
Fellow Investor,

If you’re close to retirement, I don’t blame you one bit for seeing a half-empty glass staring you right in the face.

Yields are at historic lows—300-year lows by some measures! How can you afford to fund your retirement on 2% Treasuries and 1% CDs?

Social Security is on the ropes—benefit cuts, means-testing and a higher minimum are all being discussed.

Private pensions are going the way of the dodo—companies are cutting back contributions, payouts and eligibility.

Our national leaders are spinning their wheels… with no real plan to help you with any of this.

No wonder so many retirees are working longer, skipping vacations and worrying about the rising costs of everything from food to drugs to gas.

Even investors who have been diligently socking away money in retirement accounts and carefully investing for the future are worried.

Consider this: How much spendable income will a million-dollar retirement portfolio, invested in safe income-producing vehicles like T-bills, CDs and money market funds, produce at today’s rates?

Answer: Less than $10,000 a year!

But I’m not here to tell you that retiring on your terms in the years ahead will be like running a gauntlet of bulls at Pamplona.

My name is Richard Band, and I want to tell you about an important new discovery that not only makes our country stronger, our economy more robust and our national security easier to achieve… it also could make your retirement worries a thing of the past.

Finally… The Odds Are Turning in Your Favor!

In more than three decades, I’ve only seen the odds get stacked higher and higher against older Americans.

My name is Richard Band, and my simple, commonsense principles have made me wealthier than I could have ever imagined.

These principles allowed me to burn my mortgage at age 36, to retire tomorrow if I so desired (I just turned 60), and the freedom to visit my 3 kids and 6 grandkids anytime I want.

More importantly, these strategies have enriched the lives of thousands of my closest friends, colleagues and yes, subscribers of my Profitable Investing advisory service.

If you feel like you don’t have the right plan for the next financial debacle… if your investments aren’t bringing you the kinds of results you want… if you’ve had enough of the hype about the latest superstock or hot sector… well, this message is for you.

You’re about to be introduced to a whole new way of investing—one that allows you to turn every big sell-off into a huge profit for your portfolio.

You’ll be surprised at just how simple it is to reach your financial dreams… and avoid the nightmares that come from doing it wrong…when you put the principles of Profitable Investing to work for you.

The greatest bond bubble in history is now over. Interest rates will only go up from here.

A fantastic boom in stocks ended about 10 years ago and has yet to resume. A “lost decade” indeed.

And a great demographic bubble has popped. Baby boomers are now moving much more money out of stocks than younger investors are putting in. That’s an anchor that won’t be easily overcome.

So why am I so optimistic?

Because as I’ll explain in a moment, the key to your retirement success could be literally right under your feet.

In fact, if you know where to look, you can safely lock down…

…SEVEN Times More Income…

…than you can get in today’s CDs and money market accounts.

Even better, the retirement income source I want to clue you into GROWS. Unlike a CD, which will never give you any growth at all… and is actually giving you a negative return today after inflation is factored in… this investment’s income stream will grow at roughly 5% a year.

Every year.

No matter whether the stock market is going up or going down.

No matter who’s in the White House.

No matter what’s going on in Europe, China or the hot spot du jour.

Sound Too Good to Be True?

You’re right to be skeptical. But as I’ll explain, one sector of our economy has such a bright future that it has rightly been called a game-changer that will shake up the entire global economy.

And no, it’s not computers, biotechnology or any sort of high-tech gizmo.

I’ll give you a hint. Remember a few years ago when you were told…

There’s no way global energy supply can keep up with demand.

American energy independence is a pipe dream. A fantasy.

The Arab oil sheiks and bad actors like Hugo Chavez will always have us over a barrel, if you’ll pardon the pun?

If you’ve been paying any attention at all, you know that these “energy truths” are being rewritten before our eyes.

What changed?

Simple. The massive oil and gas deposits trapped in America’s vast shale formations in states from Pennsylvania to Wyoming and North Dakota to Texas are being developed at a breakneck pace.

And this astonishing development will allow millions of investors to retire in style… if they play this trend correctly.

The Most Surprising Trend of the 21st Century

Thanks to three revolutionary advances in the energy sector—hydraulic fracturing (or “fracking”), 3-D seismic imaging and horizontal drilling—vast new oil and gas deposits are being discovered and profitably tapped.

So many fossil fuels are flowing from beneath the Earth that this “shale gale” has been compared to the Fall of the Berlin Wall as a world historical event.

By 2020, it’s likely we’ll be producing 10 million barrels of oil a day and replace Saudi Arabia as the world’s largest oil producer. And natural gas may replace coal as the #1 source of electricity in the U.S. even before that.

This emerging trend is so big and so powerful, it will produce big changes that will reorder the global economy, including,

A new economic engine—To be sure, massive revenues are being created directly by energy companies. But don’t overlook the secondary effects: steel piping and tubing manufacturers are exploding, landowners are getting top dollar for mineral rights on their property, and forgotten small towns are reviving around this new fossil fuel wealth.

Jobs, jobs, jobs—North Dakota now has the lowest unemployment rate in the nation, thanks to the highly lucrative Bakken Shale formation. Hotels near the hottest drilling sites are 200% occupied by roughneckers trading beds in 12-hour shifts, and energy engineers fresh out of college are commanding 5-figure signing bonuses. No wonder other states are giving shale gas explorers the red-carpet treatment.

The reordering of the utility industry—Natural gas is half as expensive to produce as coal on an equivalent BTU basis. Is it any surprise that nuclear plants are being mothballed, coal plants are being shuttered and from now until 2025, more natural gas power plants will be built than any other kind… even heavily subsidized renewables?

Cheap energy helps all Americans—Households are strapped as never before, but energy costs (other than gasoline) are trending down in a big way. Cheaper energy means more to spend on food, health care, education and entertainment.

Energy independence—And let’s not discount the benefits of not being at the mercy of foreign bad apples with oil to sell and no fondness for the U.S. of A. With the completion of our first major liquid natural gas (LNG) shipping terminals just a few years away, we may soon be sending energy to them!

I could go on, but you get the picture.

This is BIG.

But what you may not yet have realized is how this new energy revolution is actually…

A Retirement Revolution!

You see, we are in the very early stages of this new world order for oil and gas energy. The first inning, if you will.

And my very conservative analysis tells me the shale oil and gas revolution has a decade to play out at a minimum. Most likely, two decades. And if current trends persist, a third as well.

With this unstoppable trend now locked into place, we’ll be able to scoop up safe secure profits in more ways than you can count: Undervalued oil majors… exciting niche technology plays… home run exploration companies… steady-Eddie oil service firms… and even boring old pipeline companies.

Can you see now why I’m calling this the greatest development for conservative investors since 10% government-guaranteed CDs?

What You Must Do Now to

Profit From the Coming Wealth Shift

I’m finding tremendous opportunities all over the energy sector, but for conservative investors, the brightest stars in this investment galaxy are the master-limited partnerships that transport and store all that oil and natural gas.

My Profitable Investing approach has now trounced the S&P 500 for over 12 years straight!

The following chart tells the tale of how a $10,000 investment would have fared under the S&P 500 and under my stewardship (as verified by the independent Hulbert Financial Digest):

S&P 500







































Or, if you’re visually inclined, you’ll like this comparison:

The bottom line? Profitable Investing has produced a 62% better return than the S&P 500 since 2000. Not bad for a “conservative investor,” huh?

Four simple principles made it happen.

We balance stocks with bonds to keep us plowing forward and constantly piling up income. We make a little less in bull markets, but we lose a LOT less in bear markets.

We focus on stocks that pay dividends—a sure sign of quality, cash flow and good management.

We don’t panic when stocks go down.

We avoid overpriced investment fads like the Internet bubble and the commodity craze in favor of buying into low-risk trends where the odds are in our favor.

To invest the Profitable Investing way, click here now and try my advisory service 100% risk-free.

Why are they my favorite play for retirees and those close to retirement?

They pay BIGGER dividends than the average dividend stock and LESS in taxes to the government!

It’s such an obvious play that I’m amazed that they aren’t already soaring.

Especially when you consider that there are fewer than 100 MLPs available on the U.S. stock exchanges!

Master Limited Partnerships can be bought and sold just as easily as stocks, but they allow you to avoid all, or nearly all, current taxes on your income. And many of them allow you to lock down higher yields than all but the riskiest dividend stocks.

You see, by law, MLPs are different than normal corporations.

A corporation like Coke or Intel must pay taxes on its income—35% at the current rate. So right out of the gate, there is less money to distribute to owners in the form of dividends, invest in capital equipment, use for marketing, etc. What’s more, when you get a dividend, it’s taxed at your individual rate.

But an MLP pays no income tax at the corporate level. All profits are considered to be jointly owned by all the partners (that means you, if you own even one share). So those earnings are only taxed once, which is a beautiful thing.

What’s more, your quarterly dividend payments (called distributions for MLPs) are not subject to the ordinary tax on dividends. Because these payments are partly income and partly capital gains (and depreciation and a whole lot of other stuff, too), by law they are not treated as income by the IRS.

Let me boil it down for you:

When you pick the right MLP, you get higher income than the average stock, and your annual dividends are tax-deferred. You pay ZERO tax until you sell.

In one fell swoop, lock in a big dividend, and you avoid any of the big dividend tax increases Obama has promised us!

Can you see why I think MLPs will be a big winner this year?

Even if don’t think the shale gas revolution is for real, don’t you think investors will scramble into MLPs like lifeboats on the Titanic when they see just how ugly those Obama tax hikes on dividends (they’ll go up triple!) will be?!

MLPs—The Conservative Investor’s Best Friend

My favorite shale energy plays are pipeline MLPs, for two simple reasons:

They aren’t affected by changes in the price of oil and gas—they simply churn out profits as long as commodities are flowing through their pipes

That revenue stability and predictability allows them to pay high dividends, and continue to raise those dividends like clockwork.

Take one of my longtime favorites, Buckeye Partners (NYSE: BPL).

With a 6,000 mile pipeline transporting refined petroleum products like gasoline, jet fuel, diesel and kerosene from Maine to Missouri, you couldn’t find a simpler, more lucrative enterprise.

Thanks to smart management and America’s ever-growing supply of American-made fossil fuels, this rock-solid business has raised its cash distributions 17 years in a row—including straight through the financial meltdown of 2008.

The current yield is a nifty tax-deferred 9%.

You’ll like it for the current income, you’ll love it for the long-term wealth-building power.

I’ve been a fan of Buckeye Partners almost from the first day it went public back in 1986 at $10 a share. The capital gains have sure been a fun ride—at today’s price of $48, you’d have pocketed 380% profits if you got in on the ground floor.

Even better were the tax-deferred distributions. From a first-year payout of $0.83/share, Buckeye has boosted the payout to $4.15. That’s a 400% increase in income!

Put another way, your $10,000 investment in Buckeye back in 1986 when it first went public would now be worth $95,240. That’s $38,000 in capital gains and a cool $57,240 in cash distributions. Tax-deferred distributions!

Now, Buckeye isn’t the only MLP we own. We’ve also profited big from winners like

Kinder Morgan Energy Partners 378% total returns

ONEOK Partners 1,379% total returns

MLPs are about to be boosted even higher when investors realize just how big the shale gas bonanza is… and just how painful the expiration of the Bush tax cuts on dividends might be.

The coming stampede may make MLPs the top-performing asset class of 2012. It wouldn’t surprise me one bit!

When you join Profitable Investing, I’ll share with you my top MLPs to buy now, including:

My #1 favorite just happens to be Buckeye Partners, and it’s no wonder—it’s up 1,770% for us since our initial buy in January 1991!

I also love one of the biggest MLPs—it pays a lower distribution than Buckeye (5%), but it’s got the size to acquire smaller players. 40 straight quarters of increasing distributions tells you all you need to know.

Another favorite is already up more than 9% for us so far this year. Investors are seeing what I am—a juicy 5.3% yield, distributions that have increased 127% since the company went public 13 years ago, and critical pipelines that stretch from New Orleans to Alberta.

All of my top MLPs are featured in a new report I’ve just put the finishing touches on. It’s called The Retirement Revolution, and it’s got all the details on how to use MLPs to profit from the shale gas revolution, plus a whole lot more. I’ll show you how to get it for free in a moment.

Beating the Market by 62% Since 2000

As exciting as the shale gas bonanza is, you won’t want to miss out on my other top strategies for conservative investors.

Strategies specially tailored for investors who are in or on the cusp of retirement and provide the safe growth and high income you need.

For more than 30 years, my strategy has been to build “all-weather” portfolios that keep growing your wealth relentlessly in bull and bear markets.

Because you may not know me or Profitable Investing, my advisory for conservative investors, let me give you a little background on our success.

Our strategy has beaten the market by an astounding 62% since 2000. $10,000 invested in the S&P 500 grew to just $10,677 by January 2012. But $10,000 using our strategies grew to $17,297!

And when the market turns south, my approach really shines. In 2000, for instance, while the S&P 500 dropped 9% and tech investors were hammered with 40%—50% losses, my readers locked in a safe and comfortable 7% gain. Even better, we grew our wealth 24% in 2001, while the S&P 500 dropped a gut-wrenching 12% and tech stocks fell off a cliff.

We avoided much of the carnage of 2007—2008 too, with a conservative mix of stocks and bonds. We steered clear of the high-flying commodity and housing stocks that took the hardest fall.

Let me be completely honest with you: You’ll never see my name at the top of the performance charts when the market is roaring.

But I will also never take the big risks that make you #1 in the go-go years… and then make you go bust when the party ends.

You should know that I am putting my own personal assets in these same investments.

That’s how confident I am that they are the best way to protect AND grow our nest eggs.

So my readers and I will be targeting opportunities other investors are blind to, like:

How to buy gold (in the form of a super gold mining stock) for just $269 an ounce

My top bond fund, which has beaten the stock market by more than 50% since its launch… and it’s paying a 7.4% annual yield today!

Cash-flow kings in the health-care sector that will make big profits whether or not ObamaCare is ruled legal

Treasury bills that pay 8% a year (OK, they’re not from the U.S. government, but they’re not from Greece, either!)

A backdoor way to play the resource-rich Bakken Shale formation in North Dakota–it’s a Canadian explorer yielding a juicy 15%

The little-known bargain-hunting real estate fund that just snapped up prime Las Vegas residential property at a 93% reduction to its 2005 sale price!

The perfect takeover candidate among the utilities—this top-notch operator has hiked its yearly dividend for 45 years in a row

To get you up to speed on all my “retirement-approved” safe growth plays, all you have to do is consult the special briefing I mentioned above: The Retirement Revolution.

As I’ll show you in a moment, it’s yours absolutely free when you give Profitable Investing a no-risk free trial.

The Power of Profitable Investing

I’ve found my biggest winners by following the insightful wisdom of Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail.”

If you were investing 30 years ago, you remember the joy of owning Certificates of Deposit that paid double-digit yields.

With absolutely no risk to your principal, you could lock down 10%—12% per year in steady, dependable income.

Don’t look now, but Master Limited Partnerships can give you the same thrill.

Of course, MLPs aren’t government-guaranteed, but they do have a feature that is almost as nifty—all your income is tax-deferred!

And it’s all due to the unstoppable growth taking place in America’s shale gas revolution.

Here’s how you make out:

Take an MLP offering a 7% yield today, and growing at a modest 4% a year. Hold your MLP shares for 10 years, and that 7% yield grows to a cool 10.3%.

And since that income is tax-deferred, it compounds faster than any CD ever could.

PLUS, that 4% growth is likely delivering sizable capital gains, to boot!

Did any CD you owned ever do that for you?

Join Profitable Investing now to get all the details on my top MLPs to own today.

Over the past three decades, my subscribers and I have used this philosophy to capture big winners, often by seeing opportunity (like now, in the shale gas revolution), when others see only danger:

In 1982, Chrysler was considered D.O.A. I looked at the numbers and said, “Chrysler is going to survive to fight another day.” Within 12 months, Chrysler shares soared 426%.

In 1987, I warned all my subscribers about the dangers in the stock market. In fact, in my October 1987 newsletter, just 4 weeks before the Crash, I advised readers to “cut back your stock holdings” and “sell the overpriced blue-chip favorites with the fancy P/Es of 20 or higher.” At the same time I advised readers to make a big investment in zero-coupon bonds. My personal stake in Exxon zeroes soared over 900%.

In 1998, right at the bottom of the August market panic, investors were fleeing to the hills. I pounded on the table for my Profitable Investing subscribers to buy stocks with both hands. Our recommendations have risen as much as 500% since then.

In 2000, when everyone had a bad case of technology fever, I recommended all the unpopular investments, like REITs. We avoided a more-than 90% plunge, AND we banked more than 250% in a single REIT.

In 2003, investors shunned the Midas metal. But I once again went against the crowd, recommending a single mining stock and a low-risk gold fund. Within five months, we locked in more than 50% profits.

And in the bear market of 2008, I steered investors away from wealth-stealers like Health Management (-77%) and Tenet Healthcare (-80%). Instead, we pocketed big winners like Unibanco (102%) and Chesapeake Energy (121%).

Investing carefully in all market climates is our goal, but stepping up to buy incredible bargains when the odds are overwhelmingly in our favor is an important part of our strategy, too.

It’s why my recommendations have grown more than 1,000% since 1984.

It’s why a single zero-coupon play rewarded me with 900% profits with 99% certainty.

It’s why my Profitable Investing subscribers who have been with me since its inception in 1990 have seen their portfolios quadruple in value.

It’s why we beat the S&P 500 by 62% since 2000.

And it’s why we’re going to turn the great shale gas bonanza into a conservative investor’s windfall—and make 2012 one of our best years ever.

My 100% Money-Back Guarantee Policy Makes

Profitable Investing Your Best Investment of 2012

I’ve dedicated my life to helping investors just like you not only reach your financial dreams but also protect your wealth. Because when it comes to investing, our first priority is always safety.

And that’s why my Profitable Investing investment advisory service

was declared the #1 Financial Advisory in 2010—because of my

sound advice during the global financial crisis.

(And because I nailed the March 9, 2009, market bottom almost exactly.)

When you join Profitable Investing, you get every tool you need to make it easy to follow my strategy and become an all-weather success.

Monthly Issue: Each month, you’ll receive a printed issue of Profitable Investing in your mailbox. You’ll receive my clear and concise road map for the investment opportunities and dangers ahead, along with an update on all the important parts of our strategy. You’ll also get regular briefings on our special strategies, like our Incredible Dividend Machine (for investors who want a steady stream of income each month), our speculative Niche Investments, recommended mutual funds and much more. Of course, you can always print the newsletter directly from our website on the day it is posted, as well.

Weekly Journal Updates: Between issues, we’ll stay in touch through my weekly journal entries. 2 or 3 times a week, you’ll get timely updates on our strategy, my take on big moves in the financial markets, alerts to stocks that are especially good buys, and sell alerts for stocks that hit our targets. You’re never in the dark about what to do next.

Special Report to Get You Started: In The Retirement Revolution, you’ll get the names and details on my top trends to buy now for low-risk profits.

Subscriber-Only Website: The website provides subscribers with access to the most recent Profitable Investing issue, an archive of past Profitable Investing issues and weekly journal updates, the Profitable Investing portfolios, and much more. The website is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Regular Webinars: To make sure we’re always on the same page together, you’ll regularly be invited to webinars throughout the year. These are opportunities for me to explain my strategy in more depth and detail, prepare you for important shifts in the market, and most importantly, for you to ask me your toughest questions. No softballs, please!

Flash Alert Announcements: As conservative investors with a proven plan, we rarely need to adjust our strategy on the fly. But when events dictate, I won’t hesitate to contact you via email with important information you must act on immediately.

Since I’d never expect you to just take my word that Profitable Investing is the perfect investment advisory for volatile times, you also have my ironclad personal guarantee:

You have a full six months to take Profitable Investing for a test-drive on me.

Here’s how it works:

“Richard Band is a genius. I consider myself his most-satisfied reader. He helped me double my money in eight months. Profitable Investing has helped me be able to relax more and enjoy some of the beautiful things I’ve been able to accumulate. For this, there is really no way I can thank him enough.”

—Larry Kravitsky, NY

“I have faithfully followed [Richard Band’s] advice since 1988—and [he] helped me grow my IRA from $15,000 to $125,000 over that time. You’ve really taught me not to ’jump’ at opportunities, but let the market come our way.”

—Dick Munro, ID

“I have been a delighted subscriber to Profitable Investing for several years. The main reason I selected [Richard Band’s] newsletter was because of [his] fundamentally conservative approach… Of course, the fact that I’ve profited very nicely by totally following [his] model portfolio has also made me a happy investor.”

—Charles Symons, CA

If at any time during your six-month trial period—even the very last day—you’re not 100% satisfied with Profitable Investing for any reason at all, simply give me a call and ask for a full refund. I will send you every single penny back—no questions asked.

But that’s not all: Even after your six-month introductory period, if you decide Profitable Investing isn’t right for you, I’ll send you a full refund for the balance of your subscription.

It’s as simple as that.

If you’re ready now, we can form a partnership that gives you all the growth and safety you ever wanted, and avoids the deadly traps that permanently end the financial dreams of too many investors.

Accept My $99.95

Risk-Free Offer Today

Let me give you one more reason to join me on my crusade today—a big 60% discount off the regular price of Profitable Investing.

Considering our long-term track record of consistent success, you might think my advisory service costs hundreds, or even $1,000 a year to join.

You couldn’t be more wrong.

Normally, Profitable Investing sells for $249. But because it’s so important to me that you put my Profitable Investing principles to work right away, I’m cutting the price by 60% for you right now.

That’s right: You have the opportunity to save $149 off the regular one-year subscription price, and pay just $99.95 to try Profitable Investing.

But you must act now. Every day you wait, the dangers to your portfolio will grow more serious.

One last thing: The only way my publisher would agree to this juicy discount was to put a strict deadline of 24 hours on this special offer. When this window of opportunity ends, our price will revert to $249.

No exceptions, no excuses.

Click here to get started immediately.


Richard E. Band

Editor, Profitable Investing

P.S. Just for joining us today, I’ll send you my just-released special report, The Retirement Revolution, completely FREE. It will give you the full story on my favorite shale gas winners, plus much more.

Because you are completely protected by my 100% Money-Back Guarantee, there really is no reason NOT to give me a try.



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06/07/2012 3:19PM


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Source: Finally — Good News For Conservative Investors on STOCK MARKET INVESTMENT - Stock Market Investment Ideas

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