Original Definition of Art – My definition of art is imagination and passion expressed by creating a visual feature. I consider art to be a figurative of the imagination because everything starts with thought. People create life by thinking of ways to develop; this then creates art. It is as simple as watching a child draw a picture. I can recall imagining a picture in my head and expressing my thoughts on paper. The drawing did not come out as I imagined but it took me to a place and every time I saw the picture I thought about the vision I had created in my head…. [tags: Art, Definition]

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Definition of Citizen – Definition of Citizen The context in which words are used may change in everyday conversation, but ultimately the foundation of the definition remains constant. The number one definition generally changes due to advancement in society. Consider the word “citizen.” The meaning of the word citizen has changed since 1913, but the definition that is used today was also used back then. There are some commonalities between The Webster Dictionary, published in 1913 and The Oxford English Dictionary, as well as, The American Heritage College Dictionary…. [tags: Definition Essays]

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The Definition of Independence – Some people say that the definition of independence is a complex word and idea to try to define. In al truth independence is a perplexing word to try to define. This is because everybody has their own speculations of what independence is. Very infrequently are their two people that have the same perception of what the definition of independence is. What I perceive the definition of independence is the absolute freedom to do what you want, and to not be held back by any rules or laws of government or man, but by the rules and laws of nature and your own self concise…. [tags: Definition Essays] 766 words

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The Definition of Literature – The Definition of Literature Literature has many meanings but to me when I hear the word literature I think of large tomes of words and stories that have become classics over time however this is only one definition of literature. Literature comes from that Latin word littera, that directly translated means letter, thus supporting the idea that literature is written. This view however leaves out the idea that there can be oral literature as well from which many of our stories and books come from…. [tags: Definition Essays] 394 words

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The Definition of Private – The Definition of Private Anyone who has ever received one of those pesky telemarketer phone calls during dinner most likely understands the idea of a private phone number. No one likes to have their phone line invaded by paid phone operators who just want your money. Working long and hard on a group presentation regarding technology threatening/improving privacy, one can realize that the word private has several different connotations and meanings. Yet, when generally facing the word, it usually means the opposite of public…. [tags: Definition Essays]

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The Definition of a Hero – The Definition of a Hero When I think of a hero I immediately think of someone who is strong, intelligent, handsome, and daring. Upon closer examination, many different qualities than these become apparent. Courage, honesty, bravery, selflessness, and the will to try are just a few of the overlooked qualities of a hero. The definition of heroism changes with the context and time. Heroes of the past are not necessarily heroes of present time and vise versa. A person can be a hero for saving the life of one or of millions…. [tags: Definition Essay] 562 words

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Definition Essay – The Evolved Definition of Community – Definition Essay- The Evolved Definition of Community The definition provided in The American College Dictionary from 1964 says “a group of men or women leading a common life according to a rule.” I never really viewed community in this manner. Many of us think of the word “community” as a group of people who live near each other. We forget that a community is actually just a group of people with common interests or characteristics who often happen to live near each other. Communities can be bound by race, religion, economic standings, political standings, and most commonly, location…. [tags: Definition Essays]

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The Definition of Success – The Definition of Success ‘One has achieved success who has lived well and laughed often.'; This quote seems to sum up what is meant by success. If you are able to laugh often and much then you have definitely achieved happiness. The idea of living well, though, is a very broad statement. In order, then, to define success in relation to this statement, we must first define what it means to live well. There are three levels of success, in my opinion: societal success, personal success, and academic or professional success…. [tags: Definition Essays] 926 words

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Marketing Definition – Introduction In this paper I will define marketing in my own words and also research what the definition is using two different sources. While supporting my answers with three examples from the business world, I will show the importance of marketing. Marketing applies to many different areas of an organization and after close review I will make it clear on how it relates. Personal Definition Marketing is how a company or organization promotes the service or product the company uses to create revenue…. [tags: Research Paper Marketing Definition] 938 words

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The Definition of Courage – The Definition of Courage The current dictionary definitions of courage are inadequate because they only include references to physical courage and omit instances of inner strength. Three contemporary dictionaries agree closely on the definition although they differ in the order of importance. Webster’s New World Dictionary describes courage as “an attitude of facing and dealing with anything recognized as dangerous, difficult or painful, instead of withdrawing from it,” and The American Heritage Dictionary gives a similar explanation. While The Shorter Oxford Dictionary concurs with this meaning, it states that the primary definition is “spirit, mind, or disposition.” Courage is not just found in the veteran soldier who can display shiny medals or in the policeman who bravely risks his life for justice as portrayed on television or in films. Suicide is the antithesis of courage. It is not an elementary school boy who agrees to fight, but he who can stand up against it. A six year old girl who ventures out on her bicycle for the first time displays as much courage as a young man who witnesses a murder and volunteers to testify in court…. [tags: Expository Definition Essays ]

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The Definition of Success – “Success entails having a positive outlook and good work ethic to help you pursue your dreams and goals throughout your entire life. Success is achieving intellectual growth for your own personal enrichment. Success is making the best of the opportunities that are presented to us in order to do good things for ourselves and for those around us.” – Aarron Hedlock – What is success and how can you achieve it. I’d like to to propose a new definition of success that isn’t about landing a job; it’s about believing that the job you will do is the job you should be doing…. [tags: Definition Essays 2014] 450 words

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The Definition of Friendship – “Friendship” is defined in Webster’s Dictionary as, the state of being friends, or a friendly feeling. Friends, on the other hand, are defined as people whom one knows well and is fond of. The second definition states a friend as an ally, supporter, or sympathizer. My personal definition of “friendship” is a feeling or emotion expressed in such a way that another feels wanted and important, a relationship between a person or persons where everyone has some companion to talk to when their in need of one…. [tags: Definition Essays Friendship Essay] 672 words

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The Definition of Success – “Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.” – Swami Vivekananda — What is success. How can I come successful. There’s a library’s worth of self-help books on how to become successful. Yet, at the end of the day, each of us decides our own personal definition of success. How will we balance security and adventure, challenge and safety, mastery versus risk-taking?. Learning expert Dawna Markova’s words are simple yet profound: “Each of us is here to give something that only we can offer, and when we avoid knowing ourselves, we end up living numb, passionless lives, disconnected from our soul’s true purpose.” How do we figure out that true purpose…. [tags: Definition Essays 2014] 400 words

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The Definition of Power – The Definition of Power Power is many things. It is the ability to control people in their sayings and/or actions. It is the ability to get whatever you want. Power is a necessary component in any society, otherwise all pandemonium would break loose; leaders must be established. But, when taken to an extreme, power is not good, and pandemonium will break loose. As Lord Acton said, “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” A good example of this is Adolph Hitler in Nazi Germany…. [tags: Definition Essays Power Authority] 640 words

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A Definition of a Friend – A Definition of a Friend Friendship is not simply a “relationship”, knowing someone, conversing with that person, or dealing with that person in business, school, or in casual acquaintance. True friendship is not just a “relationship”, but self-sacrificing love. A friend is also one who supports, sympathizes, and is a person in whom you can confide. There are unique qualities that a person must have to be considered a friend. An acquaintance is not automatically considered a friend. Just because you know someone does not mean there is an instant friendship.This does not mean that an acquaintance cannot change into a valued friendship…. [tags: Definition Friends Friendship Essays] 645 words

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Definition of Irony – Definition of Irony Irony is a word that has been around in my life since I was six years old. I remember it exactly, the day that the word entered my vocabulary. My mom and I were driving to my grandma’s house and I was reading a “Calvin and Hobbes” comic from the paper earlier that morning. Calvin had been saving a snowball in the freezer for 4 months and was going to use it. He snuck up on his nemesis, Suzy, and threw it as hard as he could, and missed. He goes into hysterics, wondering how he could have missed that perfect shot, while, at the same time Suzy is scooping up the pile of snow lying in front of her…. [tags: Irony Definition Essays] 656 words

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The Definition of Success – The Definition of Success What is success. Is it the process of doing a task and receiving a positive result acceptable amongst the community, or is it simply achieving ones own personal goals. Success to me can mean many things. Although I am successful in school, that does not necessarily mean I will lead a successful life. According to The American Heritage Dictionary success is, “the achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted.” Even over the course of history, the meaning of the word has not really changed…. [tags: Definition Essays Defining Papers] 795 words

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Leadership Definition – Leadership Definition There are lots of definitions and interpretations for the term LEADERSHIP. One is “A relationship through which one person influences the behaviour or actions of other people” (Mullins, L.J. 2002, Management and Organisational Behaviour, 6th Edition, FT Publishing, p904). Another popular definition would be, “the process of influencing an organization or groups within an organization in its efforts towards achieving a goal” (Johnson, Scholes & Whittington, 2005, Exploring Corporate Strategy, 7th Edition, FT Prentice Hall, p.519) Leadership Theories on Behaviour To me, leaders are constantly surrounding us…. [tags: Definition Leader Leading Leadership Essays]

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The Definition of Love – The Definition of Love Love by definition is an emotion explored in philosophy, religion, and literature, often as either romantic love, the fraternal love of others, or the love of God based on the definition found in The Encarta Encyclopedia. As I explored the definition by means of the Internet, books, and articles I noticed the definitions changed quite a bit, but yet had the same basic understanding. The definition I found in The Encarta Encyclopedia was probably the most simple and most basic…. [tags: Definition Essays Love Godly Romantic Essays] 1038 words

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Definition Essay – The Word ‘Private’ – Definition Essay – The Word ‘Private’ Private is a word with a multitude of meanings, some known and others not so known. When searched for in a dictionary, it can be found that the definitions don’t vary much between the three dictionaries, although the dictionary from 1913 had a few dissimilar terms. The word private was looked up in Webster Dictionary from 1913, The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition, and the Oxford English Dictionary: Second Edition. Many people think of private as meaning something in solitude, or secretive…. [tags: Definition Essays]

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Defining Freedom – Definition By Experience – Defining Freedom – Definition By Experience “Freedom” is a very difficult term to define with a short, simple statement. It is loaded with so much meaning because every person has a different set of personal experiences and ideas that can apply to their own concept of what experiencing freedom is all about. In defining freedom, it is best to start with a wide array of different ideas and put them together to create one major explanation that encompasses all the ideas. The Oxford English Dictionary offers several short definitions that can be used to build one ultimate definition…. [tags: Definition Essays] 1187 words

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Definition Essay – Defining Service – Definition Essay- Defining Service Being raised in a Christian faith and family, you’re likely to hear the word “service” quite a bit. Not ever truly being interested in the denotation of this word, I always referred to the church holding services, in which were usually, programs that contain dedicated members of the church. Oxford American Dictionary says describes it as “a meeting of a congregation for worship of God, a religious ceremony. Religion being such a sensitive issue for many people, and because there are so many opinions concerning it out there, connotations for words frequently used in it are not widely talked about…. [tags: Definition Essays]

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Definition Essay – Defining Community – Definition Essay – Defining Community How would someone define the word community? A community could be anything. If one were to listen to an everyday conservation, the word community, would probably be used very little. The word community has multiple meanings, ranging from communist or socialistic society (Emerson) to the quality of appertaining to or being held by all in common (Oxford). Due to the many meanings of the word community, people have learned to substitute community for other words. Most of the definitions are common has in a society linked by common interests but, would you really say a buffalo community? Of course not, you would say a herd of buffalo. Unfortunately, community is really only used if someone were to be talking about where people live. Even the meanings of community don’t announce themselves when people use the word. Working with a service agency (YouVote), community is used quite a bit. We worked a lot with the community of Michigan Sate University. Would Michigan State University students all have common interests? We all have the common interest to come here but, not common degrees, or classes. If it’s different at MSU would it be different everywhere else…. [tags: Definition Essays]

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Definition Essay – Genre – Definition Essay – Genre “Genre,” in the most generic definition, takes the meaning “kind; sort; style” (OED). Prior to the term’s inception, the notion of genre in the study of media emerged in The Poetics, with Aristotle’s discussion of the mode or manner of imitation in poetry. Of this Aristotle writes, “the medium being the same, and the objects [of imitation] the same, the poet may imitate by narration – in which case he can either take another personality as Homer does, or speak in his own person, unchanged – or he may present all his characters as living and moving before us” (Aristotle, 53)…. [tags: Definition Essay]

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Definition Essay – The Meaning of Private – Definition Essay – The Meaning of Private Freedom and confinement, contradictory as they seem, are both integrated into the description of what it means to be private. The meaning of private is even further dual in nature when interpreted personally or in community contexts. On a smaller scale, individual people classify private as an expected amenity, intended to be a confined to oneself. On the other hand, communities perceive private as the quality of being independent or free from any public organization or institution. In reference to dictionary definition, there is a dual understanding and common usage of the word private, each derived from the context in which it is used, either individual or communal…. [tags: Definition Essays]

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My Definition of Freedom – The constitution of the United States of America gives me the right to freedom because I am a United States citizen. I consider “freedom” to be my right to express myself in any way I choose. Freedom is defined as “having liberty of action or thought, independent”. “Self-governed or not controlled by an outside party” is another definition of freedom. Freedom has a different meaning to each individual thus making it hard to find a clear concise definition…. [tags: Definition Essays] 666 words

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Definition Essay – Does Art Defy Definition – Definition Essay – Does Art Defy Definition. According to Webster’s Dictionary, art is “human expression of objects by painting, etc” (10). The words “human experience” adds meaning to art. Artists reveal their inner thoughts and feelings through their work. When we study a painting by Salvador Dali, the strange objects and the surrealist background portrays the eccentricity of the painter. Some ideas cannot be explained verbally. They can only be shown via a medium. We can get across what is in our minds or our hearts by a stroke of a brush, a drop of paint, a row of words, or something else…. [tags: Expository Definition Essays] 457 words

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Definition Essay – What is Art? – Definition Essay – What is Art. There are few questions quite as esoteric or as futilely subjective as the philosopher’s “What is…?” Yet posing and answering this question in reference to the identity of art is critical to further discussions of our subject matter in this course. There is no way for us to discuss art until we have a working definition of what art is; we can’t adequately use the term until we’ve defined it. To this end, I would like to submit this as a working definition: “Art is anything created for the purpose of communicating the sensations of emotional response to, or creating emotional response in, those who experience it.” There are three advantages to this sort of a definition for art…. [tags: Expository Definition Essays] 579 words

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Definition Essay – Defining the Word Private – Definition Essay – Defining the Word Private As time progresses, so does the English language. We use many words out of context. But depending on the person, time, and maybe the location a new meaning may be adopted for any word. As well as actual definitions of words. Since 1913, when The Merriam- Webster dictionary was published, the meaning of the word private has changed, but not drastically. Since the earliest publication of the three dictionaries, the use of private and its context has not changed much. There are not many different ways the word private can be used that would not be different from when the word was first published in dictionaries. Everyday conversations that include “private” have not evolved into anything major or unfamiliar …. [tags: Definition Essays]

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Definition Essay – The Many Meanings of Community – Definition Essay – The Many Meanings of Community Community is a common tool of the English language to categorize people and put unique individuals into a single group. However, what is the real meaning of community? Community can be used as a noun or an adjective and it has a plethora of meanings in the dictionary. The Oxford English Dictionary defined the word community in two pages worth of different meanings. The earlier definitions (from the 17th century) defined community as “the quality of appertaining to or being held by all in common; joint or common ownership, tenure, liability” and a “common character, quality in common, commonness, agreement, identity.” Then in the later definitions (used in later times like in the 18th and 19th centuries) community was defined as “life in association with others; society, the social state.” (The Oxford English Dictionary) It is interesting to see that community goes from meaning a common interest or defining characteristics to living in the same society with other people that could have no common interests or defining characteristics. It seems that the word was used in much broader terms as time passed, and lost some of its original meaning. In looking through the dictionary there are always the common definitions that would be expected, but there are also the definitions from left field that are so odd and unforeseen. Some of the unforeseen definitions found in the dictionary were “a religious society, a monastic body” and “a common prostitute” (Chamber’s Twentieth Century Dictionary). It is hard to find an example in modern English that uses the word community as meaning a common prostitute on the street. Another odd definition was “a group of gregarious animals spec…. [tags: Definition Essays]

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My Definition of Success – Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it. – Bruce Lee – What is success. Society is always striving for a definition to define it and how others can and have achieved it. This paper will illustrate the definition of success, what makes society success or not success, and what my personal definition of success is. This will show how twisted and materialistic people can really be in today’s world. In the dictionary.com definition success is the achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted…. [tags: Definition Essays 2014]

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Definition Essay – Defining Professionalism – Defining Professionalism Academics believe that professional occupations are those that are full-time occupations, have a commitment to a calling, have formalized organization, are based on specialized education of exceptional duration and difficulty, exhibit a service orientation, and are autonomous. Students feel that a professional is anyone who acts in a professional way and has creditable knowledge of their field. The two are vying for increased recognition in the elite group known as professionals…. [tags: Expository Definition Essays] 814 words

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My Definition of Success – Success is defined differently by every person. I believe that Emerson’s poem “What is Success?” accurately embodies my definition of success. To me success is not about how much money a person makes, the type of car he or she drives, or even the type of dwelling in which he or she lives. Success is changing just one person’s life for the better. In my opinion, the greatest achievement is positively influencing one person. Yes, just one person who is positively influenced is success for me. I believe that every person has at one time or another looked up to someone else for guidance, direction, and encouragement…. [tags: Definition Essays 2014] 312 words

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My Definition of Success – Do you know someone rich and famous. Is that person confident, popular, and joyful all of the time—the epitome of mainstream success. Or, on the other hand, is the person stressed, having second thoughts about his life choices, and unsure about the meaning of his life. I am willing to bet that it is the second one. Mainstream marketing and media have effectively brainwashed our society into accepting a false, even potentially dangerous definition of success. Marketers want us to believe that having lots of money, living in a big house, and owning all of the latest cars, fashions, and technology is the key to happiness, and hence, success…. [tags: Definition Essays 2014]

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Definition Essay – Art and Excellence – Definition Essay – Art and Excellence Art is why I get up in the morning, but my definition ends there, ya know, it doesn’t seem fair that I’m living for something I can’t even define, and there you are right there in the meantime. –Ani DiFranco, “Out of Habit,” Living in Clip Art seems to be such an all-encompassing word it defies definition. The artist Ani DiFranco blatantly says in her music that she cannot define art although it is intimately and passionately tied into her life and interpersonal relationships…. [tags: Expository Definition Essays] 991 words

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Definition Essay – Defining Freedom – Definition Essay – Defining Freedom Is it possible to define freedom. To define freedom is more than a difficult task, but perhaps easier than one might imagine if not overanalyzed. Given ample time to consider the task, however, a simple, sufficient definition can present itself: freedom is the ability to choose, for any creature living life in any place in any time. There is no greater truth to the statement, and no underlying meanings; freedom is simply the ability to choose. So one might ask, “If this ability to choose applies to all creatures in all places in all times, why can freedom only be defined in the context of the specific creature whose definition of freedom is concerned?” That is simple…. [tags: Expository Definition Essays] 714 words

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My Definition of Success – “Success is the peace that comes with knowing your accomplishments have purpose.” – Hutch Putnam – Success is a word that really hard to define, because everyone will have a different definition for this word. In fact, there no exact definition for the word “success”. For a student, maybe the success means to pass all courses of the semester; for a business man, signing a importance contract and get a lot of money are successes; and for a president, leading the country to develop and make the people have a better life are success…. [tags: Definition Essays 2014] 2225 words

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Definition Essay – Defining Art – Definition Essay – Defining Art What is art. Art and perception are deeply interrelated, since our ability to experience and comprehend artistic works is strongly biased by our own perceptions. Accordingly, any definition of art should emphasize the importance of perception in creating and experiencing art. Yet, each person has his or her own opinion of every artistic work, biased by his or her own perceptions, causing each person to define art as a whole in his or her own subjective manner. Hence, in my opinion it is impossible to create an objective definition of art, if art is something that each person perceives and experiences in a wholly subjective manner…. [tags: Expository Definition Essays] 503 words

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Definition Essay- The Evolved Meaning of Private – Definition Essay- The Evolved Meaning of Private The word private has changed very much over the past 600 years. When the word first originated it had a few concise meanings. Today, the word private has plenty of definitions, some of which many people do not know. For instance, it is interesting to learn that private means “apart from the state” or “a person not receiving treatment under the National Health Service or any similar state scheme” (Landau). Spending time looking through dictionaries helps to gain a much better understanding of a word many think they know very well…. [tags: Definition Essays]

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A Simple Definition of Art – A Simple Definition of Art Art can be defined in many ways by an individual. One can say that any creative output by a person is considered art. Others contend that art must conform to a societal standard and the basis of the creation should be understood by most intellectual people. For example, some contend that computer-generated images, such as fractals, are not art due to the large role played by a computer. E.O. Wilson states “the exclusive role of the arts is to intensify aesthetic and emotional response…. [tags: Expository Definition Essays] 612 words

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Definition Essay – Art is Anything – Definition Essay – Art is Anything Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary[1][1] defines art as “the conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects; also, works so produced.” This definition is inclusive of most forms of art. Unfortunately, art goes far beyond this limiting sentence. Art can be thoughts, aesthetic creations, musical compositions, or choreography. Art can be seen, heard, and/or felt. Art is concrete and abstract, at the same time…. [tags: Expository Definition Essays] 455 words

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My Definition of Success – Everyone has his or her own definition of success. I personally feel that success is the self satisfaction of achieving the goals we have set in our lives. In order to accomplish these goals, the individual struggles very hard and makes many sacrifices along the way. I am fortunate to have two people in my family whom I consider are perfect examples of success. The first person is my aunt. Her name is Dr. Julia Garcia. She’s the person that I admire the most. She comes from a hardworking middle class family…. [tags: Definition Essays 2014] 620 words

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Definition Essay – Art as Communication – Definition Essay – Art as Communication From the dawn of humanity, mankind has made and been fascinated by a strange and unique concept: the idea of art. This phenomenon has no immediate, practical use; it feeds no mouths and protects no young. Yet even in the most primitive cave-dwellings of 30,000 years ago, we have evidence of artwork. Though these cave drawings may be completely different from the naturalistic masterpieces of the Renaissance, and those still very unlike the abstract images of today, all fit into the broad genre of art called painting…. [tags: Expository Definition Essays] 592 words

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My Definition of Success – My definition of success has changed a lot since I have come to USC. In high school, success was solely defined by my academic and extracurricular achievement. I measured my success based on how many A’s I got, how high my SAT scores were, how many clubs I was involved in, and how many leadership roles I took on. Today, I measure my success solely based on my learning experiences and opportunities. What did I learn from that experience that will help me in the future. In high school, my goal was to get into a great college…. [tags: Definition Essays 2014] 250 words

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Definition Essay – Defining God – Definition Essay – Defining God The concept of God can be a difficult one to grasp especially in today’s world – a world in which anyone that believes in God is trying to define exactly what God is. To even attempt to grasp such a concept, one must first recognize his own beliefs in respect to the following questions: Is God our creator. Is God omnipotent (all-powerful) or omniscient (all-knowing) or both. Does God care. Is God with us. Does God interfere with life on earth. These questions should be asked and carefully answered if one should truly wish to identify his specific beliefs in God’s existence and persistence…. [tags: Expository Definition Essays] 396 words

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My Definition of Success – What is success. To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest crtics and endure the betrayl of flase friends; To appreciate beauty; To find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived; This is to have succeeded. — Ralph Waldo Emerson — Success…. [tags: Definition Essays 2014] 720 words

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Free Software – the Definition – Free Software – the Definition Free in Free Software is referring to freedom, not price. Having been used in this meaning since the 80s, the first documented complete definition appears to be the GNU’s Bulletin, vol. 1 no. 6 , published January 1989. In particular, four freedoms define Free Software: [1] The freedom to run the program, for any purpose. Placing restrictions on the use of Free Software, such as time (“30 days trial period’, “license expires January 1st, 2004′), purpose (“permission granted for research and non-commercial use’) or an arbitrary limitation of geographic area (“must not be used in country X’) makes a program non-free…. [tags: Definition Free Software Essays]

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My Definition of Success – As a first-time parent, I think it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of messages first-time fathers hear about what they stand to lose once they become parents. Date nights, pub crawls, frequent restaurant visiting, Man Time and Man Hugs, spare cash for expensive things that nourish our quest for accomplishment. These are the things – among others – that we understand to be our concessions for signing the dotted line and entering into the world of fatherhood. But as a first-time father, I completely underestimated the amount of joy being a dad would bring to me…. [tags: Definition Essays 2014]

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My Definition of Success – What is success. To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest crtics and endure the betrayl of flase friends; To appreciate beauty; To find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived; This is to have succeeded. – Ralph Waldo Emerson — I define success by how much I am able to be of service to others…. [tags: Definition Essays 2014] 520 words

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Definition Essay – Defining Reality – Definition Essay – Defining Reality The distinction that causes the most trouble in philosophy is the distinction between “appearance” and “reality,” between what things seem to be and what they are. The painter wants to know what things seem to be, the practical man and the philosopher want to know what they are. . . . but if reality is not what appears, have we any means of knowing whether there is any reality at all. – Bertrand Russell, The Problems of Philosophy In everyday life people distinguish between the real size of the sun and the size it appears to be, between the natural components of a cloud (a concentration of water droplets) and what the cloud seems to be (some fleecy substance?), and so on…. [tags: Expository Definition Essays] 494 words

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My Definition of Success – “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.” – Albert Einstein — My personal definition would not include “stuff” at all. No one will care (and neither will you) what kind of car your drove or how big your house was when you’re on your deathbed. Your thoughts will not be about your job, the office or how much money you made. Personal success is defined by how content and enjoyable your life is. That is not to say that challenges and disappointments aren’t included in this…. [tags: Definition Essays 2014] 490 words

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My Definition of Success – Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. – Winston Churchill — Success is defined as the favorable termination of attempts or endeavors and the accomplishment of one’s goals. When I hear the word success, I think of my friend and my teacher, Mrs. Regina Kynes. I consider her successful because she has a strong family, a favorable career, and she is the most generous person that I know. Mrs. Kynes is respected and admired by those who see her as successful…. [tags: Definition Essays 2014]

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My Definition of Success – “When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.” ― John Lennon Let’s begin at the beginning. The universe exists. Reality is real on its own terms, as what it is: self-generated space-time. Also, I exist, as a product of and within that space-time. That’s why I needed to learn how to think, in order to control the acts that decide whether I go on living or die, and on what terms…. [tags: Definition Essays 2014] 600 words

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Definition Essay – What is Wisdom? – What is Wisdom. If one asks the majority of people what the word wisdom means, most will answer vaguely that it is the knowledge gained during a lifetime. However, wisdom is much more than just knowledge gained; it signifies the accumulation of knowledge, the application of learning, and the personification of God’s will in the creation of the universe (according to the American Heritage Dictionary, 6th ed.). The abstract nature of the word wisdom allows for broad interpretation of its context…. [tags: Expository Definition Essays] 571 words

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Definition Essay – Different Meanings of Private – Definition Essay – Different Meanings of Private “Property is a central economic institution of any society, and private property is the central institution of a free society.” This was a quote by David Friedman (Friedman). The word dealt with in this essay is ‘private’ and this quote exactly examines one of the prime meanings of private. The main aim of my essay is to explain the different meanings of the word private and to explain the significance and variations of its usage over the past decades…. [tags: Definition Essays]

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Definition Essay – Defining the Soul of Man – Definition Essay – Defining the Soul of Man “Soul” has, historically, always been tied up with morality and religious dogma, and I believe modern neuropsychology and psychobiology has effectively refuted any scientific basis for a “Soul.” To state as fact, “The soul exists,” one must first socratically define Soul. More on this later: Soul, or Consciousness, is, without a doubt, tied up within the billions of curious things called synapses and cells, deep inside the brain. There are cases of people without consciousness, without the all important “I.” Usually this happens through the onset of a coma, or sometimes the hippocampus is damaged…. [tags: Definition Essays] 1237 words

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My Definition of Nursing – I realized I wanted to be a nurse after I had my 2nd ACL surgery, my senior year of high school. I had to stay in the hospital 3 days in order to recover, and I was very lucky to have such a wonderful and caring nurse. She made me feel as if I was her only patient. I will never forget how well I was taken care of and how comfortable she made me feel. I was young and scared, but she was reassuring, because she made me feel as if I had my own mother taking care of me. She was the reason I wanted to become a nurse, because I wanted to make others feel the way she made me feel…. [tags: Definition Nursing Medicine Narrative Essays] 976 words

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Definition of Military Discipline – Definition of Military Discipline Military Discipline is a state of order and obedience existing within a command. It involves the ready subordination of the will of the individual for the good of the group. Military discipline is an extension and specialized application of the discipline demands habitual but reasoned obedience that preserves initiative and functions unfalteringly even in the absence of the commander. Discipline is created within a command by instilling a sense of confidence and responsibility in each individual…. [tags: Definition Disciplines Military Army Essays] 894 words

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Definition Essay – The Many Ways to Define Service – Definition Essay – The Many Ways to Define Service The service will soon end. When one reads the prior sentence what exactly does he see coming to an end? Depending upon one’s hobbies, peers, and cultural status, certain words may take on a sense of ambiguity. The definition as stated in The Oxford English Dictionary, “work done for somebody else as a job,” is seemingly accurate. A possible influencing factor on one’s definition of service could be the SLWP work the entire WRA135 class has contributed to the YouVote website. With the dedicated service to the website, and in turn the viewing community, the student may have come to view the word service as a term describing the help of others…. [tags: Definition Essays]

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Free Definition Essay – The Meaning of Courage – The Meaning of Courage In life there are many terms that are relative to individual cultures. That means that the definition is different depending on the culture’s location and its persons believe. The definition for one such term, courage, as defined by both Daniel Webster and Funk & Wagnalls is “That quality of mind or spirit enabling one to meet danger or difficulties/ opposition with firmness/fearlessness.” The words that make courage a relative term are danger and opposition. The definitions of those words are what determine if a person or an act is considered to be foolhardy, courageous, or cowardice…. [tags: Expository Definition Essays] 661 words

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Definition Essay – The True Meaning of Hegemony – Hegemony – The True Meaning Hegemony was derived from the Greek word “egemonia,” meaning leader or ruler, often in the sense of a state other than his own (Williams 144). Although the base of this definition remains true, the word has evolved to much more. Hegemony is defined by Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought as “Political and economical control exercised by a dominant class, and its success in projecting its own way of seeing the world, human and social relationships as ‘common sense’ and part of the natural order by those who are, in fact, subordinated to it.” Hegemony is defined as a predominant influence or leadership of a dominant class or institution over a subordinate class; the question is are the “subordinates” forced to follow the beliefs, or do they agree with them…. [tags: Expository Definition Essays]

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Definition of Violence – Definition of Violence The inevitable verbal attacks the animal rights movement encounters includes the label “violent,” and labels do matter because they may also give instructions. If for example, John Doe, on trial for murder is labeled guilty, his tag could lead to the end of John Doe. The ‘violence’ label flung at the animal rights movement may be, ironically, the unfortunate result of well meaning, but imprudent error on behalf of animals. Such errors have included, a bomb threat, arson, threats to the families of exploiters, and the alleged cutting of brake lines, a tactic with lethal implications…. [tags: Definitions Violent Violence Essays] 786 words

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The Definition of Success – What is success. How does one succeed in life. A few moments’ thought will convince us that the question is by no means an easy one to answer. We say this, that, or the other man is successful, but what do we mean by it. One man has houses and lands, has a large bank account, drives fast horses and has many apparent friends, such a man is accounted successful. Yet all of these things that minister to his pleasure have been acquired by unremitting labor, by hard, avaricious dealings with his fellow-men, by trampling upon the hearts and affections of thousands; in the face of these facts is the man a successful one…. [tags: Expository Definition Essays 2014] 508 words

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The Definition of Friendship – Friendship is the most wonderful relationship that anyone can have. Ideally a friend is a person who offers love and respect and will never leave or betray us. Friends can tell harsh truths when they must be told. There are four different types of friends: True friends, Convenient friends, Special interest friends, and historical friends. To have friendship is to have comfort. In times of crisis and depression, a friend is there to calm us and to help lift up our spirits. There are many illustrations that show why a friend can be a great comforter…. [tags: Definition Essays Friendship Essay] 869 words

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Definition Essay – Can Love be Defined? – Can Love be Defined. The other day I was babysitting my three-year-old niece, a most conniving little angel. As she sat gawking at my girlfriend’s brother, Matthew, who was eating potato chips, she told me that she loved me “so much.” She had already devoured her potato chips, but she obviously wanted more. Many more expressions of love proceeded to drip from her lips. Finally, the question came; “Reg, can I have some more chips?” At first, I thought this little show of bribery was cute and funny, but then I started to think about the true meaning of love…. [tags: Expository Definition Essays] 1013 words

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Definition of Culture – With a diverse population existing in the United States today, our country is a melting pot of different cultures, each one unique in its own respect. Culture, distinguishing one societal group from another, includes beliefs, behaviors, language, traditions, art, fashion styles, food, religion, politics, and economic systems. Through lifelong and ever changing processes of learning, creativity, and sharing, culture shapes our patterns of behavior and thinking. A culture?s significance is so profound that it touches almost every aspect of who and what we are…. [tags: Papers Definition Cultural Descriptive Essays]

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Definition Essay: Murder – Murder is considered a serious crime in our country. The loosely defined term of murder implies that a person who kills another human being with intent is known as being the worst kind of violent crime we see in our society. Any unlawful killing requires that a living person be killed and it does not mean that the guilty person feels any hatred or spite in order to plan and execute the act of murder. Moreover, the destructive acts that end peoples lives are classified as homicides which include manslaughter and first and second degree murder…. [tags: Definition Essays] 1307 words

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The Definition of Dramaturgy – Dramaturgy is often referred to as being a very ‘slippery’ and indefinable word; though there are standard definitions available for us to find, we cannot seem to comprehend these definitions without exceptions arising. For example, the online Oxford English Dictionary defines dramaturgy as either being a ‘dramatic composition; the dramatic art’ or as ‘dramatic or theatrical acting.’ However, words such as ‘composition’ can be highly vague, leaving itself open to broad interpretations and debates via the scholars of drama and theatre studies…. [tags: Theatre]

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The Definition of Home – A home, many people spent their whole life in search of his or her home. It has many different definitions to different people. To some people it may be their home country, to some it may be where they were born, to some it may be where their family is. home’s most basic trait is its ability to provide shelter from weather. Rain or snow, a house will always be there to shield the elements from the family. In the cold times of the year, the heater will be there to warm the house. The heat of the summer is no problem for a good home…. [tags: Sociology] 659 words

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Definition of Impartial – … C) The thing is impartial. Premise A, Dissected First, “Consistently”. By this, I mean simply that it fits in with other empirical studies, experiments, theories, etc. For example, it was once sensible to conclude that the Earth was flat based on the available evidence (if one didn’t look too far). This was inconsistent with the reality revealed by exploring the cosmos, as well as experiments mapping the lengths of shadows during different parts of the day, etc. Reality is the ultimate arbiter here…. [tags: Subjectivity in Ethics] 740 words

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The Definition of Beauty – Synthesis Essay #2 The definition of beauty is a characteristic of a person, animal, place, object, or idea that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure, meaning, or satisfaction. Beauty has negative and positive influences on mostly people. Beauty is described by the inside and outside of us. Due to beauty, our self-esteem has been hurt dramatically, especially towards girls. Beauty is not always about our outside looks but it’s about our inside personality also. First of all, beauty has negative and positive influences on about everything…. [tags: Beauty]

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The Definition of an American – Final Paper Throughout the course of history the definition of the term “American” has changed repeatedly. The changes in the definition of the term between 1865 and 2011 coincide with political, social and economic trends during any specific time during this period. Originally the term “American” was not an inclusive term and even though the Constitution states that all men are created equal, many “Americans” did not practice what they preached. However, it is a common phrase today that America is a “melting pot” where peoples from many different countries and cultures come to live a better life…. [tags: Race in America] 1322 words

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Definition of Nursing – Nurses have been described as “lacking professional commitment and motivation, low in risk taking and change-making, having a ‘blue-collar mentality,’ being cautious and conservative, and suffering from lack of cohesiveness and collegiality” (Cohen, 1981; Eisenstein, 1982; Hughs, 1982; Hull, 1982; Kalisch & Kalisch, 1977; Kerr, 1982; Lowery-Palmer, 1982; Muff, 1982; Weiss & Remen, 1983 as cited in Chandler, 1986, p.1). With this definition of what a nurse has been professed as, there is a fundamental responsibility to redefine and understand the purpose and characterization of today’s nurse…. [tags: Health Care]

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Definition of Voyeurism – In the United States, our privacy is becoming less and less every day. There are video cameras surrounding us everywhere, the government can track our cell phones, and anyone can see everything we post on the internet. However; the topic I chose, voyeurism, is defined as the sexual interest in or practice of spying on people engaged in intimate behaviors, such as undressing, sexual activity, or other activity usually considered to be of a private nature. The term comes from the French voyeur, “one who looks” and a male voyeur is commonly labeled “Peeping Tom”…. [tags: Psychology, Crime, Sexuality]

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The Definition of Immigration – The definition of immigration has developed to include a profound understanding of migration. Immigration has put an emphasis on the effects of school funding. Evidence suggests that the largest challenge in school funding is the result of increase in migrant children in schools. As a result, as the South Carolina State Superintendent of Instruction a policy must be in place for the anticipated increase of immigrant children. Many South Carolina voters agree that increase immigration has a profound impact on taxpayers…. [tags: Immigration]

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My Definition of Success – In his poem, “What is Success,” Ralph Waldo Emerson gave priceless insight when he wrote: To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded…. [tags: Definition Essays 2014]

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Definition Essay – The Meaning of Love – The Meaning of Love One can love a sister, a brother, a mother, a father, grandparents, uncles and aunts, cousins and friends, strangers, pets, the sunlight on a warm evening, reflecting through a prism, held by fishing line stuck to a little suction cup to a dusty window. You can love food from cake to roast beef, even those tiny individual candy bars that are never enough but just give you a taste of chocolate before you pop in the second one. One is able to love the feeling of carpet between toes or the tension in a hammocks string when you lay in that ‘u’ position swinging delightfully with each motion of your body…. [tags: Expository Definition Essays] 828 words

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Varying Definitions of Community – Varying Definitions of Community Being enrolled here at State University, one is a part of a community, a type of give and take community between both the elite student and knowledgeable professor. The students enroll in this community by choice, and all of them share a common goal of success and wanting to grow and prosper through the community experience. Today’s version of the word community differs from past years and probably from how the word will evolve in the future. In the examining of different dictionaries on the word “community” one can find that the meanings are very similar, yet they also have some slight variations…. [tags: Definition Essays]

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Free Definition Essays – A Baseball Fan – A Baseball Fan What is a baseball fan. The word “fan” is an abbreviation of the word “fanatic,” meaning “insane.” In the case of baseball fans, the term is very appropriate. They behave insanely, they are insane about baseball trivia, and they are insanely loyal. Certainly the behavior of baseball fans is insane. They wear their official team t-shirts and warm-up jackets to the mall, the store, the classroom, and, if they can get away with it, to work. Then, whenever the team offers a giveaway item, the fans rush out to get the roll-up hat, tote bag, or beer cooler offered that day …. [tags: Expository Definition Essays] 470 words

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The Definition Of Marketing – Running Header: Definition of Marketing The Definition of Marketing {Name} {Course Name} {School Name} {Professor’s Name} February 28, 2007 Marketing is a term that is used frequently. Generally, it is thought of as how a company advertises and sells their products or services, but upon reading several sources during the research phase of creating this paper, it was found that there are many more elements involved in marketing. Marketing goes way beyond advertising and selling; it is a focal point of a company that drives the direction the company takes…. [tags: Business Marketing] 1603 words

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