Storified by CBC News Community ·
Wed, Jul 24 2013 10:06:24
A new subreddit that pits the fans of two pop culture juggernauts against each other is spilling out across the internet this week, prompting many to wonder: How had Star Wars vs. Game of Thrones not happened yet?
Warning: Spoilers ahead.
"Star Wars" vs "Game of Thrones" : le clash ultime ·
The classic sci-fi film franchise and the hit HBO drama (based on the A Song of Ice and Fire novels by George R.R. Martin) have much in common.
Both Star Wars and Game of Thrones are massively successful series with strong characters and hardcore fan bases. Many of their plot points are strikingly similar as well -- especially so when you see them set side-by-side and compared with one another.
Participants in the r/WarsvThrone subreddit are submitting image macro mash-ups of both series to show which characters and plot points, in the individual's opinion, are the most hardcore.
The thread was set up on July 22 by moderator l5ll5ll5l, who wrote that "some random person wanted it and here it is, a subreddit
for all your SW vs. GoT references."
Star Wars Vs. Game of Thrones
reddit: the front page of the internet
Entries have been flooding in since the first mash-up featuring Darth Vader and Sandor Clegane was posted by JacksAchingHead. It spurred a raucous Game of Thrones vs. Star Wars debate with more than 200 comments.
Star Wars vs Game of Thrones ·
Dude half of Anakin's arm was <em>removed</em> with a laser sword, then in the same incident that burned 100% of his body, he lost the other three limbs entirely.
— GrinningPariah ·
Sun, Jul 21 2013 14:33:17
To be fair, the Hound got burned when he was a kid and they only had access to medeval medical equipment. Vader got burned as a bitchy adult where they had the most advanced medical equipment to date.
— Hagathorthegr8 ·
Sun, Jul 21 2013 12:39:45
Also to be fair, Anakin had sci-if technology to help him recover. Clegane had opium if he was lucky.
— Cyborg771 ·
Sun, Jul 21 2013 15:55:06
Also it's generally a bit tougher to get disfigured if you live in a tough medieval world as a human, and not in a high tech world as a magically gifted crown prince.
— Roflkopt3r ·
Sun, Jul 21 2013 14:50:28
Arya Stark: they murdered my whole family
Leia: that's cute
— wowmoridin ·
Sun, Jul 21 2013 14:30:51
I really hate these "that's cute" images. They just scream "MY FANDOM IS BETTER THAN YOUR FANDOM!" And it's always for really stupid reasons, too. Getting burned more makes a better character?
— kabukistar ·
Sun, Jul 21 2013 14:40:51