
Your Work at Home Business

Site Build It!

I partnered with SBI in June 2009-2.5 years ago and can personally attest to the power of SBI during this time. You can read more about SBI here. When my personal goal setting website went online in July 2009 I had a global internet ranking of 8,500,000 as per Alexa, pretty terrible with global ranking.

However, fast forward to today, April 4, 2012-my personal goal setting website is now ranked under 750,000 global traffic, and since May 2010 I have been earning consistently monthly income from my site, and I now have 171 pages built with my smart goals plan of building 200 quality content pages on my site by summer 2012.

Show Me The Money$$

For all of 2011 my site netted me approximately $500.00 US dollars which was a combination between advertising revenue and from monies I received from my freelance writing. This year, I should double or even triple my earnings and have already been paid this month $125.00 from an advertiser for placing a one year ad on my site due to my high traffic stats. An additional source of monetization this year will be the release of two of my very first books that will be published during the spring 2012. NOTE: Please see financial earnings legal disclaimer.

The best part-all of my traffic is is FREE organic and referral traffic, which is the best kind of traffic that is key word driven, with absolutely no advertising costs whatsover. This more than attests to the power of SBI! SBI equips you to fully develop all of your WAHM entrepreneurship goals.

Click on this link to see the nearly 100,000 SBI facebook fans there are here facebook.sitesell.com.

Show Me the Facts….

If you are soon to be WAHM, or even if you’re a dad, I recommend and suggest that you take a quick slideshow tour for yourself, and also look at the video tour .

The video tour explains what SBI is all about. If you are would be work at home mom (WAHM), I suggest you download the free WAHMIT! Masters course which you can access here, SBI WAHMIT Masters Course .

Incidentally, four WAHMs, three from the United States and one from the UK, wrote this masters course to help other WAHMs build their own successful online business. It’s a practical orientation by WAHMs for WAHMs.

1 SBI Works Period – SBI has been in existence since 1997 and has stood the test of time in delivering powerful e-tools for all who would like to know how to make a website that is successful. ….And 62 percent of all SBI business owners are in the top 1-3 percent as ranked by Alexa.

The traffic test demonstrates and proves the overwhelming success of SBI. Look at the results of these success SBI websites! As a WAHM, you could be just like one of these successful website owners yourself.

I own SBI, so I can speak with 100% honesty and integrity, about the positive impact that SBI has had on my content writing business.

2 No HTML/Computer Programming Skills Required – I receive daily emails from people and would be work at home moms who are interested in starting their own web business, but are fearful about any computer programming required. I respond to all e-mail inquiries and inform everyone that absolutely NO HTML or programming is necessary. If you already know HTML, that is good if you want to customize your own website, but HTML is really not required.

SBI uses proprietary templates block builder which you will use in building your individual pages for your own website. Fear of HTML programming, in my humble opinion, is the biggest concern that people have, which I have already stated is not required in how to succeed with SBI. SBI provides two options; BB (block builder) or upload your own HTML, for those of you who are savvy HTML programmers. So there should be no more excuses why you can not do this as a successful work at home mom. Take a look at my website, my professional website was built by myself using block builder.

3 10 Day Action Guide and Video Guide – If you are like me, I need visual guidance. I need to see from point A to point B the steps that I need to take and implement and the required sequences that the steps are required to be performed. SBI provides both. I learn by doing, SBI provides this for you visual learners like myself.

Take a look at the 10 day video tour or the 10 day action guide which will from day one, hold your hand and walk you step by step in your eventual path to success in building your content rich website.

4 Key Word Tool- One of the major tools that every website owner and online marketer needs is a key word tool. The key word tool is the basic tool of how your website will be eventually found for a particular key word in your website’s theme niche. More than likely you typed in home business or how to make a website which are both key words for my website. SBI shows you how to use particular key words in indentifying the key words that you will use in how to make a website for yourself as a work at home mom.

5 SBI Content 2.0 – SBI Content 2.0 is the latest e-tool that SBI has added to its arsenal of e-building tools. Basically, 2.0 takes internet marketing to the next level, where you visitors and customers actually help to build pages for you on your website. People can comment on your work at home business website, upload photos, etc as an interactive approach in helping you to build your website which can go viral in a very short amount of time.

6) Excellent Forum- I have learned tremendously in these interactive forums by asking questions, and helping others with their particular questions in being successful as I have learned from other successful SBI owners, many of which are successful WAHMs themselves. SBI operates with the novel idea of help and be helped…, which is the only way to operate. Your success is SBI’s success. SBI wants you to succeed, and this interactive forum is a tremendous tool from evaluating your new website to any particular questions you may have; from website design, creating e-goods, or general questions about marketing can be found here and much more.

7) Exceptional Value – SBI is second to none. You will not find another company that provides all the e-tools and resources, online support and the results that SBI provides for $299.00 per year, or $29.99 per month, if you prefer the monthly payment option.

You can check here and compare for yourself, the costs of SBI compared to others if you were to purchase these e-tools separately. SBI hands down beats the competition not only from a cost point of view, but also in terms of its effectiveness, that being the number of successful SBI owners.

8) CTPM – The only way to build a successful SBI web business is the CTPM method. (content, traffic, presell, monetize) , in this order. SBI walks you through the entire process. Everything else out there is smoking mirrors, get this CTPM right, and watch your business reach no heights.

9) Ninety Days (90) Money back Guarantee – SBI puts it money where it’s mouth is, and is firm regarding its ninety day money back guarantee which you can see here on the SBI order page . Take a test drive for 90 days, and if you pour your passion into your web business like you should, you will want to keep SBI like I have. SBI is the web business that keeps on giving.

10) SBI Proof – Lastly, the proof is in the pudding. Take a look at proof of hundreds of successful website owners, many of which are very successful work at home moms. Whether you are a work at home mom , WAHM selling porcelain dolls from China, trying to expand and grow your rural real estate business, or promoting your affiliate program , SBI has the all the e-tools, resources, unlimited online support, and a vested interest in your ultimate success.

In closing, I do wish you all the success that SBI can bring to your web business, if you dare to have the hope and faith by believing in yourself, and in your God given abilities in reaching your home business smart goals in life.

You could be enjoying the same success as I am, if you only bring your self discipline , your self motivation and a positive thinking mindset to the table.

UPDATE: SBI Block Builder 2.0 is Here

Please feel free to e-mail me any questions you may have about SBI through my contact us page. I respond to all e-mail inquiries within 24 hours. Remember: Your Ability is only limited by your Inability to take Action. Now it’s your turn….your life is waiting. ”The only Unfulfilled Goals in Your Life are the Ones you Never Attempt” Work at Home Business Testimonials With SBI

“It’s been over a year now since I started my first website, which ranks within the top 1% of sites on the net and receives up to 1500 visitors per day. I now have a second site, and plans for a third before the summer of this year. I no longer work from home in the evenings and my income is constantly growing. Right now, it’s double what I was making when I was standing behind a chair.”

“Having the opportunity to share Vieques and Puerto Rico with so many people around the world is a great satisfaction. As a bonus, I get to go on a tax-deductible vacation every year. I can visit my beautiful island, ride my jeep, take lots of photos, meet great new people, and write travel guides about places I love. I felt that money would just be the icing on the top. Of course, I did not realize how much icing my cake would have.”

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