I’m sure each month I’ll say this, but I really can’t believe Piper is 10 weeks old! The transition between one and two months has been so fun to watch – it’s like I can actually physically see her grow and change each day. Piper is so alert and loves to look at us and smile – it’s really the best feeling ever when we wake up in the morning and I know I get to spend my day with this sweet angel. This month we had a scary trip to the ER for Piper’s tummy but she’s ok – we found out at our visit that she has a serious case of reflux. We’ve decided not to medicate her yet and are trying different tactics to help — nursing with her upright, burping more frequently and keeping her vertical for 45 mins after each feed. Other than that she continues to be a happy girl and is still sleeping through the night! The biggest change this month was the start of our nanny, Alex! We are so happy to have her and I’ve loved being able to work at home and still be near Piper.
Piper’s beautiful numbers were made by our friend Poppy & Scooter
WEIGHT & LENGTH: Piper is 9lb 9oz and 22 inches! She’s wearing 0-3 month clothes is still too small for a lot of her newborn dresses and outfits (much to my dismay). I’m realizing we need to stock up on fall and winter clothes for this tiny girl that will fit.
FEEDING: Piper still loves to eat! She’s feeding every 2-3 hours except at night. We are still exclusively breast feeding and Piper takes 1 4oz bottle from Alex for lunch on the days that she’s with us. She has an allergy to dairy (we are hoping not soy too and will know in 2 weeks — so I’ve been off it for over 2 weeks now. She still spits up a ton from her reflux and we do lots and lots of laundry for us both.
DEVELOPMENT: This month it feels like Piper communicates so much more with us! She loves to smile at us when we come home and wake up in the morning. She definitely recognizes her family and is so happy to see us. She absolutely loves to lay and stare at the animals on her play mat and is very interested in her plush toys. She will reach for them if you place them near her but isn’t grabbing yet. She’s really strong, you should see her ab muscles!! Tummy time isn’t her favorite but she lifts her head up so high and has started pushing up with her arms too. She usually enjoys diaper changes (and being naked in general!) and still really loves her bath time.
SLEEPING: Piper is still sleeping through the night and we feel incredibly luckily. We’ve successfully been able to push her bedtime up an hour to 10pm and she usually wakes by 6-7am for her first feeding and then usually will go down for her morning nap around 9. The days Alex is here we have a good routine down, and for the most part Piper will take a long morning nap before lunch and then another long afternoon nap. I’m trying to stick with this routine and soon we’re going to try having her nap in her crib (tear).
DIAPERS: We are on a Honest kick right now — we stocked up at Target’s baby sale and they have been great and rarely leak these days despite Piper’s rather messy diapers :) We are still using Huggies Natural Care Wipes and get the large packs to refill our dispenser -the main reason I love them!
PERSONAL CARE: I started using Boudreaux’s Natural Butt Paste and stopped using Desitin after reading about some of the ingredients. I love the Butt Paste – it works after 1 day and has no harmful ingredients. I swear by Mustela’s Physibebe Cleansing Fluid for between baths (we bathe Piper every other day right now). We still use Mustela’s Facial Cleansing Cloths & also really like Johnson & Johnson’s version – I keep them in my purse, diaper bag and at each changing station at our house and my parents. We recently started using Earth Mama Angel Baby shampoo & body wash in lavender and I love how it foams making it easier to get Piper clean.
TOYS & GADGETS: We continue to really like our PUJ Tub for baths – it fits in our kitchen sink perfectly and I easily can give her a bath on my own when Austin is working late, I really can’t say enough good things about this bathtub for us right now. We have a Skip Hop play mat that we love. I also forgot to mention last month that we’ve been using the Sprout app religiously for feeding, it’s really great when our nanny is here too because it helps us keep track of what Piper’s eating – highly recommend it for new moms! It syncs to both our phones and iPad too, which is great.
CLOTHING: I’m stocking up on long sleeve onesies for miss Pipes, she only has a handful that fit right now. My mom found a nice neutral set of this Carter’s style that we really like because they are easy to get over her big head. I’ve gone a little crazy with headbands lately and love these pretties from Crafted Co. (pictured above).
Read Piper’s 1 Month Update here!