
Do Some Good

~ ITEM: ”Obama’s Stained Legacy” campaign

~ ITEM: Wonderful! Over $25,000 raised to help conservative blogger Caleb Howe’s family

We Rats In A Maze

~ ITEM: YOU WILL OBE-E-E-EY! Straight out of an Orwellian horror novel, a mind control program known as “Nudge” being implemented in at least a dozen of our government agencies and departments to control your actions; Meet Obama’s new ‘nudge’ czar; Nudge Nudge, Wink Wink– Behavioral economics— the governing theory of Obama’s nanny state; First Obama, now Cameron embraces ‘nudge theory’

~ ITEM: The “Window” is simply the defining of a narrow “window” of political ideas that the public will find acceptable

The Century of the Self Documentary

~ SINCE THE EARLY part of the 20th century, “Experts” have been working hard to control everybody through advertising, propaganda, government policies– using Freudian notions at first (see the The Century of the Self Documentary above). Theories based on incomplete understanding of human nature are bound to go wrong, but you have to crush a few chickens to make omlettes.. or something like that.

That’s all old news– the latest is behavioural science, distilled into the cuddly-sounding but evil rality of “The Nudge”. After all, American radicals– schooled in Saul Alinsky’s rules for radicals– are all about theory versus reality, and boiling down all the mysterious richness, complexity, and tradition of actual people gathered into societies into “how do we get the rats to choose what we want?

It’s all about compliance, docility, doing what the government and elites want, with a minimum of fuss. Friendly smiley-face totalitarianism. The 20th century dreams of utopia are not dead, but the complete state is ever-more possible and deadly, through technology. It is a horrible hope, a dehumanized society, a domination of the many by the few. “The Nudge” is devilish psychological technology intended to create self-enslaving people. What a tiny-minded puny imagination our would-be masters seem to possess.

Just FYI, type thing. ~

World War/ Solar Oops?

~ ITEM: Life After An EMP Attack – The American Dream

EMP Bomb Threat Scenario

~ ITEM: Solar flare EMP (electromagnetic pulse)

Expert panel on EMP threat: Electric grid protection urgently needed

Electro Magnetic Pulse Effects & Preparedness

William Forstchen and One Second After

Interview– William Forstchen and One Second After


~ ITEM: North Korea Tests ‘Super-EMP’ Nuke; Panama finds missile parts under bags of sugar in North Korean freighter

~ A DISCOUNT WAR could paralyze the U.S. in a matter of seconds, and lead to the death of 90% (about 297 million) of the population within 2 years.

The threat? A high-altitude nuclear strike– three nukes spaced across the U.S.– which would issue an Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP)– like an invisible lighting-strike, only covering a huge area. This doesn’t kill people, but will melt all unprotected electronics, shut down the power grid for years, and knock America off the world stage for generations, if not forever. No electronic or electric power, computers or cellphones, no cars, pumps, air-conditioning, banking– across most of the U.S. = plague, famine, civil chaos, death of the young and old, and the sick, and all the rest. Instant AD900.. except most people have no idea how to live without technology, as our recent ancestors did.

The Sun Is Just Waiting…

A new group has been formed in the U.S. including Frank Gaffney, to try and raise awareness, harden the electrical grid and electronic equipment from devastating EMP or solar events, improve U.S. defences against a possible nuclear missile EMP strike, and make sure the government at national, state, and local levels get prepared. There have been reports and blue-ribbon panels and warnings over the past 10 years and more.. but Washington is politically-driven, not reality-driven.

The sun WILL electro-magnetically smack us at some point, and we have only now to fix ourselves up in preparation, and only ourselves to blame. Some rogue state/ terrorist/ CIA special op gone wrong MAY hit North America or Europe with an EMP-nuke seeking to cripple us, world-economy be damned.

This is only theoretically on Obama’s radar. One possible reason for his ill-advised collaboration with al-Qaeda in Syria is the old appeasement thing, where you hope the alligator will eat you last. He still thinks he’s in control of the world, via charm, brilliance, and a killer golf-score. He’s not, and better Presidents of days gone by would be warning him to lean back on Russia, the Norks, stand up in a friendly by clear way to China, and seek to do the right thing world-wide.

The Talking Head

Sadly, he’s Bush 2.0 with most of the foreign policy, and has no clue or pattern in his head whereby to respond properly to international threats. As a true-red communist, he’s convinced that people are inherently good, will tend to want & do the right thing (given enough regulations and threats), and therefore he’s an innocent abroad in many respects, letting the evil forces in the world grow larger, totalitarianizing American even more, and leaving the forces of good and good will worldwide to languish, fighting alone & leaderless.

Remember: he never did any real-world job, really. A million dollars of Ivy League, then running a foundation, hanging with radical political peeps, and then the story yet to be told of how he and his cronies manufactured a presidency out of nothing. Past presidents ran businesses, served in the military, ran universities, and had real-world skills to deal with real-world people and problems.

Reality Bites

Turning the power off for years and years by solar or nuclear EMP is as real-world as it gets, and unlike other spin-doctored crises to keep people stressed and obedient, this one ends everything for everybody. Mind you, given the dreams of some environmentalists of a small stustainable population, maybe that’s part of a plan, too? I dunno.

Go read the book. Preparedness– for storm, outage, or disaster– is NOT optional. ~

~ ONE SECOND AFTER– The Website, The Book … (onesecondafter.com/)

Random Binky Linkies

~ THE WRAP-UP: Preview the Extended Edition of ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey’ … (screencrush.com)

Making Of “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” Full

~ HOW AUDIO BOOKS Got a Second Life.. How They Re-emerged as a Rare Bright Spot in the Publishing Business… (wsj.com)

~ COME UP WITH a password that will take centuries to crack, just by typing & checking it in the password block as suggested … (zerohedge.com)

3 guns for every prepper to consider

~ HOW TO CLEAN Your Computer Screen From The Inside … (lingdao.fr)

The Water was Troubled- acoustic performance


~ DON’T BE A Dummy: How to Get a Full Workout With Only Dumbells … (artofmanliness.com)


“If you drive a car, I’ll tax the street,

If you try to sit, I’ll tax your seat.

If you get too cold I’ll tax the heat,

If you take a walk, I’ll tax your feet.”

The Beatles – “Taxman”(alternate version)

~ INSANE SPAIN threatens fines as much as 30 million euros for those who illegally gather sunlight without paying a tax. Compare with the Bible on God’s generousity– “he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.” [ Matthew 5:45 ] … (frontpagemag.com)

~ RUH-ROH! NH utility cuts power from cough up green-taxes, you slaves! ‘EarthSmart Green’ program. Sorry renewable energy freaks. NH is smarter than you thought! … (hoocoodanode.com)

~ THE SUN JUST TRIED to knock civilization back 500 years… Hear Jim Woolsey’s weather report and what we can do to protect our electric infrastructure and country at www.StopEMP.org … (Various)

~ CLIMATE CHANGE DISPATCH– Too bad that “Keystone” isn’t a solar field or a wind farm in the Mojave Desert; Climate Change ‘Experts’: You Should Be Dead By Now; Top Experts Deem Paper Claiming That Warming Leads To Conflict Flawed And Exaggerated; Geoengineering Is Destroying The Ozone Layer; Robert Zubrin’s Merchants Of Despair Reveals Racism And Genocide Cloaked In Green Camouflage; The Next Energy Revolution … (climatechangedispatch.com)

~ THE ENVIRONMENTAL Apocalypse– The liberal billionaire who clamors about sustainability likes progress … (americandigest.org)

~ NORTH POLE Sees Unprecedented July Cold – Arctic Sees Shortest Summer On Record … (climatedepot.com)

~ OIKOPHILIA, Scruton argues, is what emboldens people to make sacrifices for their surrounding environment and neighbour … (blog.acton)

~ THOSE HORRID Wind turbines ARE a human health hazard: the smoking gun … (blogs.telegraph)

~ MISSED US BY THAT MUCH– This Just In: Chunk of Sun Headed Toward Earth at 2 Million Miles an Hour.. it missed us, but might have knocked the splat side of the earth into the pre-electric age for a while; A Nation Forsaken – EMP: The Escalating Threat of an American Catastrophe; It’s Probably Nothing … (ad, HERITAGE, sda)

Mark Steyn

~ NRO/ STEYN-LAWSUITER Michael Mann Redefines Science– You don’t need “proof” when you have “credible theories”! … (blog.heartland)

~ STEYN ON The US Government’s official list of state sponsors of terrorism … (nationalreview)

~ SAITH EVIL Mark Steyn: “It’s remarkable that not even the Flight 93 memorial and the 9/11 Museum could avoid falling into the hands of the usual empty poseur equivalists like Mr Shulan.” … (blazingcatfur.blog)

~ ON HUGH HEWITT– Mark Steyn On Benghazi and Hideous Beltway Parochialism … (hughhewitt)

~ THE LORDS OF the Transition Team — Our leadership class’s real accomplishment is résumé padding … (nationalreview)

~ STEYN @ NRO– The Shrinking of the National-Security Right; Putting Out the Fire; Somewhere in Waziristan Mullah Omar is thanking Allah that he’s not an unlicensed doe … (nr)

~ BOB HOPE DIED ten years ago. This essay from Mark Steyn’s Passing Parade remains a reader favorite … (steynonline.com)

Ezra Levant

~ DOES HATE PAY? Ezra Levant doesn’t want to defence a racist group but he does want to defend the ancient legal right of a man being able to write his will how he wishes, not tampered with because of political reasons … (ezralevant.com)

~ WELL DONE, THEN! Queen’s Park Denies Rally Permit To Khomeinist Hate Mongers … (blazingcatfur.blog)

~ EZRA LEVANT looks behind Bernie Farber’s Aboriginal genocide claims and finds that Farber is spreading a grievance culture that will set back Canada’s Aboriginal people … (ezralevant.com)

~ MASS-MURDERER Paul Bernardo and Omar Khadr are both unrepentant murderers so why could Khadr soon be released to cheering crowds … (ezralevant.com)

~ CANADA’S Grievance Mongers: Ezra Rips Holocaust Huckster Bernie “It’s A European Carry-All Not A Purse” Farber A New One! … (blazingcatfur.blog)

~ BIZARRE– Just three weeks after the railway disaster in Lac-Megantic, Que., the Ontario government has decided it’s not “in the public interest” to prosecute railway sabotage in their own province … (ezralevant.com)

~ THE NATPOST’S Barbara Kay speaks with Ezra Levant about the women who bare it all to fight for women who are oppressed by tyrants … (ezralevant.com)

~ IAN LEE & EZRA LEVANT examine how the Transcanada pipeline will create jobs, support national unity and displace OPEC conflict oil … (ezralevant.com)

~ EZRA LEVANT IS still fighting for answers to why Idle No More lawbreakers brazenly got away with the crime of blockading a railway … (ezralevant.com)

~ SABRINA FANG of the American Petroleum Institute joins Ezra Levant to fact-check Obama’s Keystone XL job claims; Nothing to ‘chuckle’ about: Despite what Obama says, Keystone jobs no laughing matter; America’s keystone cop … (ezralevant.com)

~ EZRA LEVANT thinks Israel-Palestine peace talks are currently unnecessary and a distraction from more pressing US foreign policy priorities … (ezralevant.com)

~ NADEEM ESMAIL, director of health policy studies at the Fraser Institute, tells Ezra Levant about the study that puts a price tag on Canada’s “free” healthcare … (ezralevant.com)


~ KOOTIFIED KATHY– Al Quds update: We’ll still be at Queen’s Park at 3pm today; Talk Radio Watch: Weekly recap with audio highlights; ‘I guess all those years, when we were told that the Holocaust was unique…’; America being run by Fleetwood Mac at this point; ‘Hipster racism’ strikes again?; ‘This song is a perfect example of yet another not racist thing that everyone says is racist…’; ‘Libertarian extraordinaire John Stossel asks the right questions’; Dear Muslims: This is why people don’t like you; The NYT has become ‘a sort of pep talk to the liberal bourgeoisie’; Dear gays — This is why people don’t like you; Last night I googled ‘pressure cooker’ and ‘backpack’; Gavin McInnes: 10 Secrets to Good Conversations … (fivefeetoffury.com)

~ WORLD LEADERS SHOULD unite to end anti-Christian persecution, Vladimir Putin says … (lifesitenews)

~ KEEPING UP APPEARANCES– Yes, Andy Warhol went to Mass every Sunday, but I don’t know about this … (blazingcatfur.blog)

~ CONSERVATIVES: don’t despair of our corrupted, decadent age. Write about it … (blogs.telegraph)

~ MILITANT ADVOCATES of same-sex marriage are classifying Biblical teachings as “hate speech.” Yes, Threats to Religious Liberty Happen Here … (nationalreview.com)

~ THE DELINGPOLE– Twitter wars: another proxy battleground for the future of Western civilisation; Five reasons why the Conservatives deserve to lose the next election; Middle England for wind turbines and expensive energy? Pull the other one … (B.Tel)

~ AN ANALYSIS of the Nicklinson euthanasia decision by the British Court of Appeal … (alexschadenberg.blog)

~ WHEN CULTURAL and political institutions converge to destroy the national fabric … (pjmedia.com)

~ CANADA! What’s in a name? That which we call a Muslim Brotherhood front group by any other name … (barenakedislam.com)

~ ORWELL’S PICNIC– If you know what this painting depicts; Go go Godzilla! I’m confused about atheism; Running off at the keyboard; Today’s musical choice for background noise while I’m working and folding laundry is Eastern Chant; What a pope looks like and says; Attention, Italy. I’d just like to clear up a few things; Welcome to Happy Happy NuChurch; Remember that sense of pervading doom and depression I had at the Conclave? … (anglocath.blog)

~ HATRED IS TERRIBLY IMPORTANT to a certain kind of Leftie, By Daniel Hannan … (blogs.telegraph)

~ USEFUL ATHEISTS– A memo to the Führer … (city-journal.org)

~ ANDREW LAWTON– What did the stroke survivor with heart disease get for Christmas? … (landmarkreport.com)

~ LAURA ROSEN EVIL– This is Steyn at his best-I’m laughing about the micro picture; Gang of 10 men charged with rape, sexual assault and human trafficking; Seriously, what could possibly be wrong with that?; And if you believe that-I’ve got a nice bridge in Brooklyn for you to purchase; These perpetual children will never grow up- their parents have abdicated parenting; This is an incredibly well written article by a very smart Jew who gets it; Heartwarming. May he enjoy many long, healthy years; You cannot make this stuff up; “Turning the other cheek” is not a Jewish value in the way that you might think; Porny-Teacher? E-mailing anyone about this will have no result; Obama is “relishing the opportunity to put into play what the leftists have only dreamed about in faculty lounges for 50 to 75 years”; From the UK: Pedophile drag queen and LGBT pride activist busted by police in sting; America Dying– “the political apparatus and the major cultural institutions have come together to form a monolithic bloc overshadowing and, in effect, controlling the life of a nation” … (endofyourarm.com)

~ DO HOMOSEXUALS EXIST? Or, Where Do We Go From Here? … (chroniclesmagazine.org)

~ THE DANGER of Human Rights Proliferation … (americandigest.org)

~ DAMIAN THOMPSON– The Amish, Jews, Muslims and the future of religion; Parents have a fantastic plan for a free school. Civil servants and developers may squash it. Michael Gove needs to know about this; Has Pope Francis decontaminated the Catholic brand?; Prince George: this name is a tribute to the Queen; Our future king will be free to marry a Roman Catholic. Will he also be allowed to become one? … (blogs.telegraph)

~ ON CANADA– “As I see it, there is a critical difference here: pioneers create, immigrants contribute. Multiculturalism, however, which radically changed the identity of the country, was neither a creation nor a contribution; it “was an experiment imposed from above…whether Canadians wanted it or not.” … (blazingcatfur.blog)

~ AN HISTORIC EVIL– Irish President signs abortion into law: pro-lifers vow legal challenges; Irish senator: If descriptions of abortion ‘were horrific and disgusting‘, what is abortion?; and Ireland’s abortion bill the result of 40 years of bad moral theology: priest/professor … (lifesitenews)

Jews “controlling everything” says Toronto Shia Maulana

~ BLAZING CATFUR– Miklos, who identifies as a queer, feminist and a labour activist; U.S. issue a global travel alert and embassies across ‘the Muslim world’; Man stabbed over alleged Rob Ford crack video; Say, how’s that nuke program coming along?; Progressive Ideals Are No Substitute for Jewish Values; Are all politicians psychopaths, or just Democrats?; Prayer Leader claims “cultural misunderstanding”; the mere fact that he changed his name to “James St. James” indicates that he’s still criminally insane; When Christian churches are desecrated it’s never a hate crime, only “vandalism”; So American labor Unions are basically the Westboro Baptist Church now; Jews “controlling everything” says Toronto Shia Maulana; The post mortem… Horwath wins, Hudak falters; Robert Spencer: Why It May Be Easy for Huma Abedin to Stand by Her Man; Ontario is now in the grip of the same Political Party/Public Service Union alliance that brought Detroit to ruin … (blazingcatfur.blog)

~ THE FICTION OF Gay ‘marriage’ the ‘inevitable’ outcome of the Sexual Revolution, says UK Catholic bishop … (lifesitenews)

~ WHY WAS Derek Fildebrandt told to take down his Canadian flag? … (sunnewsnetwork.ca)

Evil found Adina Spire when she was a young girl,
but she found redemption in music

~ THE IMAGINATIVE CONSERVATIVE– Literature and Transcending Order; The Myth of the Fifties: The Permissive Society; The Purloined Boy: Plato Pottering Around; Roger Sherman: Constitutional Calvinist; A Miracle in Girona: 35,000 Years Back in Time; The Abuse of the Fourteenth Amendment; Yet Beauty Remains: The Story of Romanian Composer-Conductor Adina Spire; Thoughts On Philosophy Lost; Speaking of Bow Ties… and Real Shaving; Mamas don’t let your Babies Grow up to be Soldiers?; Thanatos Syndrome: Life and Death Matters; Can We be Friends? Spirit, Duty & Our Canine Companions … (theimaginativeconservative.org)

~ THE CHILDLESS CITY– It’s hip, it’s entertaining—but where are the families? … (city-journal.org)

~ SOVIET CANUCKISTAN– Politicking In The Classroom Not Acceptable– Unfortunately for Manitoba teachers, some “social studies” curriculum material from the Department of Education looks more like “socialist studies” propaganda … (canadafreepress)

~ THE BOGPAPER– Delingpole on Friday: Why there’s no point arguing with lefties; Weekly RoundUp: 28th July – 3rd August; RGTyler: The Case for Immigration; They Aren’t Feminists – Lady Thatcher Was a Feminist; Russell Taylor: In praise of lads’ mags; Politicians’ Porn Filter goes Tits Up; The Austrian Way: is there a most important form of liberty?; Marx on Monday: US Royal Baby; Enjoy the latest episode of Radio Free Delingpole in which James Delingpole and Dr Tim Stanley talk porn, Eminem, Rodriguez, what to do with Detroit, the Royal Baby Trayvon, and other stuff; Sod the left-right political spectrum, we stand way out here! … (bogpaper.com)

~ ANTI-CHRISTIAN ACT– Christian Shrine Vandalized in Nova Scotia … (cbc.ca)

~ ONE COSMOS– Obama’s Credo: If You Can’t Denounce Reality, What Can You Denounce?; The leftist is either in rebellion against God, and therefore human nature, or against human nature, and therefore God; On WTF?! is Wrong with Man: Hx, Sx, Dx, Rx, Tx; I Am Obama, Destroyer of Slack!; I am not personally a saint. But I am utterly convinced that some people are; I am always struck by the inverse parallels between leftism and legitimate religion … (onecosmos.blog)

~ THE RELIGIOUS LEFT’S Climate of Hate– In the wake of the terrible 2011 shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, Jim Wallis of Sojourners was one of many progressive activists to quickly exploit the attack for their own political advantage … (clashdaily.com)

~ DONALD SENSING– How science points toward God; How to secure the nation’s secrets; Who serves in the military? More importantly, why?; How to Successfully Self-Publish a Kindle eBook; And the line in favor of rape in war forms where?; Obama is boring? That is exactly what he wants; Just when I think there is light in the tunnel; No, the North Pole is not melting; Cornell ecologist’s study finds that producing ethanol and biodiesel from corn and other crops is not worth the energy … (senseofevents.blog)

~ ERATOSTHENES– “Are These People Idiots, or Just Criminals?”; Guilt has an amazing power to make mortals unwise; Filner, Weiner and the Fresh Prince; Fossilized ghosts of the Communist past rally against Israel; Smurfs Are Jew-Hating Communists; Self-promoting slime will diminish efforts to get answers about Sammy Yatin’s death; Depressed because no one believes your nutty conspiracy theories? Then have I got the right therapist for you!; Canada’s best known anti-Israel fanatics see the light and boycott Muslim dictatorships?; Champagne Communist … (peekinthewell.net)

~ NOT SO FREE PRESS: U.S. Journalist Fired For Conservative Views … (clashdaily.com)

~ CRAZY PLANET– Iran unveils finger amputating machine for use on thieves; I’ve had worse first dates than this; OOPS: Matt Damon’s Elysium attacks everything Matt Damon stands for; The Toronto Star gets the shakes as its crack dealer ends up in jail … (eyecrazy.blog)

~ GET RELIGION– Round II: The LATimes ignores Supremes, covenant too; Yes or no: This school has a Catholic doctrinal covenant?; The worst religion story of the year; NPR: true tolerance=open marriages; WPost: Virginia law highlights stupidity of home-schooling; Locking the two popes into one flawed news template; The moral (and news) authority of Desmond Tutu; When Planned Parenthood isn’t news (fraud edition) … (getreligion)

~ WIDESPREAD ABORTION Has Caused 300K Breast Cancer Deaths Since Roe … (lifenews)

~ BRIAN LILLEY– About that East-West pipeline; Author of book on Jesus, he’s not what the liberal media claim he is; Canada’s diplomatic corp – very overpaid; Elections Canada says election law does not apply to Liberals; If you need another reason not to vote Liberal, here it is … (lilleyspad)

~ HERE THEY COME– Pedophile support group seeks ‘truth and dignity’ – Want same rights as homosexuals … (lifesitenews)

~ CRISIS MAG– The True Face of “Happy Divorce” is Quite Ugly; How the West Really Lost God: An Interview with Mary Eberstadt; On the Pope’s Remarks about Homosexuality; Privacy and Common Core Curriculum; Islamophilia Epidemica; Holder May Undermine Rule of Law with Challenge to Zimmerman Verdict … (crisismag)

~ CAMPAIGN AIMS to boost Canadians’ plummeting trust in l

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