
#Smallbizchat is a weekly conversation where small business owners can get answers to their questions. The focus of #Smallbizchat is to end small business failure by helping participants succeed as your own boss.

Please join us live on Twitter every Wednesday 8-9 pm ET. Here’s how: follow @SmallBizChat on Twitter and follow the hashtag #Smallbizchat and click here for directions on how to join the conversation.

In March, each #SmallBizChat will be focused on building a seven figure business, making more sales in less time, handling rapid business growth, differentiating your product or service and using media to grow your business.

Here is a list of who is on #Smallbizchat in March.

March 1st – How to Build a Seven Figure Income, @sharilevitin

Shari Levitin is an internationally known sales strategist, writer, speaker, entrepreneur, and author of Heart and Sell: 10 Universal Truths Every Salesperson Needs to Know.  Learn more at www.sharilevitin.com.

March 8th – How to Make More Sales in Less Time, @JillKonrath

Jill Konrath is an internationally recognized sales acceleration strategist and bestselling author. Her newest book, MORE SALES LESS TIME, teaches crazy-busy sellers to be their most productive in spite of overwhelming distractions and demands on their time.  Find out more at www.jillkonrath.com.

March 15th – Sales Tools to Grow Your Small Business, @isalesgirl

Sponsored by Insightly @Insightlyapp

Dianna Geairn is the creator of The Irreverent Sales Girl, the champion of the salesperson who goes out every day to make something happen for themselves, their families, their companies, and their clients. With over two decades of sales success as a top performer, Dianna has been a featured expert for Salesforce.com, KiteDesk, Linked Selling, and others.   musings.irreverentsalesgirl.com

March 22 – How to Really Differentiate Your Product or Service, @Sol_Marketing

Deb Gabor is a Brand Dominatrix and Investor Pitch Whisperer with legendarily bad travel karma. Empty nester. Midwest transplant. Winter sports fanatic. Obsessed pet owner. CEO of @Sol_Marketing. Author of #BrandingIsSex.  Deb’s website is www.solmarketing.com.


March 29 –  How to Use Media to Grow Your Business, @TiannaManon

Tianna Mañón is the Editor in Chief of Open Mic Rochester, an online black –interest magazine located in Upstate New York. She believes in the power of media as a building tool.  Find out more at www.openmicroc.com.

Every Thursday morning on Melinda’s blog, a complete Q&A interview from each #Smallbizchat is posted as a recap http://www.succeedasyourownboss.com

The post Who’s on #Smallbizchat March 2017 appeared first on Succeed As Your Own Boss.

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