
Below you will find a list of some of the most frequently asked medical questions concerning Worker compensation.

Frequently asked medical questions related to Worker compensation in Florida:

Q: Am I required to see a company doctor?

A: If you suffer an injury in the workplace, your employer is required to provide medical treatment through the employer’s insurance carrier. You may not go to your own private doctor because the insurance company must approve the doctor who treats you.

Q: Must I stay with the same doctor for the duration of my treatment?

A: You must stay with the doctor assigned to you by your employer’s insurer for the first 90 days. After the 90 days have expired, if you give seven days’ advance notice, you may see the doctor of your choice.

Q: Do I have to pay for any of my medical expenses?

A: No. You should send any bills you receive for your treatment to your employer’s insurance carries. Your employer is required to pay for all medically necessary treatment for your workplace injuries. You may be required to pay a co-payment for any additional treatment after your doctor has determined that you have reached the maximum medical improvement for your injury or illness.

Q: What level of care must my employer provide if I have been injured on the job?

A: Your employer is required to provide all authorized and medically necessary care and treatment for your injury, including:

Visits to a doctor

Hospital care

Physical therapy

Medical testing

Prescription drugs


Prompt, competent medical care is the first step to getting you back to work. At the law firm of Scott J. Sternberg and Associates, P.A., we have had success in protecting our clients’ rights and helping them obtain the benefits they deserve.

Knowledgeable Worker compensation attorneys serving you in Florida

From our offices in West Palm Beach, Boca Raton and Orlando, Scott J. Sternberg and Associates, P.A. serves clients in Fort Lauderdale and throughout Florida. We offer reliable, experienced legal services to assist you with Worker compensation, Social Security disability, longshoremen and immigration matters. Call us at 561.687.5660 or contact us online today.

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