
Reports are all over the net, especially at sites near the intersection of “preppers” and “catastrophists” that snooping eyes are everywhere.  Need proof?   The kinds of stories that can make people paranoid include the recent disclosure that the NSA was building a massive monitoring operation in Utah and more than a few reports suggest that this means government will have the ability to monitor “every email you’ll ever send.”

Not with human eyes, of course, with the machine-reading techniques and supercomputers capable of finding keywords, phrases, and even the intent of emails.  So fast is the disappearance of privacy that it may become a “once upon a time notion;” outdated in an era of terrorism and by the massive “security  industry” it has spawned.  Doubt us?  A visit to an airport or federal facility of almost any sort confirms a vast transformation in just 11-years.

This week we are pleased to share an interview with Teresa Leibrick, a Private Investigator in Southern California.  Teresa brings over sixteen years of investigative experience to her firm, Pink Investigations and as an expert in undercover operations, shares a unique perspective on security and changing mores in our country.  She claims that “No Information Worth Having Is Beyond Her Reach”.

1. As a PI,  how do you feel about the Homeland Security efforts?  Are there things you see as a PI that other people (like we civilians) miss in the news?  Any  examples come to mind, and who’s got the initiative in the War on Terror?

My opinion of Homeland Security is they are, unfortunately, reaction-based, instead of pro-active. Reacting to events which have already occurred, puts you at a definite disadvantage. It allows the enemy to dictate the course of events. Think of it this way: we are always “behind,” we are following the lead of “the bad guys,” we are not leading the way, we are taking steps to protect ourselves from actions already enacted, and we are always playing catch-up.

That is no way to win a debate, a game, or a war. If all you’re ever doing is patching up the holes, you will always be in a losing position. Assertiveness is the only way to truly protect oneself. And, Homeland Security is not assertive. They are political.

As a Private Investigator, my approach to exposing crime is pro-active. Because of that, my job is increasingly difficult. Every year, more restrictive laws are passed and enacted, restricting access to information. The government becomes more powerful. The people have fewer options. The requirements to run and operate my firm are more and more difficult to fulfill. Taxes are punitive. Fees are higher. Penalties are operation and freedom-threatening. In short, the government is making it extremely difficult to justify staying in business.

Homeland Security is governed by the fear, restrictions, and monies of the politically correct. They waste time and money assuring the general public they are “fair.” However, protecting our country from terrorists should not be about making sure we don’t offend, or step on toes. War is Hell. And, those not directly involved have no idea of what it takes to win. But, those not directly involved are noisy and well-funded.

Homeland Security has an impossible job. Making their job even more impossible is the ever-present, interfering press. Whenever Homeland Security has a new approach to uncovering and/or thwarting terrorist threats… the press (most recently, The New York Times) announces that information to the world, i.e. our enemies. And, most destructive is the encouragement of this behavior to publicize our strategy for national protection is no longer considered treason.

When it comes to terrorists whose ultimate nirvana is to wipe Americans from the face of the planet… you cannot play “fair.” You cannot be politically correct. You cannot play the game of give and take. Our country needs to wake up to the severity of our enemies desires. We need to remove politicians from the decision-making process. We are at war. If we do not allow our military to handle what is rightfully theirs to handle… we will remain at risk.

The United States of America has always been protected by a pro-active, expertly-trained, and thoroughly-equipped military. It has kept us strong. It has secured our emotional and physical safety. In these difficult and dangerous times, our politicians need to acknowledge their limitations, so as to permit our country to once again lead the world.

2. We hear a lot about people who just want to “drop out” and “get off the radar” – as a practical manner, can people really do this?  Homeland Security seems to downplay the “going to ground” option, as it’s called in the trade.

I personally know two married couples who have done exactly that. One couple has been “off the grid” for over twenty years, the other for almost five. I check their credit reports, annually, to make sure no one is messing with their identities. Obviously, if you have outstanding debt, open lines of credit, and/or file your taxes, you are not off the radar. And, until those issues are fully addressed, dropping out is impossible. Because we live in such a litigious society, please allow me to state I am not advocating the non-payment/filing of taxes.

These two couples began their transformation in earnest, by creating a Cash Only existence. Perhaps that is why the government and banking industry are making it ever more difficult to do so. If there is no paper trail and are no entries on your credit reports, there is no way to track you. They do not file Change of Address forms, nor forward their telephone numbers. All things like those create a tracking trail. All their assets are paid for, in full, in cash, at the time of purchase.

Their cell phones are the “pay as you go” models. And, anything that requires filling out a form, or providing personal information, is something they find a way to do without. Realization of this process is anything but simple. And, it is my understanding there are numerous inconveniences. However, my acquaintances swear they are saving oodles of money, living life to its fullest, and existing with almost no stress. Sounds good, huh?

3. How big is the identity theft racket – is it something we need to worry about, or are people pretty well protected?

Identity Theft is an overwhelmingly huge and damaging reality in our world, today. One serious intrusion can and probably will cause you loss of money, damage of credit, and years of time attempting to straighten out the mess. Be assured… no matter the steps you take, or how many protections you institute, there is no guarantee against it. None. Numerous companies are getting rich, by offering safeguards and protections. And, in this case, some protection is definitely better than none at all. But, don’t misunderstand. There is no perfect way to insure it won’t happen to Little ol’ You.

In my professional opinion, the best way to lessen the chances of becoming a victim of Identity Theft is to guard your personal information. Simple, right?

Well, actually, yes it is. Guard anything and everything that is “personal.” Identification cards, licenses, insurance and medical information, tax returns… even addresses and phone numbers.  If it’s personal… keep it to yourself and only share it with those you trust. Don’t carry cards with you, if you are not going to need them. Leave them at home, in a safe.

When it is necessary to carry your cards, IDs, and licenses with you, it is an excellent idea to carry them in protective sleeves. Using these specialized sleeves when you are out and about, blocks The Bad Guys with electronic readers from scanning the micro chips (which contain personal and banking information) on your cards.

If possible, use a Post Office Box for all mailings. Shred all mail, forms, offers, and old receipts… anything that has identifiable information on it which can be linked to you. Even if you think the numbers aren’t/information isn’t important – it could be, to a thief. That little piece of paper you throw away could be the missing puzzle piece they need, to invade your life.

Most are unaware that once their “trash” is outside their personal property (whatever that may be), it becomes public property. Although most cities have Municipal Codes making trash-digging illegal, very seldom are those laws enforced. Once you drop your refuse in a dumpster, trash can, or any receptacle not in your home… it is publically fair game.

Private Investigators often use subjects’ trash as a very valuable tool. We find out all kinds of information, from going through someone’s trash. A pair of rubber gloves, a mask, and a little privacy… that’s all I need to find out many things you wouldn’t want me to know.

Be aware. Be diligent. Take the time to pay attention. Truly, you are your best guarantee, insurance, and safeguard against Identity Theft.

The following are suggested guidelines, for helping to secure your personal identity:

1. The next time you order checks – have only the initials of your first name printed. If someone takes your checkbook they will not know if you sign your checks with just your initials or your first name, but your bank will know.

2. Do not sign your credit cards, instead put “Photo ID Required” in the signature box.

3. When you are writing checks to pay on your credit card accounts DO NOT put the complete account number on the “for” line. Instead just put the last 4 digits. The credit card company knows the rest of the number and anyone who might be handling your check as it passes through all the check-processing channels will not have access to it.

4. Put your work phone number on your checks. If you have a Post Office Box, use that instead of your home address. If you don’t have a Post Office Box, use your work address. NEVER have your Social Security Number or Driver License Number printed on your checks.

5. Place the contents of your wallet on a photocopy machine. Copy both sides of all IDs and cards. This will allow you to know what you had in your wallet, should it be lost or stolen. Do not keep this copy in your wallet! Leave it at home, in a safe place. Also carry a copy of your passport, in a separate place, when traveling.

6. When you check out of a hotel that uses cards for keys DO NOT turn in the card key. Take them with you, when you leave; and, destroy them once at home. Those cards have your personal information encoded on them.

7. File a Police Report immediately in the jurisdiction where your cards were stolen. This proves to credit agencies and providers you were diligent and will be the first step toward an investigation.

8. Contact the three national credit reporting agencies, immediately, to place an alert on your name and Social Security Number. This is a very effective way to keep your credit from being compromised.

Here are the numbers:  Equifax: 800.525.6285 -  Experian: 888.397.3742 – TransUnion: 800.680.7289

4. What’s the biggest threat you see to average people – what (if anything) threatens our freedoms most as a country?

Based on my personal, as well as business experiences I believe the largest threat to our personal freedoms – both as individuals and as a country – are “Sheeple.”

It both amazes and saddens me when I am faced with having to acknowledge the vast numbers of people who spend little or no time educating themselves in regard to our history, freedoms, government, rights and privileges, responsibilities, laws, lawmakers, enemies and threats. Most don’t even take time to do research on their interpersonal relationships. They float through life, faking it and covering up their pretense with bravado.

I’m referring to those who ingest whatever is the loudest and most prevalently reproduced information… and, repeat it as either fact, or falsehood.

If they agree with it, it is fact. And, if they disagree with it, it is false. Their mindset is, truly, that simple. And, that’s all well and fine, if you are omniscient. But, we are not. We need education (which we all know includes homework) to reach intelligent conclusions. Our imperfections make mandatory an exercise in information gathering. Far too many live their lives as arrogant, egocentric followers.

And, on important issues, these people are dangerous. They are a direct threat to our safety, freedoms, and way of life. If they are behaving as spoiled children, not wanting to eat something because it looks yucky, refusing to taste whatever it is… then, they aren’t going to do much harm to others. They are simply limiting their own existence.

But, when these “Sheeple” refuse to do required homework and take that ignorance into the voting booth, into matrimony, into their workplace, or into parenting, its cause and effect can be universally devastating.

Our freedoms were outlined and designed by brilliant, God-fearing, devoted patriots. They have been maintained by a respectful and educated citizenry. And, they have been defended by a sacrificing, fearless military. Our nation was once revered. Our blessings were valued. Our heroes were celebrated.

Now, we are a nation of herds and herds of “Sheeple.” They are lazy, mostly uneducated, followers. They want what they want, without earning it. And, they want it now. They don’t care who they take it from, or if they deserve it. They will never admit their “Sheepleness”, as it is paramount to their existence. They live by double-standards. They have little or no respect for others. However, step on their toes and you will hear such a ruckus, your ears will ring.

It is this complete rejection of morality and responsibility that threatens everything we hold dear. Yes, we are faced with wars, disease, and financial hardships. But, it is the “Sheeple” among us who are the real threat. They are the true enemy of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

5. Is the divorce business going up – or down…and why that trend do you think?

After researching my databases for the answer to your question, I came up with the following statistics, which I have averaged: In the United States, today, divorce ends 46% of First Marriages, 64% of Second Marriages, and 74% of Third Marriages.

I suppose those numbers indicate we ought to quit while we’re ahead, as remarriage only lessens the chance of success. One factor I found that is reported to increase the chance of a successful marriage is the older spouses are when they marry, the better their chances. Another interesting statistic is 66% of all divorces in the United States are among childless couples. So, staying together “for the kids” must still be a popular commonality.

When I first began private investigation work in the early nineties, a spouse calling to have their mate watched and followed was fairly rare. But, by the turn of the millennium, it was increasingly often. One very strange but true fact about divorce cases which involve suspected cheating is that the wives proved to be correct a vast majority of the time; while the husbands were almost always mistaken. Women’s intuition? Or, do husbands cheat more often? Or, are women better at hiding affairs? I’m not sure there is a one-size-fits-all answer. People are individuals and no one is more aware of that than a Private Investigator. After eighteen years, my subjects still never cease to surprise and amaze me.

I do feel that finances play a large role in divorce. Too much, or too little… either way can lead people toward change. And, often, that change leads to divorce. Abundant finances lead people to be arrogant and take chances. Dumb.  And, at the same time, abundant finances also lead people to feel more secure in stepping out of a bad situation and into a new life. Brave. On the other end of the spectrum, financial problems cause stress, which leads to people needing to get out and away into finally taking that chance. Brave. And, financial problems also influence people into doing things they would normally never do. Dumb. So, rich or poor… when people want to make a change, they do. And, in marriage, the easiest scapegoat is your spouse. And, the most convenient answer is divorce.

Our society’s breakdown of the family and long-held basic moralities seem to promote more ego-centric-based choices and decisions… divorce being one of them. A vast majority no longer place honor at the top of their list. How they feel and what they want are more often put at the top of their Priority List, above promises made and the needs of others. And, the courts have made the term divorce politically correct and so much less threatening, by changing it to Dissolution of Marriage.

From my perspective, no one wins when a family is “dissolved.” And, quite often, the adults change nothing. They drag the same problems with them… right into another marriage. So, they end-up with basically the same situation. It just involves a different person, or persons. Their existence becomes perpetual sadness and destruction. Proof of this is I have had a rather large percentage of my divorce case subjects become repeat clients. Sad, but true. I suppose once you climb onto that “I don’t have to take this” treadmill, it’s difficult to get off.

6. How much of your business comes from individuals as opposed to businesses, compared with say 10-years ago?

My Private Investigation firm was licensed and began operating in 1994. At that time, the majority of our clients -approximately eighty percent- were businesses. And, that percentage remained fairly stable, for the next fifteen or sixteen years.

Sometime in 2009-10, the cases from business clients dropped, significantly… as did those from our private clientele, but to a lesser extent. Private clients no longer possessed the same luxury of hiring Private Investigators they once had. Society, as a whole, had to tighten their financial belts and reprioritize their choices and decisions. Disposable income was no longer necessarily disposable.

A large amount of our business client cases came from insurance companies and attorney firms. And, in 2009-10 a tremendous change in handling cases occurred. It became much more financially beneficial to issue Agreements and Settlements to claimants, even if they were proven guilty and/or had no legitimate case. Taking a case to court and going through litigation became so monetarily prohibitive; simply paying-off a claimant was the only viable option. Legitimate or nuisance, claimants began receiving large monetary amounts in exchange for signing-off on their claims. And, of course, that means no filings, no court, no evidence, no pleadings, no depositions… and no investigators. Obviously, that tremendously changed my business. And, to this day, the Private Investigation business is still depressed and struggling, as are many privately-owned small businesses.

7. We see a lot of stereotypical characters on TV – and George’s friend Howard Hill says it was Kojak who brought down the Soviet Union when people in Russia saw even the poor folks in America were better off than the Russians.  So what’s the image today?  Are we really in a world of cults, cooks, quirks, and killers?

First of all, I must let you in on one of my many prejudices… and, I do have many. However, right up at the top (or very near the top) of my list is Hollywood.

It is my opinion that Hollywood and its vastly-spread genres are responsible for the breakdown of society. Their immoral, arrogant, spoiled brat, isolationist existence is forevermore shoved in our faces. We are lectured to, demeaned, disrespected, shouted over, ignored, degraded, and “educated” by Hollywood, at every turn. We are expected to faithfully devour their every word and deed, while at the same time admiring and praising their extreme intelligence.

But, it’s all smoke and mirrors. Those who buy into the fan obsession are simply flaunting their ignorance. Hollywood is consumed with physical, financial, and political “appearance.” Hollywood is a façade. And, because of my feelings, I watch very little television and seldom attend movies.

My personal opinion of Hollywood and its relatives is also based on the following: with the invention of the television, families stopped talking to each other at dinner. Movies created an atmosphere of no talking, on dates. The music industry brought vulgar lyrics into our homes and vehicles. Tapes and compact discs bring an ever-increasing lack of social morality into our living rooms. Video games keep children from going outside to play. (And, anesthetize them to ever-increasing images of violence and evil.)

The Internet puts us in immediate touch with friends and family, eliminating the need to write, or visit. And, all the while, the media makes it easier and easier to accept looser restrictions on most everything. Is it any wonder we feel outnumbered and the need to adjust our basics?

And, now, the confession: My Private Investigation firm has had more than our share of Hollywood personalities, as clients. And, I’m not talking the guy who cleans up the back lot. My clients have been award-winning, globe-hopping, magazine cover, leading-role personalities. And, working with all but two was extremely easy and enjoyable. The joke was I was unaware of most of their notorieties, until well into working with them. As I said, I avoid all things Hollywood. So, even meeting these “famous” people face to face did not clue-me-in to who they were. A few times, it was more than just a little embarrassing. Please understand, I am not against the individual persons in Hollywood, per se. I am against the “mob mentality”, the “within the clan” conversion that takes place in Hollywood.

So, Kojak and Russia… who knows? Perhaps George’s friend is correct; perhaps not. I can’t say.

But, yes. My answer to your question is yes. We do exist in a world of weirdoes and evil-doers. And, it does seem to me they are gaining power and influence. However, I do not believe they are the majority… at least, not yet. My thoughts on why it seems as though they are taking over the world are two-fold. First, I believe they are louder than the Mom and Pop Shop Owners; and, louder than the Ma and Pa Farmers. They are louder than “normal” people. “Normal” people are just busy living their little lives. They don’t usually make much of a ruckus, about anything.

My second thought is the media loves to give the weirdoes and evil-doers, the ruckus-makers, oodles of air time. So, it seems they are in abundance. But, I don’t believe that’s true. I believe it is just an illusion, perpetrated by the media. It’s all a Hollywood show. And, we are being bombarded twenty-four hours each day — in our homes, in our workplaces, in our cars, in the malls… even my local grocery store now has a television at each check stand, for shoppers to watch while they are waiting in line.

The overwhelming feeling we are in the minority is not a coincidence. I believe it is all part of an attempt to influence and sway. We are subjected to such continual media immersion, it’s akin to brain-washing. My personal approach is to spend more time actually speaking with real people. I believe the more often we unplug and reconnect with antiquated ways, the better off we will be.

I’m not advocating you choose ignorance. But, I am suggesting a more simple way of existing, so as to allow your life to fall into its proper places. As SurvivalWoman teaches, live a simple, enjoyable life… and, be prepared!

8. How much of crime to you ascribe to the “non-governed” imagery around – things like the media stereotypes and so on – that we get thousands of hours of exposure to on television?

Based on cases I have worked and my past career in the law enforcement arena, it is clear to me that society’s idea of hero and heroine are tremendously askew. Far too many have ascribed, without question, to the media’s carefully-scripted ideals. True individualism is rare. And, followers are abundant. Allowing the outside world deeply into our lives is a very damaging and dangerous thing. We lose that which makes us unique, as every aspect of our existence is being molded and influenced, by those wielding the power of the media.

Think about your typical day. How many hours do you experience in true quiet… no radio, no computer, no television? My answer is “numerous.” I actively seek out quiet. But, most are too busy accomplishing tasks to even notice the monotonous, never-ending drum of messages flying at them, throughout their day. And, the interesting thing is most of those messages are probably not things they would choose to have in their brain. But, because the messages are everywhere and continual, people usually don’t give them a thought. In fact, I personally know several people who instinctively click on the radio or television, with no agenda in mind. They are simply used to the noise. Quiet is so foreign to some, they actually find it uncomfortable.

I believe the stereotypes pushed at us from all directions tend to lessen our sensitivity. The more we see and/or hear them, the more “normal” and acceptable they become. What may have shocked you ten years ago, most likely doesn’t even pique your attention or interest, today. It is a process of desensitization and acceptance. And, in my opinion, we must fight against it.

Criminals and criminal behavior count on society’s apathy and desensitization. They count on people feeling outnumbered and unsupported. Because those things keep people quiet and compliant. Speaking out against something you find unacceptable is risky. And, if you know full well you are going against what “everyone else” thinks is fine… your anxiety level, stress, and fear is probably going to keep you “in your place.”

Stereotypes are promoted to control the population. They have no other purpose. The more alike we all become, the more compliant and dependent we are. And, the more compliant and dependent we are, the more power we acquiesce. And, finally, the more power we acquiesce, the more powerful the stereotype promoters become.

The media is one of the few things on earth that is as much a blessing, as it is evil.  And, if you desire to maintain your security and freedoms, be very wary of it and its influences.

Summing It All Up

Both of us have felt a change in the wind for quite some time and that change was the driving force for both figuring out and writing about a Strategic Life.  Call it the shift or call it the collapse of society as we know it.  No matter what we call it, we sense a demise in personal freedom and a rise in the tyranny created by a complacent, ineffective and incompetent government.

The best be can do is to be aware, be educated and be prepared.

Hang on and enjoy the ride,

The Two G’s – George & Gaye

. . . Your comments welcome here and at The Electric Tribe.

Check this out . . .

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Is Your Home a Target for the Bad Guys? 12 Things You Can Do Now

The Shift

Need something investigated?  Teresa and her team have expertise that extends into the fields of accounting, banking, business, law, medicine, police science, travel and private investigations, giving them a vast background essential for success. Pink Investigations is, first and foremost, results-oriented for the satisfaction of it’s clientele. They can service most areas of the continental United States and Hawaii, specializing in:

Complex Investigation Techniques
Effective, Ethical Interrogation Tactics
Impeccable Courtroom Testimony
Professional, Courteous Interview Techniques
Surveillance: Video / Photographic
Witness Identification and Location

Teresa can be reached at PinkInvestigations@gmail.com.

Internet shenanigans? Join our brand new email list for Strategic Living News Flashes. You will be the first to learn about George’s new book – coming soon. Sign up here!

Spotlight Items: Living a Strategic Life includes having strong primary defenses. Here are some items to consider as you build up your fortress and protect your identity.

RFID Blocking Card Sleeve:  This RFID Blocking Card Sleeve is a card holder for easy convenience and great protection. It will help protect your identity by preventing snoopers from accessing the RFID chips now imbedded in many credit/debit cards and driver’s licenses.  About $11.

RFID Blocking Passport Case/Wallet:  Not just for travelers, this wallet can also be used for every day needs, holding cards, currency and more.  About $22.

Dorcy LED Wireless Motion Sensor Flood Lite: This is one of Gaye’s favorites. This light is bright! Runs for a year on 3 D size batteries. About $20.

Keypad Deadbolt: Need a good strong lock? With this, you will never have to worry about locking yourself out plus, you can secure the deadbolt from inside the house.

Uniden Bearcat 200-Channel Portable Scanner: A hand scanner with ham band for less than $100. Very portable.

Two-Way Radios and Scanners For Dummies: Gaye thinks she is a dummy (she is not) but likes the “dummies” books none the less.

Sabre Family Home & Property Protection Pepper Spray:This small fire extinguisher-style pepper spray delivers a strong blast covering an entire doorway. Offering extremely practical protection, SABRE provides distance from your threat with its 30 foot range. I like that it includes a wall mount. About $36.

Security Decals – 4 Pack: Security surveillance camera system warning decals/stickers. Increase security whether you have a system or not -no one will know but you. Less than $10.

Defender Security System with 4 Indoor/Outdoor Night Vision Cameras: This will give you a good start on an exterior video system. Eight cameras are even better but this will certainly be a good start.

Motorola FRS/GMRS Two-Way Radios: There are lots of good uses for the these radios. Handy while hiking, traveling, or simply keeping in touch with your partner while out shopping.

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Are You Safe from Snooping Eyes? is another awesome article brought to you by George and Gaye at Strategic Living.

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