Happy Shrove Tuesday!
I hope, like us, you might find space for a pancake or two today. Whether you’re a simple lemon juice with castor sugar type or prefer the more chocolatey taste of Nutella, enjoy it! If you need a recipe, why not try Mary Berry’s easy pancake recipe?
And while you’re hopefully digesting your delicious pancakes you might like to anticipate tomorrow, which is Ash Wednesday, the day which marks the start of Lent. It’s a period of time (40 days) when Christians across the world will draw closer into God’s presence through devotion, prayer and, often, fasting. Many choose to give up a little luxury as a way to fast, such as chocolate, sweets or some kind of food or drink. But whatever you choose that’s between you and God.
Here are four simple ideas that might help in your own personal journey to Easter.
Read a Lent book. Buy Dethroning Mammon: Making Money Serve Grace by Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury. (This is one book I shall be reading myself.)
Sign up to Tearfund’s daily Lent reflections, Living Water.
Subscribe to 24-7 Prayer podcast, Stories from the Wilderness.
Pick up the How Well is Your Soul booklet on Sunday morning from the Welcome Point (special price: £2.00).
This weekend we will also be beginning a new message series called Picture This, based on some writings by King Solomon, found in the book in the Bible called Ecclesiastes, who, let’s just say, had a thing or two to say about life! We’ll explore some of the themes together leading up to Easter and discover what a life might look like directed by God.
Meanwhile, just an important reminder that for the next two Sundays, 5th and 12th March, we shall be temporarily based at the Town Hall, Market Hill, Sudbury. Usual time at 10.30 am. Please use the side entrance in Gaol Lane by the Heritage Centre to gain access to the building. We’ll have some fresh coffee and pastries waiting for you.
Finally, a prayer for the beginning of Lent.
Ageless one, who created time
And is sovereign over its every passing moment –
Be near to us at this turning of the year.
Help us to look back and celebrate all you have done
And all you have accomplished through us
To build your kingdom of justice and peace.
Empower us to also face the disappointment
And holy frustration of the change we have yet to see
And the injustice that continues to rob so many of their future.
And above all, fill us with your Spirit
That we might look to the year ahead with hope, determination and love
For we need your perspective as we continue to work with you
For an end to poverty, and a future for all.
See you on the weekend!