
Tournament Date:
Saturday, February 20th, 10:00 AM EST (-5 UTC)


Schedule for next event

For a timezone converter, click here, or here for a Timezone Map. Look for Boston/New York.

Open Bracket/Event Schedule
9:30 AM - 9:55 AM

Check in, and sign up. If you're here. Boom.
10:10 AM
Pool A and the championship pool starts
11:30 AM - 11:45 AM

Expected end time of pool. Lunch break for anyone who needs it.
11:45 AM - 12:45 PM
Pool B starts and championship pools resume.
1:00 PM

Both pools end, championship bracket starts
3:30 PM

Expected end time of tournament

Championship Pool Schedule
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Pool A

WyzDM Vs. Untracablez

TaiTheKidRX Vs. Bunchy

PleaseBeGentle Vs. Spino

Pool B

IMysteryI Vs. SpartanOtaku

Nyarlathotep Vs. SHAD0VV

MasterKaito Vs. Galeforce

10:3 AM-11:00 AM
Pool A

WyzDM Vs. TaiTheKidRX

Bunchy Vs. Spino

PleaseBeGentle Vs. Untracablez

Pool B

IMysteryI Vs. Galeforce

Nyarlathotep Vs. MasterKaito

SHAD0VV Vs. SpartanOtaku

11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Pool A

WyzDM Vs. Spino

TaiTheKidRX Vs. Untracablez

PleaseBeGentle Vs. Bunchy

Pool B

IMysteryI Vs. Nyarlathotep

Galeforce Vs. SpartanOtaku

MasterKaito Vs. SHAD0VV

11:30 AM - 11:45 AM

Lunch break.

11:45 AM- 12:15 PM
Pool A

WyzDM Vs. Bunchy

TaiTheKidRX Vs. PleaseBeGentle

Spino Vs. Untracablez

Pool B

IMysteryI Vs. MasterKaito

Nyarlathotep Vs. SpartanOtaku

Galeforce Vs. SHAD0VV

12:15 PM- 12: 45 PM
Pool A

WyzDM Vs. PleaseBeGentle

TaiTheKidRX Vs. Spino

Bunchy Vs. Untracablez

Pool B

IMysteryI Vs. SHAD0VV

Nyarlathotep Vs. Galeforce

MasterKaito Vs. SpartanOtaku

-How to Join-

Join the swift IRC channel #team-zenith and give the details of your SE name, code, and starting empire to me, WyzDM. Be there within event start up time. It's that simple!

-Game Rules-

- Open bracket/pools: All sets are best of 3. Championship Pools: All sets are best of 5. Championship Bracket: All games are best of 3. Quarterfinals, semifinals, winners finals, losers finals, and grand finals are best of 5.

- Your starting empire should be the same every first round. Message me your code and empire when signing up.

- Random is allowed as an empire selection.

- Your first game is played on Forest. Game two and three, loser picks from Forest, Ice Lands, Gates, or Desert.

- After map is picked for games two and three, winner is allowed to change empire. The loser is then allowed to change empire.

- Any game must be decided within 12 minutes. After the game timer hits 12 minutes, the player with tower control wins the game.

- If the opposing player is lagging, and the game is moving abnormally slow to the point where it is uncomfortable, take a screenshot or record it before reporting it to a TO. Please do not abuse lag reports!

- Pausing for any reason during a game will result in a forfeit if elected by your opponent. Even if there are technical difficulties, it's up to your opponent to allow that. Plan in advance and test your hardware/software!

- It is not against the rules to talk to your opponent, but keep it clean. Any vulgar language or obscenities will not be tolerated, and you will be DQ'd.

- If anything your opponent does is questionable, you may take a snapshot of it to provide proof of any illegal play, and upload it to an image sharing site before addressing it to a TO. Abuse of this system, however, will cause for DQ on holding up the match.

- Wait for bracket announcements within the IRC channel #team-zenith. If you are unfamiliar with what an IRC is, I suggest reading this to help you out.

- During the bracket hours, you are required to remain ready and attentive for when it's your turn to play a tournament match.


- After a match, you are required to save your replay link. Give all replays of the set to a TO at once, not link by link. To make things easier, consider using a notepad document or pastebin to assist you.

-Gameplay Rules and Banned Glitches/Exploits-
Here's a list of known bugs or problems we don't want to witness happen in game. If anyone is to be found abusing such methods, consequence and potentially disqualification will occur.

Please refrain from:

- Running bombers under the bottom of the map to avoid castle archers. It's okay if crawlers are used as a deterrent.

- Using archidons to hit beyond the range of castle archers (or taking advantage of CA's lag). This is for castle dead or castle archer. Swords can be used as deterrent.

- Positioning ranged units on the bottom of the map to avoid being hit by other ranged units. This is a serious bug that while hard to do, can be set up, and is not allowed.

- Positioning air units on the nearest side/bottom of the map and behind castle archer to avoid being hit.

- Charrog rejumping or using cycloid double tornado.

- spawning trees near the bottom or top of the map to cause the scorpions to walk outside of the map (and remain mostly impervious).

These are just to name a few of the most popular tricks. Please don't show off any new ones.


Who are the Tournament Organizers?
DAZ, Galeforce, Rain, Spino, PleaseBeGentle, and myself.

What's an IRC channel?
Unfamiliar with IRC? You can join using the webbased page.

More help on the IRC can be found here.

Why is the championship bracket preview really ugly and have a lot of unnecessary byes?
This is because to do what I wanted with seeding, I needed to use a lot of fillers, and a bye is the only way to accomplish this directly with Challonge. The good news is that I have already selected them all to forfeit when they come in touch with a real player, so the bracket will move ahead normally.

Can someone else use my account?
If you're going to be a loud mouth about it, my answer is NO. It's not my rules I'm enforcing, but the game's rules. Seriously, was that incident with NrgFA that long ago where no one remembers?

Can my starting empire be random?
Yes it can.

Is there an entrant cap or rating limit?
No. If you're there on time and ready to play, you're entered!


1st. $250

2nd. $150

3rd. $100

4th. $50

5th. $20

7th. $10

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