
Eating organic foods and including them in healthy recipes and drinks is key to healthy living.

This weight loss juice will not only help you get hydrated, but it will help you flush out toxins, feel full and lose weight fast.

Please remember that any kind of store-bought appetite suppressant can be dangerous and may not necessarily help you with your weight loss goals.

There are so many weight loss recipes out there and it can be very misleading.

A healthy diet, exercise and self-control are key factors to successful weight loss.

Let’s take a look at the organic foods in this recipe.


Three apples a day can help you lose weight, says a study published in the journal Nutrition.


They are low in calories, act as a diuretic, high in dietary in fiber, and help keep the body alkaline. Cucumbers are a perfect weight loss food.


A study from the Institute for Human Nutrition at Columbia University showed that when participants drank a hot beverage with ginger, they felt more full and had less chance of overeating.

It is a highly nutritious leafy green, packed with antioxidants and nutrients to flush out toxins. Plus, it is very low in calories and a good source of fiber.


They are high in pectin fiber, which helps suppress food cravings. It also helps the body eliminate waste products by cleansing and detoxifying it. Lemons are alkaline forming and will aid with weight loss.

Process the following ingredients in a juicer:

2 apples

2 stalks of celery

1 cucumber

1 1/2 inch piece of ginger

8 leaves of kale

1/2 a lemon

Optional: We like to add 1/2 a cup of filtered water

Make sure to use organic foods in this drink and that the water is filtered

We recommend Aquasana as a reputable source for water filters.



As always: Check with your health practitioner before you change your diet and see if this is right for you. This organic drink is not meant to replace any treatment or drugs you are taking.   


For a flat tummy water recipe.

For all you need to know about intermittent fasting to lose weight.

For a flat tummy smoothie.

For a turmeric appetite suppressant drink. 

For how morning sunlight can help with weight loss.

Lose weight by getting your fat to eat itself.

Get a flat tummy by eating fat.



1. “Ginger Consumption Enhances the Thermic Effect of Food and Promotes Feelings of Satiety without Affecting Metabolic and Hormonal Parameters in Overweight Men: A Pilot Study.” National Center for Biotechnology Information. Metabolism, Oct. 2012. Web. 24 May 2014.

2. “Weight Loss Associated with a Daily Intake of Three Apples or Three Pears among Overweight Women.” National Center for Biotechnology Information. Nutrition, Mar. 2003. Web. 24 May 2014.

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