A few weeks ago I read a story about two young men who graduated from the same college twenty-five years ago.
They were very alike these two young men. Both had achieved good grades. Had likeable personalities and as all graduates are – were filled with ambitious dreams for the future.
Recently these two men returned to their college for their 25 th reunion.
They were still very much alike. Both were happily married. Both had three children. And both, it turned out, had gone to work for the same construction firm after graduation… and they were both still there.
But there was a difference.
One of the men was a manager for a small department of that company. The other was its president.
What Made The Difference?
Have you ever wondered, as I have, what makes this kind of difference in people’s lives?
It isn’t intelligence. It isn’t that one person ‘wants’ it more than the other. So what is it?
As I read more into the story of the lives of these two men, it became clear that the difference was very small indeed.
One of the men learned everything he knew about business from studying books, doing courses and from his own experience. Which was great. He took action, worked hard, and achieved a reasonable level of success.
The other man (the President) studied all the same books and courses and worked equally as hard, but he took that ‘little extra step’ …. made that ‘little extra’ investment in himself … and that’s what ended up making all the difference.
The Secrets You Can Never Learn From Any Book or Course
The man who became president of his company not only ‘studied’ the books and courses on business success but he also went and learned (in person) from one of the authors that inspired him the most (A real life multi-millionaire who’d started and sold 5 companies and had a $100m fortune. )
This multi-millionaire taught to him the “success secrets” you can never learn from books, courses or videos.
He taught him how to ‘correct his thinking.’
He taught him timing.
He taught him what to do in emergencies.
He taught how to “trust his gut feeling”, his intuition
He taught him what it ‘feels like’ to BE a multi-millionaire (so he could easily manifest it himself!)
He taught him how to not be intimidated.
And for when circumstances warranted it… even how to intimidate himself!
These are all ‘secrets’ that can only be passed on in person. They cannot be ever be learned from a book, course or video.
This all reminds me of the difference I see in my own
A Bug Free Mind Students
To date, I have thousands of people in over 100 countries studying my books, audios and video programs, that teach people… ‘how to harness the power of their minds’, to ‘manifest the life of their dreams.’
And I’ve collected hundreds of testimonials from people who say A Bug Free Mind has transformed their lives. But when it comes to manifesting real life ‘hard money’ results and radical lifestyle change, without question my most successful students of all are those I teach in person.
There is just no comparison to level of transformation I can achieve with someone in person… compared to when they read my books or courses. There’s just something magical about the one-on-one experience that just changes a person on a deeply visceral level.
Take my Beyond Success student Minesh Bhindi for example
Minesh has been a Beyond Success student of mine of about 2 years now. Over the last year he wanted to speak on stage with Sir Richard Branson, Lord Alan Sugar, Eric Trump, Steve Wozniak … and he did that all within 3 months.
…Minesh wanted to buy a Bentley by the time I was 50. He bought one last year (and he’s far from 50.)
…Minesh wanted to travel out of the UK each month in 2013 …He went to Miami, Mexico, Jamaica, Grand Cayman, Hawaii, Los Angeles, Dubai, San Diego, and Las Vegas… Not quite every month because he got fed up after about 6 months!
…But do you think this is by “luck”? No, it’s by design, he learned the skill to transform his intention so it ‘COULD’ manifest. This brings us back to your decision of whether or not you will join me at one of the Life Design Getaways happening over the next few weeks.
And If you haven’t reserved your place yet. There’s still time, though only a few more days for New York.
You may not have the minimum £16,000 (plus a performance fee) required to join my ‘Beyond Success” mentor-ship level like Minesh and work one-to-one as closely with me as he does.
But if you act fast, you can still get a place at the Life Design Getaway and have me teach you live… and in person, the SPECIFIC secrets about manifesting the life that YOU desire … and get it all at less than 1/10th of the price it would cost to hire me for the day normally.
But what about the two classmates…
About those two classmates I mentioned at the beginning of this post; they graduated at the same time and got started in the business. So what made their results so different?
…Personal tuition. From A Master of his craft.
In this day and age of email, Facebook and social media, it’s easy to want everything to be done over the internet. But the fact is, human-to-human interaction is still the single most powerful way to teach anyone anything!
For those who are studying my materials, I have no way of knowing if they are applying the techniques properly. However, at the live event I can teach you how to visualise by asking you questions like, “Tell me what can you see, what can you hear, etc.” as you do it.
…I can ask you you how you feel while creating your designs. I can spot where you are making mistakes that are stopping your desires from manifesting.
…I can pick out the ‘blind spots’ or hidden bugs you may have developed that are currently preventing your desires from manifesting, without you even knowing it!
…I can make 100% sure that every person at the event has created at least one ’100% guaranteed to succeed’ design that guarantees you will manifest what you desire, effortlessly and without resistance.
…I will personally make sure every factor is covered to guarantee your success in at least one area you desire most!
These are things that can only ever be done in person, in the flesh.
Your decision to attend the Life Design Getaway should be very easy to make if you’re serious about doing what needs to be done to create the life of your dreams.
For example; If you wanted to become an expert in one of these fields, which option do you feel would benefit you the most?
You Want To Learn To Cook A Gourmet Dish:
Do you: Option A -
Buy Gordon Ramsey’s book – ‘Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course’
Or Option B -
Attend a live event with Gordon Ramsey where he teaches ultimate cookery
You Want To Learn To Play Tennis:
Do You Option A -
Go to a court and hit a ball about – maybe book a course with a club
Or Option B -
Attend a course where Roger Federer teaches you
You Want To Learn To Trade Forex:
Do you Option A -
Buy a book or a system
Or Option B -
Attend a course where George Soros teaches you how he does it
You Want To Learn To Paint:
Do you: Option A -
Buy a book on it or attend a class
Or Option B -
Attend a course where Pablo Picasso teaches you to paint
Your decision is the same if you want to;
Learn How To Design And Manifest Your Ideal Life
Do you: Option A: Learn from my books, courses, or videos
Option B) Get trained by me (Andy Shaw) in person, at a Life Design Getaway Event
If you’re able to fully grasp and see the incredible, life transforming value of having personal tuition about manifesting the life of your dreams - over studying from books and courses. Then like I said…
Your decision to join us should be the easiest decision you’ve ever had to make.
But choose now. Because I am NOT doing these events again, this live tuition from me will not be happening again.
IF you want me to help you then now is the time.
The requirements to attend are simple:
As long as you have read the first 7 chapters of Creating A bug Free Mind then you will obtain MASSIVE value by attending one of these events:
I recommend you choose the event you want to attend and book your place now:
Best wishes,
The Marriot Hotel New York Times Square 13th March Click Here To Book Now:
The MGM Grand Las Vegas 19th March Click Here To Book Now:
The Sheraton Fisherman’s Wharf San Francisco 23rd March Click Here To Book Now:
The Sheraton Vancouver Wall Center Vancouver 26th March Click Here To Book Now:
The Mercure Hotel Sydney 30th March Click Here To Book Now:
The Traders Hotel Singapore 3rd April Click Here To Book Now:
Mubai (Hotel to be arranged) 9th April Click Here To Book Now:
The Park Regis Hotel Dubai 16th April Click Here To Book Now: