
What We’ll Be Creating

Resources Used In This Tutorial

HTC Pad PSD File By Esintitasarim

Loupe: Screenshot Magnifyier By Premium Pixels

Drafting Out The Header

Create a new (Ctrl + N) document 1200 x 1150 pixels with a white #ffffff background. Select the “Rectangular Marquee Tool” (M) and drag out a rectangle at the top of the canvas 1200 pixels wide and about 220 pixels in height.

Once you have created the rectangle label the layer “Header”. Now select the “Rounded Rectangle Tool” (U) with a radius of 20 pixels.

Drag out a rounded rectangle just above the bottom of edge of the header rectangle, this rectangle should be around 950 pixels wide and about 60 pixels in height.

Label the rounded rectangle layer “Navigation”. Reselect the “Rounded Rectangle Tool” (U) then just above the navigation rectangle on the right hand side drag out a small rectangle big enough to be a search field. Label this new layer “Search”.

Bringing The Header Area To Life

Select the “Header” layer then add the following layer styles using the settings below.

Create a new layer above your “Header” layer and label it “Header Glow”. Make a selection around the “Header” layer by going to “Layer > Load Selection” then select the “Gradient Tool” (G) with a “Radial Gradient”. In the fill options bar change the gradient type to “Foreground To Transparent”.

Drag the gradient from the top center of the header, once you have applied the gradient set the opacity to around 15%. You should have something like this.

Bringing The Navigation To Life

Select the “Navigation” layer then add the following layer styles using the following settings.

Inside of the navigation bar add some textual links using the “Text Tool” (T).

In between each navigation item, create two 1 pixel lines next to each other on a single layer, the two lines should be the same height as the navigation rectangle.

Once you’ve created the lines set the layer blend mode to “Overlay”, you should have something like this.

Next, we’ll create a hover state for one of the navigation items. Select the “Zoom Tool” (Z) then zoom into one of the navigation links, draw a white #ffffff single line along the stroke on the navigation rectangle. The line should start at the left divider and end at the next divider line.

Once you’ve drawn the line add the following layer styles.

The navigation should now look something like this.

Adding Detail To The Search Field

Select the search field layer then add the following layer styles using the settings below.

Once you’ve added the layer styles add a small white #ffffff magnifying glass icon which can be found in the custom shapes library. Then add the text “Search Here…” inside of the search field using the “Text Tool” (T).

Finishing The The Header

To finish the header off simply select the “Text Tool” (T) and add your website title and slogan. The font i used for the website is “HelveticaNeue LT 55″.

Creating The Featured Area

On a new layer underneath all the header elements select the “Rectangular Marquee Tool” (M) and make a selection similar to the image below.

Once the selection has been made fill (G) the selection with any random color, then add a “Gradient Overlay” using the settings below.

On the left hand side of the featured area add some example featured text, leaving space on the right for an image.

Download the “HTC Pad” from the resource list.

HTC Pad PSD File By Esintitasarim

Then copy over the HTC Pad and place it inside of the featured area on the right. Resize the HTC Pad with the “Free Transform Tool” (Ctrl + T).

Next, download the Loupe: Screenshot Magnifier from “Premium Pixels” then drag the magnifier onto the canvas over the HTC Pad.

Loupe: Screenshot Magnifier By Premium Pixels

On a layer above the magnifier layer drag a bigger version of the HTC Pad, right click the bigger version of the HTC Pad layer and select “Create Clipping Mask”. The bigger HTC Pad should disappear inside of the magnifying, simply move (V) the bigger HTC Pad until you have something like this.

Creating The 2nd Navigation

On a new layer below all your other layers select the “Rectangle Tool” (U), then drag out a rectangle underneath the featured area.

Add a “Gradient Overlay” to the 2nd navigation rectangle using the settings below.

Inside of the 2nd navigation rectangle add a couple of sub headings with a small description. In between each sub heading add the little divider lines as we did with our 1st navigation.

Finally above one of the sub headings add a small arrow pointing upwards. This can be created using the “Polygonal Lasso Tool” (L).

Creating The Content Area

Select the “Rectangular Marquee Tool” (M) then make a selection around the last bit of the white area, as shown below.

Set the “Foreground” color to #cecece and “Background” color to #ffffff, select the “Gradient Fill Tool” (G) then drag a linear gradient from the top of the selection downwards a couple of pixels.

Select the “Rectangular Marquee Tool” and create two 1 pixel lines on top of each other, just like we did for our navigation only this time create them horizontally. Place the lines where the blue navigation meets the gradient. Once created set opacity to 50%.

In the space left over begin to build up your content, I’ve done nothing special just add some dummy text and a list for the blog entries. You can take more time on your content area and get it looking how you want to.

Creating The Footer

For the footer simply select the “Rectangular Marquee Tool” (M), drag a selection out at the bottom of the canvas then fill (G) the selection with the color black #000000. Inside of the footer add your copyright information and maybe a small textual navigation.


Thanks for taking part in this tutorial, if you managed to finish this tutorial I’d love to see some of your results. Feel free to post them up on our Facebook Fan Page.


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