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The anti gravity water effect is a classic magic effect that should be in every magicians arsenal – especially those of you that perform children’s magic. With it you will be able to perform the incredible effect where water is magically suspended in an open, upside down bottle!   Cesaral’s “Anti-G” is WORLDS ahead of anything that has ever been previously made!  

Check out reviews for this amazing item~ Click Here!

The Cesaral Anti-G has some major advantages over the classic gimmick: 

* The Cesaral Anti-G is thinner and fits perfectly over the mouth of the bottle. It attaches easily and does not come off even if you shake the bottle

* The mouth of the gimmick is conical. This make the inserting the tooth pick into the bottle VERY EASY – no more fiddling and looking for the hole – a advantage compared to the original gimmick

* The conical shape of the gimmick means that when it is put on the bottle the gimmick becomes INVISIBLE – no more bad angles and the danger of people seeing the flatness of the old gimmick

My favourite effect:

The magician asks for 3 volunteers. He asks one of them to stand besides him, and the other two to sit underneath the magician and the standing assistant.

The magician takes two full bottles of water and asks the standing volunteer to pick one of them and the magician then takes the remaining bottle. The magician then asks the volunteer to do exactly as he does…..

First the magician takes a sip of water from the bottle (the volunteer does the same). Then the magician slowly begins to tilt their bottle until a few drops of water spill out onto the volunteer sitting below him – nervously the volunteer copies the magician’s actions. Now things start to get interesting!

The magician turns the bottle upright and covers the mouth with his hand and then, without removing the hand he slowly turns the bottle 180º, asking the volunteer to do the same.

Now, slowly and deliberately the magician removes his hand and the water stays suspended in the bottle!! The magician then goes a step further and shows that the bottle is not sealed by placing toothpicks into the bottle from below as everyone watches them rise to the top – a truly magical effect conclusion to an incredible suspension!

If you are feeling brave you can of course ask the volunteer to do the same … but their results won’t be quite as magical.

Instead of having one of the volunteers sitting down underneath the magicians assistant (not everyone will appreciate an early shower!) you could use a bucket / pail instead. To make the routine even more complete you could load some slush powder inside the bucket as well as a confetti load so that at the end you could throw the water out into the audience and instead of water out pours a shower of confetti. This routine is really full of fun and audience participation!

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