
Hello there! Week one of my second college semester is in the books!I have Fridays off which is super nice and I plan on getting a lot of sh*t done. (Maybe…but I probably won’t! You’re lucky I even got this post up!). This semester is going to be a lot more “at-home” work than last. I don’t think any of my classes will be very hard in the “content/understanding” part, but more demanding in work that will be due.

Since I don’t want to bore you with my whole week, here are just some memorable moments: a rainy cold day to start the first day of classes, joy! I enjoy all my classes and professors so far (however, that is always subject to change…), flashback to AP Latin last year…I have to memorize and recite a poem in my creative writing class next week, oddly delicious over-cooked dining hall salmon, I will be dissecting a baby dead pig in bio lab during the second half of the semester (I got out of that one junior year of high school because I was taking my driver’s test!), the leg-press is back and I am so going to crush that goal soon!, we don’t have school Monday (thank you MLK!), I am enjoying reading my comparative politics book…o boy!), I have a lot of work to do and presentations to prepare for next week so…..read this good stuff for me and enjoy your Friday! I’m looking forward to chilling out in my favorite Friday work/study spot from last year this morning after my workout! XOXO

SS Posts from the week:

Monday: Power Monday #66 Hey You!

Tuesday: Why You Can Get Fit At Home

Wednesday: Italian Chickpea Casserole

Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:

Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:

+ 4 Ways To Shake It Off

Tips to shake off negativity!

+ 12 Holistic Ways To Nurture Yourself This Winter

Oooo, jounaling…but by candle light!

+ Who Will Tell Her She’s not Beautiful

So sad, but also beautifully said.

+ Don’t Be Like The Rest Of Them, Darling

Do you own thing!

+ The #1 Stressor You Need To Eliminate In 2015 (And 62 Ways To Do It)

I loved these!


+ Secrets Of Success – 10 Tips For Running In The Snow

Those snowy/icy sidewalks are treacherous!

+ 10 Reasons Why Heavy Lifting Is Terrible For Women


+ Tips For New Runners

Hello, my name is Rebecca and I’m a newbie runner

+ 7 Ways To Progress An Exercise

Great tips to keep challenging the body!

+ 5 Anti-Aging Benefits Of Yoga

I’ll be one of those 90-year-old yogis Just wait!

+ How To Foam Roll

I am loving it and always have a long date with the roller after my runs!

+ How To Maintain Training In The Winter

This was the perfect time to start!

+ Tips On Getting Up & Holding A Handstand

One of my favorites!

+ The Only 5 Exercises You’ll Ever Need

I actually found this super interesting and totally making sense!

+ Better Safe Than Sorry – Safety Tips For Runners

Good stuff! Know it!


+ Are You New To Eating Healthy? Start Here

Such a great resource!

+ Top 10 Plant-Based Proteins To Add To Your Daily Routine

Fermented protein powder!?

+ 10 Gluten-Free And Vegan Healthy Breakfast Recipes

Yum, yum, and yum!

+ Why Intuitive Eating Doesn’t Work For Everyone

There is nothing that will work for 100% of the population. Sorry.

+ 13 Rules I Live By To Maintain A Healthy Relationship With Food

Wonderful! We should all focus on this!

+ 14 Items All Your Kitchen Dreams Are Made Of

I want that wall garden and that grill!

+ Making Your Resolutions Last: Recipes And Resources From Oh My Veggies

Such a great compilation!

+ Pizza Hut To Introduce Gluten-Free Pizza

O boy….at least they are doing it right, unlike Dominos!

+ How To Create A Healthy Dinner System

Love this!

+ Watch Out: Corporations Have Renamed High Fructose Corn Syrup

O boy……….


+ How To Handle Stress In The Moment

For right when it hits hard!

+ 10 Natural Ways To Help You Beat Depression

Good practical tips!

+ The Top 17 Health Claims Food Companies Use To Fool You Into Buying Processed Food

Read and UNDERSTAND your labels kids!

+ How Often Do You Really Need To Shower (According To Science)

Well…..this could be good….or very bad

+ Gluten-Free Crave Is Boon And Bane For Those With Celiac Disease

Obviously you know I have a lot of thoughts on this recent article that spurred a lot of attention.

Blogging, Social Media, Tech & Photography:

+ Recover Images From A Damaged SD Card

This saved my life (and two recipes). My card reader is crap and it destroyed the formatting on my card before I could get the pictures transferred to my computer. Luckily this saved the day (but took 3 hours!)

+ Why Food Bloggers Fail

This can be for any blogger though. Such a GREAT post!

+ Blogging Is A Crock Of Shit

Write as yourself and only yourself!

+ How To Manage Your Facebook Marketing In 30 Minutes A Day

It’s all about having a plan!

+ 8 Things Only A Blogger Could Understand

O, us bloggers. We are a special bunch!

+ What To Do When You’re Feeling Blog Crazy

Perfect for a resetting in the new year.


+ College Talk: Why I Changed My Major

You have to listen to yourself and what you truly want!

+ How To Make Your Apartment Feel Like Home

Or dorm in my case!

+ 12 Ways To Maximize Time On A Short Getaway

When you take those quick trips, you must plan!

+ Gilmore Girls Reinforced My Mothering

I Haven’t seen Gilmore Girls in so long!

+ Tips For Distance Learning And Online Classes

I’m planning on taking at least one class this summer and it may be online.

+ Keep Your Sick Kids Home, Dammit

How about, keep your sick adult self home too!

+ 9 Reasons Not To Abandon The Art Of A Handwritten Letter

I want to start sending out more snail mail! It really is the best to receive a letter!

Favorite Pins:

(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)

Chickpea Sunflower Sandwich. O goodness me!

Chewy Coconut Cashew Almond Granola Bars. A snack bar loaded with greatness!

Grain Free Tortillas. More rockin’ with grain-free flours!

Simple Grilled Sweet Potato + Black Bean Burrito Bowls. I could eat this every day…

Roasted Carrot Hummus. Holy dipping yum!

Super-Simple Strawberry-Swirl Vegan French Toast. I have seen so many French toast recipes lately! I plan on some tomorrow!

Goodness Bowl. This is beyond goodness!

Kung Pao Lentils. Don’t you just want to face-plant in this!?

Kumquat Buckwheat Breakfast Cookies. Yummy and rustically beautiful!

Carrot Cake Oatmeal. It really is a beautiful thing!

A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:

+ Another great run last Sunday! First one back in DC, so I did some local exploring and racked up another 6.29 miles!

+ I ordered business cards! I am so excited to have them get here and show you all! Another “goal” checked off!

+ Some nice random guy helped me carry up two huge boxes I picked up from package services in my dorm

So tell me:

+ What’s the last random act of kindness someone did for you?

+ How are you goals, wishes, intentions, or whatever, coming along?

*Linking-up with Heather’s Friday Favorites, Clare’s Five Things Friday, Katie’s Friday Favorites*


Stay connected:

Facebook: Strength and Sunshine

Twitter: @RebeccaGF666

Instagram: rebeccagf666

Pinterest: RebeccaGF666

Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine

Google+: Rebecca Pytell

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