
Our job as directors is to educate our members on how to succeed in BNI. This is effectively done through teaching the BNI fundamentals, including how to effectively use BNI Connect.

During my chapter sweeps, I educate chapter members on the importance of BNI Connect and help them understand why it benefits them to complete their profile. Before my presentation, I email Dr. Misner’s YouTube video on how one BNI member landed business with Microsoft via BNI Connect.

I begin my presentation by asking, “Who watched the video?” Some of the members have watched the video and others ask, “What video?” It’s the response I expect.

I also ask who has received a referral from outside of our region.  Every chapter has a few great stories. Some of the referrals come from as far away as Poland and Japan, others from across the United States.  Many members have learned that within the first few months of using BNI Connect, they increase their referrals. These members all have one thing in common: completed profiles.

The night before each visit I pull data via BNI Connect to find out who has completed their profiles.  The member with the best profile receives a BNI Givers Gain pen.  I discuss the fact that many chapter members will not receive referrals because their contact information is incomplete or missing.  There is always a bewildered expression on the face of these members before awareness hits: omission can be costly in potential business.

Finally, I go over a  step-by-step checklist of what to complete and urge them to use it to complete their profiles and increase their opportunity to receive referrals.

The following is a copy of the checklist I provide to members:

Updating Your BNI Connect Profile

Once you have logged into BNIConnect.com, select the “My Account” button in the top right corner of the page. Fill out each section and check the box once that section is completed.

Accessed from the five tabs on the left of the screen located under “Edit Profile: Your Name.”

Main Profile

Name (preset by your application)

Company name (preset by your application)

My business. This is one of the first sections read by anyone looking at your profile. Stay within your approved industry and classification.

Key words (up to 200 characters including spaces)

User Profile

User name (anything but your email address)

Your memorable question (something you will really remember)

Picture (professional head shot)


Contact Details

Your phone numbers—select the ones you want to be seen on BNI web sites.

Web site (the address of your site).

Social media (select as many as you are a part of; remember VCP)

Address or by appointment only

Account Settings (the most important section)

Member to member (What can they see?)

Group posts (How do you want to receive them?)

Email. Make sure you forward all your messages to your email. You do not want to miss out on a referral!

My Bio

Do not leave any questions unanswered.

Commercials (You can change these as often as you like. There are two.)

Gains Profile

Tops profile, including great referral partners

Always remember to select “update” or “save” after each section.

David Kauffman is the Senior Director Consultant for Delaware County, Chester County, those counties in and around Lancaster, York, Hershey, and Harrisburg Pennsylvania, and New Castle and Northern Kent Counties in Delaware. David has been a BNI member since 2001. He has held the positions of, Area Director Consultant, Ambassador, President, Vice President, Educational Coordinator, and served on the Membership Committee.

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