
If you are a major or indie artist and you are not using the internet from promotions, you are doing yourself a disservice and only getting about 33% of the fans you might have. Of course the other 67 percent comes from performing and having decent music. Bandcamp.com is a free-to-join online music store that lets you, the artist share your amazing music with fans who support you directly through downloads and sharing.

Bandcamp has been around since 2008 and are now taking their site mobile so that sharing and downloading great indie music is at your fingertips. The first version gives anyone with a fan account instant, unlimited mobile access to their Bandcamp music collection on the iPhone and Android. Just make a purchase, and it immediately appears in the app. When an album pre-order is released, it just shows up, ready to be enjoyed through Bandcamp’s existing high-quality download functionality.

To get started, create or use your fan account, then head over to your respective application store and get the Bandcamp app for iOS and Android, free.

Signed, LeVar Thomas

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