Walnuts come from walnut trees and are found all over the world.
The two most popular varieties are black walnuts and English walnuts. They have a thick outer shell and the nuts inside are crispy and hearty.
These nuts are true champions when it comes to health benefits.
Breast cancer prevention:
Omega-3 fatty acids are what give walnuts their breast cancer fighting properties. Omega-3’s found in walnuts inhibit an anti-inflammatory enzyme that advances breast cancer genes 1 and 2.
Cancer prevention:
Walnuts are an excellent source of the phytonutrient quinone juglone, which fights and kills cancer cells while leaving healthy tissue intact.
The antioxidant properties of walnuts lower the effects of oxidative stress, and the anti-inflammatory properties reduce chronic inflammation.
Both oxidative stress and inflammation are considered major risk factors for cancer.
Heart health:
Walnuts have incredible heart health benefits. They have shown the ability to reduce LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and increase omega-3 fatty acids in the blood, which are potent heart healthy fats. They have also shown the ability to reduce unwanted clotting of the blood and reduce inflammation.
Metabolic syndrome benefits:
In the United States, approximately 1 in 4 adults may be diagnosed with Metabolic Syndrome, also known as “MetS.” Metabolic syndrome is not a disease, but more of a combination of conditions like excess fats in the blood, inadequate good cholesterol, obesity, and high blood pressure.
Research from the Loma Linda University showed that walnuts significantly reduced the risk of developing MetS.
Prevent gallstones:
A 20-year Harvard study showed that women who ate at least 1 ounce of nuts per week had a 25% lower risk of developing gallstones. Simply grabbing a handful of walnuts once a week can help reap these benefits.
Type 2 diabetes benefits:
Although type 2 diabetes is often thought about as a blood sugar regulation and insulin problem, there are other factors that can contribute to diabetes.
Walnuts have shown the ability to help the heart respond with more flexibility after meals. Blood vessels function better when walnuts are included in the diet of persons with type 2 diabetes.
A study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association showed that walnuts have the ability to balance fats in the blood, including LDL cholesterol and overall cholesterol.
Weight loss:
People often stay away from nuts because of fear that they may cause weight gain. However, studies have shown that these fears do not have merit.
A study published in a journal called Obesity showed that those who ate nuts twice a week were 31% less likely to gain weight.
Health benefits of pistachios.
Health benefits of almonds.
Health benefits of pecans.
Health benefits of pine nuts.
1. “Walnuts May Significantly Lower Obesity Risk: Study | UNB Connect.” UNB Connect. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Jan. 2014.
2. “Nuts and Coronary Heart Disease: An Epidemiological Perspective.” National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 10 Jan. 2014.
3. “Health Benefits of Nuts: Potential Role of Antioxidants.” National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 10 Jan. 2014.
4. “Frequent Nut Consumption and Decreased Risk of Cholecystectomy in Women.” AJCN.Nutrition.org. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, n.d. Web. 10 Jan. 2014.
5. “Nut Consumption and Weight Gain in a Mediterranean Cohort: The SUN Study.” National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 10 Jan. 2014.