
Recap Mason Jars

Everything tastes better in a mason jar—OK, maybe it just looks cuter. We’ve made everything from smoothies to salads in the trusty glass containers. There’s just one problem: The jars weren’t designed to be used like a water bottle. They were intended for canning and preserving food, so the whole point was to keep them closed for months. So it’s no wonder that the cap is a pain to unscrew when all you’re trying to do is sip on your delicious green juice. But as we remained dead set on living the dream of the 1890s, we instantly fell in love with the pour cap from Recap Mason Jars.

The cap looks similar to the ones you’d find on any shaker or blender bottle. It screws into the glass grooves of the mason jars and comes with a perfectly sized spout and the all-important cover that snaps into place. The cap stood up to all of our tests, whether we went for a gulp of water mid-run on the treadmill or just threw the jar in our work bag (no spills!). The company offers the cap in regular and wide-mouth sizes. But you should be warned: Once you discover the magic that is the Recap, you’ll find all sorts of things it can be used for. We found ourselves adding it to the mason jars we use to make homemade salad dressing and the ones that hold our small crafting screws and bolts.

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