Stuart Jeffery Blogspot. Green Party campaigner in Kent. Also a nurse, academic, former manager, writer, Druid, husband and father.
Stuart Jeffery Blogspot. Green Party campaigner in Kent. Also a nurse, academic, former manager, writer, Druid, husband and father.
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For the New Year, we at decided to put together a list of the hottest women in politics for 2017. Of course, by “hottest” we mean “most distinguished, respected, and capable public servants who have a bright political future, to possibly include...
The battle lines are clear. Democracy is in peril and the left must take itself seriously electorally and politically. Ruth Potts speaks to Gary Younge, who was based in Muncie, Indiana, for the US election, about the implications of Donald Trump’s victory...
Hood, California, is a farming town of 200 souls, crammed up against a levee that protects it from the Sacramento River. The eastern approach from I-5 and the Sacramento suburb of Elk Grove is bucolic. Cows graze. An abandoned railroad track sits atop...
From James Harkin (Webmaster & Editor of Here is a summary of articles of interest from around the world for this week. Please LIKE the Lindsey Williams Online Facebook Page to see stories posted daily regarding the current...
November 11, 2016 Day 3: Still thinking Yesterday, President Obama met with Donald Trump at the White House. It was the first time either of them had met. According to brief remarks made to the Press afterward, their collegial meeting lasted about...
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Stuart Jeffery, Green campaigner in Kent
This is the email from Amber: My name is Amber, I'm 16 years old and I've been inspired to set up my own campaign to the government to lobby them to ban the plastic bags. In August this year I set up...
Green Party campaigner in Kent. Also a nurse, academic, former manager, writer, Druid, husband and father...
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