If you woke up this morning and said to yourself ”wow, I really wonder what I’d look like as Walter White!” you’re in luck. According to Fast Co.Design, a new project allows you to use your webcam to map 70 points of your face, then lay someone else’s face on top of yours in a web browser in real time, so as you move, the visage moves right along with you. Oh, and by “someone else’s face,” we’re talking White, Kim Kardashian, Barack Obama, Justin Bieber, Kanye West, and more.
The interesting tool is called CLMtrackr, and white it’s not totally perfect, it does offer users a odd sense of perception when seeing their own features morph into someone else’s in real time.
“It’s a really eerie effect to ‘wear’ someone else’s face when you’re mostly used to seeing your own face in the mirror,” creator Audun Øygard told Co.Design. “I noticed that I subconsciously changed my facial expressions depending on which face I was ‘wearing,’ which was kind of funny.”
Fast Company writer Mark Wilson gives CLMtracker a go.
Credit: Fast Company Design
You can read more about the app at Co.Design, or check it out for yourself here.