Do Some Good
~ ITEM: Spencer & Geller– Sign the petition asking that we be allowed into the country here
~ ITEM: Red Cross Canada Calgary Relief
Binks Is Utterly Amazing
~ ITEM: BINKS gets a mention on Sun News, thanks to Brian Lilley.
Feed The Poodle!
Free Mark Steyn 2013!
“What I always objected to in Canada about Section 13 was its casual contempt for the citizenry, the same contempt on display today in Washington and London. Like Theresa May, Justice Kennedy would rather impute motive than engage argument. The need to delegitimize those who disagree does indeed “demean this institution”, and is profoundly disturbing.”
~ ITEM: Mark Steyn – One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
~ ITEM: Much needed good news for freedom of speech advocates the world over!
~ ITEM: MAJOR VICTORY FOR CANADIAN FREEDOM OF SPEECH– Hate speech provision in Human Rights Act struck down; Not with a bang But with a whimper
~ ITEM: BRIAN LILLEY– One small win for freedom
~ ITEM: Bill to end ‘hate speech’ portion of human rights law gets mixed reviews but Senate approval
~ ITEM: THE UNDERWHELMED Jonathan Kay: How 9/11 killed Canadians’ appetite for human-rights speech codes, or something
~ ITEM: Slurs force comic to pay $15,000 for ‘tirade of ugly words’ against lesbian patron after appeal falls flat; details of the trial up to 2010
~ ALTHOUGH TEH Binks is a long-time internet news & blog guy (started 1995-6), it wasn’t until the Mark Steyn/ Ezra Levant cases in late 2007 that I turned from the goldfish pond of Anglican news to the sea of Canadian politics, free speech, and all the stuff you see below and in the archives.
The problematic provision in the Canadian Human Rights Act, Section 13, had been extended by bureaucrats, professional lawfare people, and professional Muslims to include anything deemed offensive on the interwebs– in these cases, not only was the truth no defence, but the process was the punishment as the accused had to pay their own way, and the government got to hire heaps of lawyers and questionable investigators to stomp the puny peasants into the ground. Even if you were technically innocent, it could cost you tens of thousands of dollars.
Canadian bags of scum like Richard Warman made a career out of being legally offended on behalf of others. The Sockpuppets and their Islamic masters dragged Mark Steyn & Maclean’s Magazine through countless dollars and wasted hours of kangaroo tribunals; Ezra Levant spent $100 000 to defend himself from sufi Muslim Imam Syed Soharwardy and the sturmtruppen of the Alberta government.. both cases courtesy of Section 13.
Thin Red Line
Remember: from the point of view of professional bureaucrats, grievance-mongers and human rights activists, if Canadians weren’t prevented from saying possible offensive things, then mobs and Nazis and hate would sweep across Canada.. GENOCIDE WILL ENSUE!! No, I’m not exaggerating.
Only they and their vigilance lay between us and utter societal collapse. Such was the narrative of the human rights loonies– in the name of imaginary evils, real legal, personal, and public abuse of “possibly offensive” ordinary and public Canadians was excused.
So.. rejoice, Section 13 is gone– but as Teh Binks has warned, the radicals creep on. Just last week, comedian Guy Earle lost a last-ditch appeal not to have to pay an offended lesbian $15 000.00 because of some heckling gone wrong; you can imagine what the result might have been had a drunken non-gay couple had been heckled by an offensive lesbian comedian, and that tells you all you need to know about the state of free speech in the demented Dominion in 2013: one step forward, two steps back.
Oh, and the restaurant owner Salam Ismail is also being forced to cough up $7 000 loot for the complainant, in addition to his $13 000 in legal fees. Shakedowns can be profitable, you know.
The Big Picture
Freedom of speech, association, sharing of ideas, criticism, all of that stuff is rather unpopular these days in Omerica, and EUrostan. Just the other day, two writers were officially forbidden by the British government to enter the United Kingdom to speak and attend various events because.. they criticize militant Islam. YOu know, the kind that leads to beheading, radicalization of the young, Jihadi warriors running off to chop heads and shoot people in Syria and elsewhere, and generally scheme to overthrow democracy, law, free speech, and any other religion except Islam.
This is a small victory– in an ever-widening civilizational struggle for self-definition, freedom versus security, and against revanchist Capiphatist Islam. Looks like Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI was right, in seeing the future as a war between two irrationals: secularist semi-fascist Western governments and elites, versus sharia supremacism and soft/ hard Jihadism.
The rest of us are caught between these two grindstones. ~
It Has To Be Said
~ ITEM: But if Not: The Miracle of Dunkirk by Robert B. Sloan
“Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. But if not, let it be known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.” (Daniel 3:17-18)
~ OK, PROGRESSIVES– you notice the “unspeakable right wing” that keeps talking back to the sorts of Total State you all keep promoting for your various causes? Yeah: lots of those people are just the kind of people who– like Sophie Scholl & The White Rose group in 1940s Germany, or Solzhenitsyn in the USSR– who speak out against Uber State, no matter how good the excuses and imagined but delusional good such abominations of politics and freedom might supposedly bring.
That is– some of us WILL NOT simply surrender to evil, nor name it good, nor let whatever ends justify any and all means. You are not on the side of the angels, progressives, nor on the side of humanity, or human dignity, faith or love, or risky liberty under law. You march alongside jackboot and threat and slogan and slander and The Big Lie.
Wake up and look around you. We are not the enemy. ~
The Magic Of Magical Thinking
~ ITEM: Yesterday, the Supreme Court ruled that the proponents of Prop 8 had no standing to defend it in federal court
~ ITEM: Scalia: ‘High-Handed’ Kennedy Has Declared Us ‘Enemies of the Human Race’; Justice Anthony Kennedy’s contempt
~ ITEM: As Scalia suggested, that opinion can now become the predicate for challenges to the laws on marriage in all of the States. A couple of the same sex need merely go into a federal court and invoke Justice Kennedy’s opinion in the DOMA case (U.S. v. Windsor)
~ ITEM: Binky– The Mother Of All Impossibles?
~ BACK IN THE DAY, words had power– both the power of ideas, but also the power of luck or cursing.. so don’t mention death, or speak evil on someone, because it might come to pass. Words were serious, never ‘mere’.
After all, the “Scientific Revolution” was, for a long time, the twin of magic & alchemy and other forms of seeking to control human and material nature, learn the mysteries of the universe, and tap into the tremendous forces of life, the stars and planets, the human spirit, and unseen things… by spells and words of power and all the rest.
Our Magical Powers
We’ve become so used to the power of our ability to make and change things, and the speed of technological change become so fast, that it almost seems magical, our words and ideas become real objects, or new toys, or things– like the communicator from Star Trek– become something every teen carries in their pocket– the smart or iPhone.
Because we’re used to nature bowing to our will, of overcoming every technical problem with more technology, we really are almost like wizards, only not like Gandalf, but like Saruman– never stopping to ask if just because something is possible, whether we should proceed.
So Let It Be Written, So Let It Be Done
I think to the modern radical and bureaucratic mind, something like this magical way of thinking is in force: we wish or say something, and it becomes so. Not just so as a fact, but so it is and so it should be that way BECAUSE we say so. We have the bureaucratic and legislative and polling magic– we can do whatever we will.
So it is with the rise of same-sex pseudogamy (or ‘marriage’). Powered by freud, sexual radicalism, clever legal and political maneuvering, and piggy-backing on the moral and sexual antics of the Western middle class, same-sex activists in Canada, Europe, and now the United States are– as they see it– remaking reality by passing or defeating laws, and having court cases decided.. in an ever-persistent rising tide.. in their favour.
Questions of law, tradition, faith, nature, democracy, childrearing and real consequences are ruled out of court. The god equality must break every boundary, throw down every human institution, sacrifice all human wisdom to fulfill the personal happiness of same-sex activists– even though not all gay people want these illusory freedoms, nor support the bullying and politics of threat and fascistic attacks against the opposition to making some bizarre new form of un-marriage.
The results will be horrible, but hidden. The avalanche begun by the mass use of contraception, the advent of easy and then no-fault divorce, and now various self-declared “sexual minorities” lining up at the rights trough for their share of state-imposed rights will continue to tumble down the slippery slope to God-knows-where.
Skiing The Slippery Slope
The slippery slope may not be pure logic– but then, neither is human behaviour. It is a moral argument that in the matter of the sexual revolution has proven to terribly and inescapably correct.. however much we may get used to real evils that we now are forbidden to judge or warn about, or deplore.
Just saying things does not make it so. Forcing legal and societal change for utopian social and sexual schemes do not make said schemes good, or true, or desirable. Silencing your opposition as evil is a blow for evil, not for truth, freedom, and wisdom.
Un-Chicken Littles
Willing scary novelties as supreme goods by the force of the state, by corrupt and pandering governments and the chattering classes? A good way to total government acting as a god. Of course, for many radicals, that is precisely what their actions lead to, and– as some will say– “look, the sky hasn’t fallen yet.”
Shame on the Canadian national & provincial governments, the UK, and the radical regime in Omerica. To repeat myself:
“This is no liberation, but a great festering wound on the dying body of Western Civilization. We cannot make things so by will, no matter how hard we try. We can only make words, allowing some evils, and forcing other people to pretend that it’s all the same as other real things. Though it doesn’t have the drama, in truth, this is as great a blow and disaster to Western freedom as the Defeat at Dunkirk.”
Thanks Mark, thanks Ezra, thanks to our MPs & Senators, thanks to the bloggers, journalists, and folks from across the political spectrum who got that this is a people-issue, not simply a partisan issue. ~
Why Not, Exactly? Discuss..
~ ITEM: Binky: “Got the hots for any of your cousins? No problem. Niece & Uncle? Nephew & aunt? Former Mother-in-law? Ex-daughter-in-law? Non-residential step-kids? Fill yer boots. Coming soon: nephews & uncles, former mothers-in-law & daughters in law, step-dad with non-residential step-son… and on and on it goes.”
~ ITEM: Marriage Canon Taskforce Report to General Synod
~ ITEM: Consanguinity
~ SADLY, THE Brain-rot of Canadian Anglicanism began in the 1960s, and started to show the effects in the 1970s under soft-radical Primate “Red” Ted Scott. Yes, he was a useful idiot in his connection with the KGB-infiltrated World Council Of Churches, and espoused all the usual Leftward causes imaginable.. and led the Church that way.
Little known to faithful pew-sitters, he was also laying the path towards today’s moral and marital chaos, by undercutting the old restrictions on marriage to relatives in consultations with the Canadian government over consanguinuity in 1984.
The traditional rules are right there in the classical Prayerbook: except that in Canada, the 2001 General Synod (National Denominational meeting) struck down almost all restrictions of consanguinuity (i.e., incest).
Essentially, in 2004, the Canadian Anglicans.. in line with Red Ted’s pro-incest work, but taking the next radical step– permitted the marrying of uncles and neices, mothers and step-sons.. but still somehow kept restrictions on brothers and sister, or children and parents. For now.
Yup. You read that right.
Radicals In Robes
The Anglican Church of Canada– the fastest shrinking sect in North America, unless we include mass-suicide cults– has in this way contributed to the collapse of anything like a Biblical and Christian and healthy boundaries for marriage.
Sadly, an African observer at the 2004 General Synod protested that such decisions would lead to great sin, lust, and the ruining of family relationships, and give a poor witness to Christians around the world, many of whom were recently out of a pan-sexual paganism, and were learning the blessings and wisdom of the ages-old pattern of Judaeo-Christian marriage, both as a way of hallowing relationships, and as a mystery and image of Christ’s love for his church.
Incoming.. 3.. 2.. 1..
The real question facing Western civilization as we hack away our basic societal roots is: why limits of any sort at all? If “follow your joy” and “marriage is not about babies” are the new principles, why not do whatever and whomever you want?
After all, the state has said it’s all good, and as long as we can have all the sexual chaos and jollies we want, who cares if the state becomes ever more powerful, screwing us all as we lose our real political and monetary and intellectual freedoms?
The consequences of our destructive choices await, just ahead. ~
Random Binky Linkies
The Corries – Loch Lomond
~ TECHNOVIKING GUY Wins Lawsuit.. and comes across as a great big money-grubbing wimpy idiot. The videographer isn’t done yet … (, indiegogo)
~ DEAR X-BOX.. I’m so sorry you have to find this out in a letter, but after everything we’ve been through, I just couldn’t handle doing it face to face … (
The Homer Car– For Reals
~ WORLD’S OLDEST Genome Sequenced from an Ancient Horse.. 80 000 years old … (
10 Survival Tips That will Keep You Alive!
~ DOOOOOMED! Obama channels Algore– “We don’t have time for a meeting of the flat-Earth society” … (theblogmocracy)
~ CLIMATE CHANGE DISPATCH– Britain Wins World’s Biggest Energy Jackpot; Climate researcher says some scientists behave like preachers; Obama Donor Set To Profit From Keystone Demise; Can you love nature when it is covered with wind turbines? Or solar panels?; Government Weather and Climate Science is a Proven Disaster; Obama’s Costly climate change intervention; Climate alarmism’s 10,000 commandments; Obama’s in good company: Flat Earth Society also believes in global warming … (
~ DELINGPOLE– This bird rare enough for you, greenies? … (blogs.telegraph)
~ SO WHERE IS the ‘ecosystem collapse’ that Prince Charles warned us about? … (blogs.spectator)
~ ECOTASTROPHE? — The obsession with doom-and-gloom scenarios distracts us from the real global threats … (
~ KILLER OBAMA: Driving a green dagger into the heart of the American dream … (blogs.telegraph)
~ IT’S ONLY MONEY– Ontario’s green energy boondoggle … (
~ CLIMATE CHANGE: Obama’s Next Big Push for a Cause That Americans Don’t Want, Need or Believe In … (theblogmocracy)
Mark Steyn
“What I always objected to in Canada about Section 13 was its casual contempt for the citizenry, the same contempt on display today in Washington and London. Like Theresa May, Justice Kennedy would rather impute motive than engage argument. The need to delegitimize those who disagree does indeed “demean this institution”, and is profoundly disturbing.”
~ FREE SPEECH– Mark Steyn – One Step Forward, Two Steps Back … (nationalreview)
~ NIGEL VERSUS the Lunatic Mainstream … (steynonline)
~ STEYNIAN GOODNESS– Working His Sources; and How Strange the Change from Major to Minor; plus A Distinction Without a Difference … (nationalreview)
“Freedom of speech is dead in England…No good will come from this.”
~ Rebel Scum Mark Steyn ~
Ezra Levant
~ JOEL POLLAK of talks with Ezra Levant about President Obama’s climate change speech … (ezralevant)
~ FREEDOM-FIGHTER Ezra Levant praises the repeal of the hate speech provision of the Human Rights Act as a victory for free speech … (
~ WHAT DO YOU THINK Fred Phelps, the fringe preacher with the Westboro Baptist Church, would say about Alberta’s floods? … (
~ A CLOSER LOOK at those behind the #Swampline9 protest and speaks with the residents of the town who support the pipeline … (ezralevant)
~ TALKING TO MP Russ Hiebert about the Senate gutting his bill to create more transparency for union members … (ezralevant)
~ THE MIGHTY Ezra gets the inside scoop on the Line 9 protest from Enbridge spokesperson Graham White … (ezralevant)
~ MALEVOLENT HOBBIT KATHY– You’re what Stalin called “useful idiots.” Here’s hoping you choke to death on your next smoke bomb; Glenn Greenwald– ‘sockpuppet’?; ‘Canada is not an abortion utopia, unfortunately…’; Adam Carolla mentions ‘gay porn’; C.S. Lewis’ appeal has always escaped me; ‘I overheard something interesting outside the Committee Room’; ‘The witness also used the N-word three times…’; the innocence of the innocents stands as a howling rebuke of their parents’ past and present sinful lifestyles; You don’t owe any allegiance or respect to any of these State actors: police, judges, politicians; ‘It’s nice to know that I can now publish comments under my own name…’; This is it. This is the day Britain surrendered; Prof Moon’s ‘comments on Mark Steyn and linking him to Anders Breivik are something else’; SECTION 13 IS DEAD! Canada’s ‘hate speech’ law finally repealed … (ivefeetoffury)
~ BUT JESUS NEVER SAID… A same-sex marriage interview with Jesus. Apparently, he did actually say … (
Free Speech Dying In Britistan
~ IT IS WELL TO KEEP in mind where the humanities in the Western tradition more or less got started: with Socrates asking questions of his fellow citizens, not around a seminar table, but in familiar places like a market, a banquet, or a gymnasiu … (
~ ACCORDING TO THE UK HOME OFFICE if you are a non-Muslim and you make the following statement your presence will be deemed ‘not conducive to the public good’ and you will be barred from entering the United Kingdom … (blogs.spectator)
~ BLARING CATPAW– Iranian president Hassan Rouhani ‘plagiarised PhD thesis at Scottish university’; Attacks on Scottish Jews rise; Bitch facing accusations of racism; Eyewitness says Trayvon on top punching Mixed Martial Arts style; What the hell is going on here?; Obama to Save Presidency by Bombing Iran?; Toronto Gay Pride Week 2013 Kicks Off with a Jew-Bashing Lecture; Canadian Muslims use Mandela’s imminent death as chance to bash Israel; “Which one’s Pamela?” Robert Spencer quips; Some advice for the beleaguered cooking show empress; Canada: “You’re kicking in people’s doors and taking their guns”; What Egyptians Are Saying About Obama’s Awesome Ambassador To Egypt; Even if Obama really were Muslim, what more could he possibly do to empower Islam?; Brian Lilley & Ben Shapiro Discuss the Supremes Gay Marriage Decision … (
~ WHY THE Quebec government must reject Bill 52, the euthanasia bill … (
~ IN SEPTEMBER 2012, Salman Rushdie made a speech stating that novels like “The Satanic Verses” would struggle to be published today because the violent fallout and fear would be too great for publishers. He’s right … (
~ VERBOTEN! Comedy Video Banned from Youtube for Criticizing Michael Moore … (infowars)
~ CANADA GOTS COJONES– In characteristically straightforward terms, Canada’s Foreign Minister John Baird explains why his country is so supportive of Israel, and why others aren’t … (theblogmocracy)
~ TONY ESOLEN– What Rough Beast? There is a strange connection between rationalism and animalism … (
~ CHRIS NAVIN– Peter Berkowitz At The Hoover Institution: ‘Tom Wolfe’s Miami’; Who decides how we keep up with moving populations?; ‘Turkey Rises Against Islamist Rule’; Man-children? A war against men? The products of feminism? An erosion of religious values?; Among the forms of expression now punishable on America’s campuses by order of the federal government are … (
~ DOMINION DAY– “The Crown in Canada ought to be treasured. More than anything else, it is the Crown that makes Canadian society a society of free equals.”; But when it comes to knowing our own history, we’re the dunce at the table … (
Entertained Out Of Your Freedoms
~ ORWELL’S PICNIC– Purple weights; The mummy lives!; Sound of Thunder Game – bumped up; my old Edwardian deviled kidneys recipe combined with lamb coratella; Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy … (
~ AUTHOR J.R.R. Tolkien vs. Lewis on Marriage … (
~ ROGER KIMBALL– Free speech in the UK: Sayonara: “US Bloggers banned from Entering the UK.”.. “Lee Rigby is hacked to death by Muslim fanatics. That’s an instance of what former Home Secretary Jacqui Smith insisted we call “anti-Islamic activity.” Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer say and write things the timid, politically correct bureaucrats who run Britain don’t like, and they’re declared pariahs” … (rogerkimball)
~ GAY MAN ADOPTS His Partner to Avoid Inheritance Tax. Legal incest is fun! … (abc)
“.. this was never a debate. It was just another litmus test to see how far left wing activists could get, how much they could demand, and how much they could influence moving the traditional goal posts of society.”
~ Laura Rosen Cohen ~
~ COOTIFIED LAURA Rosen Cohen– Saudi groom dared hold the bride’s hand; an entire county, full of individual citizens, becomes the hostage of a few robed, opinionated judges; If Jason Kenney’s office expidited this, it is more proof that he is a superbadass; It was a really incredible moment, seeing them at Auschwitz; This is the big problem with socialized medicine; Keren Malki is a beautiful charity that helps disabled kids in Israel from all religions; “A symbolic Jew has invited a metaphoric Hitler to commit holocaust and genocide upon his own people.”; Apparently, extremism is in the eye of the beholder; Germany 1939 era anyone? … (
~ DISAPPOINTED, but Not Surprised: Aleteia Experts React to Supreme Court Rulings; We will never stop defending the truth – that marriage is between a man and a woman; Martha Nussbaum admits that her arguments for same-sex “marriage” result in the permissability of polygamy … (, lifesite)
~ EUROPE VERSUS CHRIST?– 1700 years after the Edict of Milan, religious intolerance is still a problem, even if the platitudes flow thick and fast … (
~ A RAPPER’S Heartbreaking Video on Regretting Abortion Reaches Millions; Welcome to the Silent No More Awareness Campaign. An important part of the campaign is our outreach to men who Regret their Lost Fatherhood from an abortion loss … (lifenews, fatherhoodforever)
~ MOOSES & SKIRLS– FUBAR: This really is “the world turned upside down”; Still blaming George Bush … (
~ CAN AMERICA remain the land of religious liberty? … (lifesite)
~ MY LIFE AS a Public Enemy – Fjordman: “Does freedom of speech apply even to truly loathsome creeps like Fjordman?” … (
~ LOOK! CHEERFUL arty Hats on Surveillance Cameras to Celebrate the 110th Birthday of George Orwell! … (
~ FACEBOOK SILENCED Mike S. Adams: “This account was suspended yesterday. Posts were deleted as “hate speech” for asserting that same sex marriages should not compel benefits because those relationships are not as beneficial to society as those resulting in traditional marriage. Shame on you Facebook. Shame on you for empowering bullies who wish to silence mainstream political speech. Censorship does not promote equality. Column forthcoming.” … (facebook)
~ CHRISTINE WILLIAMS – A Day Of Mourning For Persecuted People In Islamic Regimes … (youtube)
~ LIFESITE– After granting foreign same-sex ‘marriage,’ Canadian Senate now approves gay divorce bill … (lifesite)
~ SNARKY KATE @ SDA– In “10 years Islam could be dominant religion in UK”; The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire; How a flight jacket brought the Harper haters to a new low; Brian Kelly of the United States of Whiners; O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas; We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans; Very few politicians or journalists would have the balls to speak so honestly about Barack & Michelle Obama; “The fallout from the Prism leak continues” … (SDA)
~ CHRISTIAN POST– Cardinal Dolan Decries Supreme Court Decisions as ‘Tragic’ for Marriage, Nation; Pastors Hesitant to Comment on SCOTUS Gay Marriage Ruling; Polygamists Celebrate US DOMA Ruling: Does Gay Marriage Open the Door for Polygamy?; We Hate to Say We Told You So … (christianpost)
~ MELANIE PHILLIPS– The British government’s jihad against free thought: “By banning from the country as extremists the American anti-jihadis Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller, the Home Secretary Teresa May has not only made herself look ridiculous but has sent the enemies of the United Kingdom the message that they have it on the run” … (melaniephillips)
~ ERATOSTHENES– “What Would Happen If You Gave a Gun to a Slave?”; Think Apocalyptically and Act Locally … (peekinthewell)
~ 21st CENTURY BRITAIN – a dying rose severed from its cultural roots … (lifesite)
~ WORD FROM AMERICA– Victory for free speech/defeat for credentialism (both are good things) … (
~ WESLEY J. SMITH– That New Time Transhumanism Religion; Fed Bill to Legalize (and Fund?) Human Cloning; NHS’s Horrifying Present is Obamacare’s Terrifying Future; Vermont Hospitals Say No to Assisted Suicide … (NRO)
~ SCANDALISM– “Because the IRS (and Revenue Canada, its north-of-the-border equivalent) has such power in our current model of governance, the subversion of that power to the agendae of partisan and electoral politics is no small thing” … (
~ ENFORCED GENDERLESSNESS! The Left fiddles while Sweden literally burns (men sitting to pee edition) … (
~ THE CREEPY-STATE is not there to protect you or give you a higher standard of living or ensure justice or democracy, but to maintain a hierarchical public order from “disruption” (formerly known as “politics” or “democracy”) … (
~ UN WATCH BLOG– China to Head UN’s Worst Failed Agency; UN Human Rights Funding: Your Tax Dollars at Work? … (
~ IN RECENT DAYS Ryan T. Anderson has emerged as perhaps our most prominent and articulate defender of marriage. He’s been especially ubiquitous after the Supreme Court’s rulings on DOMA and Prop 8 … (
~ 10 HOLLYWOOD Actors and Performers Who Are Bible-Believing Christians … (
~ BELMONT CLUB– How to Make Friends By Being Mean To Them … (
~ THE FUTURE of Catholic weddings in Britain may be in doubt; original link … (patheos, telegraph)
The Edward Snowden Case: What You Are Not Being Told
~ THE DIVIDED STATES: Marriage Struck Down, but Not Destroyed – Andrew Comiskey … (
~ NDD– NATURE DEFICIT DISORDER — is your child at risk? … (lifesitenews)
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