
Whether it’s for personal enrichment or professional advancement, continuing education is indispensible.  These sites offer the best in medical training updates, news and recent advances.  Teachers continuing their education and improving the learning in their classroom will find tremendous tools.  Business professionals looking for unique content from like-minded individuals will appreciate the section on business.

For those lifelong learners who are seeking to broaden their horizons there is a section on personal enrichment with a little bit of everything. Continuing education means that the learning never stops. Taking a formal class or following current trends can lead to new opportunities. Check out news, learning opportunities and more in these blogs.

Healthcare and Fitness

Yoga Teacher Training: Course material for yoga teachers in training and enrichment materials for current teachers. Includes a message board for yoga teachers to exchange ideas and questions

Balanced Health & Nutrition: Food, nutrition and exercise information blended with a dash of opinion from a registered dietitian and credentialed nutrition therapist.

Iateapie reviews foods marketed as healthy and diet friendly options.

The Health Care Blog: In depth coverage of the health care system. Questions and answers for lay people.

Academic Life In Emergency Medicine: Behind the scenes peek at emergency medicine

WhiteCoat’s Call Room: Emergency physicians monthly an independent voice for emergency physicians

CC Continuing Education: One of the largest CME programs in the country, sharing a wealth if information with medical professional for over 75 years.

CME Buzz: Broad based continuing medical education resource and community.

Medical Meetings: News, opportunities and careers in the medical field.

EMedHome: Provides a user-friendly clinical resource that is designed to be an educational tool for Emergency Physicians.

MGMA: Focus on best ideas in medical practice management

Pallimed: Dedicated to current hospice and palliative medicine information.

EM-Blog: The Center for Medical Education blog focuses on state of the art continuing medical education.

Fitness Spotlight: Presents the fitness facts for those who want to create and succeed in their fitness goals.


EDU in Review: Help for all stages in the education journey. Scholarships, news and how to find the right courses.

Inside Higher Ed: A candid look at the business of higher education.

Higher Ed Watch: Higher education trends and opportunities examined from a non-partisan perspective.

The Chronicle of Higher Education: The Ticker presents breaking news and analysis of current issues in higher education.

Educated Nation: A penetrating look at higher education from a student perspective. Topics include loans, requirements, course offerings and how to make the most of your education and post-graduation time.

Bb: Using blackboard to maximize your online learning opportunities.

Great College Advice: Expert advice on college admissions and which school is the best fit.

Changing Higher Education: Examines the shifts higher education makes to adapt to changing times.

Edgalaxy: E-earning tools and tips for teachers.

Emerging Ed Tech: Focuses on engaging students and improving learning outcomes through internet use and new instructional technologies.

The Tech Savvy Educator: A practical guide for integrating technology in the classroom.

Teachers Teaching Teachers: Shares the best techniques from experienced teachers.

Online Edu Blog: Information about online universities, degrees and programs.

Weblogg-ed: Blogging tools for teachers. How blogging can impact classroom learning.


Insurance Continuing Education and Tools: Timely and relevant continuing education information for fields of insurance, real estate, and financial services, as well as general business and entrepreneurship.

AccountingWeb: Continuing education for accountants based on 28 years of experience in continuing education for accountants.

Librarian of Fortune: Finding the best information on the web when you need it. Offers one on one coaching.

About-eLearning: A Comprehensive up-to-date guide for e-learning and accredited online distance education

E-Learning Queen: Focuses on distance training and education, from instructional design to e-learning and mobile solutions, and pays attention to psychological, social, and cultural factors.

Upside Learning: Keep up with innovation and design in technology learning solutions

Sales and Management Blog: Discussion of sales and sales management approaches.

SEA: Scientists and Engineers for America promotes evidenced based at all levels of government. Focuses on current science and engineering news that impacts policy decisions.

Small Biz Trends: Law and how it affects small business owners.

The Entrepreneurial Mind: Dr. Jeff Cornwall focuses on entrepreneurship challenges and successes.

Business Pundit: Diverse business news and views for anyone associated with business.

Management Issues: An independent online resource focusing on the leadership, management and people issues at the heart of the changing workplace.

Andrew McAfee: Discusses the business impact of IT.

Personal Enrichment

Not Made Of Money: Money saving tips, frugal ideas and living on one income. Learn to live life well without debt.

Wisebread: Shows a person how to live large on a small budget

Gardeners: Gardening and more. Grow vegetables, flowers and perennials all with the help of passionate gardeners from Gardener’s Supply in Vermont.

Non Profit Quarterly: Focuses on keys to strengthen and grow non-profit organizations.

My Pink Stamper: Tips teaching – how tos on scrapbooking and capturing memories to share heritage with future generations.

Organic Authority: Discover what’s new in the organic world.

The Five Cent Nickel: Focuses on money and finance tips for the general public.

The Daily Green: A consumer guide to all things green.

The Daily Spark: Provides exercise ideas, fitness hints and daily tips for healthy living

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