
ST. LOUIS (KMOX) – The leaders of historic Tower Grove Park are asking for public input on to help shape a master plan to enhance and improve the park.

Executive Director Bill Reininger says they are looking for ideas on ways to improve the park’s amenities, access, connectivity and safety.

“It’s an opportunity for the public to really talk about how they are using the park,” “Things that they love in the park, things that they would like to see in the park.”

Tower Grove Park will work with landscape, architecture, planning and urban design firm, Rhodeside & Harwell, which is headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia.

Reininger says since Tower Grove Park is a historic landmark, that means there will be a longer process to make any changes. A delivery of the final plan is scheduled for August 2017.

An open house for that master plan will be held at 6 p.m. on January 18, at the Piper Palm House. If you can’t make it to the meeting, there’s a survey you can take online at TowerGrovePark.org.

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