
‘But, beloved, we are confident of better things concerning you, yes, things that accompany salvation…’ Hebrews 6:9

1. BUT

Christianity is the eternal BUT that changes everything.

We were lost in sin BUT Christ died for us.


You join the ranks of the beloved when you receive salvation through Jesus Christ.

There is a huge global family of born again believers, called the “beloved”.


The gospel is the power of God unto wholeness and completeness.

This is the confidence we have in Him – that He will continue to perform His work in us until it is complete.


Someone is betting on you to continue growing in grace and in the knowledge of Christ.

You are not alone – there are people in the church who are believing BETTER THINGS of you and for you. Be confident that the best is yet to come.


You are a unique and peculiar child of God.

God has special promises and provisions concerning you. Don’t be a clone; allow God to shape you into His special vessel.


There are thoughts, actions and attitudes that go well with God’s saving grace.

To identify these things you must read God’s word and be willing to look for, and adopt, the things that accompany salvation.

Salvation is not a moment, but a choice to change. In other words, when you get saved from your old life of sin, you make a choice to adopt the thoughts and actions of your Saviour.

You do so because you now see them as BETTER THINGS.

Until you see your new life in Christ as better, you will not let go of your former things, but continually struggle with the lusts and desires of your former way of life.

Choose the BETTER THINGS and you choose life and health and blessing eternally.

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