
Wow…that’s about all I can say. As I gather my bearings after what can only be called a whirlwind week on the east coast, I am reflecting on all the great moments with SugarCRM customers, industry influencers and media.

In all, we met with dozens of reporters, analysts and customers – and all of them were excited about our vision for where we see the CRM market going in the next year and beyond. We announced great news about our $40m funding from Goldman Sachs, which followed continued strong momentum.

Early in the week, both SugarCRM Clint Oram and CEO Larry Augustin presented on our vision for the call center and CRM in general, respectively, at the CRM Evolution conference in NYC. I also sat on a panel discussing “best practices for global CRM deployments” at the event. The incredible global adoption of Sugar and the global deployments performed by SugarCRM and our partners gave me great fodder for the event.

After the event, we yo-yoed up and down New England for some great meetings. And of course, in true Sugar fashion, we always like to make our presence known:

As news of our funding broke, major media outlets covered the story, including Fox Business News:

All told, between the CRM Evolution event, all of the great news coverage, and simply having our message validated by nearly all of the leading CRM influencers during our analyst tour, it has been an amazing week to be part of what we are trying to do here at SugarCRM. We are changing the CRM landscape, for the better in my opinion. And even with all this great momentum and validation, we are only just getting started.

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