
Keep reading for today's look at #OpenGov news, events and analysis including a new government "startup," privacy reforms in Australia, and a more open Chattanooga.

National News

The Data Transparency is urging the SEC to add a comprehensive data strategy to their strategic plan. (Data Transparency Coalition)

Miriam Nisbet, director of the Office of Government Information Services, suggested that agency IT personnel should consult with FOIA professionals before procuring new IT systesm at a Senate hearing earlier this week. (Fierce Government)

18F, a new "startup" within GSA, will focus on delivering innovative IT projects. The office takes inspiration from the U.K.'s Government Digital Services Team and encompasses the successful Presidential Innovation Fellows program. (E Pluribus Unum)

International News

Australia is reforming their Privacy Act in an attempt to better regulate how their government handles personal information. The reforms include new mandates for government and business to be transparent about how they use personal data. (Future Gov)

State and Local News

Opinion: Local government official's should be given open government training. This would save money and cut down on mistakes by elected officials who don't understand public records laws. (Union Bulletin Washington)

Chattanooga, Tennessee is taking a new, more open and transparent, path by putting together their open data policy in public and accepting input. Starting in February they put their draft up on GitHub for discussion. (Code For America)

Events Today 3/13

Anti-corruption and Environmental Protection: Where things stand in Mongolia today. SAIS. Thurs. 3/13. 5:30 - 7:00 pm. Johns Hopkins SAIS, Rome Building, Room 812, 1619 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC.

Events Tomorrow 3/14

National Freedom of Information Day. Newseum. Fri. 3/14. 555 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Knight Conference Center, Washington, DC 20001.

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