
My xoxo Talk (Bryce Roberts) -- about indie.vc and the experience of trying something good in the investment world. You won't believe what happened next ...

10 More Robotics Companies Acquired (Robohub) -- companies of all types and sizes are finding strategic reasons to acquire robotic ventures to add to their arsenal of products and services, because they don’t want to be left behind.

The Past, Present, and Future of the Music Biz -- you might not agree with the conclusions, but the numbers are horrifying^W edifying. the US concert industry has nearly tripled since 1999 (when recorded music sales peaked). Yet, what’s typically overlooked by this narrative is that the vast majority of this growth – 83% to be exact – has gone to non-Top 100 touring artists. In 2000, the Top 100 tours (which included ‘NSYNC, Metallica and Snoop Dogg & Dr. Dre) collected nearly 90% of annual concert revenues. Today, that share has fallen to only 44%.

US Web Design Standards -- US Digital Service and 18F put together a reusable component library and style guide for US Government apps.

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