
Battle of Genre Round One : Sci-Fi
Xate Versus Aquila

Click me for the BoG R1 Main Thread for additional info!

Welcome to a Round One Battle Thread for the BoG Tournament! Be mindful now, as your votes are the determining factor to who takes the win!

For a few reminders though:

Spoiler for REMINDERS:



Each vote is 5 points.

Comment and Critique

CnC is important for a writer to flourish and grow in his craft. Giving some will benefit the writer and you as well! A point will be given to you and tallied overall at the end of the tournament [this is a separate tally]. If your CnC proves to be substantial [ergo something that helps the writer improve rather than just saying its good or my favorite part is this] an additional point is awarded.

Now without further ado here are the works of our would-be Masters of Genre!

Xate - The Magician [5 point reduction: Cause - Late Entry]

Spoiler for The Magician:


“Are you feeling it now, Mr. Krabs?”

“Hoh hoh! I can easily feel it! The fog in my mind is basically clearing up! This is truly a wonderful gadget!” A loud proclamation echoed throughout the hall, turning everyone’s attention towards a senior in suit, a classic jet black in the vein of Victorian, topped with a tophat and a walking stick. On his haggard face was a headset, stretching across his eyes.

“Tell me, brat! How much?”

“Not for sale.”

“Heh. How about a million Bennys? Surely that wi-”

“No. I have no need for money.” The junior replied.

“Pheh. Supies. You all are fools!” Tossing the device onto the velvet carpeted floor, he stormed off, like a spoiled child.

“Normies.” With a condescending attitude, the child picked up his invention and propped it back onto its stand, waiting for another person. Looking around, he could see so many different faces, both old and young. However old you are, you can still be a student, and eligible for the Imperial Academy’s annual school fair. From artificial intelligences to space-time devices, anything is possible to be displayed here.

“Hey, Orion!” A voice called out to him. It was another youngster, sporting blazing, spiky red hair. “That’s not very nice.” An accompanying girl chimed in, her short, neat light blue hair contrasted that of her friend, “Even if you have superpowers and he doesn’t, that’s uncalled for.”

“Oh, Hotblood and Dealer.” Orion greeted them with a cold voice.

“Aw come on, man! Don’t be so formal with our titles! You don’t hear me calling you the Whiz Kid for no reason!” Hotblood argued with a ferocity fitting for his title.

“Because my title is a generic one. Besides, I’m only one among many other inventors here.” He pointed out. From the Alchemist, who managed to transcribe a scroll that deciphered the relationship between magic and science, to the Mech-anic, whose fullbody mech suit allows even a layman to become a ninja.

“Oh? So you admit your loss?” The girl noted. She, however, could guess her friend’s answer.

“Loss? I just do what I want without restraints.” Orion looked around, waiting for prospective customers to show off his tech. Maybe one of them could inspire him on his next project, “If you guys have no business, mind playing somewhere else?”

“Geez, suit yourself. Come on, Ash.” The two of them left, leaving the young inventor with his creation, “And knock off that funny talk! You’re fucking ten!” Hotblood shouted.

“They wouldn’t even understand.” He shook his head, before taking out a small notebook inside his jumpsuit’s pocket, “Hm… what next…”

As he was doodling on his notebook on what else to create, the entire building trembled.

“What was that?”

“Did you hear that?”

The entire hall was buzzing with fear, anxiety, and even curiosity. The city itself was basically a coalescence of all the world’s superpowers in one place, and because of it, villain attacks were an everyday thing. But striking the school, the learning place for supies? Either he was a meathead, or an attention whore. Or both.

Then, the floor gave way. And out of it, animal cyborgs. From gorillas to alligators, all manners of beasts spawned from the hole like fire ants ready to protect their colony. But in this case, these fire ants were ready for an invasion. The monsters began to leap at people, threatening to rip and devour.

Without a second thought, Orion quickly grabbed hold of his headset and secured it on his head. Then, he activated it. By using magnetic waves and electric impulses, the invention, aptly named “The Key”, can increase the brain’s processing speed, as well as helping create new neuron pathways. Not only that, by directing thoughts towards muscles, the neurons simulated the muscles’ tearing and repairing, enhancing one’s physical strength.

A rabid dog, its head replaced by a robotic replica, charged straight at Orion. However, the moment it leapt, he strafed to the side, before delivering a pen straight to the spinal cord.

“Eeeeeeeek! Help! Heeeeeeelp!” A shrill cry stood out from the chaotic cacophony that plagued the once lively atmosphere. It was the tophat senior, Mr.Krabs, cornered by an alligator. A menacing steel jaw laid bare, the cyborg slowly crawled up to the shivering man.

The inventor charged towards to the side, and grabbed hold of the scholar scroll. With his newfound strength, he sprinted towards them and wrapped up the monstrous jaws with the Alchemist’s scroll. Truly, the leather used in scrolls is a fine material. With the senior’s stick, the eyes of the reptile were no more. The reptile began to squirm around, flailing recklessly

“Aaaaawaaaaa.” Crawling away before getting back on his trembling feet and fleeing, Mr. Krabs was safe.

Orion then glanced at the wide hole made in the middle of the hole. According to his daily ventures to the cyberworld, below was the sewer system. With monsters coming out that route, he had to reroute somewhere else if he wanted to find the source. But then, the alligator’s tail connected with Orion, knocking him to the ground. The moment he looked up, he saw a shadow of a fist coming down his face.

Then, the sound of a punch, before a hand extended towards him.

“Are you alright?” His large hand made Orion’s look so small, like a defenseless child he was. Getting back on his feet, he could finally see the man who saved him: Ken Savious. The chief of the city’s defense force, he’s basically a paragon of what a hero should be: formidable, and full of valor.

“Leave this to the adults! I’ll hold them off until reinforcements come.” A greenlight given, there was one thing left to do: find out where the mastermind was and defeat him. There was no rhyme nor reasons why he would do it. He was just another participant of a fair he could afford to care less. But even so, he dashed through the panic-filled school and out towards the street. With his memory, he laid out the sewer system within his mind, tracing the most probable location for a hideout. A large, open space with few distractions, obstacles. The result: beneath the Subcentral Park.

Standing in front of the large manhole, he finally began to contemplate his action.

“Why am I doing this again?” He got caught up in the rush of moment, directing all his energy and focus into dealing with the root of the problem. He had always been like that.

“Does it matter?” He looked at the time on the park’s clock. “2 PM. I don’t exactly have anything else to do.” Then, he leapt in. Just as he suspected, the path was clear. To attack a place full of supies would require one to unleash full force, and that would mean…

“Offense is the best defense only when you have no blind spot.”


As Orion recalled the map and slowly traversed the dimly lit sewers, he had time for himself with his own thoughts.

Man, never thought the safest path is the most boring, too. The grating of dragging the walking stick and the rippling of the sewer water were a break from the cacophony of the convention, especially that unpleasant shrieking. The only thing that lit his path were the small fluorescent bulbs on the ceiling, giving the area a sense of antiquity compared to the light emitting cells that were recently invented by a graduate from the school. It would have been a pleasant stroll, had it not been for the intoxicating smell that only served to discomfort him. His muscles were burning with each step, a devastating side effect from “The Key”. Muscles strengthen by tearing up and rebuilding, but right now, there wasn’t enough time for a full recovery. Had it not been for an adrenaline rush, he and Mr. Krabs would’ve ended up in the graveyard, waiting for a day to be resurrected by a crazed necromancer. Or worse.

“Sigh… screw it. Act first, think later.” He shuffled onwards. Youths these days, barely exercising any caution.

“I’ll prove it to them, I’m not a helpless kid.” And prideful, too.

Then Orion reached it. Through a recently dug tunnel that disrupted the neat brick pattern, he found himself in a large, open space. Light fixtures above gave the area an ambient light, barely enough to make out the surrounding. He slowly climbed down the pile of rubble, obviously the result from digging out a pathway to the sewers. His insights were proven to be correct. If he wanted, he could’ve given himself a pat on the back. But it would be uncool.

The moment he reached the bottom, cages upon cages lined up on the side welcomed him.

“Hm… Basic mathematics says there’s about 24 cages in total.” He counted. “How few. This villain must be on a budget.” Looking around, he could see junks and scraps of metals strewn about. And far off, he could see something resembling an operation table. And a man standing behind it.

“Heh, so you managed to defeat all my underlings! Now, you shall feel my-” He paused, “Oh, a brat. Great, another wannabe hero.” The man himself was old, his figure emaciated, old and weak, his wrinkled forehead lit up by the operation’s table overhead lamp. His bright red robe was worn out, the color faded into a crimson shade, giving him a more sinister figure. His left arm had a glint, making it likely that he, like his army of cyborgs, also had a mechanical part.

“Child, scram! Go back to your family and stay there like a good boy! I’m feeling merciful today. Or perhaps you’re one of them kids in that orphange? Oh, you may be eve-”

“You talk too much for an old fart.”

“Provocation, huh? I’m too smart to fall for such an obvious trap.”

“All bark and not bite, huh? Disappointment.”

“Oh, you’re going to regret it, boy.” The old man snapped his fingers, and from inside the last two cages, two powerful beasts emerged: mechanical chimeras, “Boys, sic him!”

The beasts were nothing short of abominations, a patchwork of various animals like lions and goats, and mechanical parts to replace the seemingly rotten areas. They stood tall, their bulky arms threatening to grab him and crush him like a grape. They moved quickly on their two legs, but uncoordinatedly. Orion simply weaved past them with relative ease thanks to his size. Perhaps this was the only time he was thankful for being a child. The monsters were fast, but they were too bulky, too inflexible, so how could they manage to capture such a speedy little youngster?

Then, he would leap onto the table, his walking stick pointing directly at the old man’s neck.

This is pathetic. He would thought, looking down on the pathetic villain from above. He would feel nothing but contempt for the charlatan, not giving him the thrill of combat, the joy of overcoming obstacles. He would complain that life was too easy for him, that he grew bored of his successive victories, that he would prefer some challenge in life, and the old man? Wouldn’t amount to a vermin.

That was what it would’ve been. Or rather, should’ve been.

Instead, he now found himself being constricted by a serpent, trapping his movements. He had made a severe miscalculation, for a chimera usually had not only parts of a lion and goat, but also a tail of a serpent. A sentient tail. He couldn’t have seen it coming. Or else, he would’ve been able to make short work of it with his gift, “Analytical Eyes”, and “The Key”, the headset that enhances both physical and mental capabilities.

The serpent’s hold onto him grew slowly tighter, as if to torture the arrogant youth. The dull pain now spiked, his body as if on fire, the mild discomfort now distorted into pure agony. Orion screamed, screamed as much as his small lungs could. His scream echoed throughout the lair, only served to show how deep of the hole he dug himself into.

“Ah! It hurts! It hurts! Stop! Stop!” He pleaded and begged, streams of tears running down his headset and cheeks. He was pathetic, like a small, defenseless child that always needed rescuing. He was no hero in this story. He was the fool that died charging in first.

“Sigh, just toss him out. This is no place for children.” The beasts heeded the old man’s and released the youngster from the serpant’s grip, “And remember the name of the one who defeated you: Icarus the Biomancer.” Then the beast grabbed hold of Orion and threw him into the air.

This… feels nice. The feeling of wind passing through his limbed body, the feeling of weightlessness, a wonderful feeling it was. And it would be the last thing he feel. The moment his head connected to the floor, everything would be over. The memories of the orphanage he was in, the precocious crush he had on the lone principle, the heartbreak as she found her true love, the friends that he’ve lost due to his personality, friends that endured him,... Unnecessary thoughts filled his childish mind.

“I… I don’t wanna die.” Orion whispered.

And a prayer was answered. A figure emerged from the shadow of the lair’s entrance, and with elegance, he caught the youngster. And by elegance, it meant that both of them collided, with the figure acting as a cushion to soften the fall.

“Ouch. That isn’t cool at all.” The figure laid Orion down as he stood up. He then looked upon the lair of Icarus the Biomancer, along with his great inventions. With a voice as loud as possible, he proclaimed:

“Oi oi oi oi oi oi! Who the hell do you think I am?”

“A nutcase!”

“Wrong! I am the Great Robin Fate! The one that will determine everyone’s destiny!” Drawing a deck of cards from the sleeve of his trench coat, he shuffled it with ease as the cards slid within his palms, and three cards were drawn, “The Eight of Pentacles! The power of determination! Three of Cups! The power of friendship! Five of Swords! The power to stand up after falling down! These are the cards of Fate!”

“Oh great, that kind of nutcase.” Icarus waved his left mechanical arm, “S-”

“No need!” Robin sprinted downhill from the mountain of rubble and leapt with ferocity.

“Who the hell do you think I am- Kick!” But it was just a normal kick, and was promptly stopped by the beast’s hand. What came after a complete curbstomp as he was slammed into the ground again, again and again. And again. And another one for safe measures. Battered,face drenched with blood, the white coat now dyed with red, the beast held the fallen hero to its face.

“That was a disappointment. So much bravado, so little substance.” The ‘hero’ could’ve been so much more, but alas, just another wannabe.

“...Heh…” Coughing out blood, Robin looked straight at the beast, which was ready to devour him whole, “I… I still got a trump card…”

“Let me guess, power of determination?”

“This!” He flung an object into the air, drawing everyone’s attention to it.

“What the hell?”

It was… Orion’s headset. Then, the sound of blood gushing. A chimera had fallen, blood flowing out of its neck. Crawling from under the corpse was Robin, a card in hand.

“Abel! H-How?” Icarus began to panic, “Kill him, Cain!!” The remaining beast began to sprint, and with one hit, knocked Robin high into the air and landed him at the entrance. This time, Orion wasn’t a cushion.

Orion looked at the fallen man. He tried so hard, bluffed so badly, and failed so sadly. If he were a bit wiser, then perhaps… the youngster could’ve related to him. That no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t be that naturally confident, that perhaps his facade couldn’t hide the doubt in himself, in his own talents.

“...n...not dead...ye…” Robin could barely speak, but he was still alive. Orion couldn’t help but feel relieved. Then, he saw Robin sliding to him a bloodied card. The youth held the card up his face, and gave it a quick rub. On it, a figure in red holding a stick with an infinity symbol on his head. And the words “The Magician” were printed below. At the same time, the beast slowly crawled up the pile of debris, ready to send the two of them to the grave. This time, there wouldn’t be anything left for a necromancer.

“...Po...tential… It’s… you…Be...Believe in Orion… the Orion that believes in you...”

“Heh. That little stupid little phrase… Did you think it’s that easy to change people?” He knew himself. He was weak. Powerless. He was just a defenseless child who knew no better. Talents? Potential? Others deserved it more than him. He was worthless.

“Cheh...Everything...myself…” Robin struggled and fell back into his pool of blood. But again and again, he tried to stand up.

“Why… Why must you try so hard?” Orion pleaded.

“I believe in… myself. I know I will do this. Even…” Blood flew out of his mouth, dripping into the pool, “Even if I can’t, I… will. I will… act first… think later.”

Then, Orion jumped back on his feet and charged at the approaching chimera, pushing him off the pile of loose rocks with all his might. The beast retaliated with its claws, but the speedy youngster crawled over the face of the wild beast and launched himself away into the ground below. With the beast falling into the ground, and within his hand, the walking stick that was dropped when Orion was constricted, the beast would…

Orion grabbed the stick as tight to his body as possible, ensuring it wouldn’t break in the fall.


His position was right at the artery, making sure it would be a one-hit-kill.


The serpent tail struck at Orion, but with a single swipe, he managed to deflect the attack and repositioned the staff.


The moment the staff touched the beast’s body, he jumped back to avoid being squashed.

The result: the staff that pierced the beast and created a temporary heaven for the two.

Orion looked at Icarus, who was flabbergasted and filled with terror. Terror about what would happen to him. The youth slowly walked closer, with the elder backed away. The junior approached, the senior backed away. Finally, Orion looked at Icarus, whose back was against the wall.

“W-What do you want with me?” Fear. Confusion. Despair. Those emotions were apparent from the trembling old man’s face.

“Why do you do all this?” There was no emotion. There was no rhyme nor reasons why he asked that.

“M-My motive? Uh..Uh… Kill every- I… Um, wrong… Yeah, that’s right! I punish those who’ve wronged me and my creation!” Icarus’s words were flimsy. Even an ameteur could tell.

“Is it because you’re in despair?” The old man was stunned, “Is it because you’re also powerless? That you doubt yourself? That you need to prove to the world?” The words simply flew from his mouth. As if intuitively, he knew the similarity between them

“What the hell do you know, you shitty brat! Do you truly think you can und-”

“Loss? That you may have lost something, so you distracted yourself from it by drowning yourself in work?”

“You littl-” Icarus got up, enraged at the youth’s callous remarks, pretending as though he understood his pain.

“Let’s see you grit those teeth!” A blow to the face, and Icarus was down on the ground.

“I don’t care about your stupid backstory. I don’t care about what you’ve done all those years! The only thing that matter right now is the present! And right now, you’re heading down the wrong path! I will stay by your side, and if you ever doubt yourself, I will be there to belt you in! Believe in me. And believe in yourself.”

“You...you brat... Why… Just why the hell are you telling me all this crap!” Anger, confusion, fear, yearning. His feelings were complicated, like a raging torrent of emotions that could wipe out any trace of logic and rational thinking.

“Because we are similar. I can see you inside myself. That is why I want to extend my hand to you, that I want to save both Icarus, and the future Orion.” The words just came naturally. There was no lie, no dishonesty. He couldn’t manage it. He was in the rush of the moment.

“Heh… quite a rational way of thinking…” Defeated, acceptance, self-pity, fear. There was no longer any trace of hostility.

“And besides, I could use a new friend.” Orion extended his hand, “My name is Orion, 10 years old. I’m an orphan at the Orphanage. Nice to meet you.”

“Heh… Quite a shitty… brat... “ He sat there, withdrawing himself into his tattered robe.

“Are you all okay?” A large voice echoed throughout the lair. It was Ken Savious. The reinforcement had come.

“I’ll be waiting.” That were Orion’s farewell.


Nine years had passed, and the city had no significant changes. Other than the usual technological advancements, villain attacks and hero defense, everything was the same.

As Orion worked on his latest invention, hoping it would help entertain and educate at the Orphanage, he heard the sound of the doorbell. Leaving his room, he approached the front door of his own little home and opened it.

“My name is Icarus Gregson, 83 years old. I’m a scientist at the Asclepius Hospital. Nice to meet you.”

Aquila - Coup d'etat

Spoiler for Coup d'etat:


“First Sergeant Lucas O’Neal. You are hereby dishonorably discharged.” The council stared at the man, lounging in the chair in front of them.

“You’re joking surely,” The man fixed the cuff on his suit, brushing his shoulders and straightening the fabric. “I did my job, why am I being punished?” Lucas O’Neal was a tall, clean shaven, brunette man.

“Your job involved no collateral damage.” One of the council members piped in, the old lady glared at the soldier through her small glasses. “Some of those hostages died I’ll have you know.”

The soldier snarled and stood up, the chair clattering behind him. Two guards rushed to restrain him as he roared at the council. “Have me know? They died in front of my eyes you old shits! What do you fuck understand about war? Sitting behind that podium, up on your high fucking horse thinking you can tell me how to do my job?” The soldier wrestled out of one of the guard’s grasp and he threw the other over his shoulder. The sergeant smashed his arm into the guard’s throat and stood up, brushing his suit clean again. “We followed our orders. We waited in our position for reinforcements, and that’s how the hostages died! I watched through the scope of a rifle, waiting for the orders to shoot, your or-”

“Do not talk back to us!” The head roared, “Our words are final! Now see yourself out before we forcefully discharge you as well.” The man glowered, “Don’t make yourself look any worse, ex-First Sergeant O’Neal.”

The man chuckled then laughed, he got it now, he was a scapegoat. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder shaking him. He turned to wake up from his nap and stare at his buddy. “Sorry to wake you from your dream, sounded nice.”

The First Sergeant grinned and stretched, “Naah, I appreciate it, wasn’t a nice dream at all.” He looked around at the carrier plane he was strapped in. There were soldiers to his left and to his right as well as across from him. They were all dressed similarly; black heavy armor, and all had similar stories. They were all soldiers from the government, either ousted for speaking against or as scapegoats. Now here he sat, on a plane with other convicts, on a mission to overthrow the government. He could barely see how they looked, the only source of light a red glowing bulb planted above the cargo bay door. But he knew they probably all had the same tired, haunted look on their faces as he did.

“Lock and load you pansies!” An old, rusty voice buzzed through the intercom system. The order was answered by the crank of bolts and loading of cartridges. Lucas’ hand brushed against the assault rifle, the fabric softly rasping against the dents and scars across the weapon’s body. The weapons weren’t like the ones provided by the military, but they did their job.

A general marched through the aisle, and no one returned his gaze. One of his eyes nothing but a milky white orb, while the other was a cybernetic implant, the metal orb rolled around with a red pupil shining in the dim interior. “We’re only a few minutes from target, now we take this base and with the gear they have locked up here, we’ll be even closer to our goal.” The objective wasn’t met by any cheers. No one was happy with having to kill those they used to call allies.

It was as if the soldier could read their minds, “Show no mercy.” The old general’ eye wasn’t the only implants, his arm and both his legs were cybernetic as well, as well as most of his torso. He grit his teeth. “They threw their lots betting on the wrong side. Now get your head in the mission and get ready for the jump.” Lucas sighed and unhooked his helmet from above him, connecting cords from his chest plate, syncing up his vitals to the helmet’s visor. He slipped the helmet on, securing it with a twist and letting it come online. The suit pressurized and he shook his head as his ears popped.

His friend’s voice popped in through the radio system, and a small portrait appeared to the right. “You ready partner?”

“Would it be wrong to say no?” He chuckled softly, “How about you Buck?” Buck was an old comrade who left the army when he heard of Lucas’ discharge. He was a good looking man, sandy hair and a neat stubble.

“Actually I’m glad you’re not, I’d be more afraid of you if you were. I honestly am quite ready.”

“That’s because you have a beautiful wife and kid waiting for you back at base.” Lucas chuckled. “So let’s do our best to get you out of here alive.”

“Wooh wooh wooh, my little girl will kill me if you don’t come back. She really likes her Uncle Lucas.” Buck laughed and the light above the door became green. “Gaah, no matter how many times we do this, I never get used to it.” Buck got out of his seat and filed behind Lucas.

“I’m aware, you bicker about this every jump.”

A new voice piped in, a woman jibed at them both, “And you guys go through this skit every time as well. Why do you guys always have to talk to each other on a public call as if it’s private? Your whole squad can hear you guys.” The door hissed open and the shrill scream of air filled the cabin.

“We’re almost right over, go go go!” The general ordered as he was the first to jump off.

“Awh, who invited Ms. Grumpy?” Buck joked.

“Thank Lucas, he needed the best sniper to cover your sorry ass. And it’s Ms. Sophia.”

“Now now guys,” Lucas laughed, “No fighting between friends.” Lucas walked up and placed his hand on the roof, looking down at the blurry scenery of spring green plains. Small black dots speckled the scenery as soldiers fell to earth. Lucas took a deep breath and jumped, his hands tightly wrapped around his rifle as he plummeted down like a meteorite. He looked up to see the blue skies and the plane letting loose its last few packages before banking around and flying back where they came from.

He looked back down to see the ground coming up fast to meet him and he ordered, “Activate landing thrusters!” And jets of air pumped out of his boots and backpack to slow his descent as he landed on the ground with a thud. He got up from his crouching position and rolled his shoulders, he spoke on the channel, “Where are you guys?” A mini map appeared on the upper left corner of his visor and he saw a blip not too far away from him.

A ping radiated from the blip as it spoke, it was a man, but much deeper than Buck’s. “It’s Simeon, making my way to you sir.” More confirmations blipped as other members of the squad made landfall and they began converging upon Lucas’ location.

“Hey look who lived, just like every other time.” Sophia punched Buck on the shoulder playfully.

“Ow. Just because I can jump and live, doesn’t mean I enjoy the experience.” Buck complained as he rubbed his shoulder.

Lucas laughed along with the other soldiers and then a foreign voice blared in his ears from a different channel, the squad leader private channel. “Team Fall what’s your status?”

Lucas coughed, “We’re on our way to point C now.” He alerted the rest of the team with a few sharp hand gestures and they went on their way. All the merriness from just a few seconds ago gone as they understood that it was time for war and there was no joy in killing. They jogged through the plains, they had landed ten miles away from the base, they had landed far away to avoid radars but they now had outposts in their way. “Outpost is in view, take them out quietly and be sure not to be seen.” The soldiers nodded and turned on their suit’s optic camouflage. The blurred mass crept forward as they could see the small building loom closer. Small figures could be seen moving around bigger figures. Jeeps and other vehicles they would use to move out from there. Other squads were taking out different outposts. They would all take out their respective outposts in their own smaller operation and then join together for the final assault.

“I’m getting a dozen personnel, can I get confirmation?” Lucas asked. A few mumbled their agreement and he continued, “Snipers wait here, Buck you take half and we’ll pincer them. Got it? Now radio silent, let’s do this quick.” The squad split in two and continued on their way as the four snipers set up. His squad was made up of forty soldiers, so the outpost quickly fell. The snipers took the few patrolling outside as Lucas’ squad cleared the garage and Buck’s the living quarter. Lucas was glad his eyes were covered by the visor so he didn’t have to truly experience staring the other soldiers in the eyes. Their eyes were full of fear and yet determination as they understood they were going to die so they fought back, trying for their side arms.

The eyes haunted him, so similar to the fear he saw when he was the good guy. The fear in the eyes of those he fought under the banner of the government. The fear he saw in those that were labeled as threats just like he is labeled now. And now here he stood and he didn’t know what side of the fence he stood on.

He stood over their corpses, the blood pooling on the floor. He gave his fallen comrade a slight salute as he walked past. “Everything’s clear, how you guys doing?” He asked Buck.

“Not good at all…” the soldier replied.

Lucas quickly signaled his men to go to the other building. “What’s wrong Buck? Is everyone okay?”

“Lucas, I had to kill Calvin.”

“Your roommate from military school?” Lucas slowed down and signaled the other to go back to the garage as he went into the living quarters. The soldiers were raiding the kitchen and he went into the bedrooms to find Buck sitting on a bed, the small cot bending under the weight of the soldier in his suit. Lying on the floor at the foot of the bed was the corpse of a man still in his pajamas but he held a pistol in his hands.

“The man just wouldn’t back down. Doesn’t he know that a small piece like that wouldn’t even crack the visor?” Buck looked up at Lucas, his visor up so there was no need for a radio. Lucas clicked his own visor open and he stared at his friend, placing his hand on the man’s shoulder. “I’m just glad he didn’t recognize me… all he had time to call me was an enemy of the people.” Buck rested his head on his hand.

“Buck come on, we got to head out. Just sitting here won’t solve anything. The faster we overthrow the government, the fewer casualties there’ll be.” Lucas told his friend these words, in hopes not to only convince him, but to convince himself as well. The war would be long and bloody to wrestle control from the government; he could only hope they made it out alive. Buck stood up with a sigh and his visor went back down as he walked out. Lucas followed close behind, his visor coming down as well. The snipers had joined them by the time Lucas came out of the building and they began piling into vehicles. Lucas hopped in next to Buck as the man turned on the jeep. The armored vehicle had a turret mounted on top, as did a few others so they would take point. The jeep pitched and swayed as another soldier climbed on top. “Who we got as a gunner?”

“It’s me sir!”

“Alright Gus, Buck move out.” The soldier snapped the car into gear and they set out, the car roared down the street, bumping along slightly. “I don’t know if the suspension on this thing is shot, or you’re shit at driving Buck, jesus stop veering around.” Lucas grabbed tightly to his armrests.

“Don’t blame me, we’re wearing two hundred pound suits!” Buck complained.

“And you shouldn’t be the one complaining.” Gus added jokingly, “I’m the one who can’t hold onto anything here!” The trio laughed.

Lucas hurried to contact the general. “Sir this is Squad Fall, we’re making our way to the compound now.”

“Good, wait 5 clicks away and wait for the others to get into position. Over and out.”

“Order received, standing by.” Lucas shook his head as he had Buck slow to a halt. The words felt funny in his mouth and wrong in his head, but he shook the idea off. The situation was different.

“I hate the waiting game.” Sophia pulled up next to them, Simeon was sitting in shotgun and their gunner was Sam. The rest of the squad pulled in around them and they could see the compound cresting over the trees as they simply waited for the signal.

The radios crackled and Lucas raised his hand out of the window to catch everyone’s attention. “Alright, all squads in position. Move out!” Lucas swung his hand down and they set off, blazing down the plains. Suddenly an explosion rocked the jeep and Buck swerved to avoid the explosion of dirt and grass.

“The fuck was that?” Buck demanded.

Lucas shouted back, “I have no idea! Gus you alright?”

“Yea, but I can’t see who could’ve shot that. No one’s showing up on the radar! Gaah!” The jeep pitched forward at the sudden weight loss and Lucas turned back to see Gus tumbling onto the floor, into the way of another jeep that smashed into it and exploded.

“The fuck is happening?” Lucas shouted in the radio.

“They… expect-“ was all he got.

He went back to the squad radio. “Who’s still alive, report dammit!” Only a few responded back, he guessed they lost perhaps 10 soldiers.

“We’re not even 3 clicks away yet! We’re going to get massacred!” Simeon reported. “They must’ve laid out mines!”

“How did we not get reports about this?” Lucas demanded.

“Sweepers picked up nothing! We don’t even know if they are mines.” Simeon responded back. “Sir shall we pull back?”

Suddenly a voice crackled back onto the radio, “This is the general! Do not retreat! Almost all the squads have reached the compound. Once we get in, we’ll crush them! Do not falter!”

“Sir we have our orders.” Buck looked to Lucas. “What shall we do?”

Lucas grit his teeth. He joined the revolution so that what happened back then would not happen again. He would not sacrifice his soldiers. “Retreat! Everyone turn back. I will accept all faults, so retreat!” He smashed against the door as Buck did a heavy U-turn.

“Thank god you said that, because I was going to do this whether you wanted or not.” Buck laughed and they drove through the wasted plain to safety. The soldiers spilled out of their cars, collapsing onto the floor as they blessed the fact they were alive.

Sophia stumbled out of the car, her hands over her stomach as she limped forward. Simeon ran out of his seat to help her to sit down. “Sir she’s been shot. Where’s the medic?” He looked around and a man ran up to him with a kit.

Lucas panted as he sat down, he had defied orders. He may have saved his troops, but he left the other squads to fend for themselves. Buck sat down next to him and sighed, “Well guess this revolution ended as soon as it began. I mean we can’t be too surprised, we are going against the central army.”

“You spineless coward!” A man walked up to Lucas and punched him in the helmet. “How could you order us to retreat when the general said otherwise?”

Buck stood up and pushed him back. “Why are you blaming him? He saved your life you ass.”

“From what? We’re going to be hunted now! We’re convicts and deserters! Do you think the government will welcome us back with open arms?” The man pushed back and Buck pulled out his rifle.

“Stand down you fuck! Or I’ll-“

“You both stand down!” Lucas yelled. “I made us retreat to make sure none of us die, not so we could rip each other apart.” Lucas got up and pushed Buck’s gun down. “I’m thankful you’re on my side but he’s right. We’re not in the clear.” He looked at the others. “Now look here, we’re going to radio in evac and get ourselves the hell out of here. We’ll get back to main base and recover there. This mission was a failure, let’s not make it a disaster. Do you understand?”

“Yes sir!” The squad chorused and they quickly got back onto their jeeps and began driving back to the outposts as Lucas radioed in for evacuation. He quickly explained the details to a pilot he trusted and after getting confirmation they were on their way he relaxed back into his seat.

“Shit, I forgot that war was this awful. I wonder if I can go back to having a semi-normal life.” Lucas sighed.

Buck agreed, “I want to go home back to my wife and kid, and maybe we can get ourselves smuggled out of here. Want to come with?” Buck smiled.

“I’ll more than happily take up that offer.” Lucas nodded. “Glad we’re on a private channel.”

“Not so private, you just shortened the frequency.” Sophia laughed, “Everyone close to you is picking up as well.”

Lucas paled, “And how many people is that?”

“Just me and Simeon, the rest have gone ahead in excitement.” Lucas breathed a sigh of relief. “You know, I think I’m going to try to get myself out of here too. Along with Simeon.” Simeon jumped on to agree and they saw the jeeps ahead of them and then the outpost.

Then nothing. Explosions sent the jeep cartwheeling and Lucas found himself thrown out of the front window. He landed to see the jeep flip over him, Buck slump in his seat but held there by a seatbelt as it smashed itself into the ground. The man’s head was ringing and his whole body ached, but he forced himself up to make his way to the jeep. “Buck… talk to me… come on.” He knelt down by the door and yanked it open. “We gotta get out. Come on wake up dammit!” He grabbed Buck and yanked him out of the car. A metal shard was stuck in his shoulder, stabbing cleanly through where he could see the jagged end covered in blood.

“I don’t feel so good Lucas.” Buck mumbled.

“Oh thank god you’re alive. Come on don’t be like that. What the hell hit us by the way?” Lucas looked up to see planes in the air. “Looks it’s evac, we’re out of here!” He scanned around to find the other jeep and saw it smoldering, blacken by explosion. “Simeon! Sophia!” He yelled helplessly into his mic.

“General ordered everyone to advance. So why are you here First Sergeant Lucas O’Neal?” A plane’s speaker boomed. “Why did you disobey the order?”

“Because I will not stand for the needless slaughter of my men! You have a problem with that?” He yelled at the voice.

“Yes, we do.” A shot rang out and Lucas looked down to see a gaping hole in Buck’s chest.

“Lucas…” Was all his friend could cough before he went silent.

“Now all your men are dead. And they died for no other cause then because you were too cowardly to follow orders.” Tears pooled on his visor as he looked at his friend’s corpse. “I hope that remains a lesson to you sir.” The plane landed and two men came out to escort Lucas into the plane.

“What? Are you not going to kill me? Kill me dammit! Where are you taking me?” He struggled but they were also wearing heavy suits.

“Your skills are too valuable to simply kill you off. We will teach you to listen to orders and then you can rejoin the revolution. The general successfully captured the compound.” The voice still came to him through intercoms as he was dragged deeper into the plane. The long dim hallway soon opened up to a clean oval room, sitting in the middle was a large table and surrounding it was computers and surgical equipment. Lucas’ helmet was yanked off and the soldier was strapped to the table, staring up at a bright light. “Now please hold steady, this could get messy if you struggle.”

“What operation? What’re you going to-“ His demands were cut off by a needle stabbing into his neck.

“We’re not going to do much. We’re simply going to refine your abilities to listen to orders.” The voice sounded like a brass bell, deep and resonating as it drifted him to sleep.

The final assault was ready. The rebels were loading up on every war machine they could get their hands on, loading up every weapon they had on hand. And Lucas was there on the frontline, standing next to the general. “Are you ready, Sergeant Major O’Neal? It’s your job to shoot anyone who tries to leave the battlefield.”

“Yes sir.”

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