
Seems like just yesterday that it was the end of summer, and I was writing about what I was doing differently this school year. Now here I am getting ready to tell you what I’m doing differently in 2016. I can’t believe we’re on the cusp of another brand new year. Where has the time gone?

For the record, this isn’t a post about my New Year’s resolutions as that just sounds like failure waiting to happen. Rather, it’s about setting goals and embracing them. That I can do!

Back in August, I took inventory and shared four areas of my life I felt needed to be brought back into alignment. The improvements I’ve experienced were enough for me to sit up and take notice, so in 2016, I’m staying the course and building upon what I’ve already been doing.

What I’m doing differently in 2016, and what I’m not.

Spend more time in the Word.

For the last four months, I have been guarding my mornings as sacred, diving into the Word first thing before I get sidetracked. I cannot begin to tell you what a difference this has made. Whether five minutes or an hour a day, spending regular time in the Word has changed my daily perspective and equipped me for life’s bumps and curves. I am a better wife, mother and friend through the process.

What this looks like in 2016

I like having a guided quiet time rather than randomly selecting scripture. In 2016, I have decided to use Timothy Keller’s The Songs of Jesus: A Year of Daily Devotions in the Psalms. I like that this devotional doesn’t stay wholly in the Psalms, but cross references tons of scripture providing whole Bible teaching. I’ll also be using the Adore. Admit. Aspire. method of meditation.

More structure with blogging schedule/household responsibilities.

While I crave organization and structure, I often feel overwhelmed by all of the hats I wear. Many times I allow myself to be pulled in a hundred different directions, losing productivity and a sense of accomplishment. Over the past several months, I have added more structure into both my blogging schedule and household management routine.

I reserve the first part of the morning (after quiet time) for chores and dinner prep. This sets the tone for the rest of the day and frees me to spend time on the blog without guilt. In the evening, I spend some time clearing clutter, making sure the kitchen is cleaned and reviewing the next day’s activities before bed. This sets the tone for the next morning.

I also set aside regular blogging hours during the day while the kids are at school. In the afternoons and evenings, I (for the most part) stay off the computer until Hubs goes to bed and the kids are settled down for the night. I have backed off from constant deal chasing, instead writing more timeless content focused on simple ways to practice stewardship at home.

The peace that came from these decisions is priceless. I feel like I’m working smarter, my house is more organized and I have more time for my family. The Hubs is happy that we are now ordering pizza only about once every 6 weeks (compared to once a week during the last school year).

What this looks like in 2016

In the coming year, I’ll continue to take care of household responsibilities during the first part of the day to free myself up to focus on my family during the afternoon and evening.

For the blog, I’ll continue keeping regular hours. I’ll also keep an editorial calendar rather than flying by the seat of my pants. In addition, I’ll schedule all my work in blocks of time that I’ll repeat each day/week/month: writing, vlogging, networking,  social media management, improving the website, furthering education, etc.

Healthier eating habits and excercise.

Incorporating healthier eating habits hasn’t been too difficult. I try to avoid munching while I blog and stand strong against late night cravings by drinking lots of water and going to bed earlier. I keep organic greens and grilled chicken breast on hand so I can eat to my heart’s content at lunch and not feel like I’m starving. Then I eat whatever I cook for the family for dinner. As a result, I have lost eight of the 15 pounds I have purposed to shed.

I haven’t been so successful in the area of physical fitness. In fact, exercise is nonexistent in my daily routine.  I hate to exercise and haven’t made myself just do it.

What this looks like in 2016

I know that taking care of my health and body is part of my stewardship. So my daughter and I are brainstorming how I can incorporate exercise into my daily routine in ways that I will commit to. Part of the equation will be some sort of accountability. I so desperately need accountability.

Time for rest and relaxation to renergize and refresh my perspective.

Over the last semester, I have practiced relaxing. I have given myself permission to shut down work earlier in the evening to spend time with family.  I have enjoyed the weekly ritual of watching The Voice with my girls, family movie nights and date nights at home with the Hubs.  I’ve also been saying no to blogging on weekends. And I started reading again!

As a result, I have experienced more energy and renew vision and purpose.

What this looks like in 2016

I will continue to maintain a balance between work and play.  I will set aside time each morning and evening (if only 15 minutes) to read books that will feed my soul and refresh my perspective.

How I Decided What to do Differently

God impressed upon my heart the need for changes in my life. The tool that cultivated these changes was the Make Over Your Mornings ecourse from Money Saving Mom (don’t you just love her?). It helped me to name my priorities and develop a routine that would help me honor them.

Right now you can try this course for FREE! Just visit MakeOverYourMornings.com and scroll all the way down the page. You’ll see a box where you can register to gain access to the first day of the course for FREE! Then stay tuned for an amazing sale coming soon!

Make Over Your Mornings is a 14-day online course that includes videos, a workbook, and step-by-step projects. It was written by Crystal Paine of Money Saving Mom.

Created especially for busy women, in just 15 minutes per day, it shows you how to:

Develop a morning routine and before bed routine that actually works—and that sets you up for amazing success!

Streamline your morning tasks so that the biggest priorities are accomplished first.

Learn how to make to-do lists that support your day, instead of strangle your life.

Create realistic, but stretching goals and then follow through with them.

Discover the power of accountability and how to implement it into your life.

Establish internal and external motivations to create perseverance in your new routines.

Find time to refuel your tank and make space in your day for things you love.

Experience much more focus, organization, and clarity in your daily life.

My thoughts:

I’ll be completely transparent and say that I took more than 14 days to complete this course. Sometimes life just happened and that day’s assignment was moved to the bottom of my list.

I also found that some of the assignments took more than just 15 minutes per day if I really spent the time to think them through.

So 14 days or 50, I pressed on and stuck with it. I found that although my season of life and way of doing things varies greatly from Crystal’s, the course still offered lots of nuggets of wisdom I could apply to my own situation.

I highly recommend this course to anyone who feels like they could use 10 more hours in the day, wants to learn to create realistic goals and actually reach them, or just needs a little more structure in everyday life. Head on over and get signed up to Make Over Your Mornings.

In the meantime, you might want to check out this article I wrote: 3 Things You Should Do Every Morning – Even If You’re NOT a Morning Person.

Here’s to more purpose and peace in our productivity!

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