
Books are an excellent and inexpensive way to reach your target. Whether or not you want a career as a writer, or you want to launch your products through writing, your book will launch you. Readers regard authors as experts. Anytime an author writes, is quoted, or publishes, people tend to lend credibility. The pen is mighty and powerful in launching careers and products; a truth that applies to novels, references and how to books.

Your book could be about you, your product or solely your message. Whatever the subject matter, the book should highlight your expertise in an area, your message and any related products. Why write a book? Some of the following purposes may help you find the answer:

You have a message no one else has made known.

You are an expert in a field where no books exist (highly possible in a niche).

You know how to do something that you wish everyone else in the niche could do.

You want to build instant credibility.

You want to change an industry practice.

Successful authors have written to meet some or all of the above personal and professional goals. I wrote my book ISP Certification-The Industrial Security Professional Exam Manual because I had passed a test that many others feared to take. Our field has well over 10,000 eligible professionals, but only a hundred were certified at the time. I wanted to demonstrate to others that though they may already have the required experience and know how, I could lead them to the hurdle the confidence obstacle. I wanted to take the mystery out of how to study for and take the examination and instill confidence that moved professionals to certify.

Incredibly, like my story, many books were not offered by traditional publishers for various reasons. You may have received rejection letters from traditional publishers. If they are about a specialized book for a small amount of customers, the rejection may not be about your material, but the market. For example, the letters I received over the years are now communicating something new. They weren’t rejecting my books or ideas on merit; they just didn’t fit their business model. As an author, the books that I write do provide value. As a publisher, I realize that I do provide value to the community. Continuous and growing sales, repeat customers and mail from satisfied professionals prove that there is room and need for niche publishers.

As a result of publishing, you could not only provide a valuable service, but could be contacted for writing assignments, consulting and teaching opportunities. However, self publishing is labor intensive and isn’t for everyone, but if you have the time, manuscripts and energy, maybe you can start your own publishing company. If not, consider submitting manuscripts to other indie publishing for consideration.

What’s your message? Do you have a burning desire to instill confidence? Do you want something changed and are you able to articulate the path to change? Can you help someone improve their professional standing? If so, you may be ready to write and publish “The Book on (your subject here)”.

Jeffrey W. Bennett, ISP is the owner of Red Bike Publishing http://www.redbikepublishing.com.

Jeff is an accomplished writer of non-fiction books, novels and periodicals. He also owns Red bike Publishing. Published books include: “Get Rich in a Niche-Insider’s Guide to Self Publishing in a Specialized Industry” and “Commitment-A Novel”.

Jeff is an expert in security and has written many security books including: “Insider’s Guide to Security Clearances” and “DoD Security Clearances and Contracts Guidebook”.

See Red Bike Publishing for print copies of:

Army Leadership

The Ranger Handbook

The Army Physical Readiness Manual

Drill and Ceremonies



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