Here's a couple of pics I got from the professional photographer at the event!
Last Saturday Claire received an Aspirations in Computing Award given by the National Center for Women and Information Technology. She was one of six MS high school winners of this award. The luncheon was held at Bomgar Corporation and Steven, Claire and I went, along with Claire's Engineering teacher, Michelle Robinson. The other high school girls were from Ocean Springs High School (one freshman and one senior) and The MS School for Math and Science (two juniors and one senior). We are so proud of Claire for her accomplishments in Computing and Engineering! She was highlighted in the weekly news at Madison Central and next Monday night she goes to the Madison County School Board Meeting to be recognized again!
The 6 MS winners
Claire and Mrs. Robinson
Certificate of Achievement which came with a $500 MSU scholarship!
Claire got 2 bags of goodies from NCWIT and Bomgar Company!
Her trophy!