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So of all the marketing ideas you got in the past couple weeks, which do you think is the most important? What was the biggest, most valuable takeaway for you?

The post about eliminating doubt from your market?

The one about getting into your prospects’ heads?

How about the one about the secret of making “never-ending” sales?

Well whatever your big AhHa! was, today I’m going to up the ante. I’m going to share MY number one marketing strategy with you.

I haven’t shared it with you up to this point because it’s a more in depth concept I teach to my coaching clients. (And that means this post will be a little longer than most.)

It’s a concept I personally developed over the years. And it’s generated more response, sparked more opt-ins and racked up more sales than just about anything else I’ve used or done.

It’ll let you transform all your marketing into content that will grab and hold your markets attention. It’ll make your prospects “lean in” and listen to what you have to say, above all the noise your competition is making.

It’ll let you position yourself as the leader in your market by creating what I call a “category of ONE” around you. It’ll let you make your competition irrelevant. And see your campaigns start to crush it while others fight an uphill battle.

Bottom line, it’ll make taking whatever action you want your prospects to take the only logical step in your their mind.

I call it your “Core Concept”.

It’s a strategy that will make all your marketing content more powerful. It’ll give it a bigger punch. Make it more persuasive. And connect with your prospects at a deeper, more compelling level.

Let Me Tell You How Important I Think It Is

This concept was secret behind the success of my Internet Business Manifesto. And the number one reason that single free report earned me nearly seven and a half million dollars in a matter of weeks. (It still earns me big bucks – even though I barely promote it these days.)

It was the reason every one of my report-based product launches consistently shattered the seven figure mark.

To this day I use it in every major marketing piece I produce.

Now, using the core concept has made me a lot of money. But I’m not suggesting that it’ll somehow magically catapult you into a new tax bracket. I would definitely NOT call my results typical.

But what I am saying is if you apply the keys associated with the core concept, they will transform your marketing content. They will make it more attention-grabbing. More powerful. More persuasive. And that will lead to more sales and a bigger bottom line.

So in this post I want to detail some of the basics of the core concept to you. So you can start putting it to work for you right now.

Ready? Let’s get started.

What The Heck Is A “Core Concept” Anyway?

First, let’s talk about what your “core concept” is.

At it’s most basic level, your core concept is the BIG IDEA behind your product or service. But it’s actually much more than just that.

It’s also an EXCITING IDEA. An idea that makes your prospects who see it actually want to share it with people they know.

It’s AN IDEA THAT CUTS THROUGH THE CLUTTER that your competition has muddied up your market place with.

(And here’s the really important thing.)

It’s AN IDEA THAT “WRAPS AROUND” your campaign, your product or whatever else you’re presenting to your market.

Like I said before, a well-implemented core concept will make buying your product or taking what ever action you want your prospects to take the next logical conclusion in their minds.

Now on the surface that might sound pretty simple. But there are actually eleven specific characteristics that a fully developed core concept must include to achieve its goals.

I want to give you the top three right now you can use to start putting this idea to work for you.


Key Characteristic 1: It’s Gotta Be New

OK. The first thing your core concept has to do is present something new.

Now you might be thinking that’s pretty hard. There’s not much that’s really “new” in the world. Maybe the field of quantum physics is discovering new things but pretty much everything else where products and services are concerned has already been discovered.

But the thing is, there are a lot of ways to define “new”…

For instance, “new” can be a new combination of familiar things that delivers a superior outcome. It can be a new process that delivers the solution that your prospect is after. Or it can be a new step within an established process that delivers superior results. It can be a new or added benefit that your product or service delivers.

“New” doesn’t have to mean discovering America. “New” can have a lot of meanings depending on how you express it in your core concept. And expressing a “new-ness” is absolutely critical.

So write this down in your marketing journal:

“My core concept has to present something new.”

And then answer the question:

“What about my product or service can I present as something new to my prospect?”

Got it? Let’s move on.

Key Characteristic 2: It’s Gotta Be Unique

This is important (and a little tricky) so pay attention.

Your core concept has to be UNIQUE.

I hear ya. “But Rich, doesn’t ‘unique’ mean the same thing as ‘new’?”

No it doesn’t. Something can be new and not unique.

Take a new model year car for example. It can have all kinds of new bells and whistles built in. Satellite radio, bluetooth for your phone or iPod, a push-button ignition, rear-view cameras that let you see behind you. Whatever.

But… does any of that make it unique? Not really.

Cars are essentially modes of transportation. (If you’re thinking like a marketer, they’re also expressions of your prospect’s personality!) That’s their basic function. If you’re not driving a Porsche or a Honda you could be driving a Jaguar or a Toyota.

Uniqueness means something that’s NOT easily substitutable. Some benefit your product offers your prospect can’t easily get anywhere else.

So write this down in your journal:

“My core concept has to present something unique.”

And when you’re thinking about your product or service, answer this question:

What aspect or benefit of what I offer can’t be gotten from any of your competition?”

OK. Let’s move on.

Key Characteristic 3 It’s Gotta Feel Original

Finally, you want to make sure that your core concept “feels original“.

Now what do I mean by “feeling original”?

That means that it should feel like it reveals a some kind of secret. Some detail of information that no one has ever shared with your prospect.

For instance, when I first launched my BGS coaching program, I created a category I called the “opportunity seeker”. I explained to my prospects that hopeful entrepreneurs who where actually opportunity seekers would struggle forever. While those who were strategic would experience massive success.

No one had ever explained this reasoning to my market before. It was definitely an original idea.

Now write this down in your journal:

“My core concept has to feel original.”

Then answer:

“What’s the secret or missing link that you’re sharing with your prospect?”

Answering these questions won’t be something you do on your lunch break. (Although you can definitely get started then!) They’re going to take some time to work through. To brainstorm enough ideas that will let you find the precise ones that will make your product stand out. But I can’t stress enough…

Start Working On These “Core Concept” Elements Today!

Because by just answering these three questions alone you’ll be able to start shaping a powerful core concept and start working it into all your marketing content. And doing this will give it all a dramatic boost.

With just these three steps, you’re going to start seeing a big difference in your results.

And once you get it down, it has virtually unlimited applications. The core concept’s value goes way beyond just marketing campaigns.

You can use it to sell individual items like your latest book for example…

You can use it in live presentations that you give (In fact I strongly recommend you make it the basis for any presentations you do)

You can use it to create high-impact webinars…

You can use it to write reports that will send sales off the charts,

You can use it for your blogging to write really powerful, persuasive posts

You can even use it to create and design your entire business.

Anything that requires you to stimulate massive action on the part of your prospects no matter what medium or marketing channels you use.

Master the idea of the core concept and your marketing will become nothing short of amazing.

And believe me, just these top three points alone will start to transform your marketing into something really powerful.

Now, If You Want To Unleash The Full Power Of The Core Concept…

Space has kind of limited me to outlining the top three characteristics of the core concept. But if you want to unleash the full power of it and have your marketing screaming off the charts, I’ve got a special surprise for you.

I want you to have the full report that introduced the strategy of the core concept to my clients and explains the whole thing in detail. The original report that details all eleven key characteristics of a powerful core concept. It’s called:

The Single Element Critical to Your Marketing Success – Your Core Concept”

It’ll show you all eleven specific characteristics you need to craft a great core concept.(You don’t necessarily have to incorporate all eleven. Like I said earlier, you can just use the three I’ve shared with you here and make a major difference in your content. But obviously the more keys you’re able to build in the more powerful, the more persuasive your core concept will be.)

Then it’ll walk you through the process of creating a core concept for your own business or product. Step by step.

Plus it also includes a case study of how I used my core concept in tandem with my own automated EEDM webinar process.

And it’ll show you how to leverage your core concept in a launch or just about any other marketing campaign.

By the end of this report, you’ll know everything you need to know about one of the most powerful marketing tools you can ever use.

But that’s not all that’s in the report.

It also includes two special bonus sections that will help you enhance your core concept even further. I’ll give you a concise breakdown of how to make your content “sticky”. If you’re familiar with the book Made To Stick by Chip and Dan Heath, you know what I’m talking about.

Their book was an in depth study of the big ideas that have become cemented in the public’s consciousness. (I highly recommend you read it if you already haven’t)

But in the meantime, this report will quickly outline the six critical characteristics they discovered that makes some big ideas “stick” while others get ignored and simply fade away. I’ll explain them to you and show you how to work them into your core concept.

In the second bonus section it’s going to share some really powerful aspects of a concept called “Neuro-marketing”. This concept was pioneered by a man named Christophe Morin and is all about blasting through your prospects “rational guard”. His conscious mind that automatically wants to object to your message.

It’s all about appealing to the part of their brain where he or she is most unable to resist. Add this all together and this report is seriously one of the most powerful tools you can have in your marketing arsenal.

It’s loaded with everything you need to create a core concept that will make all your marketing hugely successful.

And best of all it’s easy to read and to the point.

I want you to have it all.

But That’s Not All I Want To Give You

If you get this report right now, I’m going to throw in the perfect complement to the report.

I’m going to give you special access to a video presentation I did for the SAM Conference in 2011 on this very topic. (If you’re not familiar with the SAM Conference, it’s like a TED Talks seminar geared specifically for marketing.)

This presentation was shown to a packed house so you know I put my very best into it. And frankly I haven’t released it to the public anywhere else.

But I want to give you access to it right away when you get your copy of my core concept report.

So here’s what we’re talking about.

You get the report that explains the core concept in specific detail.

You get the step by step process that will help you create your own core concept for your product or business.

You get my case study showing you how I used my core concept in conjunction with my automated EEDM webinar.

You get the bonus section on elements of stickiness and neuro marketing that will increase the power of your core concept.

Plus you’ll get my bonus video that builds on all the powerful new knowledge.


Well if you are, here’s the best part.

It’s only $7!

Seven bucks and you get immediate access to it all. As fast as the internet will carry it to you.

OK… I’m Sensing Some Doubt

“Schefren can’t be giving away all that kind of valuable content for only seven bucks. There’s got to be some kind of catch.”

Well there’s not.

This is some of the best, most important, most valuable content I’ve ever created. I’m damned proud of it. And I believe that you’re going to love it too. It’s the exact same content I teach when I’m working with my private coaching clients. The very same stuff they get.

But I will confess one selfish motive.

I want to “bribe” you to take a serious look at the value I can offer you. I believe – and I’m being totally honest here – that if you take a look at the value I can offer you, you’ll want to look at more down the road.

Whether that means another report or product. One of my programs or even some personal consulting. Whatever your future needs may be.

But for right now I want you to see for yourself what I can do for you! I want to prove to you the kind of value you can expect.

And I’ll Even Take All The Risk

How about this?

I’m guessing it’ll take you an evening (probably more like an hour) to read through the entire report once. Then it’ll take you a week max to go through all the exercises and get started creating your own core concept in your spare time.

And it’ll take you about thirty minutes to watch the video.

But I want you to keep it for a full month. Go through it all.

If anytime during that thirty day period you don’t think it’s everything I’ve said it is… If you don’t absolutely believe that implementing the concepts that it teaches you will add more power and persuasion to your marketing and bigger bucks to your bottom lime, then let me know and I’ll refund your money.

No questions asked.

AND you can keep everything with my compliments.

Now does that sound fair?

You’ve got nothing to lose and potentially the biggest marketing advantage you can have over your competition to gain.

But You Need To Take Me Up On This Now

I’m sharing this post and making this offer because you’ve been following my series on marketing. And I really want to give you some serious value that will help you in that area.

But like I said earlier, this is content that I use with my coaching clients. (The people who pay me substantially more than seven dollars for it.)

That means I CAN NOT leave it out there indefinitely. Can’t do it.

So I’m making this offer in a “limited edition” post if you will.

At the end of the week, I’m going to have this post taken down and any links associated with the offer deactivated. And it’ll be gone. That simple.

Got it?

I hope you got some real value out of this post (and the whole marketing series for that matter). I hope you got some really valuable takeaways you can use to start creating your own core concept.

And I hope you’ll take advantage of my offer to get the whole report.

Don’t wait on this. Click the link below now and get your copy of the report now.

Send Me My Core Concept Now!

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