
Subscription: OwlCrate

Cost: $29.99 + $6.99 shipping [$36.98 total per month]

What to Expect:

A highly anticipated new YA release [Young Adult].

3-5 other bookish goodies (jewelry, totes, yummy treats, pins, etc).

Exclusive items from publishers and authors.

A note telling you more about the novel and the items included in your crate.

Hey squirrelfriends! I hope you’ve secreted away all of your nuts and cookies, because winter just started. Time to get cozy, maybe a little holiday tipsy [21+ or don’t tell me about it], and let’s take a peek at my new favorite box.

Delivered by owls through my fireplace, as mail should be.

Theme: Get Inspired

I always save the spoilers for last because I like a little surprise! This card is nicely done though. I like the format.

What I Read (Red) Mini Journal: $6.00 on Amazon.

This is a nice booky inclusion. I tried using a journal to write down books, but now I use Goodreads because I can search it more easily and pull up the app on my phone in a bookstore.

Reading at the Cafe Candle from Frostbeard: $8.00 for a full size 8oz candle. Not sure what size this is, but it looks bigger than the tealights which are $3 each, so I’d say $5-6??

Oooh, did I get a travel tin?? One commenter mentioned “traveling” should count as walking from one room to the next with the candle, and I agree.  It smells like coffee, cloves, and chocolate. Mmm.

This came with a coupon for the website, and I will definitely be buying more candles! I brought it to my brother’s house and forced my family to smell it–rave reviews abound. I do believe I found my HG candle.

I will probably sit and huff this candle in my office!

To Do List Notepad from boygirlparty: $8.00. This came with a coupon, so I will be buying the sloth “Do Not Want To-Do List” notepad! I also want to get a shirt with the stack-o-kitties.

I love Boygirl Party! This spoiler really got me excited about the December box. My first planner post college was a boygirlparty notebook with owls on it. Yes, I still have it. It’s too pretty to throw away!

Little Prince Magnet by Sandra Vargas: $3.00. Not on the site, but the art is in other forms. See her other magnets here.

I like this–all of Vargas’ art is literary themed and it reminds me of the art from Dixit [which is like Apples to Apples with beautiful art cards].

Da Vinci’s Tiger by Laura Malone Elliott: $14.25 on Amazon.

From Goodreads [3.47 rating]:

Young, beautiful, and witty, Ginevra de’ Benci longs to take part in the artistic ferment of Renaissance Florence. But as the daughter of a wealthy family in a society dictated by men, she is trapped in an arranged marriage, expected to limit her creativity to domestic duties. Her poetry reveals her deepest feelings, and she aches to share her work, to meet painters and sculptors mentored by the famed Lorenzo de Medici, and to find love.

When the charismatic Venetian ambassador, Bernardo Bembo, arrives in Florence, he introduces Ginevra to a dazzling circle of patrons, artists, and philosophers—a world of thought and conversation she has yearned for. She is instantly attracted to the handsome newcomer, who admires her mind as well as her beauty. Yet Ginevra remains conflicted about his attentions. Choosing her as his Platonic muse, Bembo commissions a portrait by a young Leonardo da Vinci. Posing for the brilliant painter inspires an intimate connection between them—one Ginevra can only begin to understand. In a rich and enthralling world of exquisite art, elaborate feasts, and exhilarating jousts, she faces many temptations to discover her voice, artistic companionship, and a love that defies categorization. In the end, she and Leonardo are caught up in a dangerous and deadly battle between powerful families.

Da Vinci’s Tiget Magnet set: I believe this is a box exclusive.

I used to have a lot of word magnets, and I’ll probably put this on my work fridge because our home fridges are covered in stickers [beer fridge] and wedding/Christmas pictures [indoor fridge].

Instagram Spoiler!

January’s theme is Magic and the picture has something to do with something in the box =D =D =D

Verdict: On Black Friday I jumped on their deal for three months [$85], and I am so happy I did! This box is amazing, and I feel like the curator puts a lot of love into these boxes. Plus, she’s the cutest and I love her Instagram =) Every item is literary, and I’m interested in buying more of several of the items. Even though the journal is neat, I think it’s the only item I do not have a use for. Other than that, I will be scouring Frostbeard for more candles to sniff!!

Owl be looking out for my nest box!

What did you think? Will you be reading about this renaissance muse? Let us know!

For other Owl Crate reviews, click here!

Disclosure: This box was paid for by me. There is a refer-three-get-one-free link and affiliate links.

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