
7:45am - 4:15pm

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre is excited to announce our first Education Expo. This full-day event will focus on Educator Development, Education Research, and Simulation in Education.

Designed for the healthcare education community, the day will include a broad range of speakers, presentations, posters and workshops.

It will be a chance for the Toronto education community to learn, share and network together.

Please REGISTER NOW to secure your space at this free event.

Morning Keynote Speaker
Dr. Brian Hodges, MEd, FRCPC, PhD, MD
Vice-­President, Education, University Health Network
Title: "Health Professions Education in the 21st Century: The Tea-­Steeping Variations"

Interactive Small Group workshops
throughout the day

Afternoon "Innovation in Education" panel
Dr. Ivan Silver, MD MEd FRCP
Vice-­President, Education, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

Dr. Jordan Tarshis, MD
Director, Simulation Centre, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Dr. Gary Woodill, ED.D
CEO, i5 Research

Reception & Networking
McLaughlin Auditorium (EG18a)
4:15pm - 5:15pm

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
2075 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M4N 3M5
Google Map

External Partners/Participants:
Centre for Faculty Development (St. Michael's Hospital), The Wilson Centre (University Health Network), SIM one (Ontario Simulation Network), and Canadian Society for Training and Development (CSTD)

Sponsorship provided by:
Johnson& Johnson Inc., Stryker Canada, CAE, Laerdal Medical, Limbs and Things Inc., Studiocode Business Group, and Zoll Canada.




Welcome Remarks: Dr. Barry McLellan, Ms. Marilyn Reddick, and Dr. Joshua Tepper

Keynote by Dr. Brian Hodges, Vice President Education, University Health Network


Educator Competencies

Education Research

Simulation Booths & Displays

Virtual Interactive Cases

Introduction to Simulation


Break & Transition Time


Patient Education

Inter-generational Learning session

Simulation Booths & Displays

Educator Competencies Workshop

Learning Management System for Educators

Introduction to Qualitative Resesarch

Research of Assessment

Simulation Research




Mobile Platforms in Learning

Education Research

Simulation Booths & Displays

Patient Education Workshop

Articulate eLearning authoring software

Mental Visualizations in Learning

Surgical skills & Educaiton design


Break & Transition Time


'Innovation in Education' Panel Discussion: Dr. Ivan Silver, Dr. Jordan Tarshis and Dr. Gary Woodill


Closing Remarks


Networking Reception

Title: Sunnybrook Educator Competencies: a Foundation for Ongoing Practice and Development
Presenter/Facilitators: Wendy Macdonald, MES(Organizational Studies) & Matthew Vrooman, M.EdSt.,CHRP, CTDP
Description: The Sunnybrook Educator Development Committee will present their work to-date on reviewing, analyzing, and proposing a common set of educator competencies. This set of educator competencies will help create shared meaning and a foundation for best and evidence-based practices in teaching as our educators support our student, staff, and patient and family learners.

Title: Educator Competencies Workshop
Presenter/Facilitators: Wendy Macdonald, M.ES(Organizational Studies) & Matthew Vrooman, M.EdSt.,CHRP, CTDP
Description: Please register to participate in a feedback session immediately following the "Educator Competencies: a Foundation for Practice and Development" presentation. Space is limited to 25 participants. We would like to invite you to share your ideas for how we will move forward with educator development initiatives.

Title: Patient Education Sessions
Presenter/Facilitators: Tamara Harth, M.L.I.S
Description: This session will provide participants with an overview of the evolution of patient and family education with an emphasis on teaching competencies for patients, an innovative methodology for imparting this knowledge and an introduction to health literacy and what one must consider in developing patient education tools that are effective

Title: Qualitative Research in Health Professions Education
Presenter/Facilitator: Ayelet Kuper, MD, D.Phil
Description: This workshop will provide participants with an introduction to qualitative research, with a particular focus on approaches relevant to health professions education. Participants will be exposed to fundamental ideas underpinning the qualitative paradigm, to the qualitative methods toolbox, and to key issues in the critical appraisal of qualitative studies.

Title: Research of Assessment
Presenter/Facilitators: Lynfa Stroud, MD, and Ryan Brydges, PhD
Description: This workshop will provide participants with an introduction to conducting research in the area of learner assessment within health professions education. Concepts related to research of assessment tools (such as validity and reliability) and research with assessment tools (such as ways to measure learners' performance) will be illustrated.

Title: Simulation Booths & Displays
Description: The Sunnybrook Simulation Network is a collaborative effort among all the staff who work at Sunnybrook and have an interest in simulation. The result is a merge of the huge amounts of time and effort being invested in simulation activities across the Hospital including curriculum design, teaching, research and innovations to prevent isolated work environments. By bringing everyone together at one table, to discuss and share their activities, it is anticipated that duplication will be reduced and productivity will be improved. The simulation booths at the Educational Expo day will be showcasing some of the impact this group has achieved so far.

Title: Simulation Research
Presenter/Facilitators: Vicki LeBlanc, PhD, Wilson Centre
Description: In this workshop, participants will be presented with a brief overview of the state of research in the field of simulation. Following the review, they will be guided through the steps of developing a research project that can advance the field of simulation-based education, from turning an educational problem into a good research question, to selecting the best study design to address the research question.

Title: Generation Google: Come and learn about surviving and thriving in cross-generational learning environments
Presenter/Facilitators: Evan Tannenbaum BSc, MD Candidate (2014) and Shamena Maharaj MSc., CHRP, CTDP, Q. Med

Title: Mental Practice Techniques in Learning
Presenter/Facilitators: Fahad Alam, MD, Shamena Maharaj, MSc., CHRP, CTDP, Q.Med, Agnes Ryzynski, RRT,
Description: Come and learn the art of using mental practice techniques in teaching and learning. Mental practice is the cognitive rehearsal of a task prior to performance - much can be learned when you put a language to your thoughts!

Title: Introduction to Simulation workshop
Presenter/Facilitators: Susan DeSousa, RRT and Agnes Ryzynski, RRT,
Description: The Introduction to Simulation workshop will allow you to experience what is rapidly becoming the global standard in healthcare education. We will immerse you in an experiential learning environment to give you hands-on experience in understanding why simulation is an invaluable addition to any curriculum, and essential for the delivery

Title: Virtual Interactive Case (VIC) Software
Presenter/Facilitators: Gord Tait, PhD, University Health Network
Description: A cool new tool for clinical educators. VIC is easy to use software for creating simulations of patient encounters that can be used by all clinical educators. Sunnybrook has a license. of safer healthcare.

Title: Surgical Skills & Education Design
Presenter/Facilitators: Faud Moussa, MD, MSc, FACS, FRCSC
Description: Innovative surgical strategies in an era where cases are increasingly complex may not be appropriate for classical apprenticeship. We have developed an innovative method for teaching technical skills that may become the standard for educating future generations of surgeons while upholding the highest levels of ethical responsibility and patient safety.

Title: Integrating mobile learning strategies into our teaching and learning practise
Presenter/Facilitators: Gary Woodill, PhD, i5Research
Description: Mobile devices and platforms enable educators to think differently about the design and facilitation of learning. There are multiple "pedagogical patterns" that are available to help people learn when they need it, wherever they are located. Help build Sunnybrook's strategy.

Title: Innovative Articulate eLearning authoring software
Presenter/Facilitators: Christopher Townsend, M Ed
Description: Articulate - the software that is used to turn your Power Points slides into engaging and interactive multimedia eLearning

Title: Learning Management System (LMS) for Sunnybrook Educators
Presenter/Facilitators: Christopher Townsend, M Ed
Description: An overview of features, how educators are using it and how it can be integrated into your education practice.

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