“In everything you do, act without grumbling or arguing;
prove yourselves innocent and straightforward,
children of God beyond reproach
in the midst of a twisted and depraved generation -
among whom you shine like the stars in the sky.”
~ Philippians 2:14-15 ~
A New Book
Impeachable Offenses.. Daily Mail Review
* Brenda sent Teh Binksmeister a copy of the book. Bribes always welcome, no positive review or treatment will necessarily ensue. It is a sad, compelling, fact-full tome, however. Makes me sad.
Do Some Good
~ PAIN INCREASING for Pastor Saeed … (aclj.org)
Feed The Poodle!
The Truth Will Out
~ ITEM: Left-wing media turning on Obama over his foreign policy failures
~ ITEM: What The Obama Administration Doesn’t Want You To Know
~ A FUNDAMENTAL DIVIDE in modernity is between those who understand truth and reality to be givens, and those who think of “creating reality” or “making truth”. The latter used to be called living in denial, or lying, but taken to a high enough level, it gainst some respectability, apparently.
One of the reasons I’m so glad that the internet is still relativly free, is the tendency of big-gov big-schemers to want to impose their various projects on the populace without criticism, fact-checking, or the rest of the story. The olden-time media still operate somewhat as the voice of the socialist establishment of the West– and yet…
Binks thinks the internets have actually encouraged some old-media types to report verboten, politically incorrect, or dangerous news– that, and the stalwart nature of good British journalists who’ve never stopped commenting on American politics, delusions, and the Obama Crime Syndicate.
Tick.. tick..tick
It remains to be seen how long freedom, blogging, and alternative media will be allowed on the internet. As I’ve said before, I consider it a Providential mercy of God that this military tool become internets happened now, just at the time that the technological and political dangers of our Western civilizations threaten our freedoms, rights, laws, and society. We must keep using it, not least because Truth Is True, God is Truth, and eharts can still be changed and converted behind the lines.
Back in the Binks Anglican Blogging Days, I was always surprised (when I checked such things) how many government & military visits I had from the U.S. and Canada– some of it idle, no doubt, but some of it probably higher-ups interested in the variety of news I carried, and keeping up-to-date and stuff.
Since the giant NSA/ FBI/ CIA/ Secret Groups are vacuuming everything up, including this blog, why not say the truth, pass on the rest of the story, and remember that we– all of us– are fighting a battle in life, and the hearts of many can be swayed by the touch of truth, kindly put.
Scaaaary, Kids
After all, as that rebel scum Mark Steyn has said (see my blog-topper) “They’ll Have To Kill Us All!” A day or two ago I watched an allegedly scary movie about people trapepd in a haunted place. I got the idea that apparitions or ghostyl assaults would be unpleasant, but (a) Where was God in the flick? and (b) So they kill you. Very sad, but if you love God, it’s not the end, right? It kinda ruined the “ooga-booga!” factor, but it wasn’t a good movie anyway.
The Soviets thought the thousands of dead in the Gulags were silenced forever– then they made the mistake of the midnight knock on the door of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who made it his calling and crusade to speak for the murdered and lost prisoners, that the world, and history, might account for the truth behind the beguiling Soviet lie.
We Wee Free Bloggers
We free-bloggers in the West– like the Christians of the West– have not yet begun to really suffer for freedom, or the faith. If such times come, we will have work to do then, as well. And if the whole glorious foolish disgusting world goes down into some fascist/ Caliphate dark age, there will be things to be done there, too.
Look for hope, work for truth, do good here and everywhere as you have opportunity, and no matter what comes next, the power of the individual is still the foundation for any hope for our societies, and our civilization. ~
Them Harpies & Betas Love Death
~ ITEM: The Barren Wombs of Smart Women
~ ITEM: The Unsurprising Sexism of Male Progressives, by Kathy Shaidle
~ ITEM: Breast cancer related to abortion explodes in Asia; coverup continues in the West
~ ITEM: The ‘sleep with anyone you want’ guide to dating: How a year of one-night-stands led one woman to the man of her dreams
~ ITEM: Yes, Liberalism IS a Mental Disorder
~ ITEM: “Because in the pro-abort world, women are merely animals, incapable of controlling their sexual urges, right?”
~ ITEM: Professor J. Budziszewski
~ THE MORE YOU LOOK at communism & the sexual revolution, the more you notice women got totally suckered. They take the dangerous Pill; they abort (at least 1/2 of the kids being female); they enjoy the resulting depression and breast cancer and difficult pregnancies; they are more likely to catch STDS; their attempts to be man-like in the business world cost them more in stress, heart-attacks, and grief of separation from children; and the progressive men get to walk away scot-free, having milked all the cows they wish, while never paying for much of it.
Kathy Shaidle has recently written “The Unsurprising Sexism of Male Progressives”, reminding us of the forbidden fact that men can be pigs, no matter their politically correct bona fides. And the stone-throwing atheist crowd also turns out to live in moral glass houses, too.
As former college atheist Professor J. Budziszewski has written, there’s a lot to be gained by trying to erase God from the universe.. including sin, consequences, morality, guilt, and restraint on human evil. That’s lots of motivation.
People Is People
It’s a reminder that despite the propaganda, people are people– and that alleged “liberators” have a variety of motives– some of them black, predictable and deniable under the revolution they are using to excuse themselves. Sin is sin, and denying that basic human reality– that we trespass against God and neighbour, that we fall short for bad reasons, and try to cover it up, forget, or justify it as not being wrong.
The other dirty fact about a lot of radicals– there’s more than a little severe emotional, mental, and personal illness, masquerading as radicalism. Since the Usual Causes allow you to obsess about the sins and failings and blindspots of everybody except yourself and your like-minded mob, there’s a motivation there to go radical, instead of going to the mirror, minding your own business, and removing the timber from your own eye before ranting about the splinter in someone else’s eye.
Nutcase, heal thyself. ~
To Remember Them
~ ITEM: Tyburn Convent
~ ITEM: A visually compelling new documentary on the monastic life
~ ITEM: Egyptian Girl, 10, Killed Heading Home From Bible Class
~ ITEM: Christians in Britain are not persecuted, but they are around the world
~ IT IS THE GREAT WARNING and tragedy of the late Middle Ages and beginning of the modern that it started with a very modern Police State. I’m blaming the Tudors.
England may be the mother of Parliaments, but she is also the mother of state surveillance, death-camps, government expropriation, show-trials and kangaroo courts, citizens spying on one another, thought-police, the crushing of faith and conscience by torture, enforcing government-created unreality.. all of it. How very 20th century and– increasingly– the 21st century.
Recently we’ve seen German film-makers exploring their own past with very powerful and interesting films about the Nazis– The Black Book, Downfall, Priestblock, The White Rose just to name a few. It is an act of remembrance not to glorify the past, but to ponder, remember, reject, to learn from history.
The Big Lie
The extended miseries and devastation of the English Reformation– an act of erasure, of historical-scale violence, of destruction of churches and art and monasteries and rural life extending over a century, leading to civil war and countless deaths– is still somewhat in a for of verboten, and deliberate forgetting. Anglican historiography from the 16th century created a whole “England as God’s Instrument” which continues to this day– the Winds That Defeated The Armada and all that.
Ruined monasteries may be very evocative and romantic and photogenic, but let’s remember that they were actually centeres of learning, prayer, local industry, economic power outside government and the Big City; wealth not in the hands of the King or Queen. Protestant polemic would have every community of monks and nuns to be brothel-like mobs of slackers, but that’s propaganda, not reality. For every notorious sinner, there were ten ordinary and a few truly amazing people– scholars, preachers, professors, and saints. Many of them received the special attention of the King’s torturers and executioners– as we have seen in the 20th and 21st century, dictators most dislike being shown up for what they are by men and women with the truth and courage on their side.
Behind the propaganda is the big grab by easy-spending Henry– a Billion or so that he quickly frittered away, having impoverished the nation, murdered countless monks and nuns and clergy, and wounded the English Church with an injury which endures to this day. Having decalred most of his people to be traitors, he forced them to become criminals, liars, violaters of conscience, informers, and created a divided English soul.. seen in every city, village, town, and parish church.
Bloody Instruments
Thus, the bloody gallows at Tyburn in London are in fact hallowed by the blood of saints and martyrs to the modern tyrant-state. A Benedictine Convent is there now, for the truth cannot be destroyed– only forgotten. The heroes of the Reformation like Cranmer and others come to be seen in a true light– as willing tools of tyrant-power, aiders and abettors, persecutors, willing to overturn Church and Law and human dignity to destroy England as she had been, according to the bloody will of the Tudor tyrants.
Around the world at this hour, Christians are suffering persecution, torment, destruction of churches, and death for their faith. Just because they are not Westerners should not confuse or distract us; just because the American President is funding many of the persecutors should not deflect us.
They Is Us
If you are a Christian, these are your Christian brothers and sisters– if you and they attain heaven, yo uwill dwell with them forever, with ties stronger than mere earthly flesh and blood; in their suffering, Christ the Lord himself is being persecuted; in their witness, we are being called to do what we can to help them and allow their voices to be heard now and as long as we can.
It will be to the eternal credit of Americans that they did so much and fought so hard against the Armenian Genocides. It will be to the eternal shame and regret of America that she has done so little against the current flood of Christian blood and tears in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. ~
August 13, 2013– There has been at least 10 churches attacked so far, in less then 3 hours. Here is a list of a few
St. Abraam and St. Mary Church, Delga village – Minya
St. Mina Church, Abu Hilal – Minya
St. George Church – Sohag
St. Maximus church, street 45 – Alexandria
St. Tawadros Monastery – Nazla Fayoum
St. Mary church – Nazla Fayoum
Deir Mawas Diocese – Minya
Friends of the Bible community – Al Fayoum
A Little More Mystery, Alex!
~ ITEM: Alex Jones
~ I LISTEN TO & sometimes link to Constitutionalist Conspiracy guy Alex Jones, not because he’s always right, but because some of his concerns are valid, and he’s broken a lot of real news that the mainstream media pooh-poohed, or binned.. and later reported on.
My main objection to his way of looking at world news is.. there’s no mystery-spaces in his world. It all fits together in a big evil systemic puzzle, and God’s providence and the Devil’s malice and the fallibility of people & governments and the possibility of simpler explanations, human stupid, and Shite Just Happens.
Lotsa Evidence
On the other hand, big government (suckled by Big taxes) has a much larger scope for fiddling about and doing bad and fooling most of the people most of the time. It gets worse when you have U.S. Governments– especially since WW2– actually plotting, scheming, lying, and doing things to “defend” America– Ewen Cameron & MKUltra; The planned attack on the U.S.S. Liberty; The Patriot Act; the NSA data-mining everybody; the scamming of the last two U.S. elections, covered up by Democrat bureaucrats. And it gets even worse with Obama, since he’s a conspiracy-guy extraordinaire: Fast & Furious.. to influence gun-laws; Loot to Terrorists in Libya, Egypt & Syria (and related cover-ups); the total-surveillance state; the NDAA and “yeah, we can kill Americans if we want”; and on it goes.
Republics & democracies are messy, unstable, complicated, unpredictable, and don’t work well with those of authoritarian bent. You can’t just issue and executive order and get stuff done as you will, when you will. Our life in the West is a limited form of freedom, circumscribed thought & action; mandatory big-tax, and ever-growing government.
Even alleged “opponents” of big government like Canucki PM Stephen Harper has allowed big-gov fungus to grow 14% over the past decade. As I write, 10% of Canadians work for the government, and rule us indirectly though unelected, unaccountable, and generally Left-wing (since Big-Gov is best for bureaucrats). We are a heart-attack or giant political scandal away from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who will do for Canadia what Obama has done for America, and what Liberal Premiers have done for the provinces.
Finale, In Contusion
So– beware taking Alex Jones and his like-minded types who “Have It All Figured Out”; at the same time, while checking and considering his news & information as potentially verifiable and important.
When it comes to a police-state, I do think that Europe and North America have a lot of people in power who would be more than glad to lock up society into neat little chains. Lots of people will bend the knee, turn informant, work in the little grey offices, put up the spy-cams, move paper and digital files around, and knock on the door at 2am, and disappear the dissidents.
It HAS happened elsewhere.. it can happen here– will it happen here? ~
So Saith Teh Binks
Random Binky Linkies
~ HILLBILLY GOODNESS– ‘Duck Dynasty’ Premiere Shatters Cable Records With 11.8 Million Viewers; ‘Duck Dynasty’ Brother Reveals Why He Was Kicked Out of a New York City Hotel This Week; Trump Hotel Not Apologizing for Booting Duck Dynasty Star … (Various)
~ WELCOME TO Doomsday Castle: Survivalist family’s Carolina fort built for when nuclear war drags society back to the Dark Ages … (dailymail, nationalgeographic)
~ BINKS-WORTHY Prefab Dome Home: The Great Alternative Small House? … (tinyhousepins.com)
~ MORE FEAR MONGERING: Study Claims Global Warming Is Causing Apples To Lose Their Crunch … (weaselzippers)
~ A ROUSING ZERO Attendance At Climate Change Rally … (westernjournalism.com)
~ MEANWHILE, IN REALITY? Major Danish Daily Warns: “Globe May Be On Path To Little Ice Age… Much Colder Winters… Dramatic Consequences”! … (notrickszone.com)
~ THE SCAMSTERS– IPCC doubles down: 95% sure on AGW while unable to explain why there has been no warming over past 16 years … (hockeyschtick.blog)
~ CLEARLY INSANE Environmentalists Pushing to Give Mother Nature a “Right to Life” … (lifenews)
~ VAHRENHOLT Thrashes Leading IPCC, Former NCAR Scientist In Hamburg Debate! … (notrickszone.com)
~ MOST GEOSCIENTISTS Reject Global Warming Theory … (powerlineblog)
~ GONE MISSING– Lost! Models Missing Gigantic 1.9 Billion Hiroshima Bombs Of Heat… Has Anyone Seen It By Chance? … (notrickszone.com)
~ ISRAEL’S SUPREME COURT has outlawed water fluoridation, saying that the practice must end by 2014.. on the grounds that fluoride has adverse effects on the thyroid, brain and bones, and is an unethical form of mass-medication … (livescience.com)
~ GERMAN POLITICIANS are in race to see who can waste the most money on the green-scam come up looking like the most dedicated world climate rescuer … (notrickszone.com)
Mark Steyn
~ NATIONAL DERP– Idiot Big Brother; Mark Steyn: NSA oversight overstated, overrated … (nationalreview)
~ MARK @ NRO – Consensus in Egypt … (nationalreview)
~ THE HONOURABLE MARK Steyn for Senate? The bandwagon starts to roll; Mark Steyn a candidate for US Senate?… (steynonline)
~ STEYN on People– Kay. Why? … (steynonline)
~ THE STEYN Boomlet Begins: Mark Goes All Palmy and Civis Romanus Sum … (hughhewitt)
~ LEBENSRAUM! The New York Times catches up to Steyn … (nationalreview)
~ ARE AMERICAN racists being left behind in the global economy? … (nationalreview)
~ SENATOR Steyn has a suggestion for Putin … (twitchy.com)
Ezra Levant
~ EZRA ON Professional protesters … (sunnewsnetwork.ca)
~ LOOK AT ME! “It’s easy for journalists to cover a protest rally. And that’s who most modern protests are targeting — the media. It’s an exercise in PR” … (ezralevant)
~ DER SHAIDLE– Talk Radio Watch: audio highlights from the week in conservative talk radio; What’s the most painless way to kill yourself?; ‘Canada is full of charities that would sooner machine-gun their own headquarters than sacrifice their ability to issue tax receipts’; Instant classic: Ezra Levant vs hilariously ignorant anti-oil protesters (video); Ed Driscoll: ‘Network’ was not supposed to be a user’s manual; ‘Here are ten other things that drive me insane about young people’; Creepy that the movie has made $57 million in Japan so far; Heads up to Ann Coulter: Alas, liberals already think peanut butter sandwiches are racist; ‘No wonder Nixon won re-election,’ says one commenter (video); ‘All Bar and no Mitzvah’; So I was sexually abused by my parents for nothing?; More Proof Women shouldn’t be allowed to vote; “What was behind the sudden boom of apparitions in late 19th century America?”; Right and Left Establishment just hear the word ‘racist’ automatically now; GenX dream girl Phoebe Cates turns 50: My NEW post at PJM … (fivefeetoffury.com)
~ ARABIC WRITING on a police car in London, Canada. Excuse me? In Canada we speak English or French, we don’t read Arabic … (facebook)
~ BLAZING CATFUR– Police probe Mayor Rob Ford friends who sought crack video; ‘Zombie pigeon epidemic’ in Moscow; Forget about it Jake… It’s Sweden – Blind man will have to pay a TV license fee; God cries in the Middle East; A case of ‘honour’; The Star: Toronto Muslim Killed During Muslim Brotherhood’s Officially Declared “Day Of Rage” Was Attending “Peaceful Protest”; COREN: Stop the persecution; Girls Escaping Forced Marriage By Wearing Spoons; Police anti-terrorism class canceled amid concerns from Muslim group; “Please don’t, please don’t, my baby, my baby.”; Justin Does The Full Dhimmi … (BC)
“Catholic” Justin Does The Full Dhimmi
~ JIHADWATCH– Ancient Egyptian Christian Monastery Set Aflame; Dozens of churches attacked, 100s dead, as radical Islamists in Egypt reportedly increase the violence against and persecution of Christians … (jihadwatch.org)
~ MERCATORNET– Seriously, is this mommy business really worth it?; More siblings means less divorce risk; Maasai nomads get wise, to trademark their brand; Lincoln’s command to kill Confederate prisoners in retaliation for massacres of black Union soldiers—helps frame our view of presidential military power; Only if the West recovers its robust confidence in reason can it confront the challenge of Muslim extremism; Battle of the myths: Game of Thrones v. Lord of the Rings; The Wong way forward for Australia; Only if the West recovers its robust confidence in reason can it confront the challenge of Muslim extremism … (mercatornet.com)
~ MOOSE & SQUIRREL– Send in the clowns; #AGW bullsh*t: “North Pole lake” not a lake, not due to global warming, and not even at the North Pole! … (mooseandsquirrel.ca)
~ SCARAMOOCHY– Latest “Human Rights” Mausoleum Nuttiness; Saudi Royal With Stake in Fox News Fired by Saudis for MuBros Ties; OHHHHHklahoma Where the Sharia Comes Sweepin’ Down the Plain; It Couldn’t Have Happened to a “Nicer” Zion-Loather; “They care about pigs more than they care about Jews.”; Funny, He Doesn’t Look Hebrewish; A Definition Double Standard … (scaramouchee.blog)
~ CRANMER BLOG– Archbishop of Canterbury ‘snubs’ RSPCA — not; The representation of Egypt in the Western media is completely wrong; The other day Dave had a Damascene experience … (archbishop-cranmer.blog)
~ STOPPING HATE SPEECH spread via Internet tops agenda of UN anti-racism committee … (un.org)
~ SOBERING THOUGHTS– Evidence-based policy needs more than evidence; Never let an Act of God go to waste (exploitative and dishonest Ontario Liberals edition); New York City is the third most segregated city in America; Potential for Auditor General review of Senate expense scandal to be Harper’s Adscam; Bleeding Heart Libertarians symposium on The Problem of Political Authority; Two on the NSA debunking you have nothing to fear if you aren’t doing anything wrong argument; The advice given to the GOP after the 2012 election might look really silly in four or eight years; Obama’s complaint: Washington isn’t normal so he gets to ignore the Constitution; Oprah, fabulist: Ed Driscoll at PJ Media begins a must-read column … (soberingthoughts.blog)
~ VANDERBILT U, Religious Freedom, and the Restrictive Campus Environment … (e2.ma/webview)
~ PHANTOM SOAPBOX– This is not at all alarming; Bono: born again capitalist? Yep!; This seems reasonable, right?; Squares are the new rebels. Saddle up … (phantomsoapbox.blog)
~ MERE COMMENTS– Great News: Reading the Bible in Public is Legal in California; Mere Links 08.16.13; Please pray for the lives and safety of our fellow Christians in Egypt and the middle east as they suffer through this perilous time; Want To Protect Women in West Virginia?; In his novel Bleak House, Charles Dickens mocked the slow, laborious, and kabukiesque procedures of the Chancery courts in the United Kingdom … (touchstonemag)
Mizz Miles-LaGrange Hates Freedom, Loves Her Some Islamic Theocracy
~ BUSYBODY LAWLESS JUDGES– Oklahoma’s ban on Sharia law thrown out by U.S. District Judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange … (tulsaworld.com)
~ IMAGINATIVE CONSERVATIVE– Churchill’s “Thoughts & Adventures”: A Classic of 20th Century Prose; G.K. Chesterton and the Dandelion: The Romance of Receptiveness; Do Christian Kids Need Christian Education?; Talking, Reading, Writing, Listening; Individual and Community in The Scarlet Letter; Mark Twain’s A Connecticut Jacobin in King Arthur’s Court; Hookup Culture: Two Views … (theimaginativeconservative)
~ THE NEW ARTICLE of faith for Canadian Law schools: same-sex marriage … (lifesitenews)
~ THE PRO-LIFE homily that rocked the world and caused 3 priests to be beheaded … (lifesitenews)
~ LAURA ROSEN COHEN– Remember the old joke, how many camels for your daughter?; “Under the new law, individuals can also opt to remain outside the gender binary altogether.”; The militarization of America has been nicely documented by Mark Steyn among others; Do Islamists ever not have “days of rage”?; “Obama came of age in the Chicago school of politics in which using official agencies to bully the opposition is a commonplace“; “Don’t take a back seat to anyone!”; Caveat: I play the role of the mean, hateful, nasty conservative!; If more people stopped being gutless cowards, then nobody would be able to bully them!; Why aren’t the Muslims offered the vegetarian or fish options, instead of forcing the dirty, infidel heathen kufars to opt out of hallal?; Behold: The Islamic Jihadi Suicide Bombing Boobies of Doom!; This is disgraceful and this will lead to the deaths of many American children; The President of the United States is not smart, and not accomplished … (endofyourarm.com)
~ FACEBOOK Reverses Decision On Blasphemous page … (christiannewsservice.com)
~ MARK SHEA– The Deep Hostility of the Homosexualist Movement; Duuuuuuuuude!; Shea’s Rule of Thumb for Evaluating Art; WaPo: “Keep Our Charnel Houses Filthy!”; Another Praise Report! Plus Prayer Requests. And a chance to do a Work of Mercy; I’ve lost track … (markshea)
~ LIKE THEIR SECULAR EQUIVALENTS there is no amount of blood and misery which the revolutionaries will not unleash on the loyal principled opponents: “The Episcopal Church in South Carolina has announced it will depose over 100 clergy loyal to the Rt. Rev. Mark Lawrence and the breakaway Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina”. … (geoconger)
~ JUDGE: FORIEGNERS can sue U.S. pastor over sermons– Lets ‘gays’ claim of ‘crime against humanity’ proceed … (wnd.com)
~ WINTERY KNIGGIT– Should young people be dating before they are ready to get married?; Physicist Luke Barnes previews Craig-Krauss debate in Sydney, Australia; New study finds highest-ever risk of breast cancer from abortion; AF first sergeant faces reprisals from gay boss for refusing to affirm homosexuality; Physicist Frank Tipler on the usefulness of refereed journals, then and now; Gay activists pressure D.C. mayor to remove ex-gay singer from MLK memorial concert; Which culture condones killing young girls or throwing acid in their faces?; Why do Christians leave the faith? Dashed expectations of a “nice” God; Apologetics 315 interviews Dr. Phil Fernandes on apologetic preaching; Harry Reid: Obamacare is “absolutely” a step towards single payer health care system; Why do Christians leave the faith? The surprising importance of apologetics; Left-wing media turning on Obama over his foreign policy failures; 19 facts about illegal immigration … (winteryknight)
~ MEDIA-WARS: ‘Absolutely not accurate’: REAL Women’s Gwen Landolt slams CBC for misquote on gay death penalty … (lifesitenews.com)
~ SASKATOON Truth Assault begins, Whatcott invites himself to Canadian Bar Association conference! … (freenorthamerica.ca)
~ GLOBAL POWER GRAB– The Cultural Marxists’ Strategic Assault on Religion, Life & Family, by Patrick F. Fagan & William L. Saunders … (touchstonemag.com)
~ THE PROPAGANDA– Egyptian Civil War Begins. US Islamists Know Which Side They’re On; When vocalizing hate crosses over into incitement to violence… well, we have laws for that, don’t we?; Cultural Marxists Take Over Civil Rights Movement … (propagandistmag)
~ FIRST FREEDOMS– Victory: “No Atheists in Foxholes” Article Reinstated on Chaplain’s Website … (aclj.org)
~ UNWATCH– U.S. Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power opposes Ziegler’s UN candidacy; UN’s World Food Program asked Kofi Annan to remove Jean Ziegler for harming hungry people; Urge Swiss to Withdraw Nomination of Qaddafi Ally to UN Rights Post; UK, Canada protest Mugabe’s UN tourism summit … (blog.unwatch.org)
~ BRIAN LILLEY shares an important lesson with parents about keeping an eye on what their kids are doing … (sunnewsnetwork.ca)
~ THE PROPER WAY– The best Christian writers (O’Connor, Tolkien, Lewis, Chesterton) didn’t write Christian fiction, they wrote fiction. Their worldview isn’t absent from their books, but they don’t subordinate their story to a message. Likewise, [J. Mark] Bertrand’s allegiance is to his genre, characters, and plot, not to a fictional conversion narrative or religious epiphany. He’s just writing good crime fiction … (firstthings)
~ VICTOR DAVIS HANSON– Egyptians Enraged by U.S. Outreach to Muslim Brotherhood; Walls of Hate: Anti-Christian Graffiti Vandalizes Egypt; In our unheroic age, victimhood has replaced valiant struggle; A system of voluntary tax compliance cannot survive a dishonest IRS; Al Qaeda Flag Flies High Above Christian Churches … (victorhanson.com)
~ ALL IS CALM! Ignore all that “noise” about the NSA. Trust your government! (And if you don’t, we’ll f