Get to know more about HealthyWiser’s TDS EC meter
Disasters are everywhere. In recent reports, over 100 people have been killed and around 8.6 million people are affected by the flooding in China, a disaster that has swept the nation in the past couple of days. RT News reported that the flooding in China has caused homes to collapse and has left several others displaced.
Because these kinds of disasters are practically hitting various places without warning, it is important that people know where to find emergency water supplies. These supplies are necessary for survival.
“After an emergency, especially after flooding, drinking water may not be available or safe to drink for personal use. Do not use water you suspect or have been told is contaminated to wash dishes, brush your teeth, wash and prepare food, make ice, or make baby formula,” the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated on their website.
Having said this, it is always important to keep water safe during calamities and disasters. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention further added that it is important for the community water system to prepare a plan in the event that water supplies become disrupted or contaminated. They should still meet regulations in the state and in the nation despite these calamities.
The organization has provided some helpful tips and guidelines on how homeowners can ensure that they have safe water supplies. Here are some tips on how they can find emergency water supplies.
In the event that water coming from the faucet becomes unsafe, some of the possible sources of emergency water that the organization listed are: water from the water heater tank, melted ice cubes, liquid from canned goods such as fruits and vegetables, and water from swimming pools and spas.
Aside from these, water that comes from outdoor sources can also be of good use. Some of these were indicated as well, such as water from streams, rainwater, rivers, ponds, natural springs and lakes.
“Alternative sources of clean water can be found inside and outside the home. Do not drink water that has an unusual odor or color, or that you know or suspect might be contaminated with fuel or toxic chemicals,” the website further stated.
HealthyWiser digital TDS EC meter
During disasters and when there is a need for safer water sources, it is important to keep a digital water testing kit at home. HealthyWiser offers a digital TDS EC meter that has been designed to provide accurate and reliable water test readings for total dissolved solids (TDS) found in water supplies.
HealthyWiser is a reputable brand that offers various products for personal health, wellness, pH testing, and beauty. To find out more about the product, visit their Amazon page.
HealthyWiser is a reputable company that provides various products in the United States for personal health, wellness and beauty. It has a growing brand in the market that has continued to impress consumers. Check out the product on Amazon.
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