
Zev: The purifier
"I'm just.. doing my job."
SkinColor:#564232 SuitColor:#696969

Zev Helmet.png

Name: Zevastion Purelung Nickname: Zev Age: 35

Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Eastern European

Visual features: Height: 6'8 (Normal size in his time) Eyes: Bright Orange, Weak under his suit.

Spoiler for Personality:


- Zev's the kind of guy who has a all-around personality of sorts. He is usually witty when it comes to coming up with notorious one-liners, along with swinging comebacks at people almost instantly at a insult.

He is a fan of reading, as well as writing, which seems to calm is senses from time to time. Zev also is rather serious most of the time.. especially having mood swings rather frequently. He usually has a calm temper

and takes many operations or projects he is apart of very.. very seriously, to where one minor mis-calculation will cause him to snap. Zev also sees all mortal and natural beings as people to respect and spare

or have a good time, in battle, or just meeting up. Now I wish I could say the same for the general opposite crowd.. hehe. Zev.. hates, and has an enmity towards them, usually calling them supernaturals, or artificials.

He will go as far as attempting to KILL them in a very brutal way while against one, and brutally generate a finishing fatality once victorious, that could lead to one's unfortunate demise. He sees this as a way to

cleanse the Earth from the apocalypse, making it his vow to change the future from these "Malice Supernaturals". Now.. it is possible to still gain Zev's trust as a supernatural, but don't count on it.

Aside from all this hatred, Zev's also one who is the best at speech, along with strategy in both combat, and in general.


Spoiler for Story:


- Imagine a world, covered in a glaze of future with a glistening fortune of curiosity, only to discover that the future wasn't what you expected at all.

In this case, the future is presented in that very dream of destiny, that is rather a horrific nightmare in disguise. It's been decades later after a recent

century has past. Science has advanced, and so had humanity, leaving new discoveries to be brought to the table of creativity. Of-course, such a advancement

in history will spiral to some twisted philosophy, leading to more tests.. more.. "Experiments". The experiments were always flawed.. those foolish humans

thinking that they could successfully establish artificial life, that won't harm them. The experiments soon got stronger, smarter, faster, greater, better,

only to think.. think that humanity is the enemy. It was at this point where man, and experiments.. which were then dubbed "Supernaturals" due to the

new development of the masses, developed a hatred with one another, leading to the dark ages. After the third world war for land.. decades after the

Supernatural re-location crisis, Humanity came through a rather increased loss of land, and people. The only way to stop this act before it

reaked higher devastation, was to dis ban countries, and states, to where cities are the only sources of power, and dubbed "Colonies". Eventually,

Humans dis-banned the use of all Biological science to be preformed, once a supernatural decided to cause a massacre that lead to the deaths of thousands.

Although this also lead to a much darker turn later on, as the experiment was sent to the wild like the rest of the supernaturals. Humanity never monitored

these experiments, as they saw too little of importance they would have, only thinking that these abominations of nature would die by nature itself, since

they weren't designed for survival. As a surprise, colonies throughout Russia were being seiged, and over claimed by mutinous unknowns, leaving the rest speechless.

After investigation, the humans concluded that the supernaturals came back for revenge, teaming up in large masses like clans, but much bigger, to irradiate

humanity. Of-course, humans responded, by fighting back with fire, and having a desire to kill these malice creatures, which thus sparked the dark ages to be

born, the war between man, and super-man. Humans began brainwashing children, and adults alike, teaching them to see supernaturals, ALL supernaturals as a threat.

While supernaturals did the same with Humanity. The battles were always a stale-mate, as humans had technology on their sides, but supernaturals were much stronger.

They were almost impossible to track, since they never really created any source of government, which lead them to appear everywhere around the world randomly.

Colonies were going down like flies, and Humanity had no other choice but to research on the "impossible" philosophy of time travel, at least, one colony in particular

decided. This Colony, located in Southeastern Europe, had dedication for such an event to be operated on, as it could be the only way to prevent Humanity's extinction.

The colony then volunteered a handful of Physicists to research Time Travel. Years went by, until finally, the handful discovered the proper equation to time travel,

that could in fact prove it to be possible. They dubbed this the "Hadron Energy Theorem", where it involves the detachment of two atoms, which are then contained in

a largely tubed pipe, designed to exellerate the atoms at very high speeds, which would then lead them both to clash with one another, that would form a blackhole

designed to be stabilized, and manipulated, to where they could form it into a portal, for time-hopping transportation. The Physicists then noticed they might need

more work on the operation, turning this process into a small industry known as the "European Organization for Nuclear Research", AKA, "CERN", led by Derrick Hamelton,

Lebron Brown, Albert Yutang, and Zevastion Purelung.

Zevastion was raised in the lifestyle of utter hatred for all Supernaturals, seeing them as how a high priest sees a heretic. Unlike other humans during the dark

ages, he was an Atheist, as he studied, and devoted all his "Worshiping" on science rather than a religious idol. Although Zevastion never looked upon anyone,

he still saw the world having hope, thinking that no matter what happens, humanity will live on, even when it means breaking the laws of physics. Zevastion has always

been a brilliant-minded individual, seeing the future as a sense of corruption, and the past being a youthful tranquility. "A world without this much havoc would be

a paradise," he often said, hoping to someday put his research to work. Overall, Zevastion has worked as a physicist, and a Inventor after the third world

war, and often saw these Experiments from the start to be devoid of good. Out of the ten artificial life subjects he encountered, only one of them stuck out from the rest, one

that wickedly brought fear into his eyes, about these, creatures. The subject was a pale white human, that was involved in a project dubbed "Project Brainwash", where scientists

involved brainwashing the human into killing other test subjects. Already by instinct you know this would turn out to get ugly, but this went far more in depth, far more

dangerous. The first try was just by verbally convincing, which obviously didn't work, as the human declined. Then the second try, they drugged the human into doing it, still they

declined. Third try came along, where they began torturing the human with minor injections of poison while they slept in their cemented cell, and still they declined. The

scientists decided to then brainwash the human, by staging a fake "Jailbreak", where they manipulated a subject, who was the human's closest friend to stage like they broke free

and to save them from this corrupt laboratory. The human had taken the bait, being lured into a trap, which for-told later on, as the scientists then deviously shot the friend, and sacked

the other. The human then woke up to be strapped down with steel-enforced shackles, secure in a armed chair, cold as the sins of these scientists, as a large flat-screen was mounted right

infront of the human. The screen then blinked in flashes of light, as many scenes of the third world war could be visible, all the humans, burned, smoked, gassed, ran over, shot, and committing suicide.

Eventually, the human was sent back in their cell, offered no food or water for three days. The human... they were smart, smarter than the scientists. It still declined, as the scientists then decided to play

their trump card, by using this entire process to only stall the human, and finally get what they truly wanted, which was to mutate the human to grotesque levels, as the human accepted fate. In just mere minutes,

the human reacted from the thousands of chemicals injected into them, growing more, and more deformed. The scientists then stopped, refusing to go any further. The human subject wasn't human anymore, rather a

monster.. a abomination! Eyes in random areas, mouths on it's arms and legs, teeth that were too big to fit in it's main mouth, with oosing puss all over it's body, and a set of large horns on the top of it's head.

Without another thought, before the scientists could abandon the project, the abomination launched all ten of it's mouthed arms at the shielded window, as it shattered into bits. The scientists had no choice but to

flee the building, thinking they have gone too far, but out of the mass of three hundred total, only three survived. The monster then took the streets, killing thousands as it began to mutate even more, to where

it changed shape every minute. eventually, the humans launched a missile at the monstrosity, thinking they killed it, as it broke apart into tiny chunks of flesh. To finish the job, scientists from another district

including Zevastion dumped the chunks of flesh into the wild on a remote island. But in the process, one of the chunks, containing a hand, launched up, and killed the human carrying it. Zevastion was the first to notice,

running back into the chopper, the pilot already taking off. Luckily, the ladder dangling down from the chopper was visible, which saved Zevastion's life from demise. As for the other scientists, only few did the same

as the rest died by the supernatural. From that day forward, humanity banished the use of biological science to be preformed, as it opposed to be a threat to humanity. Ever since those days, Zevastion knew that life

created by the hands of man was never meant to become a reality, and even though he knew that humans were responsible, he still blames the experiments, for they were never meant to exist in the first place but to

rather die by the wrath of true nature. And to his brow-raised surprise to the news of colonies falling by the hands of the devious supernaturals, Zevastion knew what he had to do, and when he heard the news about

his colony working on a time-travel project, he happily accepted before anyone else, and in fact was the one who persuaded the other physicists to join in, convincing them that the impossible can be in fact possible.

As CERN came into play, Zevastion juggled with both Inventing, and time-travel, which left him to be the one who worked the most out of the handful of physicists. It was Zevastion's idea that the Hadron Collider

would be a thing, supporting the claim with logical science, as the community agreed with his idea to convert it into a reality. Time went by, as years have passed, and Zevastion still hasn't made any luck on the

discovery, with many many failures trailing behind his feet. Some Physicists supporting the project began to quit, seeing this movement being hopeless, but Zevastion pressed on with the remaining group saying that

"Each failure is a closer chance to success". Merely decades prime to the time of development, Zevastion and the remaining team finally developed the first ever use of time travel, having the ability to open a

portal to a remote time period, and transporting matter from as far back as a century and a half. The only problem.. is that the portal could only remain open for a third of a second, which isn't nearly

close for humans to have time to enter, and as they get farther into the project, more colonies are irradicated. Zevastion saw a solution to this problem, as the source of Hardon Energy has to be stored in a

condensed form, all it requires is a crystal of sorts to store this brightened energy, which would stabilize the blackhole before instantly vanishing by the surrounding matter engulfing it. Derrick, and Zevastion, the

only physicist left in the operation developed the crystal out of a fusion of both Quartz, and Topaz, which both fuzed with one another somehow can store light together light how a battery stores energy.

Over time, humans were losing the war, as Supernaturals pillaged more colonies into crumbling submission, and as Zevastion did the calculations, the supernaturals are getting closer to his colony, and having to

face the fear of the results, he won't be able to sustain a fully functional time machine that could transport the colony to the past, and the only way he could ever succeed in saving the future of humanity is to

save himself from his own death, for his brilliant mind could find out a way in the past to irradiate these Supernaturals for good.

In order to succeed in his plan, he had to conceal this from anyone, even his closest peers, and create a diversion to betray all his own brothers of the colony. Zevastion then executed a plan, stealing the

time crystals, and appliances, moving them to the outside where they could be hidden from any wandering eyes. To finish off with his plan, he told the rest of the scientists that the crystals have been stolen.

Immediately, they all searched around the building to find the missing crystal, with no luck in return. Zevastion told everyone to abandon the project, as it was a complete failure due to the crystal's absence.

As told, everyone abandoned the operation, and preparing for the worst, as the colony then focused on preparing for the great battle of the centuries. Zevastion on the other hand, was working day and night at the

now abandoned CERN laboratory, setting up a mobile contraption that could be used for his own personal benifits of both combat, and comfort. Zevastion has always been a fan of medieval-styled architecture, along

with their weapons, and culture, yet, in order for his plan to work, he had to think of an idea to somehow develop a miniture-sized Hadron Collider within his weapon. Then.. it hit him, a weapon specifically used

by the early Europeans in the 16th century, designed to be a round, yet small buckler shield, along with the fierce melee weapon of a sword blade at the frontal rim, a mysterious weapon, thought to be a rejected

concept, the Lantern Shield. It was a brilliant idea, almost fool-proof, and he knew exactly how it would work. The same circular tubing within the shield itself, designed to be a miniature Hadron Collider, that would

then have two functions, to either be used as a ranged device, or melee device, as well as a mode of transportation. The metal that would keep the shield together is made from a steel, and boron fiber alloy, the same

alloy used in the Exo-suits that soldiers wore in the colonies, as well as a blade, made from a complete Topaz, and Quartz fusion, which combined makes the blade durable while in combat, and rather thick. The blade was designed

to be one of a sword breakers, as it's thick enough to trap light within the blade, designed to be used to slice through space and time with the trapped Hadron Energy inside. Once Zevastion completed the weapon, he dubbed it

"Warplex", since it was a warping tool, and it's variable being 10000 zeros. Immediately he knew that he had to protect himself from these potential Supernaturals that lurk in the past, having adnormal capabilities. Zevastion

decided to take a fully equipt Exo-suit, and modify it, by adding in new sensors, amplifying default capabilities, equipting a crystal on the top of the helmet for a full body Hadron Energy flow, a Hadron retriever on his

left palm, designed to retrieve matter recently taken by the warplex, and artifical intellegence, that Zevastion dubbed "Jeeves". When Zevastion was done with his set-up, he immediately equipted the suit, and mounted the

shield on his back ready for time warping. He took one more look around the laboratory he once had many memories of.. the laughs.. the joy, the work, the frustration, excitement, and commitment. All his ideas, all his friends

and family, will all just be a memory stored within his mind. Zevastion began developing a deep emotion of sadness, and regret, as he paused near his office chair, slamming the desk with mighty force, his exo-suit's strength

breaking it. After a moment of silence, the whole world felt like it was devoid of noise, Zev couldn't hear a thing, until he turned around. The noise broke, as he heard the colony ready their nuclear missiles to auto-launch,

the tanks and turrets ready their positions, and in the distance, a massive army of supernaturals marching like British soldiers ready for battle. From the balcony, Zevastion could see all this unfold, witnessing the

potential death of humanity in the front of his very eyes. "Who knew the death of humanity would be by their very own mistakes.. their punishments for playing.. God." Were the last words Zevastion said, before turning back into

his laboratory to warp into the deep past. Although when he sliced the air with his blade, he realized it wasn't far back enough, only a day in the past, and as a result he had to find a way to fix this problem. Then he realized something..

the large Hadron Collider might do the trick, as it generates enough energy for him to warp into the designated past he wants to visit. Zevastion smiled to himself about that idea, as he walked into the elevator, pushing the down button

that would lead to collider. He found a slip of paper on the floor, one that was a stamp or posting stamp that had the image of the colony on it. Zevastion trailed a warm-hearted smile as a tear ran down his cheek, tucking

the posting stamp into his right wrist guard. All of a sudden, the elevator broke down mid-way, as a violent vibration shook the machine, that left Zevastion to topple over onto the tiled floor. His face turned pale, as the lights on the

elevator short circuited, and large rumbling sounds could be heard from above, getting closer ever so slowly. He stood up from his fallen position, readying himself, and wielded his Warplex on his right hand, staring up at the roof.

The Elevator vibrated once more, as Zevastion refused to fall, keeping his armored feet separated, and stanced. Silence... Zevastion covered his face with his shield, as it began to charge the Hadron energy from within. More silence..

until there were thumps, thumps all around the elevator, thumps that sounded like heavy punches, as if a mob of boxers were taking on a metallic box as a opponent. Zev darted his eyes around the elevator, stepping

one foot back, as it thumped on the corner of the elevator. the corner of the wall then broke with a loud echoing shatter, as Zevastion was then wrapped up by a tentacle of red, oosing puss and flesh, he was stunned in shock and

utter horror of this horrific creature, shutting his eyes, standing idle until forcefully picked up with ease by the tentacle. Above Zevastion, was a large, grotesque creature, that is so unstable in DNA, that it constantly changes shape to just keep itself

together, staring at him with millions of menacing eyes of different colors and sizes all over it's body, and a wide smile that stretched longer than the room, covered in many rows of rotting teeth, that look more like sharp boulders than

real bone. Horns were at the very top of the creature, looking like a mutated version of a male deer's antlers, and all over it's body were many small mouths, leaking either puss, mucus, blood, or intestines from the horrific monster. The

body was so disfigured that it didn't resemble any creature of this reality, rather one from a nightmare. The creature's head,(or face on body?) got closer to Zevastion, it's tongue full of disturbing blisters visibly swaying back a forth,

as it then muttered one word, "Hi". Zevastion opened his eyes, before launching an orb straight at the beast's tenticle, releasing him from the horrific beast's grasp. In return, the creature cried fakingly, as the room echoed in distorted weeps

and shrieks of disfigured crying. Zevastion began falling down the elevator shaft, surrounded by darkness like in a horror movie, as the beast replied saying, "And they called me monster, no matter, your life isn't important anymore, humanity had their fun

ruling the earth, but like the dinosaurs, they too need to be extinct, and what a day it is for timing". Zevastion landed with a heavy thump, as quickly after the beast's spider feet crawled down the shaft. Zevastion then smiled, standing back up on his

two feet, "Humanity is more than just intelligent life-forms, we ARE nature, and we ARE natural, besides.. MAN created YOU!". He then raced to the Hadron collider's door, plucking a hair and slamming it on the scanner, before entering in with a heavy steel

shut behind him. The nightmare fuel then landed on the floor with a massive thump, shaking the whole facility, "So doesn't that mean we are made by nature too? What makes man better than us? We are the perfect essence of the future". Zevastion started up

the Hadron collider, as two atoms were sealed into separate chambers, until launched in a spinning rotation, "The truth is, nobody is perfect.. man, nature, natural, unnatural, we all have flaws, and you know why? Because we ALL would repeat

our mistakes. If you took over humanity and created the new superior generation of smart species, think of this.. what will TRUELY happen millions of years later, will you still be "perfect"? No.. because LIFE no matter the sorts will never remain

at a constant state of mind through out generations. Because we learn from mistakes, only to discover more along the way. All it takes.. it a little more time!". Zevastion then plugged his Warplex into the Hadron Collider, turning on the blade, and without

hesitation would slice through the air, cutting a portal to the deep past."There's only one thing humanity can do better than anything else in the universe, we always find ways to undo our mistakes". The beast then breaks through the steel gate, reaching

with a thousand oosing tentacles at Zevastion. He responded to the nightmare with a brief wave,"Remember.. I'm just doing my job." and entered the portal, before it closed right behind him. -

Spoiler for Abilities(simple):


- Warplex: The lantern shield Zev uses to attack his enemies with primarily. Made of a fusion between steel and boron fiber, making it very durable.

Warplex cannon form: The projectile feature the Warplex uses against it's enemies. Consists of orbs that can tear apart matter in a small circumference.

Has two modes: Three burst: shoots three small orbs that go fast like bullets, about 4 inch circumference. Cannon blast: Shoots one large orb, five times bigger than

the small orbs, travels slower.

Warplex melee form: A sword breaker blade made of quartz and topaz fusion. Used to be a sturdy weapon in combat, and great when fighting other people with swords.

Can store light inside of it, as well as hadron energy for slicing portals.

Exo-suit: A suit that protects Zev from any powerful impacts. Is made of the same material as the Warplex. charged by solar energy from the moon or sun.

give Zev strength boost, speed boost, reflex boost, accuracy boost, and has a bullet proof glass helmet. Can repair itself over time. (Usually takes 30 seconds

to a minute)

Hadron retriever: A device on Zev's left hand. Can gather back matter that was recently taken by the warplex and transport it to the hand.

Exo-suit upgrades: Has a time crystal on the helmet of the suit. Allows Zev to see in Thermal vision, night vision, and can read sound-waves and has a radar.

Suit can also change temperature, and is unmeltable, and unfreezable as a result.

There's also a artificial intelligence that helps Zev out named "Jeeves".

Warplex anomal-nova: Sends a large blast of energy that transports all matter in a 20 meter circumference of Zev to a random location he chooses.

In the process, all fire will burn out, all water and ice will turn to steam, and sand will turn to glass.

Causes Warplex's Hadron abilities to be dis functional for the rest of the fight. Zev can only do this ability once per fight. -

Spoiler for Weaknesses(simple):


- Warplex melee form: the blade can easily be broken with light/ice forced into it.

Laws of time travel: It takes a total of 15 seconds before Zev could repeat one of his abilities twice. Also the portal torn from the Warplex melee form will

disappear 4 seconds after it's been formed, also anyone could enter through the portal while it's open. Every time Zev goes back in time, or teleports, he loses focus of his radar surroundings for a little while.

Time-hopping will cause all objects from the future to replace the previous objects from the past.

Exo-suit: can easily be powered down by the use of high voltage electricity. Is breakable, just hard to break. Any explosives larger than a grenade can

be fatal to the armor. All joints around the armor are only layered by cloth, no plating. When the armor is offline, Zev will lose all the armor's boosts,

and will run just like a normal human, except with 120 pounds on his back.

Exo-suit upgrades: If the time crystal is broken, Zev can't use anymore Hadron energy throughout the armor, or with his Hadron retriever. (This doesn't include

the warplex). -

Spoiler for Abilities/Weaknesses(Extended):


- Warplex: The infamous tool Zev uses amongst both combat, and travel, that warps matter itself, is a bladed shield that he calls "Warplex".

This weapon was a mere experiment to test out the first ever time-machine in his original time-line, but later on he realized that time was running shallow,

having to abort the project as he plans to re-work his calculations to put this contraption into his own benefits, that suits both combat, and comfort. Eventually,

He decided to develop it into more of a weapon, than a source of foundationed transportation, and thus, Warplex was born. This fierce piece of equipment was devoted to having three roles,

Transportation, Time Travel, and Combat. Zev developed the weapon to be a lantern shield, a medieval contraption in the 16th century he knew tons about, from origin to fighting styles. Zev re-modeled this into

a more modern fashion, as the shield portion had a circular tubing on the inside, as well as stabilizers to develop a miniature hadron collider for mobile time travel to be preformed.

The Weapon's designed for both close, and afar combat purposes.

It's forged out of a solid metallic alloy of both Steel, and boron fiber, making the weapon unmeltable, unfreezable, bullet proof, fire-proof, water-proof, and being highly durable for hadron collisions.

Warplex, Cannon Form: The center of the shield is used as a cannon-like mechanism, that controls where the two atoms collide, and mili-seconds after, launched out as a orb of a mobile, stabilized

black hole, which is then, upon collision with a object four times it's size, will cause it to age rapidly, changing the suction within a mere second to dissipate, the black hole,

soon turns white, which then disappears within the blink of an eye, sucking up all matter from the 4 inch circumference of this orb, teleporting the stolen matter into a remote location

and at a different time period. This operation is preformed in bursts, three orbs per-round, until the weapon can detach more atoms for future collisions. This other feature the weapon has

in store is a more condensed version of the three-orb burst, that instead launches one prodigious to it's counterpart, with a 5 times greater circumference.

Warplex, Melee Form: Like all forms of lantern shields in the world, they have a sword blade protruding from the frontal rim, but Zev's design is much more complex, and sophisticated in

perfection. Instead of just any sword-blade, Zev went for more of the Design of a Sword-breaker meant to break swords, forged out of crystallized quartz, mixed with the fusion of topaz to keep the light condensed

within the blade, and making the weapon very durable in combat. This causes the blade to be adaptable with the hadron energy, having a mode of matter separation, which causes the blade to tear

air around it, which converts into a portal that could lead to time travel.The only downside to this design is that Ice can shatter the weapon, as well as too much light forced inside of it, causing the

blade to explode with a sonic burst of unimaginable sound of leaking light and gases built within the crystal. Although Zev saw this coming, and if that were to happen, the weapon would still

be as functional without it, only not having the same-old used-to-be blade in the current spacing. The shield in general has a rather razor sharp rim, that could act as a melee weapon of its own if

the blade was shattered to pieces.

Exo-suit: As he worked as a physicist, Zev knew what these abominations to life were capable of, which could lead to suicide if not protected in some sort of armored equipment. Without the armor,

Zev would be weak, having the strength of a average human..yet with it, he gains speed, strength, stamina, and reflex, many times greater than the average human ever can. Zev although did give the armor

he wears a re-work, making the suit, and the user inside, to adapt to the hadron energy's conditions, giving the suit highly advanced capabilities. The armor itself is made of a solid metallic alloy of both Steel

and boron fiber, along with a bullet-proof glass protecting the facial area of the helmet. Although this armor does have weak points, and as geared up as it may appear, the joints are still vulnerable,

as well as the armor itself still able to be breakable with great force. The armor also can withstand small explosions, but ones greater than a grenade could be fatal. The armor also runs on energy

which it absorbs, and stores within the armor itself, but too much electric energy like a full lightning blast could cause the armor to power down, and Zev to become vulnerable, until the armor repairs itself.

Exo-suit Upgrades: As stated, the suit has been re-worked, thus giving Zev advanced capabilities of both upgrades, and adaptations. The helmet of the suit has a artificial intelligence known as

"Jeeves", which operates as a similar, second-mind to the suit itself. It can inform Zev about incoming attacks, and map out the area for any concealed intruders, as well as adapting to thermal

conditions of any sort, by either increasing or decreasing the thermal temperature inside of the armor. Jeeves also can read sound-waves, that a average human can't, displaying them as either a

threat, or unknown sound emitting in a certain area. When the armor is powered down, or crashes, Jeeves loses contact of Zev, but is still active, repairing any inflicted injuries within the suit.

Jeeves also automatically activates night vision in dark areas, as well as thermal vision for any thermal disturbances. The teleportation ability can allow Zev to teleport anywhere in a mile radius, but whenever Zev teleports, the armored suit loses contact of the surroundings briefly.

Hadron Retriever: Along with Zev's Warplex, the brilliant man also exploited the ability to steal matter from different time periods. This contraption is located in the center of Zev's left palm, and is designed to retrieve matter that had been recently warped

by the Warplex. The matter then usually levitates briefly in his left palm, until it could be used in any various situation.

Warplex, Anomal-nova: There is a feature on Warplex that Zev could use, which is extremely powerful, yet risky. He dubs this the "Anomal-nova" effect, where he sets the Warplex's mode to "Nova",

causing a abnormally large burst of antimatter to absorb all matter in a 20 meter circumference, and warp it in another location Zev chooses that could reach up to 12 thousand miles away. As a result

this causes Zev's Warplex to lose the capabilities of time manipulation for the rest of the battle, until fixed by hand (Usually after a fight). Although this not only effects Zev, but others as well. All fire would burn out in the process,

along with having water as well as ice to turn into steam, sand turning to glass, and a sonic boom that leaves everyone deaf for 8 seconds.

Miscellaneous Weaknesses:

Laws of Time Travel: Even though Zev does have a Hadron Collider built within his Warplex, it still isn't strong enough to develop intense time travel, but instead only can warp through time either as far as

one day ahead, or as back as one day ago. Along with time travel in general, Zev does need to take time in order to preform such an act once more, as Warplex has to detach atoms physically, which takes time to preform a

task for both man, or machine, usually taking 13 seconds to preform, as it then starts a spinning cycle, taking only 2 seconds to complete full activation, which only then Zev can launch an orb.

Whenever Zev tears apart matter with his blade, the tear usually doesn't stay there forever, but does in fact disappear in 4 seconds due to the regrowth of matter in the area. Also whenever Zev warps from

one location to another, time or teleport, it will cause his armor to lose focus of his surroundings for about 5 seconds until re-gaining sight once more. Also whenever Zev does time travel, he keeps the inflicted

injuries he had before time-hopping to his destined location, along with any other belongings he kept with him while hopping. When Zev reaches the period of time the wanted to visit, all objects that were brought with him from the future, and back into the past will

be replacing the previous past objects.

Repair Time: Whenever Zev needs his armor to be repaired, the process usually takes longer than a few seconds. The process takes from 30 seconds to a minute max for his armor to become fully repaired during a fight.

Although when the Exo-suit is heavily damaged, or offline, Zev is still able to move in it, but like how a average human can with 120 pounds holding their body down.


Spoiler for Stats:


- Strength: 6/10 with armor 2/10 without armor.

Zev generates rather powerful swings with his Exo-suit in use, since it increases his strength, 3 fold.

Durability: 6/10 with armor 3/10 without armor.

Zev wears full body armor, made of a strong metallic alloy, although he is still a human beneath the Exo-suit, so he can bleed, and die.

Speed: 8/10 with armor 2/10 without armor.

Zev is rather fast in speeds, and the Exo-suit increases his agility 4 fold. Aside from that, Zev's always had fast reflexes, and the suit quadruples that.

Dexterity: 8/10 with armor 4/10 without armor.

Even though Zev's a human, with the Exo-suit, he can attack 2 times faster than a average human, along with having a quick mind to parry incoming attacks.

Intelligence: 10/10 with or without armor.

Trust me.. if a average man can figure out the laws of time travel to escape his own death, i'm pretty sure he can also be a genius in combat.

Abilities: 11/20 with or without armor.

His Warplex's cannon shots can detach any physical matter around it instantly, no matter the durability, mass, volume, con-density, etc. But the shot's impacts are rather small.



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cb2wjpuBsEA (This is my first animation BTW *WARNING*)

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