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Women in The Bible – Corinthians 14:34 states, “Let the women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but let them be in subjection, as also saith the law” (Holy Bible, King James Edition). Edith Hamilton, regarded as one of history’s greatest female classists, says that the Bible is the only book before our century that looked to women as human beings, no better nor worse than men (Tanner). However, it cannot be said that this book was consistently favorable to women. Maybe not absolutely, but conditionally in personal opinion, the Bible shows numerous examples of a woman’s inferiority to men, an assessment that has been translated into the cultures of generations…. [tags: The Bible] 986 words

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Love In The Bible – What then is love. Over the years, society has pondered this question only to arrive to different answers. Who then deserves to be love. Some people love only those who are easy to love. Others, love people who they know will reciprocate their love. According Eagle Vision Ministry, there are different kinds of love: Storge love (love of a parent to child), Eros love (physical love), Phileo love (friendship love), and Agape love (God’s love). Agape love is a unique love that has nothing to do with emotional attachments…. [tags: The Bible] 1864 words

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What Is The Bible? – The Bible is the most significant book in the history of civilization. In the context of Jewish history, the Bible’s impact on politics, history, and religion is without comparison. Along with establishing the covenant-based legitimacy of the Jewish people and their history, the Bible’s political impact is exemplified through prophetic politics, the power of kings, and the effects of political authority. Biblical archeology has discovered biblical structures which supports the historical validity of the Bible…. [tags: Religion Bible] 1928 words

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English Translations of the Bible – The efforts for translating the Bible from its original languages, i.e. Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek began many years ago. Its being the reference book for the religion was the main idea which feed up those efforts. Every people wants to understand how he begs and prays to God according to the sacred book. Not only Bible but also many other holy books were translated into another languages. The Bible is the bestseller in many English speaking countries today. The reason for this is especially the US, whose founding base still lies behind religion…. [tags: English Translations of the Bible, Translations, B]

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Love in The Bible – Love in The Bible Everyone always looks at the Bible as a loving book. It is considered God’s Word. It helps us live a better life and serves as a guidebook showing us how to live on the right path. The characters in it are ones to be looked up to. Moses, Noah, Abraham, etc. were all righteous followers of God and set good examples for us even today. However, those who read deeper into the Bible will find more than just the stereotype that I have already explained. The God of the Bible has many moods…. [tags: Religion Bible Religious God Essays] 1124 words

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The view of God from the Bible’s Perspective – The biblical standpoint on the view of God may be summed up in two verses, “The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children’s children, unto the third and to the fourth generation.” (Exodus 34:6-7) This clearly indicates the attributes of God as merciful and just, forgiving and stern…. [tags: Religion, Bible, God] 1134 words

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Murder in the Bible – Murder in the Bible The act of murder is rampant in the Bible. In much of the Bible, especially the Old Testament, there are laws that command that people be killed for absurd reasons such as working on the Sabbath, being gay, cursing your parents, or not being a virgin on your wedding night. In addition to these crazy and immoral laws, there are plenty of examples of God’s irrationality by his direct killing of many people for reasons that defy any rational explanation such as killing children who make fun of bald people, and the killing of a man who tried to keep the ark of God from falling during transport…. [tags: Murder Violence Bible Crime Christianity Essays] 5987 words

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Themes of The Holy Bible and Letter from Birmingham Jail – Themes of The Holy Bible and Letter from Birmingham Jail Arguably, throughout history, the most influential book ever written has been “The Holy Bible.” Whether it is a historical document, a children’s story, a fable, a story of moral lessons, or a multitude of novels; “The Holy Bible” and its themes have been passed down through generations. If one were to look at “The Holy Bible” as a whole then one could say that the themes of the Bible are all about freedom and how one has a responsibility to keep that freedom…. [tags: Bible, Non-violence] 1437 words

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Jesus, Gender and The Holy Bible – Jesus, Gender and The Bible Sunday evening I attended my weekly Ecumenical Christians of Oberlin meeting. This is a group of generally open-minded individuals that get together on Sundays to have dinner and discuss topics related to Christianity. Topics range from “What is the Kingdom of God?” to “Pacifism: Turning the Other Cheek.” Our topic this Sunday was “Women and the Bible.” At first I thought that we might be studying Esther or one of the many Marys – prominent women in the Bible that are always mentioned whenever the subject is brought up…. [tags: Holy Bible Essays] 1299 words

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The Holy Bible is Fact, Not Fiction – The Holy Bible is Fact, Not Fiction The Hebrew word used for “day” is the word yom. Every other time the word is used in the Old Testament in conjunction with a number, a literal, 24-hour period of time is being described; what we know as a day. The word is never used metaphorically in the Bible. The verses most commonly used to say that the word day in Genesis could mean more than a 24 hour period are Psalm 90:4 and 2 Peter 3, which quotes Psalm 90:4. Psalm 90:4 – For a thousand years in Your sight Are like yesterday when it passes by, Or as a watch in the night…. [tags: Holy Bible Essays] 1379 words

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Faith in Kingsolver’s Poisonwood Bible – Faith in Kingsolver’s Poisonwood Bible Throughout the Poisonwood Bible, Kingsolver utilizes the experience of the Congo to enhance and rediscover the faith of three of the Price daughters. At the age of fifteen, Rachel, the Price’s oldest child, reveals her true beliefs of her religion through her petulant remarks of the Congo. During her stay in Africa, Rachel only talks of possessions she left behind. Rachel misses items such as toilet paper and sets of clean clothes. She, however, doesn’t mention the bible in the list of items she longs for…. [tags: Kingsolver Poisonwood Bible] 660 words

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Truth, Belief and The Holy Bible – Truth, Belief and the Bible Order, pattern, method, harmony, and purpose – these are the qualities on which we, humankind, have come to base our existence. We strive to find meaning in all that we do, say, read, write, and live. A story is not just a story; it is a lesson. A thought is not merely a thought, but a revelation. Hardship is not simply misfortune, but an act of God. Truth is considered the result of a divine arrangement – one that is complex and intricate, and finally revealed to us through a glorious realization…. [tags: Holy Bible Essays] 1075 words

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Determining the True Divine Name from the Bible – This issue concerning the divine name has existed for hundreds of years, and there have been a number of Bible translations that have restored the divine name in the Hebrew Scriptures. One such version is the American Standard Version of 1901. However, in recent times this issue has gained even more attention because of a particular Bible translation. The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, translated by the Watchtower organization, has not only restored the divine name to the Hebrew portion of the Bible, but has used the name 237 times in the New Testament…. [tags: bible, religion, theology] 2135 words

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The Holy Bible as a Sustained Allusion – The Bible as a Sustained Allusion The Bible is a sustained allusion throughout the course of East of Eden, paralleling with the eternal story of Cain and Abel. According to the Bible, Cain is the “tiller of the ground” (Genesis 4:2). Caleb Trask, a farmer at heart, made a vast amount of money by selling beans. Upon presenting Adam with his present of fifteen thousand dollars, Adam not only discarded the gift, but caused Cal pain by comparing him to his godly brother, Aron, who graduated high school and started college at an early age…. [tags: Holy Bible Essays] 1495 words

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The Poisonwood Bible as a Catalog of Romanticism – The Poisonwood Bible as a Catalog of Romanticism In The Poisonwood Bible, by Barbara Kingsolver, the romantic standards that are associated with literature during the American Renaissance are evident. This popular novel, a New York Times Bestseller, embodies the concept of Romanticism with its gothic darkness, themes of loss and nostalgia, and a strong captivity narrative. The presence of a wise child and recurring double language are essential to the plot of the story. Nathan Price’s misguided mission to save souls in the Congo is transformed into an evil that invades a type of Paradise and so, the reader realizes immediately that this twisted attempt to Christianize the savages will result in a fall of epic proportions…. [tags: Poisonwood Bible Essays]

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Morality and The Holy Bible – Morality and the Bible Both the legal and salvation philosophies of the Old and New Testaments reflect those of the cultures around them, due to much copying and borrowing of laws and ideas. Furthermore, all societies around the world have similar moral and legal codes — which is certainly not an accident. Interestingly enough, the moral codes of the world’s religions bear a striking resemblance to each other, with only minor variations. Religions as different as Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism all have proscriptions against killing, lying, cheating, stealing, etc…. [tags: Holy Bible Essays] 980 words

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Essay on Evil in The Holy Bible – The Purpose of Evil in the Bible God looked at everything He had made, and it was very good (Genesis 1:31) Five times in Genesis 1, God looks at that which He has created, and pronounces it “good”. Then on the sixth day He creates Man, and says that His creation is now “very good”. God’s pronouncement of His creation, which would be everything around us and includes ourselves, as “very good” is hard to reconcile with that which we see on a daily basis — a reality in which we experience much pain and cruelty from man and nature…. [tags: Holy Bible Essays]

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Role Of Ruth And Esther In The Bible – Torah (the Law) “…means “teaching” or “instruction”…(Harris, 3) for mankind. The Torah includes both the Oral Law and the Written Law. In addition, the Law is an extension of sacred oral tradition, thus broadening the meaning of Torah to designate the entire body of Jewish laws, customs, and ceremonies. Nevi’im( the Prophets) “…consists of narratives relating to Israel’s …” (Harris, 3) history as a nation on its land and a “…collections of oracles” (Harris, 6) . Supporters of God’s covenant do battle against the paganism of neighboring groups and among the Israelites themselves…. [tags: Hebrew Bible Religion Religious] 1327 words

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Everyman and the Bible: Exploring Good Deeds, Faith, and Salvation – God has become angry with his people. He complains in the fifteenth century English play Everyman about humans and their obsession with material items, riches, and wealth. Men and women, he feels, have taken for granted their blessings. God wants to reprimand Everyman for his sinful life and sends Death to summon him. At the beginning of the allegorical work where figures and actions symbolize general truths, a messenger shares God’s concerns. The messenger tells the audience to watch and listen closely to the morality play so they can learn a lesson about life…. [tags: Bible, religion, salvation, ]

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The Use of the Bible in Private and Congregational Worship – The Use of the Bible in Private and Congregational Worship The Bible is a key element in all services in the Christian faith and used for various reasons in the church. The Bible is viewed by Christians as the book of God, and God’s word to be followed by faithful Christians to live their life with help and guidance to be as God would want. Christians keep God in their hearts with regular praying and private worship. In congregational worship, which is a group of people worshipping God together, helping each other to understand the way they ought to live their lives…. [tags: Bible Studies, Religion] 317 words

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Disparity Between Passion Of The Christ And The Bible – “The Passion of the Christ” by Mel Gibson, recounts the last twelve hours of the life of Jesus of Nazareth, portraying his arrest, trial, crucifixion and death. One of the most anticipated and popular religious movies in modern society, it therefore becomes susceptible to criticism. Although the film is based upon the stories within the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, there are many exaggerations and non-biblical elements present in the movie. This is not unexpected, since it is a movie, but the vivid detail of the brutality in the movie as well as the Anti-Semitic theme are the most publicly criticized themes and concepts present in the movie…. [tags: Compare Contrast Movie Bible] 1534 words

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Essay on The Holy Bible – The Authorship of Genesis – The Authorship of Genesis Is the book of Genesis real or fiction. This is an age-old question. There are many thousands of Christians, who believe that Genesis is the absolute word of God. Many of these people believe that Moses wrote the book of Genesis, and believe that God himself told him what to write. Those who believe Moses wrote it really believe that God created the heaven and earth as well as all living things including man. Then there are those who believe Genesis is nothing more than fiction…. [tags: Holy Bible Genesis Essays] 981 words

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Bible In Translation: Changes Due to English Evolution Affect Integrity – Catholic leaders had control of the Holy Bible without many recorded challenges for more than one thousand years, according to several historical documents. Church authorities told church members they could neither read nor interpret the text themselves. The principles clergy taught in church were what churchgoers often believed. Eventually, a high-ranking German monk named Martin Luther challenged church officials in the 16th century and began reading and interpreting the Scriptures. As he studied the Bible, he found many faults in the Catholic Church’s teachings and believed everyone should have an opportunity to read the Bible himself or herself and determine what the Bible meant…. [tags: translation, bible, English,]

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The Bible – The Bible The Bible, the word of God, provides all humankind with the knowledge and the faith they need to receive God’s salvation and be regenerated by God’s life. Reading the Bible also teaches us many things about God, Christianity, Jesus and His Word. In order to understand and appreciate the Bible and Bible Literature, it is important to know the historical context as well as many other factors. This paper will discuss the importance of reading the Bible and how to understand it and use what we read in the Bible and apply it to our everyday life…. [tags: Papers] 442 words

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The Bible – According to the Encarta ® World English Dictionary, the word masterpiece is defined as an “artist’s best work: the best piece of work by a particular artist or craftsperson.” Yet, even with the use of this word, the description of God’s Word the Bible still would not see justice, for it is impossible to manipulate the English language, or any human language for that matter, with the intent of trying to utterly describe its absolute magnificence. Written under divine inspiration, God’s infinite nature is revealed to the human race through this extravagant literary work…. [tags: World Literature] 1003 words

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Bible – If the Bible is indeed the Word of God, perfect and without error, then the issue is settled. Homosexuality is a sin and we must condemn it’s practice. However, if the Bible is the writings of men who were only capable of seeing dimly, as if in a mirror, the way Paul described it, then we have a long way to go before we settle the question. John’s teaching concerning the third person of the trinity, God’s Holy Spirit, has that person leading us into truth, and not a book…even if that book is called “the Holy Bible.” I maintain that the conservative doctrine that the Bible is the express Word of God, perfect and without error, is a heresy…. [tags: essays research papers] 370 words

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The Bible – The Bible In the Holy Bible, teachings guide all types of human beings to a better understanding of life. Many of these verses reach out to man through teachings of human nature and how to create society’s moral values. A personal favorite verse that may reach out to every man and not just those who practice the Judaeo – Christian religions is : ” The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, nor shall the children be put to death for the fathers; every man shall be put to death for his own sin…. [tags: essays research papers] 919 words

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The Holy Bible – Perspectives on the Book of Job – Critical Perspectives on the Book of Job The Book of Job is one of the three books in the Hebrew bible whose genre is described as wisdom literature.1 Certainly the Book of Job satisfies the literary conventions that qualify a biblical book for such status. 2 Yet Job may be associated with wisdom in a much more literal sense. The Book of Job attempts to deal with a problematic question that confronts suffering humanity: why do bad things happen to good people? The variety and vehemence of commentators’ contemporary responses to this chapter of the Bible is testament to the continued relevance of the Book of Job’s wisdom thousands of years after it was written. Although the commentators examined herein arrive at differing and sometimes conflicting conclusions after reading the story of “the holy Arab”3, none are left indifferent…. [tags: Holy Bible Book Job Essays]

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Essay on The Holy Bible – Dionysus and Genisis God – Dionysus and Genisis God Every individual has his/her own view of a divine power. It appears that each different culture looks at its’ higher being in a different way. Texts and myths are used by each culture to explain its god or gods or even goddesses. Genesis, from the Bible, shows the many characteristics of the Christian God, as does Euripides’ The Bacchae of Dionysus. The two separate Gods are shown to illustrate very similar human characteristics; however, they differ by their godly attributes and their effect on how women are viewed in today’s society…. [tags: Holy Bible Genesis Essays] 784 words

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Abraham as the Ideal Man of Faith in The Holy Bible – Abraham as the Ideal Man of Faith The question is frequently asked, “What does it mean to have faith?” “What does it mean to be faithful?” The path to righteousness has always been one paved in good faith, and this is a well-known fact. The ideal man of faith, it can be reasoned, would be the man who was the most suitable spiritual companion for God. This would be someone with whom God could speak with, and fulfill his wishes for human beings there within. God would not simply want a servant, but a friend who would walk through his life with God…. [tags: Holy Bible Essays] 1248 words

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Essay on The Holy Bible – The Cruel God of Genesis – The Cruel God of Genesis This essay will propose and support the thesis that God carries the blame for the expulsion of man from the Garden of Eden and resulting downfall of mankind. Genesis has always been the cause of heated discussions. The work itself is not all that confusing, but rather the symbolism buried deep within the text is. The opinions of the reader often have a substantial influence on the reader’s interpretation of the text. Because the scripture has played such an important role in the theological beliefs of so many Christians, extremely different interpretations of the text have the potential to create distance between even the closest of friends and even worse, families…. [tags: Holy Bible Genesis Essays] 832 words

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Essay on The Holy Bible – Proof of the Biblical Flood – Proof of the Biblical Flood “All the fountains of the great deep [were] broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened . . . And the flood was forty days upon the earth; and the waters increased; . . . and the ark went upon the face of the waters.”(Holy Bible, Genesis 7:11b, 17a, 18b). The flood was a catastrophic event that changed the earth in traumatic ways, but many people deny that this event ever took place. The main documentation of this occurrence is found in the Bible, but since many people refuse to believe that it is a valid source of history and has no weight in science, it cannot be used to say whether or not the earth was ever completely submerged in water…. [tags: Holy Bible Genesis Essays] 2692 words

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Essay on The Holy Bible – Genesis, the Education of Abraham – Genesis – The Education of Abraham Disillusioned Latin students, who cringe at the thought of repeatedly scribbling their grammar, are often told by their teachers, “Per repitio nos studiare,” which translates to “through repetition we learn.” Though this may seem hard to believe as their hands begin to cramp, it bears a certain amount of truth. As my grandfather once told me, “Experience is often the best teacher.” Truly gaining an understanding of something often comes from repeated involvement…. [tags: Holy Bible Genesis Essays]

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Essay on Punishment and the Prodigal Son of The Holy Bible – Punishment and the Prodigal Son In American Society today, there exists a feeling that those who have transgressed, whether against individuals, family members, or society at large, need to be held responsible for their actions. The more severe the transgression, the more severe the punishment. It is not unheard of in these times, for example, that a parent may let his or her child spend a few nights in jail in order to “teach them a lesson”. Even if the child seems to understand the severity of his or her actions, and shows regret for these actions, punishment may still be dealt out in the name of “tough love”…. [tags: Holy Bible Essays] 691 words

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Essay on The Holy Bible – The Nature of God in Genesis – The Nature of God in Genesis The depiction of God in the Bible’s story of creation, namely Genesis, brings to mind the image of an omnipotent, almighty and all-powerful child playing in a sandbox. Like a child his sole purpose seems to be to simply amuse himself, and possibly acquire a source of unconditional love. These needs are in contrast to the classic view of God acting with the idea of an ultimate plan. His actions clearly show that there is no perfect plan, or if there is it must be grossly overcomplicated…. [tags: Holy Bible Genesis Essays] 1153 words

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Essay on The Holy Bible – The Nature of God in the Genesis – The Nature of God in the Genesis Genesis is the first book of the Bible. It begins with the story of God’s creation of the universe. The Lord is the Almighty Creator of the world, skies, heavens, seas, animals, man, and woman. He governs the universe and develops relationships with man. Throughout Genesis, God acknowledges the fact that human beings make mistakes, and accepts their imperfection. Throughout Genesis, God changes from one who does not tolerate disobedience, to one who shows clemency. Early on in Genesis, God punishes Adam and Eve for disobedience. After making the mistake of flooding the world, the Lord realizes that even He is not perfect, and does not allow Jacob’s deceit of his father to taint his future…. [tags: Holy Bible Genesis Essays] 1092 words

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Essay on The Holy Bible – Genesis, Chapter One – Genesis – Chapter One as an Executive Summary “In the beginning…” Genesis 1:1 Acknowledging a beginning in the first sentence of any text is in itself indicative of the nature of the text as a whole. It is an acknowledgement of a creation. It is an admission that what is has not always existed and that a higher power is at work. Genesis begins with this phrase as a reminder of the existence of God; it emphasizes the fact that man is not alone. Dually, the phrase also is indicative of the nature of the Book of Genesis, and as the first book of the Bible it sets the frame for the entire text…. [tags: Holy Bible Genesis Essays]

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Galatians Bible Argument – I. Introduction 1:1-9 In this opening chapter, Paul begins with a formal introduction of himself. He asserts the source from whom he obtained his apostolic call and ministry from- the risen Christ and “God the Father” (v.1). He follows with a stern rebuke of the Galatian Christians who have allowed themselves to be duped into to embracing the heretical teachings promulgated by the Judaizers. A. Salutation 1:1-5 Paul establishes his credentials forthrightly and formally. This was crucial in terms of validating the ensuing message of the epistle…. [tags: Religion, Bible, Paul] 2136 words

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Essay on The Holy Bible – Suffering and The Book of Job – Suffering and The Book of Job Life is difficult. “Suffering…is not an exception to the human condition, it is the human condition” (Gomes 405). The question of why life can be unjustly cruel is asked today and has been asked since the beginning of time. And where is God in the midst of hardship. Is He non-existent, as the pagan statement, “It’s Chance alone that moves and rules our lives” implies (Neiman 442). Or is God only partially in control of situations, as Harold Kushner concludes, writing, “there are some things God does not control” (462)…. [tags: Holy Bible Book Job Essays]

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Textual Analysis of Epic of Gilgamesh and Book of Genesis of the Holy Bible – A Textual Analysis of Genesis and the Epic of Gilgamesh The stories of the floods found in both Gilgamesh and Genesis contain many striking similarities that are inevitably beyond mere coincidence. One could surmise that both of these stories might have a basis in common historical occurrence. However, despite the fact that both of these works discuss a common topic, the portrayal of this event is quite different. Like identical twins raised in different cultures, the expressions of these works are products of their environment…. [tags: Epic of Gilgamesh Holy Bible] 1051 words

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King David in the Bible – The biblical King David of Israel was known for his diverse skills as both a warrior and a writer of psalms. In his 40 years as ruler, between approximately 1010 and 970 B.C.E., he united the people of Israel, led them to victory in battle, conquered land and paved the way for his son, Solomon, to build the Holy Temple. Almost all knowledge of him is derived from the books of the Prophets and Writings: Samuel I and II, Kings I and Chronicles I. David was the eighth and youngest son of Jesse from the kingly tribe of Judah…. [tags: Religion Bible] 1702 words

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What is the Bible? – WHAT IS THE BIBLE. What is the 1 What is the Bible. This paper will define the Bible and examine it’s origin, inerrancy, purpose, and power. The reasons for studying the Bible will also be discussed along with scriptures and historical data. The fact that the Bible has stood the test of time and has not been destroyed, even though there have been several attempts made over the years, is a testament of the enduring power of God’s Holy Word…. [tags: Scripture, definition, informative]

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Bible Study – GOD. It is who God desires to live in; and this is the man or woman that is willing to obey and conform to I Am; God. The who is the creature of the Creator, God; and the who is also the temple that will house the Spirit of God, which is where God desires to make His abode and become one with you by being one in you. God is His own dwelling place; hence He cannot and will not live outside of Himself. Understanding that God does not live anywhere except within Himself is one thing, but comprehending the vast revelation of it is more challenging; baffling one’s mind…. [tags: Scipture Analysis] 1361 words

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Macbeth and the Bible – After a close reading of Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the most prominent influence has been narrowed down to the biblical imagery that Shakespeare incorporated into the play. Macbeth makes many direct quotes towards spiritual beings. William Shakespeare’s use of biblical imagery in Macbeth reflects our predilection toward literature that reflects morality, prophecy, and mythology. Morality can is defined as having the quality of being in accords with standards or right or good conduct. Knowing “good from bad” is a morality trait…. [tags: Literary Analysis ]

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Bible: The Book Of Daniel – I enjoyed reading the book of Daniel very much. I can only begin to report how much reading this book has taught me about faith, sacrifice, humility, trust, control, and obedience. The book of Daniel has made a huge impact on me and inspired me to put my full trust in the Lord. Being a Christian in 2006 is hard at times. There is so much temptation to do the wrong thing and rarely any influence to do good. I can apply the knowledge I learned from the book of Daniel to many aspects of my life. As a parent, especially a single parent, I can instill in my daughter values and importance of being obedient not only to me but to a power much greater…. [tags: Bible Religion Christianity] 1169 words

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The Bible As History – The Bible as History The question of whether the Holy Bible is an actual historical account of what happened since the beginning of humanity, or merely stories that man has come up with over time has long been considered. Many choose to believe the Bible literally and take everything word for word. Others believe the stories in the Bible are a way of showing God’s love for us, but think of them as stories and lessons on how to follow the “way of God.” Others think the stories in the Bible are false, and have no basis in truth at all…. [tags: essays research papers fc]

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Art and the Bible – Art and the Bible Art and the Bible is an interesting approach at looking at art in all of its forms. It also answers the question what is the place of art in the Christian life. Along with the question it tries to put a general perspective on art. The different types of art that are mentioned are writing, painting, poetry, drama and music. The question is answered by looking in the Bible and finding specific example regarding art in all of its forms. The general perspectives on art are looked at in eleven points…. [tags: Papers] 1423 words

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Poisonwood Bible – Poisonwood Bible Barbara Kingsolver is the author of many well-written pieces of literature including The Poisonwood Bible. This novel explores the beauty and hardships that exist in the Belgian Congo in 1959. Told by the wife and four daughters of a fierce Baptist, Nathan Price, Kingsolver clearly captures the realities this family and mission went through during their move to the Congo. The four daughters were raised in Atlanta Georgia in the 1950’s therefore entering the Congo with preconceived racial beliefs, and a very different way of life than they would soon experience…. [tags: English Literature Essays] 1936 words

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Ethics in the Bible – Ethics in the Bible a) Throughout the bible there are instances where Jesus performed healing miracles, and when he performs these miracles he is not prejudiced against anybody so he is not racist. I think that the bible teaches that racism is wrong for example in Luke 10 Jesus tells the parable of the good Samaritan, this story tells of a man who was on his way from Jerusalem to Jericho when he was attacked by robbers who left him half dead. Soon a priest came by and saw the man, and walked by on the other side of the road…. [tags: Papers] 1003 words

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Blacks of the Bible – Blacks of the Bible Any attempt to establish a universally accepted statement as to the presence of blacks in the Old Testament would be futile for several reasons. Firstly, current definitions of a black or Negro person may differ greatly dependent on the context of their usage, and therefore any study aimed to show the presence of blacks in the bible would be limited to the definition used by either the author or the reader of such a study. Also, the concept of race defined on a basis of skin color alone has been the relatively young creation of the Euro-centric western world, post 17th century…. [tags: Papers] 1985 words

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Slavery in the Bible – Slavery in the Bible The first mention of slavery in the Bible is found in Noah’s declaration, “Cursed be Canaan. The lowest of slaves will he be to his brothers” (Gen. 9:25). He said this after waking up from a naked, drunken stupor and learning that his son Ham had mocked him. Although Ham was the guilty party, Noah’s statement was directed at Ham’s youngest son Canaan. If he was involved with his father in this act of disrespect, the statement can be taken as the pronouncement of a curse, “Cursed be Canaan.” It is possible, however, that Canaan did not join his father in making fun of Noah…. [tags: Papers] 780 words

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Brothers of the Bible – Brothers of the Bible The Old Testament sibling rivalries between Cain and Abel, Esau and Jacob, and Joseph and his brothers were similar in some ways and different in others, but they all hold lessons for us today, for brothers today still face many of the same problems in life that challenged brothers thousands of years ago. Cain and Abel were in a situation much more unique than Esau and Jacob, and Joseph and his brothers faced, for the society they lived in was extremely small, and they each had a direct relationship with God…. [tags: Christianity God Jesus Cain Abel Essays]

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Divorce and the Bible – The law defines divorce as ¡§a legal dissolution of the marriage contract by a court or other body having competent authority. This is properly a divorce, and called, technically, divorce a vinculo matrimonii. “from the bond of matrimony.’ (b) The separation of a married woman from the bed and board of her husband — divorce a mensa et toro (or thoro), “from bed board.’¡¨ Does this definition follow that of the Bible. Mark 10:1-12¡X ¡¥Jesus then left that place and went into the region of Judea and across the Jordan…. [tags: essays research papers] 1512 words

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Miracles in the Bible – Miracles in the Bible A miracle is known to be a wonderful and surprising event, believed to have been caused by God. In my opinion a miracle is something that happens that seems beyond belief. A miracle can be personal, meaning that you might think something is a miracle that no one else does e.g. my father got the job. It’s a miracle. Christians believe that a miracle is an extraordinary , super natural event , believed to been created by God. In Luke gospel there are several scriptures describing how Jesus was presented as a worker of miracles…. [tags: Papers] 669 words

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Bible Study in Public Education – It has long been debated whether teaching the Bible in public education would improve our educational system or just help the Christians enlist more members into their religion. Since 1962, the Supreme Court has continued to uphold the ban on all religious practices in public education, including teaching the Bible in classrooms. There are some who believe that this removal of a moral education has lead to a deterioration of the behavior among our students, while others use the protection of the first amendment right to keep the moral teachings of the Bible out of the hands of our public educators…. [tags: Education]

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Greek Mythology and the Bible – Studying Greek Mythology and the Bible separately in school, the students’ interest was the utmost importance for the professors. As students grow and mature, there is a greater understanding of how subjects interconnect and how they reflect each other. Greek Mythology may have had some influence on the Bible, and research shows connections between them. It is up to the readers of each to decide whether or not they intertwine, whether or not research proves them correct. Christians and Greeks may have had similar worldviews…. [tags: Mythology ]

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Which Bible Translation? – “The Bible is a special revelation from God to man of truths concerning Himself, His purposes, His plans, His will, man and his sinful nature, and God’s redemptive plan for man.” This quote by Gene Nowlin in his book The Paraphrased Perversion of the Bible summarizes the composition of the Bible. Throughout life, Christians grasp tightly to these words of God in hopes to inherit the Kingdom of God one day. In order to do this, they must study the Bible closely and apply it to their lives daily. Without the proper Bible, this may become a difficult task to accomplish…. [tags: Scripture Analysis ]

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Essay on The Holy Bible – Genesis 1-3 and the Downfall of Mankind – Genesis 1-3 and the Downfall of Mankind People hold many differing opinions about Genesis 1-3. Some people believe that God didn’t want Adam and Eve to have the knowledge of good and evil because it would make them as gods. The purpose of this essay is to show that Adam and Eve caused the downfall of mankind. Now, to the untrained eye, it may be possible to interpret the aforementioned text as having certain “scheisty” tendencies coming from both the serpent and, believe it or not, God himself…. [tags: Holy Bible Genesis Essays] 677 words

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Scripture – Gospel According to John of The Holy Bible – Scripture Research Paper: The Gospel According to John The Gospel of John begins by stating that God sent John the Baptist to identify Jesus Christ as the true Light and Savior. First Christ became a human being and lived here on earth among us and was full of loving forgiveness and truth(John 975). One day while John was baptizing in the Jordan River, Jesus approached to be baptized. Once He was baptized, the Holy Spirit descended from Heaven in the form of a dove and rested on Jesus…. [tags: Holy Bible Essays] 1987 words

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Separation of Father and Son in Genesis of The Holy Bible – The Separation of Father and Son in Genesis “Who is YHWH. However we interpret it, the Name of God means ultimate dominion: He-Whom-There-Is-No-Escaping.” ~Thomas Cahill, The Gifts of the Jews1 Ultimate dominion, that God’s rule is final, is the heart and soul of the Book of Genesis. In the beginning there was God; later, God created man (Gen. 1.1, 1.27).2 But how does God’s ultimate dominion affect the relationship that develops between God and man. Several times in Genesis God makes a covenant with man (Gen…. [tags: Holy Bible Genesis Essays]

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Apparent Contradictions in the Bible – We Can Trust Scriptures vs. Can We Trust Scriptures. For a Christian, Scriptures are the basis of what he believes. Scriptures are inspired by God and one can be sure that Scriptures never lie, because God simply cannot lie. God leads us ONLY to the truth: “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come” (John 16:13). The Bible itself tells us that it is a good teacher and we may use it to teach others: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,” (2 Timothy 3:16) Nevertheless, if the Bible does contain contradictions, that has to mean that God is contradicting Himself…. [tags: Christianity, Religion, Scriptures] 1327 words

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Bible vs. Quran – Sunlight beams through arched windows encased in stained glass; reflecting rays of red, blue, green, and yellow throughout the entryway. Below our feet, a wood floor echoes as we walk, and silences with a step onto the red carpet. Dark mahogany pews stand at attention to our left and right. Directly above on the back wall, a stained glass image of a woman standing over an infant in a cradle, sunlight illuminating her delicate features, she gazes down at the child. Her thin angelic lips slightly open, her hands clasped together in a prayer-like stance…. [tags: Religion] 1624 words

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Jesus in the Quran and the Bible – Jesus in the Quran and the Bible The three most influential books in human history, the holy books of the three main Abrahamic religions, share a common though checkered history. With a string of familiar figures and incidents, each book builds upon its predecessor, sometimes retaining the exact nature of the story and sometimes giving it a new version. Each book seems to have been influenced by its specific purpose and the circumstances of the time it was revealed, with the stories meeting the demands of the day…. [tags: Religion]

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Bible Memory Work – I rushed to my dresser, pulled out the pack, and read through the instructions. In an hour I was working on my first verse. That verse took me a week of determined repetition before it was firmly stitched into my mind. But I was on my way. That pack and, later, other tools were to become a focal point of my spiritual life. Words to Remember I know how difficult it is to motivate people to memorize Scripture. Churches feature programs, pastors exhort, and disciplers encourage, but little memory work gets done…. [tags: Scripture] 2337 words

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Interpretation of “The Poisonwood Bible” in the Humanities – Since its 1998 publication, The Poisonwood Bible has primarily been seen as a statement against American exceptionalism. Upon analyzing the novel it is obvious that subjects such as imperialism, religion, the burden of guilt, and the use of, or lack thereof, voices, contribute to multiple points and themes found in the novel. In Susan Strehle’s current article on American exceptionalism explicitly relating to The Poisonwood Bible, she manipulates the topics and themes found in the novel to support her opinion…. [tags: Literary Analysis ]

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The Influence of The Bible on English Literature – THE INFLUENCE OF THE BIBLE ON ENGLISH LITERATURE On William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Experience William Blake, a true exemplification of a renaissance man, wrote and produced works of art which were revolutionary in many aspects and ahead of his time. He led an extremely enigmatic life – engaging in things he liked the best and in the course of it, facing setbacks in the form of criticism. Blake attended the Moravian Church as a child and hence the Holy Bible had a great impact on his life and all his works…. [tags: English Literature] 1778 words

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Bible Study Overview – God is a word sent forth without the support of God’s will; hence, revealing the individuals position; a place outside of God’s government. This is important to understand because it is by the Word of God being spoken and properly exercised in your life that will prepare you for the great things the Lord has in store for you. Not one ounce, portion, or part of the Word of God can be omitted if the individual is to walk in harmony with the Lord. As you adhere to the rudiments of fundamental Biblical principles, which are God’s Word, the flesh (the carnal nature of man) is then securely placed under subjection to the kingdom governmental order of God’s will…. [tags: Scripture Analysis] 1001 words

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Essay on The Holy Bible – Role of God in the Book of Job – The Changing Role of God in the Book of Job The Book of Job shows a change in God’s attitude from the beginning to the end. At the beginning of the book, He is presented as Job’s protector and defender. At the end He appears as the supreme being lecturing and preaching to Job with hostility, despite the fact that Job never cursed his name, and never did anything wrong. Job’s only question was why God had beseeched this terrible disease on him. I intend to analyze and discuss the different roles God played in the Book of Job…. [tags: Holy Bible Book Job Essays] 1140 words

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Creation Theories – Without the bible humans would not be able to depict different theories of creation. The Old and New Testament are not considered in many people, but it is known by all. Theories that have affected different religions are creation, evolution, and mythology. With 6,775,235,700 people walking the earth, every person has his/her personal opinions about the world’s existence. In the book of Genesis, Christian Scholars have described the work of God in his seven days of constructing the world. Waters, land, light, humankind, etc…. [tags: The Bible]

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The Truth Behind Exodus 8 – At first glance a story of the Bible may appear to be just that, a simple story; however, when one does more than simply read the story, there are a plethora of underlying meanings to be found. Reading the Bible in search of its meanings can sometimes be confusing, which results in several different interpretations and raises many arguments amongst the readers. When reading the Bible, “it is necessary to apply tools of critical reading to find out what God wants to communicate with us,” (Smith-Christopher, 28)…. [tags: The Bible]

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An Analysis of Exodus 6:8-10 – In Exodus 6:12, the Hebrew phrase “Poor Speaker” (NRSV), does not mean a physical speech disability in a literal sense, but rather it is used as a metaphor to describe Moses’ hesitation to speak to Pharaoh which was not only his own self-consciousness, but was also a product of Israelites disinclination towards him. A Plan of Defense I plan to start my defense by providing those arguments that claim that it was self-consciousness at Moses’ part rather than a disability. For instance, The Eerdmans’ commentary states that “uncircumcised” in the passage has been used as a metaphor of being unfit or unready…. [tags: The Bible]

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Sodom and Gomorrah: Pick and Choose – Sodom and Gomorrah are only one example, throughout time that has been associated with one word or sentence taken out of context to equal the meaning. “Sodom and Gomorrah have become symbols of human wickedness especially associated with Homosexuality and Sodomy”.(Green) Even though Sodom and Gomorrah were in fact destroyed by God for “all of their wickedness”(Walvoord and Zuck 60) and “not even ten righteous people could be found” ”(Walvoord and Zuck 60) in those cities. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for there sins against God…. [tags: The Bible]

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A Post-Colonial Liberation Reading of The Epistle to Philemon – To read the texts of the Bible is to immerse oneself in a history, a history of events, and a history of understanding. As we open the pages of the canonical books, we are given a glimpse into the lives and issues of people many thousands of years ago and of the stories that have shaped the development of the church to the current day. At the same time, and following the call of 2 Timothy 3:16 , Christians take seriously what is written and reflect it into their own lives and realities, leading to interpretations and understandings of the text being applied in their own contexts…. [tags: The Bible]

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Young Earth Creationism – I personally believe in the Young-Earth Creation at the same time not holding fast the first day mentioned in Genesis, including Genesis 1:1-2. There may have been a time difference from Genesis 1:1-2 through Genesis 1:3; however, there is no evidence that states the same. This should not be, however, discordant issues for Christian believers since those who hold the first verse is a different time period, are still being faithful to the scriptures. This allows for what Driscoll and Breshears misname “Historical Creationism.” It is the Young-Earth creationism that is connected to a long line of scholarly interpretations that span centuries’ and have dominated the field…. [tags: The Bible]

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The Book of Acts – INTRODUCTION The Book of Acts is a continuation of the story of Jesus. Jesus continues the work He started in the flesh by working through His new body, that of the Christian Church. The term Christian was first given at Antioch and it translates “Christ like.” The apostles were given the Holy Spirit and the power to perform miracles. The word apostle means someone who has seen Jesus. STRUCTURE The Book of Acts can be sub-divided as follows: 1. The gospel of Jesus is preached in Jerusalem. Acts 1.1-6.7 2…. [tags: The Bible]

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Biblical Exegesis of Psalm 89 – The Hebrew Bible, better known as the Old Testament, is a collection of tomes that form part of the Biblical canon. Many scholars around the world do not think that a single author wrote the books contained in the Hebrew Bible, but rather that it represents centuries of stories frequently compiled after the events they describe . The stories were created with visions for the future, in order to allow audiences insight into communities and beliefs that were common thought during their era. The stories responded to the issues and problems of their time, but also addressed contemporary climates…. [tags: The Bible]

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Interpretation of Romans 11:33 – 12:2 – “(33) Oh the depth of the riches of the wisdom / and knowledge of God. How unsearchable his judgments,/ and his paths beyond tracing out. / (34) ‘Who has known the mind of the Lord. / Or who has been his counselor?’ / (35) ‘Who has ever given to God / that God should repay them?’ / (36) For from him and through him and for / him are all things. / To him be the glory forever. Amen. (12:1)Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship…. [tags: The Bible]

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Abraham’s Obedience: A Biblical Epic – Although it may not be automatically detected by many of today’s readers, a common literary genre manifests itself within several accounts of the Bible: epic. Epic is often a form of literature affiliated with works such as The Odyssey, however, its unique, artistic style can also be easily detected within the Word of God. Abraham’s faithful obedience to God when called upon to sacrifice his only son is one such example found within the book of Genesis. It contains several epic elements which Homer’s audience would recognize with ease…. [tags: The Bible] 1167 words

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The Nature and Consequence of Sin – In the beginning there was man and there was simplicity. With the ending of that simplicity came sin. Sin can be defined as a “transgression against God’s will” (Knight, 2009) and the first documented transgression against God was Adam and Eve’s sin in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3:6. (Tyndale, 2005) The short comings of Adam and Eve began a world wind of sin as discussed in Genesis chapters 3-11 After God made man (Adam) He put him into a deep slumber and removed from a rib from his body and made Eve…. [tags: The Bible]

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In a State of Sin – These aforementioned verses deal with three different conditions of an individual’s unregenerate state before receiving salvation; one, lying to oneself that they are without sin when they are yet sinners. The second is the acknowledgment of their sins unto repentance and the third one is denying the fact that they have sinned when they know they have sinned. These are a declaration in which one may perceive their state. Let me explain further in detail, verse 8 reveals, the mental disposition of one who is presently in a state of sin, while in a state of denial…. [tags: The Bible] 1020 words

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