Jay Z just released the music video with his newest partner-in-crime, Justin Timberlake, for the debut single off his album “Magna Carta Holy Grail.” And it’s really good, especially the parts when Jay and JT rap and sing, respectively, in slow motion.
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The clip for “Holy Grail” (watch above!) tells the story of the at-times impossible demands of achieving tons and tons of fame—arguably the best line is Jay’s “this fame hurts, but this chain works”—and it does so very dramatically, with the use of dim lighting, lots of broken television sets, cigar smoke, and that most iconic and melodramatic of film techniques: slow motion. And to good effect: the song slows down at just the right times, and those slower moments seamlessly weave in with the rest of the upbeat track.
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Another high point comes when JT takes in a private dance performance that consists of a bunch of ladies moving blithely underneath some ghostly sheets, with a buffet of rotting food before him on the table. Dig in!