
Common Parent Questions About IC

How do I access Infinite Campus?

Parent Website URL: campusportal.sweetwaterschools.org

Infinite Campus keeps requesting a District ID#. What is the District ID#?

District ID# FCPXPV

How do I create an account with Infinite Campus?

You should have created an account when you registered for this school year. However, for those who do not have an account follow these instructions:

The parents can create a portal account by using their Campus Activation Key. If you have your activation key, on the home screen press “help” on the bottom left. This will drop down an option to continue using the key.

If you do not have an activation key, please have them call 619-793-7731 to retrieve the code.

What is the number to call if I experience other issues with Infinite Campus?

Infinite Campus Sweetwater Hotline: 619-796-7745

Is my Infinite Campus portal similar to my son or daughter’s portal?

Your portal is almost identical. However, if you have multiple children, you will be able to view each of their grades/attendance separately but through the same account.

Where can I learn more about navigating through Infinite Campus?

There are some helpful tutorial videos through YouTube.

Infinite Campus YouTube URL: https://www.youtube.com/user/theinfinitecampus

Why are some teachers using Infinite Campus for “in-progress” grades and others are using Jupiter?

This is a transition year for our teachers. While you may find your child’s teachers posting “in progress” grades through Jupiter, you may also find some teachers posting “in progress” grades through Infinite Campus. However, every grading period (progress reports & semester grades) will be posted under “grades” on Infinite Campus.

What will I be able to find on Infinite Campus?

You will find detailed information about your child’s attendance. All progress report grades and semester grades for each of your child’s classes will be posted on Infinite Campus under “grades”.

Can I send emails to teachers through Infinite Campus? What about Jupiter?

Email addresses of teachers can be accessed through Infinite Campus by selecting the envelope icon next to the teacher’s name. Messages can also be sent through Jupiter to teachers for the remainder of the year.

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