

New year, new crew. Come meet the surfers repping the R-Dot in 2017.


First you'll see the bowl cut, then you'll
see the grin and soon enough you won't be able to avoid the flurry of fins and
flair as Harry Bryant, clown prince of Noosa Heads, comes flying down the line.
On land Harry is a throwback to Aussie larrikins of times gone by, in the water
he is a fun reminder of all that is radical in modern surfing.

Whether chasing heaving left caves with the
West Aussie desert crew, challenging Tom Curren to a standup bodyboard duel at
Uluwatu, jumping on last minute twin fin missions in Sri Lanka, or loading up a
Kijang for the Indonesian roadtrip from hell with Chris Ward, Harry will never turn
down an adventure, nor shun the opportunity to score the best waves of his

A lanky goofy footer who grew up on the
dreamy righthand pointbreaks of the Sunshine Coast, Harry boasts a lethal
backhand but also owns an astonishing frontside approach. These days you'll
find him on the South Coast more often than not, quenching his thirst for beefy
reefs and meaty slabs. From big pits to big punts, there isn't a section Haz
won't pull into, fly over, or smash silly, and the kid's just getting started.

Still just 20 years old, Harry's wandered
away from competition to explore the world and surf his brains out. He's got
the talent to succeed in a jersey, but until his hunger for paddle battles
outweighs his lust for life on the road he's happy to traipse round Australia
in his four-wheel-drive, or fill his passport with stamps. Harry's our kind of

Not enough? Add
@harrybryant on Instagram
for more of the good stuff.


Hailing from Bondi Beach means you've got to
stand out to be counted. Young Sydneysider Pama Davies has done just that over
the years, whether that's getting tricky in the small stuff around home or
heading for the reefs of the South Coast to get stuck into some juice when winter
swells show up.

Pama (pronounced Palmer, for those playing
along at home) grew up on the single fins and twinnies that filled his dad's
garage, a buttery smooth style testament to a craft learned the right way. Although
he hails from northern end of his beach, a ban on fibreglass saw Pama a slave
to the South Bondi rip bowl in his youth, but with his hometown turning into
more of a circus by the minute these days you're more likely to find him
roaming the planet in search of waves, and that's just how he likes it.

"I want to go everywhere!" he
says. "That's the dream right? Surf, travel, have fun, what more is
there?" With a Rusty sticker now perched on the nose of his board, Pama
has the stability he needs to attack life on the road, release as many video
edits as possible, and take his surfing to the next level.

Pama is the epitome of the salt-encrusted
frother, and rare are the days where the natural footed ninja doesn't dive into
the brine. Tight with a young crew of east coast Aussies who are pushing their
performances in video parts not jerseys, Pama is the epitome of modern surfing,
futuristic in the water yet respectful of where he's come from. When he's not surfing
you'll find the 21-year-old cruising at his local skate park or kicking back
with a sunset tin, surrounded by mates. As for the Rusty team's reputation for
raising hell? "I'm totally fine with that," he grins wickedly.

Follow along right here for more of
@pamadavies adventures around the world.


Don't judge Brazilian man-child Lucas
Silveira by his 2015 world junior title. Yes he's a weapon in the singlet but
his prowess extends beyond the limits of three-to-the-beach surfing. You
probably don't want to read too much into Lucas' hefty physique either, for
although he's capable of massive turns, he can fling his fins when needed, and
is adept at dodging, dipping, diving, ducking,
and dodging some more when the
curtain falls.

Truth be
told Lucas grew up struggling in small waves, and couldn't string a heat
together to save himself. Legendary and much-missed Brazilian hellman Ricardo
dos Santos took Lucas under his wing and he shone in heavy waves from a young
age, recording month-plus stints in Hawaii every winter for a decade. Finally,
sick of being teased for his lack of aerial prowess, Lucas decided to add some
flair to his repertoire and the results have been incredible.

If you
must judge Lucas, maybe you should do so on his bulldozing runs through a
string of massive Nias barrels last year, or his recent Hawaiian highlight
reel, showcasing everything from punts to Pe'ahi and all points in between, that
lead to Surfing Magazine boldly proclaiming that "Lucas Silveira has no

Best of
all, the 21-year-old powerhouse from Florianopolis is just a damn good bloke to
have a beer and a game of pool with. If you can get a word in, as Lucas' perfect
English and rugged good looks see ladies climbing over each other his

fact? The kid absolutely rips on a snowboard. Some guys have all the luck.

what you see? Get a whole lot more Lucas in your life at


Life's a dream if you're 21-year-old Noah
Schweizer. Hailing from Florida but with skills honed around the globe Noah's
been gracing mags and websites for years, his razor sharp air game and deft
tube prowess seeing him comfortable wherever he turns up.

New Smyrna Beach is a hotbed of talent – you
might have heard of the Geiselman brothers and legendary Mometum punt king
Aaron "Gorkin" Cormican – but Noah's biggest inspiration is even
closer to home. "In my eyes my brother Nils always been the best tube
rider and big wave surfer," says Noah. "I love watching Dane Reynolds
and John John Florence surf, obviously, but there's no bigger motivation to get
better than having your brother lead the way."

A fleet-footed regular, Noah now calls
California home, and if you believe the man who was once voted Biggest Lady
Killer in Surfing Magazine's Peer Poll, these days he won't let anything
distract him from his passion for the water, and seeing as much of it as
possible around the planet. From New Smyrna Beach to New York, Mexico to Tokyo,
Portugal to the Caribbean and beyond, Noah's passport has seen some ink in the past
12 months, and he doesn't want to stop anytime soon.

Does he have a plan? "Right now all I
want to do is throw everything I have into my surfing, and putting out videos
that show people what I've got. Good surfing to me is someone with good form
and style, who surfs fast and never holds back on any section that comes their
way. Style plus aggression is where it's at, and I hope that's what people see
in my surfing."

"My eventual goal is to make the World
Tour, but for now I want to build up experience and get to a point where I'm
ready for it. If I can travel a bunch along the way, and go to places where
surfers normally don't, well that would be cool too."

Happy to be on the Rusty program? "I
couldn't be happier! Rusty is one of the most core brands in surfing, and their
team has always been a huge part of that. I'm psyched to be flying the

Need more?
@noahschweizer is where he hangs.

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