
Posted by Brenda Wallace

Personal trainers exist in all shapes and sizes. There are some who are heavily into the strength training. there are some who love the commercial gyms, but hate any of the home gym options. There are some who are quite the obvious. Studbar Pullup Bars wanted to highlight all of them, being that all of them are committed to your personal fitness.

Welcome to our list of top personal trainers. We have arranged them in alphabetical order by first name.

1. Ace Morgan

Ace Morgan was voted the best personal trainer in a San Francisco readers poll. He trains all types of people, from the stay at home mom to the web designer to the rich and famous. His specialty is in muscle imbalance correction through core, circuit training, strength training, and other proven techniques.

Website: Ace Morgan Fitness

Twitter: @Acemorganfit



2. Adam Bornstein

Adam Bornstein is all about body transformation. He’s an extremely well-known figure in the fitness writing community, and has written his own books on fitness. Now he shares his insights through his blog.

Website: Born Fitness

Twitter: @Bornfitness





3. Alli McKee

A Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Alli McKee is the co-founder of Girls Gone Strong, a company that educates women to embrace strength in all of its forms. She is also a well-known fitness model.

Website: Alli McKee

Twitter: @allimckeefit





4. Andy Morgan

Andy Morgan is an online diet coach and personal trainer. He’s a big fan of the Leangains method of Intermittent Fasting and weightlifting, and shares his knowledge through his blog posts and guides.

website; Ripped Body

Twitter: @rippedbodyjp





5. Ashley Borden

Ashley Borden is very well known among top athletes and celebrities as a trainer who can deliver results. Women’s Health magazine named her one of the top “Body Transformers” in 2011.

Website: Ashley Borden

Twitter: @ashleyborden





6. Beth Harris

Beth Harris is a well-rated Health & Fitness Professional in North Florida. She not only does personal training, but also life coaching. Combined with her many certifications, she’s becoming a known name in the fitness world.

Website: Elizabeth Harris

twitter: @bethharrisfit





7. Bo the Trainer

Offers personal training programs in the Miami area. Bo has a firm commitment to making sure that his clients receive the best in personal attention and care. He conducts personal training programs, resistance and training programs, and has individual and group classes. Is the founder of Milk Fitness – it does a body good.

Website: Training With Bo

Twitter: @Bothetrainer





8. Brad McLeod

Not everyone can be a SEAL, but if want to train like one, then Brad McLeod is your man! He offers online coaching as a former SEAL and as a Crossfit Level 1 trainer.

website: Sealgrinder PT

Twitter: @sealgrinderpt





9. Burr Leonard

Burr Leonard is the creator of the Bar method of fitness, a form of exercise that uses body alignment, alternating muscle groups, and classical dance techniques to stretch and tone the entire body. It’s a very intense form of exercise well suited for people in dance.

Website: Bar Method

Twitter: @Barmethodsf





10, Caz the Trainer

Another young trainer and fitness coach, Caz Derkowski is turning heads with his well-sculpted physique. He’s only been lifting since 2008, which goes to show how quickly his methods achieve results.

Website: Caz the Trainer

Twitter: @Cazthetrainer





11. Clint Nielsen

Clint is someone who learned how to do fitness from the ground up. One comment about “man-boobs” and many mistakes later, his “Reveal the Steel” program is helping many people reach their fitness goals.

Website: Crude Fitness

Twitter: @CrudeFitness





12. Coach Carl

Carl Paoli is known in the Crossfit world for combining the intensity of Crossfit with the rigor of classic gymnnastics training. Founder of GymnasticsWOD.com, he now trains people in San Franscisco. He was the trainer of Annie Thorisdottir, the winner of the 2011 Crossfit Games.

Website: Naka Athletics

Twitter: @Nakaathletics





13. Craig Ballantyne

After only two years, his gym became one of the top 10 gyms in America according to Men’s Health. He was able to do this by constantly pushing himself outside of his comfort zone. See how he can help you do that by reading his blog.

Website: Craig Ballantyne

Twitter: @Craigballantyne





14. Eric Cressey

Eric Cressey has assisted athletes and individuals of all shapes and sizes reach their maximum performance levels. He has worked with professional athletes, he is a certified strength and conditoning specialist, and holds several state, national, and world records.

Website: Eric Cressey

Twitter: @ericcressey





15. Gunnar Peterson

Gunnar Peterson is a personal trainer for Hollywood stars and pro athletes alike. Perhaps THE personal trainer! You’ve seen his results in many movies and television shows. If you want to look like a celebrity, Gunnar is your trainer.

Website: Gunnar Peterson

Twitter: @gunnar





16. James Fell

James Fell is the author of “In-Your-Face Fitness” in the Chicago Tribune, but he’s also one of the most down-to-earth trainers out there. Just read his blog and you’ll understand.

Website: Body for Wife

Twitter: @bodyforwife





17. Jason Ferruggia

Jason Ferrugia founded Renegade Rules, a strength training program designed to kick anyone’s butt. His mission is to make his renegade nation 1 million strong and to return to the golden era of physical culture.

Website: Jason Ferruggia

Twitter: @jasonferruggia





18. JC Deen

Fitness doesn’t have to consume your life to give you great results. That’s the message that JC Deen delivers through his blog and courses. His best-known is “A No-BS Approach for Looking Good Naked.”

Website: JCD Fitness

Twitter: @jcdfitness





19. Jeff Halevy

From having a tumor (benign) as a child, to celebrity trainer, Jeff Halevy knows how to get to the roots of someone’s issues with weight and help them to become the person they truly are.

Website: Jeff Halevy

Twitter: @jeffhalevy





20. Jen Comas Keck

Another thing to look for in a trainer is how many fitness modalities they’ve actually tried. Jen Comas Keck has done it all and now teaches what really works through EliteFTS.

Website: Jen Comas Keck

Twitter: @jencomaskeck





21. Jen Sinkler

She’s the senior fitness editor of Experience Life magazine, a magazine that gives in-depth knowledge about health, diet, and fitness without the BS. She’s also a former rugby player and has some of the most advanced training certifications in the industry.

Website: Jen sinkler

twitter: @jensinkler





22. Jim Smith

Jim Smith is a strength & conditioning coach and a member of the LIVESTRONG Fitness Advisory Board. His innovative techniques to strength traning have drawn much praise from the industry.

Website: Diesel Strength

Twitter: @dieselstrength





23. Joe Dowdell

He’s the founder and co-owner of the #3 gym in America, and is one of the best educated trainers in the industry. Few know fitness like Joe Dowdell does!

Website: Joe Dowdell

Twitter: @joedowdellnyc





24. John Romaniello

Trainer to all, model, trainer, and unabashed nerd, John Romaniello brings a sense of humor that is needed in the industry. His style shows that you don’t need seriousness to get sculpted.

Website: Roman Fitness Systems

Twitter: @johnromaniello





25. Karen Ficarelli

Karen designed a fitness program that was approriate for women, allowing and empowering them to become more fit and beautiful. The program that she designed, Fitness4Her is a complete system designed reach these goals.

Website: Fitness 4 Her

Twitter: @fitness4her





26. Keith Norris

Keith Norris is a well-respected Paleo lifestyle enthusiast. Through his blog and coach, he teaches people older methods of physical culture used long before any weight machine was invented.

Website: Ancestral Momentum

Twitter: @keithnorris





27. Kevin Richardson

Kevin Richardson is one of the most respected personal trainers in New York City. He won the 2012 Best of Manhattan award for personal training. He fuses Eastern health principles with his Western bodybuilding training to achieve his results.

Website: Naturally Intense

Twitter: @batmannyc





28. Laura

Laura Endes left public teaching to spread the word about fitness through video. She offers a complete fitness plan and weekly workout videos for free through her site, along with personalized coaching.

Website: This Is Fit Workouts

Twitter: @thisisfitwkouts





29. Lee Hayward

Lee Hayward is one of the most popular online bodybuilding gurus out there. If bodybuilding competitions are your aim in fitness, this is the place to learn the skills you need to sculpt your way to a win.

Website: Lee Hayward

Twitter: @leehayward





30. Liz DiAlto

Personal training isn’t just about knowing exercise routines and progressions. There is also the delivery of the message. This is where Liz Dialto shines. Women love her sassy and encouraging style!

Website: Liz Dialto

Twitter: @Lizdialto





31. Marianne Kane

The site is mostly known for its detailed workouts for bodyweight and kettlebell routines, but they’re the brainchild of Marianne Kane, a RN and personal trainer with a passion for helping women get the body they want.

Website: My O My TV

Twitter: @myomytv





32. Mike Boyle

Michael Boyle is one of the foremost functional fitness coaches for pro athletes. He’s worked over 40 years as a coach for a number of college and pro teams, including the 1998 Womens Ice Hockey Team who won Gold.

Website: Body By Boyle

Twitter: @bodybyboyle





33. Mike Robertson

Intermittent fasting and weightlifting are his methods for teaching people how to become jacked. If you want to lose weight and get cut at the same time, you can’t go wrong with his methods.

Website: Robertson Training Systems

Twitter: @robtrainsystem





34. Mitch Calvert

He’s not a certified trainer, but he has definitely walked the walk enough to have his voice be heard in the fitness community! He offers lifestyle consultation programs through his blog.

Website: Mitch Calvert

Twitter: @mitchnutrition





35. Neghar Fonooni

Diet is just as important of a component as exercise for overall fitness. Trainer Neghar Fonooni trains women how to make easy and healthy recipes along with teaching them how to properly deadlift olypmic weights.

Website: Neghar Fonooni

Twitter; @negharfonooni





36. Nicole Nichols

Nicole Nichols is not only a fitness expert, but also the editor-in-chief for SparkPeople, the most popular fitness and weight-loss site on the web. She was named the “Top Personal Trainer to Watch” in 2011 by ACE and Life Fitness.

Website: coach Nicole

Twitter: @thecoachnicole





37. Rob Sulaver

If a badass is what you want to become, then Rob Sulaver is the one to transform you! Nutritional information, hormone profiling, and Crossfit are his tools.

Website: Bandana Training

Twitter: @bandanatraining 




38. Ross Training

Ross Enamait has dedicated his life to excellence and innovations in high performance training and strength development. His website has plenty of resources about fitness training and making your fitness dreams come true.

Website: Ross Training

Twitter: @Rosstraining





39. Shannon Colavecchio

PR Maven by day, fitness instructor always. She does a little bit of everything, but focuses on core training, TRX, and especially cycling. Her students call her the little drill sergeant.

Website: Bad Ass Fitness

Twitter: @badassfitness

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