
Last month, I shared how words took on new meaning after my daughter died. How I clung to quotes and phrases in a way I didn’t go before. The same goes for images.

This month, I thought I’d share some of the Pinterest boards for grieving moms and infertile women I love, and how I’m using Pinterest to remember and honor my daughter.

I created a few boards related to Cora.

I have a board of pictures that just remind me of her. A few years ago when I eagerly opened up my Pinterest account, it was the first board I made.

I also have a board for a garden I’d like to make in her honor. I’d like a little space in my yard full of flowers and plants that remind me of her.

I also have a general “Grieving” board.

Finally, I have boards for the work I do in her name, like a newborn health board, a pulse ox screening board, and congenital heart defects boards.

That’s how I’m using Pinterest to honor her. I like that she’s a part of my life, everywhere, and so social media is no different.

Still Standing Magazine has a Pinterest account, with images from our articles about grief, and other related images.



This is the board our editor Franchesca created for her sweet Jenna.

I also am a contributor to a board entitled “grief,” full of images for baby loss moms. Thanks to Christine for starting a group resource.

My fellow Still Standing writer Jessica created a group board for words and resources related to grief.

Another writer here, Helen, started a beautiful board for her son titled “Aidan Christopher.”


Mandy who writes about her infertility journey at Still Standing, has some great Pinterest boards.

Lori’s beautiful “Life after the loss of a child” board. 

Lindsey from Still Breathing, has tons of great boards for loss and grief.

And of course I couldn’t write about grief, images and Pinterest without including Carly Dudley. My own wall at home looks like a homage to Carly for all of the pictures she’s made for Cora I’ve hung there. Stunning work.

As I was writing this, I discussed with some of my co-writers here, and our wise editor, Franchesca Cox, brought up a great point. Pinterest can be a mind field full of nurseries and happy smiling, live babies. For many loss moms, especially at different points in this journey, Pinterest might not always be a happy, safe place. I hope this post will help you find some of the safe corners of Pinterest for grieving moms.

How are you using Pinterest to help you? Are you using Pinterest to honor your baby? Please share your links to boards in the comments. 



The post Pinterest for Baby Loss and Infertile Moms appeared first on Still Standing Magazine.

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