Do Some Good
Hollywood Loser Tees
~ GO, BUY, ENJOY the various comfty & stylin’ goodness available via Alexander Of Hollywood’s exclusive collection of spiffy t-shirts.
Be a loser! ~
Britistan Slides Slowly Under
Arrest The Innocent! Perpwalk the bastard!
~ ITEM: Woolwich Walk: 10 Lapses of Liberty
~ ITEM: Binky– Freedom: Ad Fontes; and Fountain Of Freedom, 2
~ ITEM: Threatened With Death? Don’t You Dare Tell Anyone!
~ ITEM: The Eclipse of the British Empire
The Politics of the Jackboot
~ THE PANICKY UK ruling classes, torn between beheadings and uppity lower-class people speaking out for truth and common-sense, seem to be chosing.. silencings.
Tommy Robinson, former thug & likely-lad? PERP-WALK HIM!
Activist Pam Geller & scholar Robert Spencer truth-telling about the religion of the beheaders? BANNED!
People doing the flower & teddy-bears thing at slain soldier Rigby’s roadside shrine? Sick the Stalinist gangs on them, or arrest them!
Hiding Under The Covers
The rulers of the UK are terrified and horrified more of an uprising of the peasants than of the jihadists. They are more afraid of the truth getting out there, than of corpses in the streets.
The elites are terrified of the threats from the Jihad, versus worrying about the death of English liberty under law, the 1000 years of principled political and social life, the tension between authority and individualism, freedom and the right of protest.
What DO We DO?
Burn the Magna Carta! Toss the previous and later laws & covenants between kings & people down the years! Flake out on the old British courage and defiance and doughtiness because bad people who are serious about their bad religion have replaced and silenced the old British-educated Muslim immigrants who actually were peaceful, law-abiding and thankful to be in England! Writes one observer:
“Why would British Muslims ever assimilate? Why would moderates in the community ever condemn savagery committed by jihadis? Why would Islamists ever fear real repercussions for beheading a man on a street-corner while passers-by looked on in horror? Why would they ever respect their hosts when clearly, it is the British who will bow to them?”
After the Imperial hubris and bragging, modern England became semi-pacifist, shirkers of duty and trouble, and this is more of the same. Sadly, just as England allowed Europe to slip back under the sway of militant Teutonism in a second world war– and almost lost most of Western Europe– so the Labories (Labour-Tories) would have England under CCTV, the threat of beheadings, coughing up welfare to jolly Jihadists, and trying to look the other way and blame the victims when terrorism grows and leers and mocks England and all she stood for and might stand for again.
You’re OK, We Suck
Multiculturalism doesn’t work– it is a form of insanity that muzzles the home civilization while exalting the newcomers– especially the disgruntled and ungrateful ones. England– like a lot of Western nations– embraced huge amounts of immigrants when their native population decided not to have babies, and very few when they did.
Endland is dying demographically, spiritually, and p[olitically. All these news-bits are just the deck-chairs being arranged and sliding around as the great ship goes down. Is she doomed?
The response to terror and protest and uncomfortable realities will tell the tale. ~
Britain: Facing A New & Exciting Future!
Lightbulbs Of Evil
~ ITEM: BULB BAN IS A DIM IDEA -- Brian Lilley says the impending ban on incandescent light bulbs is pure idiocy and will hurt your wallet and possibly your family
~ SO, TEH BINKS has a bit of a blog on Evil curly-bulbs of Death. Might be of interest to you & your family.
Lightbulbs Of Evil!
Topics covered:
(a) Mercury-based curly-bulbs require an EPA-suggested 14-step biohazard disposal.
(b) There's lots of evidence that bulb-factories in China are killing folks
(3) LED technology is a good alternative to incandescent; curly-bulbs are GE-USAGov sweet deal, to be enforced by legislation, and don't work very well
Super-efficient LED and other technologies are coming along: banning something is generally a bad idea, especially if it's a response to hysteria about "Combatting The Warmings Of Global!" and lining the pockets of GE and Chinese factory-owners through government-enforced manipulation of the market. Bad deal all 'round.
Mercury is an INDUSTRIAL uber-poison that should not be in anybody's home. ONE broken bulb can render your home technically biohazard-contaminated by mercury.
Curly Death-Bulbs are evil from top to bottom, from politics to market. Learn up (read all my few but thorough blog-entries), and get informed, then pass it around, then contact your MLAs, MPs, Congress, Senate. ~
Be Prepared, Or Else
Kieran Crump-Raiswell, 18, was heading to look for a job when Imran Hussain, 27, walked up to him and without warning stabbed him four times in the chest
~ ITEM: Another Muslim savage stabs British teenager to death in the street, then laughed about it
~ ITEM: Moderate Muslims Oppose UK Ban on Anti-Islamic Speakers
~ ITEM: How the hell is this not a racist murder?
Far-Right, Fascist, and Racist? Condell on EDL
~ IF THERE IS A legitimate threat, basic justice (i.e. what is fitting to something or a situation) dictates that people are allowed to defend themselves with the appropriate tools and preparations for possible threats.
The police are– and have ever been (a) a back-up to civilian peace-officers, and (b) most effective in an essentially lawful society. In a society where the law-abiding have been effectively criminalized and dis-armed, but where a minority are willing to use weapons and extreme violence, you have a society-wide injustice.
The right to defend you and yours is not a ‘human right’– after all, animals and bacteria and slugs defend themselves: it’s an existing creature thing.
Must Have Bloods!
Sadly, the politically correct powers that be would rather have regular yearly blood-sacrifices to their insane ideology than allow people the freedom to do the right & necessary thing to defend themselves, other people, and their property.
Dear Welsh, English, Scottish & and other peoples of the British Isles– you must begin to defend yourselves again– some of the people you have invited to enjoy the freedom and riches of your lands are willing to break the law (they claim their demon-god Allah tells them it’s OK), and slaughter your soldiers, teens, disabled, and defenceless people– many of the ones which in our Judaeo-Christian society tells us are precious to God and deserving of help and protection.
Getting Dangerous
What does Binky recommend? Well, you need to get up off the ground and fight back in the streets, and in the legislatures. Get your guns and blades back, because you allowed the ruling classes to disarm everybody. The nanny state and multiculturalism is failing, and on the ruins come wolves and scavengers and barbarians.
Until; the laws, if you want to remain inside the law? Canes. Shillelaghs. Learn how to fight with them. There are books on Amazon, and possibly martial arts clubs to teach it. Take martial arts– preferably something with real-world training, not just endless katas and punching practice. Join a Western martial arts club– the UK is rife with them… and a even wooden sword in the hands of an expert can be dangerous.
The police are there later. YOU are the first-responder.
Profiling, Please
Do not trust younger people who might possibly be Muslim. There, I said it. I would apply my all-purpose Rule For Driving: Everyone You See Is Trying To Kill You.
In the case of Jihadis– and they may be white or 3rd generation Muslim raised in England– is that some of them very much ARE trying to kill you. It’s not personal, it’s Jihad. A little terror goes a long way.
So what do you think of the English Defense League now? What about Unite Against Fascism? Now there’s a bunch of insane Stalinist thugs & Islam-mongers and lunatics. ~
Confessio Binks
~ ITEM: Rush
~ ITEM: Steyn on Rush– George III Wouldn’t Have Done This To You
~ ALTHOUGH it’s been very uncool in some semi-conservative circles to like him (cough-Dempublicans Establishment-cough), Teh Binks likes Rush Limbaugh. I listen when I can, and his infromation, talking-points, and connect-the-dots on U.S. politics and culture has been proven to be correct or in the ballpark so many times that he might well deserve the title of news-prophet.
Drugs? Scandals? Media outrage? The Left– especially King Obama & his toadies– hate him with a special frothing hate because he’s successful, right, and almost single-handedly started the modern phenomenon of talk-radio, and similar uses of the internets. He did Stewart & Colbert decades before those two became famous; he used his charming braga nd bluster– cunningly salted with facts and intelligence– to win over lots of people to a clearer understanding of news & current events.
I’ve not always agreed with his take on the pure goodness of capitalism, and rape the earth exploitation of nature, but no one person except Jesus reflects the fullness of all truth. Limbaugh is doing the work that the pamphleteers and writers of the American Revolution did, back in the day.
The Infidel Steyn
The other thing is my old chum Mark Steyn, who from time to time guest-hosts from “Ice Station EIB” as “America’s Undocumented Anchorman”. It’s always a delight to hear him, especially when he carefully, kindly, but thoroughly demolishes an argument, the vintage media consensus, or the obvious questions about current events otherwise not being asked, with his usual humour and wit.
No, this is not a paid advertisement; no, I have not sold my soul to RushCorp for a mess of pottage; no, I do not stand by every little thing he says on every topic, or the way he says it. Shuddup.
Check it out! ~
Some Basic Logic
~ ITEM: How Atheists Argue
~ ITEM: Intelligent Design – A Poem
~ OK: THERE ARE No Atheists. Of course, some people call themselves that, but they are mistaken. Follow the logic.
(a) In order to KNOW there is no God, you’d have to know all facts and possibilities in the universe– and multiverses, if there are same. That degree of knowledge (omniscience) is an attribute of God, not human beings.
(b) The most any person can claim is the wish to disbelieve in the existence of God. Since– as we famously hear– God is not a direct subject of scientific/ experimental study, an “Atheist” can neither verify or disprove God’s existence.
(c) An agnostic (Greek: a= without/ no + gnosis=knowledge) honestly says they can’t be sure. The atheists claim to be sure, which they can’t be. The no-Godders can call themselves what they want, but it’s not true or accurate (a=without/ no + theos=God). Belief in materialism is just that– a non-God religion, depending on a kind of faith based on one form of knowing.. which form of knowing cannot itself “PROVE” either that “empirical” scientific knowledge is the only worthwhile way of knowing, or that materialism is true. This logical fail was figured out in the 40s and 50s, but like most intellectual and malignant errors, just kept going way past the best-before date.
Therefore– There Are No Atheists.
Not So Simpled
There are lots of reasons why people might want to disbelieve– some of them honest, some not, and all arising from the basic human impulse to want the goodies of existence without acknowledging a God within and behind them to whom we owe all, even our supposedly exalted selves. Belied has a great deal to do with will, and with an attitude to the evidence of faith that means it’s not just The Brights Vs. The Dims.
That just rankles, dunnit?
Sucking Fumes
The “Atheists” are like so many other faddish political types in our society– living off the fumes and goodwill and the almost bankrupt moral, spiritual, intellectual and cultural inheritance built up over 2000 years in Europe. They take for granted as deserved all the goods of faith and knowledge and goodness, as if humans are just wonderful in themselves, and as if those qualities arise out of thin air. Nope.
Sorry Dawkins, all the rest of you. Give it up. Binks has proven you– or at least your certainties– do not and cannot exist. ~
Dawkins = Not An Atheist
Random Binky Linkies
~ STILL GOING STRONG– The Caddyshack Golf Course … (
What can spy drones do?
~ COMPUTER MOUSE inventer dies– Those magnificent men and their computing machines … (blogs.telegraph)
~ ENVIRO-SCAMMING– Aussie wind farm bird-blenders stopped; First-year per turbine subsonic noisemaker subsidy = cost of installing turbine fugly inefficient Green-scam device & tax drain … (
~ DELINGPOLISM– Consider the latest grim news about ongoing wind farm subsidies … (blogs.telegraph)
~ DOOMED AS DOOOOOOMED can be! A Disease Without a Cure Spreads Quietly in the West … (
~ ON CLIMATE CHANGE, White House Confuses Myths with Realities … (
~ BIGPHARMA? IS THAT YOU? Nearly 40 million bees in 600 hives dead at Saugeen Country Honey Farm, family owned by David & Hendrika Schuit of Elmwood, Ontario– “Bees exhibited neurotoxic symptoms, analysis of dead bees revealed traces of thiamethoxam/clothianidin in each case. Seed treatments of field crops (primarily corn) are the only major source of these compounds” … (
~ DUTCH GOVERNMENT Criticizes IPCC & Calls For Reforms … (canadafreepress)
~ CLIMATE CHANGE DISPATCH– The Second Shale Revolution: The Rise And Rise Of Saudi America; and Crude Oil’s Coming Clash With Obama’s New Climate Policy; European nations that have imposed renewable energy mandates have experienced the same problem: Rising energy prices harm everyone … (
~ SUBSIDIZED Coal Gasification: A Legacy of Failure … (canadafreepress)
~ AGENT SMITHS AMONGST US– Earth “Right to Life” Anti-Human+ … (nationalreview)
“Human beings are a virus”
Mark Steyn
Inspector Rabbit
~ IN ORDER TO FORM a More Perfect Regulated Community, The right of the Bunny Inspector not to be disrespected shall not be infringed! … (nationalreview)
~ GEORGE III Wouldn’t Have Done This To You … (
~ AFTER MIDDAY PRAYERS on Wednesday, just about the time the army were heading over to the presidential palace to evict Mohammed Morsi, the last king of Egypt was laying to rest his aunt, Princess Fawzia, who died in Alexandria on Tuesday at the grand old age of 91 … (nationalreview)
~ ED DRISCOLL ON Mark Steyn on Egypt’s accelerating slide into reprimitivization … (eddriscoll)
~ NAT REVIEW STEYN– For nine decades, Egypt has fled modernity; Now It All Makes Sense … (
Ezra Levant
~ EXACTLY HOW DID Jesus get banned from the Calgary Stampede? Pastor Arthur Pawlowski tells Ezra Levant about his fight with the Calgary Stampede about having the name Jesus in the Stampede Parade … (
~ EZRA LEVANT exposes the danger of eco-terror threats that are being made against Canada’s oil sands … (
~ CLEARLY, SUPER-GENIUS Barack Obama bet on the wrong horse supporting Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohammed Morsi as president of Egypt … (ezralevant)
~ FAITH GOLDY TAKES ON the RCMP over the four questions the RCMP are refusing to answer regarding their High River gun grab … (ezralevant)
~ FIRST FREEDOMS– We Seek Freedom from God, But We Have Freedom Because of God … (creativeminorityreport)
‘Unfortunate to see Satan’s name used in such a diabolical manner’
~ YUCKY GROSS SHAIDLE– Scholars pinpoint source of American exceptionalism: the nuclear family; ‘I don’t want my awareness raised, thanks’; Del Close Marathon Ignores Improv Guru’s Occult Obsessions; Oliver Reed always gave me the creeps; Recap of the week in conservative talk radio; ‘Could there have been a rainbow on the morning of the sixteenth?’; ‘Many of today’s teenagers have never seen a classic foreign film’; Gay alt-weekly defends comic Guy Earle’s right to offend; ‘The Occasion Formerly Known As Independence Day’; Limbaugh vs. GOP vs. Fox News; Meet Freedom Press: Canada’s new conservative content company; ‘Unfortunate to see Satan’s name used in such a diabolical manner’ … (
~ THE ORIGINS OF OUR FREEDOM– “Christ has set us free for freedom’s own sake. It is not through religion that we are freed; it is through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. We obey the moral commandments of Jewish tradition and the teachings of Jesus, not in order to gain freedom, but because we have already been freed.” … (
~ WILLAIM GAIRDNER– A Declaration on Marriage; Mourning Marriage … (
~ STUPID OLD BIGOTED FACTS… The early Christians, following the lead of Jesus, doubled down on traditional Jewish sexual morality … (insightscoop)
~ BLAZING CATFUR– “This is a first. Smoking saved my life.”; Supporting overthrow of Morsi will make Muslims hate us!; Radical Feminist meet up being held at “Beaver Hall”; Christadelphians again! Blasts at one of Buddhism’s holiest sites: India police; Vancouver parasites put envy on public display; It’s the Sea Hitler II; Lying Scum Obama Says US ‘not aligned with any particular Egyptian party‘; Freedom in Egypt? It just gave men the freedom to rape me in Tahrir Square; Britain finally gets rid of Muslimaniac Abu Qatada; Nazi Fan-Boy & Goat Enthusiast Issues Fatwa Calling On Sunnis To Support Morsi; Stereoscopic images of WW I; Swedish Dad introduced to joy of multiculturalism’s mosaic of diversity – remains stupid; Uppity Coptic Priest Impedes Trajectory Of Muslim Bullet … (bc)
Thank you, Nelson Mandela!
~ MANDELA THE BLOOD-SOAKED SOVIET STOOGE– New Evidence Shows Mandela Was A Senior Communist Party Member; Nobel Peace Laureate Nelson Mandela’s bombs: for the record– Mandela “personally signed off” in approving these acts of terrorism … (
~ FREE SPEECH DYING? American Evangelist Arrested in London for Preaching Homosexuality Is a Sin … (
~ FIRST THINGS Blog– Lumen Fidei: First Thoughts on Interpretation; Damian Thompson on Pope Francis and Archbishop Welby; Self-Evident Truths and American Independence; Disloyal Options on the Glorious Fourth; Abortion Activists Hail Satan; Final HHS Mandate, the Same Old Fraud; Joyce’s God, Bullied and Bullying; Christians in America and the Middle East; The Older, More Respectable Sibling of Gay Pride; Religious freedom: for individuals and communities; Blessed John Paul II Will Be Declared a Saint; Evil Antonin Scalia, Official Bad Person … (FT)
~ CRANMERISM– Hakuna Qatada – no worries for the rest of our days; Quoted by Rod Liddle in The Spectator: His Grace has finally arrived; Rev’d Dr Peter Mullen: Synod, women bishops, and the enemy theories that conquer us; Egypt: democracy is not always the answer; Evangelist Tony Miano arrested for ‘hate’ speech – full video and police transcript … (
Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff & Some Dutch rabble-rouser guy
~ DOUGHTY & UNDAUNTED: Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff’s Fight for Free Speech … (
~ BIG BLUE WAVE– Abortion Restrictions State by State; Pope Francis and Pope Benedict XVI at Unveiling of St. Michael Statue; This is a gay marriage promo?; What’re you going to do when these protesters show up at your parish?; Could Anthropology Help the Pro-Life Movement?; What was Christian history like, that withstood Islam’s evil and defeated it in Europe?; The Nothing. Nothing. Nothing of Atheism … (
~ A NEW, MUCH CREEPIER Video of Pro-Abortion Activists Allegedly Chanting ‘Hail Satan’ … (
~ BOGPAPER– the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR); In praise of a country fit for heroes … (
~ COPYBOOK GODS– The PM has already asked the Supreme Court if he can scrap the whole Senate unilaterally; It’s only money, dude. Why get so worked up about it?; The growth of federal regulations over the past six decades has cut U.S. economic growth by an average of 2 percentage points per year; a great deal of imagination is required to keep the kabuki theatre of Quebec nationalism going … (
~ BLOG FOR PEACE– Still talking up that stupid council: two more saints not to be devoted to; Me aboard the USS New Jersey: peace through superior firepower; Catholicism and Orthodoxy; From Protestantism to the ‘Enlightenment’ (America’s founding) to ‘No Place for Hate’. Lansdowne is a little over 100 years old; The greater antagonist of liberty is not the quest for security, but our insatiable demand and inexorable drive for equality — not equality of rights but equality of results; Pull the US military, state and intelligence organizations from Europe entirely; The underbelly of disbelief … (
~ GET RELIGION– Watching for ghosts in the news flashes from Egypt; Why atheists who pray should still be called atheists; Beautiful tribute to Catholic sisters in Civil War nursing; Painful silences in CBS chat on same-sex marriage rulings; Could it be … Satan? Not in the news coverage; BBC silence on honor killings and Islam … (getreligion)
~ YOUR ALMOST DEAD SELF? You are owned– Wales OKs “Presumed Consent” Organ Harvest … (nationalreview)
~ FUT THE WUCK?– Your children’s breakfast cereal is now gay. I don’t think that’s a sentence anybody not a comedy writer ever imagined penning … (Various)
~ LOOK! A SQUIRREL!! Fixations on denouncing Edward Snowden distract, by design, from the serious transgressions of those who are far more powerful … (guardian)
~ PAD OF LILLEY– RCMP Commish asks for investigation of his own force; Canadians have mixed views of our national police force; Mounties try to shoot the messenger over their big mistake; Since when is this TSA protocol? This is lovely … ()
~ DAVID WARREN– It would have been rude, perhaps even obtuse & insensitive, to deliver myself of another Loyalist rant on the 4th of July; At last, good news from the Middle East. Democracy has been overthrown in Egypt … (
~ DAMIAN THOMPSON– “The BBC reflects a ‘remarkable and impressive’ range of voices in its coverage of religion, immigration and Europe, an independent review for the BBC Trust has found.” I’m sorry?; and ‘If you complain about the BBC, you’re blacklisted’ … (blogs.telegraph)
~ CREEPY LAURA ROSEN COHEN– I highly recommend the Sabbath to everyone. It’s a good thing; This is what’s happening in America with greater frequency; Rose claims their marriage is as strong as any other; then we were surprised to learn that killers and rapists don’t honor agreements; Wish I had seen this yesterday!; Could this be a sign of a turn against the secular, G-dless tide?; “An apostate deserves to be killed and any man may kill him.” … ()
~ ACTUALLY A GOOD THING– The Real Significance of the Crusades, by David Byrne … (crisismag)
It’s Meat-Lumps!
~ FREEDOM PRESS: Human Person and Human Being – Is There a Difference? … (
~ GAGDAD BOB @ ONE COSMOS– Only a human being — or person, rather — can say I AM; Got caught up watching the Zimmerman trial at the excellent legal insurrection; Stupid Burns but Intelligence Incinerates; On the Deep Structure of Religion … (
~ DAWN EDEN– They were in prison, and I visited them: Bringing My Peace to women behind bars … (
~ HIDEOUS MARK SHEA– We decided to morph into a police state in exchange for the promise of eternal safety from the government; Andrew Sullivan Discovers Jolly Pride; Church of Satan Distances Itself from Pro-Abortion Activists Chanting “Hail Satan!”; After 3 Decades of Crapping on Christians … (markshea)
~ OF ALL THE MISCONCEIVED nonsense in the recent Windsor v. United States ruling, perhaps the most egregious was Justice Anthony Kennedy’s insinuation that “the children made me do it.” … (crisismag)
~ IN AN EXTREMIST MOVE, British schools asked to reinstitute.. British history?!? Riots, racism, hangings, patriotism may ensue; in entirely related news, As Guides say goodbye to God, is there any Christianity left in public life? … (dailymail, blogs.telegraph)
~ WHY CHRISTIANS are Concerned About DOMA: Two Valid Reasons, Two Not-So-Much; and The Supreme Court, You and Me, and the Future of Marriage … (merecomments)
~ PROWOMAN PROLIFE– “Morally confused and willfully self-deceptive”; Check out our comments section, people!; There are consequences to any choice; Helping Aid to Women in Toronto; “Hoes before embryos” and pro-choice messaging tactics … (
~ MITCHIEVILLE– Fenris Badwulf caring person; Should we drug the drinking water? Adding lithium to the taps ‘could lower suicide rates‘ … (
~ MERCATOR NET– Feminism through the life cycle; We have to ask whether the American dream has been a disappointment for men as well; Sound and fury in Texas late-term abortion fight; An unpredictable plot and endearing protagonist make this trilogy an engaging “must read”; Is America’s lawyer president lying to the world?; Africa stands up to Obama against gay unions … (
~ MELANIE PHILLIPS on Wimbledon “OK, it’s all getting a bit frayed around the edges. At Ascot, some of the women turn up half-naked; and the Proms regularly see attempts to chuck out the elements of patriotism (boo, hiss) from the programme for the flag-waving Last Night” … (
~ JUICY ECUMENISM– Working Out with Fear and Trembli