
So you all know I don't normally do blog tours, but one about fabric.... for that I can make an exception!  FreeSpirit Fabrics has put together a tour to celebrate True Colors, a collection of signature pieces and basics from Anna Maria Horner, Joel Dewberry, Heather Bailey and Jenean Morrison.  They've asked bloggers to actually MAKE something with the fabric, which I think is so cool.  It's not just "rah, rah, buy this", but actual honest-to-goodness inspiration!

So I know you could never guess whose fabrics I wanted to work with...

Oh, you guessed?  Yeah, that's Anna Maria Horner's True colors.

My favorite print is Sealing Wax.  Just look at that purple.  "Radiant Orchid" anyone?  This is going into my next-ish quilt.  And, no, that's not what I'm making for the tour. I'm making a non-quilt, I declare.  Though it may have quilty relations...

Here’s the Blog Tour schedule:

1/20: Sew4Home
1/21: Stitchery Dickory Dock
1/22: I’m A Ginger Monkey
1/23: The Sewing Loft
1/24: Ellison Lane
1/27: Diary of A Quilter
1/28: Material Obsession
1/29: Craftsanity
1/30: Stitched in Color
1/31: Craft Buds
2/3: Jaybird Quilts
2/4: Melissa Peda

So stay tuned, maybe visit a few new blogs in the next couple weeks, and follow FreeSpirit Fabrics on Facebook to stay in the loop on all the happenings, if you like that sort of thing!

p.s.  You can find True Colors at these dear sponsors:  Southern Fabric, Marmalade, Fabricworm, Pink Chalk Fabrics, Sew Modern, Fat Quarter Shop and Intrepid Thread; plus, in Canada at Mad About Patchwork.

p.p.s.  Here's a video made with the True Colors designers.  It's always fun to "meet" the folks behind our favorite fabrics!

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