
What’s on This Week

11 – 16 November 2013


6.30pm – 26th Willaston Cubs visit to St. Mary’s.

10.00am – Mums & Tots meet in the Parish Hall.

1.30-2.45pm – “Mum’s the Word” at 94 Shrewbridge Road.

4.00pm – SING! @ St. Mary’s in the Parish Hall.

7.15pm – Alpha Course in the Rectory.

7.30pm – Nantwich Singers rehearse in Church.

11.00am – Holy Communion.

7.00pm – Nantwich Christian Men’s Supper Club at Nantwich Methodist Church – Speaker – Valerie Foy “Spurgeon’s Care (Making a Difference)”

Cost £7.50. To book a place please call Margaret Kirkman (611942).

7.30pm – St. Mary’s Prayer Group meets at 56 Bowness Road, Wistaston.

10.00am – Praise & Play in St. Nicholas Chapel.

6.00pm – Wedding rehearsal in Church.

8.00am – Holy Communion.

12noon-1.15pm – Soup Lunch in the Parish Hall.

2.15pm – Mothers’ Union meet in the Parish Hall. Speaker: Del Owen – “A Safe Place to Talk” New members welcome.

9.30-10.30am – Surgery Hour in the Parish Office.

3.00pm – Wedding of Craig Hannon and Louise Leighton.

Sunday 17 November
2nd Sunday before Advent
8.00am – Holy Communion (BCP)

9.30am – Family Service

10.45am – Parish Communion with Laying on of Hands

6.00pm – Choral Evensong


Seniors’ Lounge - The next session takes place in the Parish Hall on Sunday, 17th November (note change of date). A chance for people to enjoy friendly company and a chat over a cup of tea/coffee & cake with a varied programme of activities and a short talk. We would appreciate a rota of volunteers for waiting on tables and washing up. Offers to Ros Reid (611344/07900 913616) or Cathie Riddell (629252) or via sign-up sheet in Church.

Next Sunday, 17th November, 6pm - our evening Service will be a Service of Choral Evensong including Stanford Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in B♭.

Saturday, 23rd November, 7.30 pm. The Nantwich Singers (and orchestra) will be presenting “a Choral Celebration of St. Cecilia” with music by Benjamin Britten and Henry Purcell to include a concert performance of Purcell’s opera “Dido and Aeneas”. Tickets (£8 inc. wine) from the Church Shop, “think about IT” and on the door. Unmissable!

Volunteers needed to help make up Christingle packs on Saturday 30th November, 10am in St. George’s Chapel. Please contact Gill Appleton (624293) if you can help.

St. Mary’s Posada, 1st-22nd December: Posada is a traditional Latin American festival dramatising Mary & Joseph’s search for lodgings in Bethlehem. This year we are celebrating our own Posada and need hosts to offer our handmade Mary & Joseph a place to stay for the night and a lift to the next host family the following day. Participants will be given a sheep to bring to our All Age Crib Service, 9.30am, 22nd December. To take part please sign up at the back of Church. See Rachael or Stephen for more info.

Sunday, 1st December, 4pm - Christingle Service.

The Bellringers are holding a Scottish Christmas Ceilidh at Acton Parish Hall on Saturday, 7th December. Tickets £8/£5 from Mary Stanwell (628900). Kilts optional but not entirely!

Operation Christmas Child - leaflets about the Shoebox Appeal are available in Church. Empty boxes still available from Jenny (623357). Please help in any way you can with full boxes or by bringing in to Church any items you can contribute so that extra boxes can be made up. Hopefully lots of boxes/contributions will be appearing in Church over the next three weeks. Your gift, large or small, will make a difference to a child in need of some love.

Next Nantwich Foodbank Tesco collection will be on Friday, 29th/Saturday, 30th November. Can you spare a couple of hours to receive food in the shop or work in the store room? Please contact us on 07896652209 or info@nantwich.foodbank.org.uk

Is anybody missing? If you are aware of anyone from St. Mary’s being ill or who would like to receive home Communion please let Jackie Ford (618020) or the Parish Office know so that a visit can be arranged. Many thanks.

Confirmation - Are you interested in being confirmed? There will be a Confirmation group starting soon for a Confirmation Service on 26th January. Please speak to Barry or the Parish Office if you are interested.

Can you weed out trouble? A volunteer is needed to take on the challenge of keeping the Well of our Church free from weeds. If you can help please speak to Barry.

Nantwich Christian Council Christmas Day Lunch - Chef needed to organize the cooking of the meal on Christmas morning, a fee in appreciation will be paid. Please contact Margaret Trott (652040) if you can help. From St. Mary’s we need volunteers to help with preparation on Christmas Eve and on the day with transport and with serving the lunch (sign-up sheet in Church). A contact person from St. Mary’s has also been requested – please contact Parish Office if you could take on this role.

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